I have a portable farm

Chapter 2444: Altyn’s Current Situation

When Zhao Xinyu left Namucuo Lake and returned to Mowen Town, he informed Sangji and Han Jun that there would be rainfall in the next two days. Sangji and Han Jun immediately conveyed Zhao Xinyu's words. This time, Zhao Xinyu's words once again conflicted with the meteorological observatory, because the meteorological observatory's forecast was that there would not be any precipitation in the Lop Nur area in the past week.

So after the news spread, people were surprised at first, and then they all abandoned the weather station and chose to believe Zhao Xinyu, because Zhao Xinyu's predictions in the past few years have been accurate. Since he said it will rain, it means there will be rain. Many meteorological professionals also chose to believe Zhao Xinyu.

"Xinyu, are Mobeicheng willing to send people to help us guard the northwest?" In the workshop, Sangji and others looked at Zhao Xinyu in great surprise.

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, "They are not helping us guard, they are helping us find out the news. Although they are now hiding in Mobei City, they were regular visitors to the snowy area at the time. They are very familiar with the snowy area. If there is an enemy hiding in the snowy area, They can find it in the domain.”

"Do they have any conditions?"

Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly, "Give them some cultivation resources that we can't use. By the way, Uncle Sanji, I'll leave the contact with them to you. In addition, we have also reached a mineral cooperation with them. They exchange minerals for daily supplies." Or cultivation resources.”

While talking, Zhao Xinyu took out some Mobei City tokens that he had made, "Everyone of us who goes out to perform tasks will wear an identity token of Mobei City. You will all feel when you are close to each other. This is more convenient. To avoid unnecessary conflicts.”

"Xinyu, are they trustworthy?"

Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath, "It's trustworthy for the time being, but you can't be without any precautions. If something changes, you should know what to do. Don't have any conflicts with the other party and come back immediately."

"By the way, Brother Hassan's side..."

"You guessed it right, those people came back secretly."

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly and said, "We didn't come back together."

"No, there were only three people who came back at first, and they all came back in the past few days. But according to Hassan, they seem to have become more vigilant. Even if Hassan and his friends pass near them, they will keep watch."

"This situation is very normal. The helicopter took off from them, and they were worried about where they would find it. It didn't seem that they left for too long, but they knew that we didn't pursue them. This shows that there are still people in the area around them. Their accomplices. Let Brother Hassan continue to stare."

Zhao Xinyu, Sangji and others are discussing important matters here in the workshop. There are three towns and one space, so many netizens are waiting for rainfall in Lop Nur to verify the accuracy of Zhao Xinyu's prediction.

That is to say, early the next morning, not long after the workers had been working in the fields, people saw dark clouds surging from the direction of the snowy area in the distance. That is, at about ten o'clock in the morning, the developed area had been covered by dark clouds. Covering up, sporadic raindrops also began to fall.

When the raindrops fell, the network suddenly became quiet, because Zhao Xinyu's prediction was once again accurate. This shows that the meteorological observatory has no understanding of the climate in Lop Nur. They just make decisions according to the pattern they are accustomed to, but Zhao Xinyu Relying on the old things I learned from the ancients, I successfully predicted that there would be precipitation in the next two days.

Light rain fell, and the temperature also dropped. However, because this was the first spring rain in Lop Nur this year, and the precipitation was not heavy, the streets of Three Towns and One Space were filled with people. Many of them did not bring rain gear. From the light rain falling on the body.

Various animals in the wilderness did not take shelter from the rain, and allowed the light rain to fall on their bodies, washing away the dust in their fur.

At noon, the light rain turned into moderate rain, and the three towns and one space were completely shrouded in rain and fog. Without the breeze carrying sand, people could feel that the air in the rain was fresher.

One day later, the sky cleared after the rain, and rainbows appeared in the distance. The area washed by the rain was green. In just one day, people suddenly felt that the vegetables in the vegetable field had grown a lot taller.

The sky in Lop Nur is blue after the rain. People who have been waiting at home for nearly a day come out and enjoy the scenery of Lop Nur after the rain.

Just when people were admiring the scenery of Lop Nur after the rain, people in Mowen Town suddenly looked in one direction. They saw the huge figures of Jin Hen and Jin Yu flying from the workshop. After them, they were even bigger. In addition to Zhao Xinyu Heifeng, there are two more big guys Zhaoye and Lu Chen on the back of the mechanical bird.

People were not surprised that Heifeng followed Zhao Xinyu, but it seemed to be the first time for Zhaoye and Lu Chen to ride on the mechanical bird. Many people were worried that the two big guys would move around halfway and cause the mechanical bird to lose control.

People posted the videos and photos they took on the Internet. Even a back view of Zhao Xinyu controlling a mechanical bird carrying hundreds of kilograms of Lu Chen and Zhao Ye instantly became a hot search topic among netizens.

"Boss, why didn't you say you were going back to Hongshiya?"

"Don't be in a hurry to go back. Let's go take a look at the Altyn Mountains first, and then go to Pengcheng for a walk. This will save those flies from staring at us."

"Who are those people?"

"I don't know. They're not good people anyway, so let them go."

Placing Zhaoye and Lu Chen at the camp, Zhao Xinyu controlled the mechanical bird to take off to the construction site on the Altyn Mountains. The buildings for workers to rest have already taken preliminary shape, and the skating venue on the mountain is under full construction.

Walking on the glacier planted with glacial species, Zhao Xinyu kept spreading space water on the ice to accelerate the growth of glacial species. Heifeng followed carefully, his eyes full of regret, regretting that he followed the boss up the mountain, if not In the construction team, he could show his magical beast nature, but now he can only stumble cautiously on the snow like an ordinary species.

"Boss, we should go back, but you are wearing spiked shoes. I can't stand firmly."

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "I told you to wait for me at the foot of the mountain, but if you don't listen, go to the construction site. I will spread some blue and white mushroom strains in some relatively flat areas and take a look at the area Xiaolian has selected for retreat. No."

"Then I'll go to the construction site first."

Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but shake his head when he saw Heifeng almost sliding down. He glanced at the construction site in the distance, then turned around to find a relatively flat area, and sprinkled the ice crystals containing the blue and white mushroom strains in the space on those flat areas.

Under a straight snow peak that was completely frozen by ice, there were fist-sized ice lotuses and snow lotuses guarding the ice peak. The terrain in this area was extremely steep, and it was Zhao Xinyu who used his cultivation and the strength under his feet. Spikes, he just arrived in this area.

As the extremely cold aura filled the air, Xiaolian slowly condensed it. There was a hint of excitement in her eyes, "Why are you here?"

"Look at what's going on here. You're the only one now, and I'm not worried."

There was a trace of excitement in Xiaolian's eyes, "It's difficult for you to get up here. Ordinary people have no way to get here. This mountain range has existed since the barbaric era. There is a lot of barbaric atmosphere in the mountain. It's good to meditate here. When summer comes, the mountain will be here." With popularity, I won't be lonely, and I can also help you eavesdrop on what they say."

Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but shake his head, "Is this it?"

Xiaolian nodded and looked up at the snow peak as straight as a knife. No one would go up to this snow peak. Besides, my body is still in the Hongmeng space. When someone comes, I can just hide in the ice lotus below.

"I'll use the Great Sumeru Technique to disguise this place. That way you'll be safer and you won't have to worry about anyone coming to disturb you."

"Where is Bingyuan?"

Xiaolian smiled faintly and looked in one direction. As an extremely cold aura filled the air, a group of blue crystals slowly condensed out.

"The bottom of this area is not completely frozen. As long as there is not too much movement to shake the mountain, there is no need to worry about avalanches. You just said that you would use the Great Sumeru Technique to cover this place."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "Is it..."

"This is nothing. Jiuxu's Great Sumeru Technique is unparalleled in the world. Since you plan to use the Great Sumeru Technique, I will stay here for a while to help you take care of the ice species on the mountain."

Zhao Xinyu chuckled, "Don't you plan to bring out some of the good species inside?"

"If you want beauty, go find it yourself. If you have a chance, you can find the species you like. If you are unlucky, you won't find anything."

In the afternoon, Zhao Xinyu returned to the camp with a hint of exhaustion, which surprised Xu Yang and others. They knew Zhao Xinyu's cultivation level, but he had become so tired after returning from the mountain last time, which made them a little bit curious. not understand.

It's just that they all knew that Zhao Xinyu had many secrets. Since Zhao Xinyu didn't tell them, they didn't ask.

"Second uncle, are there many people coming here during this time?"

"Not many. We have specially set up checkpoints in the entry area. If ordinary people want to come in, they must register. Most of the people who come here are media and self-media. When they come in, we also tell them that this place is under construction and there are many The area has been planted with alfalfa, and they are doing well.”

"What about them?"

"There is construction everywhere here. This is also to ensure their safety. What else can they say, but when the road is connected to the road you built, the alfalfa will grow taller by then, and more people will definitely come. We won’t know what excuses to use at that time.”

"You don't need to worry about this. After a while, I will divert some of the animals from somewhere over. There are wolves, so everything should be fine."

"The animals will be diverted here this year, and then..."

"It depends on the growth of the alfalfa. If the alfalfa grows well, it is not impossible. If the animals are diverted and tribes come over, they can become your eyes and ears."

"Tribes like Natso and Alam."

"They were all introduced by Na Cuo. Their tribes have been on good terms with each other for generations, so there is little chance of problems. When the time comes, let them build a residence opposite the camp, and you two can take care of each other."

"With your words, I feel relieved."

When the sun came out the next day, Zhao Xinyu rode Zhaoye outside. The alfalfa was almost a foot tall. Due to constant irrigation, there was no problem with the alfalfa.

An artificial lake that is over a thousand acres in size has seen little penetration of the melted ice and snow water into the sand after infiltration. The depth of the water in the lake is about fifty or sixty centimeters. Although the melted ice and snow water flows into the lake over a distance of It's not close, but you can still feel the slightest bit of coldness.

"Brother Zhou, how is the situation in other areas?"

"The water diversion channel has come to an end. The water storage conditions of the lakes are different. As you know, the sand absorbs water. This area is considered to have the deepest water storage. The temperature is not too high now. If the temperature is too high, the water here will soon You will be thirsty, and when the time comes, alfalfa..."

Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly, "As the temperature rises, the ice and snow on the mountain will melt faster. In addition, springs have been found in some areas on the mountain. Once the foundation of the reservoir dam is built, those water sources can be introduced, so there is no need to worry about it. When the water dries up, the depth of our lakes is preset to be more than 30 meters. Even if there is sedimentation, the depth of the lakes in the future will be more than 20 meters, so every lake must have a slope, so that drowning will occur. decrease very much."

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