I have a portable farm

Chapter 2481 The Snow Deer Comes Out

"So, are you satisfied with this result? As long as you use more farmyard manure, no matter what kind of farmyard manure it is, you can grow vegetables in this area in at least three years."

"Isn't this too fast?"

"They can't see that you don't have that kind of farmyard fertilizer modified with medicinal residues. That kind of farmyard fertilizer can indeed accelerate the soil texture of sand. They can't find anything at all. When it freezes, just water all the areas with water and freeze it. ”

"Thank you very much."

"It's okay. If you help us, we will help you. This is not what you call mutual help."

"I'll send you to space."

"Don't worry, please send out the source of fire and gold. The five of us will stay here for a while, and you will take us back when it freezes."


"To be honest, this area has existed since the formation of this world. There are many things useful to us underground. It will be of greater benefit to us to absorb the attributes below."

"That won't extract all the five elements energy from this area."

"You idiot, we are the origin of this world. How can we destroy this world? Our existence is more beneficial to this area."

"That's good. You still need me..."

"You don't need to do anything. Just take us back when it freezes."

"By the way, I found the source of darkness."

As soon as Zhao Xinyu said this, the three major sources of earth, wood, and water obviously did not expect it. They lost their voices at the same time. It took a full three minutes for Shuiyuan to speak.

"Have you found the source of darkness within the wind, thunder, light and darkness?"

"I went to the Nine Jue Land some time ago and found the origin of darkness in the Dark Jue Land."

"No wonder, in the endless years, there have been no four sources of wind, thunder, light and darkness. It turns out that the source of darkness lies in the End of Darkness."

Zhao Xinyu's eyes flickered a few times, thinking of what Youyou and the others said, he looked at the three origins, "Listen to Youyou and the others, if the wind, thunder and light darken the four origins..."

"Stop talking. If you have a chance to talk in space, bring them both out first."

Zhao Xinyu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he nodded subconsciously, bringing out the two sources of gold and fire. The five sources gathered together, surrounded by colors. The next moment, Zhao Xinyu felt a trance. He seemed to see the five sources slowly condensing. Together, when he reacted again, the five origins had disappeared.

"Okay, you go back, remember to come and pick us up before it freezes."

Zhao Xinyu looked at Heifeng, Zhaoye, and Lu Chen beside him. Zhaoye nodded, "We will talk in our own space if we have anything to say. Let's go back first."

Hearing what Zhaoye said, Zhao Xinyu raised his eyes and looked at the sky. He had basically concluded what he had been speculating about. Whether it was Youyou or Zixu's five major origins up to now, Zhaoye and the others should know something about it. But they don't want to say it.

I went to look at other areas and found that Zhao Xinyu didn’t think about alfalfa’s ability either.

Whether it survives or not, the five origins are all gathered in this area, and even if this area is full of rocks, they can turn them into fertile farmland.

When they returned to the camp, the special personnel at the door saw Zhao Xinyu coming and immediately winked at him, which made Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but look to the left and right.

"Instructor, those old men are here again."

"Mr. Gu and the others?"

"There are also those old people who came here last time. It seems that they heard that you were coming and followed you directly."

Zhao Xinyu pointed to the camp, and the special personnel on duty nodded, "It's only half an hour away."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "Go back early tonight, everyone will have a dinner together today."

When Zhao Xinyu said this, several special personnel on duty were stunned, "But here?"

"When the time comes, I'll ask the wolves to come over here and keep an eye on them. I'll have them on duty for you today. You can just get them some delicious food later."

"Thank you, instructor."

Zhao Xinyu laughed and waved his hand, "You will behave well. I don't need to say anything at all. They will give you more benefits."

At the camp guest house, Zhao Xinyu met a group of old experts such as Gu Xiangang. Perhaps because this group of old experts could make this area better, or perhaps out of respect, Xu Yang and the others personally accompanied them at the guest house.

Seeing Zhao Xinyu coming over, Xu Yang laughed and said, "Xinyu, you came back just in time. Mr. Gu and the others are getting ready to go out for a walk. You also know that we know nothing about planting. You just happen to accompany them to take a look. I'll give it to you." Mr. Gu and the others are preparing a dinner."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "Sure, second uncle, you go and do your work. I'll accompany Mr. Gu and the others to take a look."

"I'll prepare a vehicle outside."

Walking among the chest-high alfalfa, looking at the large plantains and moist sand, a group of experts and scholars who are well-known in the field of agriculture couldn't help but give Zhao Xinyu their thumbs up.

An old man with white hair looked at Zhao Xinyu, "Xinyu, I have always heard Gu Xiangang and others talk about you, and I also know that although you have never been engaged in agriculture, you have made unique achievements in agriculture. Today we are convinced that you can work in such a situation." You have done miracles in improving the desert by growing pasture in a harsh climate. Humanity is truly blessed to have you."

"Mr. Wang, I'm just lucky. Without the melting water from the glacier, this result would not have happened."

Wang Pu shook his head, "In such extreme weather, you are able to predict blizzards months in advance and invest huge amounts of money to develop this place. No one has such advanced awareness."

Gu Xiangang nodded, "Xinyu, your idea of ​​herb hybridization has not been proposed by the ancients. Only people who are familiar with the growth of species can think of this. During this time, we have already put forward the concept of herb hybridization."

The concept was written into an academic paper. I came here this time just to see the results. Now there are basically no problems. The academic paper can be sent out when I go back, and the right of signature is given to you. "

Zhao Xinyu waved his hand, "Mr. Gu, don't forget that I don't have a professional background. It's useless to ask for that kind of thing. You can give it to whoever you think is suitable. If it doesn't work, it can be given to young people. With this kind of aura, they might be able to go further."

"But everyone knows..."

"Just give me a directive."

A group of people couldn't help but shake their heads, let alone think of ways to plagiarize other people's achievements, but this one was better. It was clearly his achievement but he wanted to push it out. If the academic world were like Zhao Xinyu, the academic world would definitely be able to develop healthily. , every field can produce the next batch of outstanding scientific research talents.

When a group of foraging yellow sheep were alarmed by them, and the yellow sheep ran into the distance, Wang Pu couldn't help but sigh, "In written records, only Zhang Qian, who was on an envoy to the Western Regions, seems to have records of the Altyn Mountains. At that time, there was a lot of wind under the Altyn Mountains." Cattle and sheep appear in the grassland, and now we can finally see this scene that happened thousands of years ago in the Altyn Mountains." .🅆.

"Xinyu, how many species are there now?"

Zhao Xinyu chuckled, "The species that can be seen in Mowen Town, Loulan Town, and Kashgar Town can basically be seen here, but there is also an additional species that is unique to the snow area. Do you think so? have a look."

"You are talking about snow leopards, right? Although they are timid and cautious, they are not invisible in three towns and one space."

Zhao Xinyu chuckled, "It's not a snow leopard. Let me show you a species that has never appeared in the animal field."

What Zhao Xinyu said immediately aroused people's interest. They were engaged in agricultural research, and besides humans, animals were closely related to agriculture. Of course they wanted to see what species Zhao Xinyu was talking about.

In a pasture area close to the Altun Mountains, artificial rivers meander from the mountains into the pastures. The rivers are at least five hundred meters wide and fifty or sixty meters deep, taking on the shape of a letter.

When the car reached the river, there was no road left. When the group came down, Gu Xiangang and others frowned when they saw the appearance of the river.

"Xinyu, this river?"

Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly, "There is melted ice and snow here, and various animals will live here in the future. The river channel is successfully built to facilitate animals to drink water, so they do not need to go to the artificial lake. In addition, flash floods will cause With more sand deposited, such river channels are easier to dredge."

"You can even imagine this."

"By the way, where is the new species you mentioned?"

Zhao Xinyu pointed to an area rich in alfalfa, "Look over there."

"Kid, I remember you have a telescope in the car. Take it down."

After getting the telescope, Gu Xiangang and others looked at the area Zhao Xinyu mentioned. Then they were all stunned. They saw

In that patch of alfalfa, which was about 1.56 meters tall, there was a group of snow-white deer with branches and horns on their heads, about 1.67 meters tall.

"Xinyu, is that Bailu?"

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "It's not a white deer, it's a kind of snow deer unique to the snowy area, but it has not been seen for thousands of years. I have seen them a few times in the mountains. Later, pasture appeared here, and they just Follow us down, now they are inhabiting that area, there must be about sixty or seventy of them."

"Go over and have a look."

Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly and said, "No, they are here to drink water."

Ten minutes later, people saw a herd of tall deer approaching. The deer at the front was almost two meters tall. Deer of this size seemed to be only found in the deer group at Hongshiya who had been staying in the compound. , but now we see it in the Altun Mountains, the color is still white, which is really beyond Gu Xiangang's expectations.

When the snow deer herd went down the excavated slope to drink water at the bottom of the valley, they also saw a group of people standing opposite. When they saw Zhao Xinyu in the crowd, the deer herd lowed at Zhao Xinyu a few times, Follow them across the river to the other side.

The herd of deer came over, and they gently touched Zhao Xinyu with their antlers as if no one else was watching. Zhao Xinyu patted each snow deer a few times.

Gu Xiangang and the others looked at the snow deer that were about the same size as them, and their eyes were bright. They took out their shooting tools and took pictures of the intimate process between the deer and Zhao Xinyu. Of course, the special personnel who sent Zhao Xinyu and the others here also did not They would miss the opportunity. In addition to taking photos of Zhao Xinyu, they also got closer to the deer and took some photos of themselves.

When Gu Xiangang and others wanted to get closer, the deer herd instantly became vigilant and stared at Gu Xiangang and others with vigilance. This made Gu Xiangang and others shake their heads.

"Xinyu, this kind of deer has really never appeared before. If it were put online, I don't know how many people would be attracted."

"There is a checkpoint and they can't get in, and there isn't any supply place here. If they are trapped, they can only eat grass."

"Then we'll send it out."

"Send it."

While Zhao Xinyu and the others were walking around under the Altun Mountains, the photos and videos sent by Gu Xiangang, others and those special personnel to their relatives and friends had begun to spread wildly on the Internet.

A herd of deer no less than the size of Hongshiya is all white. Not only ordinary people, but also zoologist have never seen such a herd of deer. People on the Internet are asking what kind of deer it is, and more people have begun to inquire about this herd. Where do breeder deer appear.

Those animal experts and scholars were even more excited, knowing that this was a species that could fill the gap. They all wanted to know why such a tall deer herd had not been discovered before, and where they lived. Every researcher wants to study this first appearance of deer as soon as possible.

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