I have a portable farm

Chapter 2410 The mute eats Coptis chinensis

After a search, when a large number of armed men came over, Zhao Xinyu and the others reluctantly evacuated and disappeared into the vast mountains.

When those personnel entered the castle with difficulty, they saw that the castle was not destroyed, but all the buildings in one area collapsed, and cracks appeared on the hard ground that seemed to be left after an explosion. The entire area There were hundreds of corpses, and every corpse was lifeless.

Seeing the scene like Shura Hell, many people who had not been in contact with it vomited on the spot. When they checked later, they saw that the entire castle was full of tables, chairs, and household appliances, but the warehouse was empty.

In one area, a group of people looked at a dragon-shaped pattern on the ground in a daze. They had never seen this pattern before, and they didn't know what it represented.

Just as they were puzzled, news came that made them excited. The surveillance in the castle was still in reserve.

At noon that day, a piece of news that shocked the world came from Europe. The Sharjah Group, which had been inherited for hundreds of years, was raided. All personnel were killed, no one survived, and all the collections in the castle were destroyed. disappear.

Although they did not see the people who raided the castle, the surveillance in the castle recorded the cruel side of those who raided the castle.

However, when the surveillance video was played, people saw that there were eight people who raided the castle, but seven of them had this dragon-shaped mask on their faces. The face of the only person without a mask was on The surveillance was still extremely blurry, like a mosaic, but one could tell from his white hair that he was an old man.

The eight people walked through the air like supermen. In their eyes, the armed personnel were just like ants. In the hands of the eight people, the armed personnel directly turned into a handful of flesh and blood.

When the two groups of people faced each other, six of them became blurry, and then the sky was filled with starlight, and the picture disappeared.

When the picture reappeared, it was the scene of those people entering the castle. This made people wonder where the middle part went. Is there something unknown in it?

While people were speculating and shocked, a piece of news focused everyone's attention on the Eastern Powers. They thought that just a few months ago, because of the Lop Nur incident, Ning Zhiyuan of the Eastern Powers said in front of the world's media, They want to take action against the four dark forces of Sharjah, Island, Pluto, and the Twelve Golden Palaces.

At that time, many people did not know what the four names Ning Zhiyuan said represented. It was only after the headquarters of the Sharjah Group, which had been passed down for hundreds of years, was raided that people understood what Ning Zhiyuan had said.

At this time, those regions that had always been aloof were in a panic. They came forward to protest and demanded an explanation from Jiao Meng.

There was no need for Jiao Meng to come forward. Ning Zhiyuan showed up again. He responded directly and asked them what they were doing when something happened in Lop Nur and the southern sea area. Now that something happened in Sharjah, they couldn't take any responsibility.

No evidence comes to question, this is gangster logic.

In response to the remarks of some extreme people, Ning Zhiyuan even said directly that if the dark forces in the West still want to continue to exist, then they should tighten their tail and behave honestly.

Ning Zhiyuan's words made those areas feel as if they had received such an insult. They demanded that Jiao Meng immediately hand over all members of the Yanhuang Iron Brigade and face trial.

Just two days later, a piece of news shocked the world again. A private island far away from the land was raided again. It was still eight people. When they left the island, no one on the island survived.

It's just that this time the video of the incident was not played by their people, but by hackers. They played the complete video, and the last hoarse voice solved the mystery. The ancient media they destroyed before Fort is not a group, but a dark world organization, which is the killer organization Sharjah that the people hate the most. What they do are all shameful things. In recent years, many famous figures in the area have been assassinated because of Sharjah and this group. It was the work of the pirates they destroyed once and many killer organizations they had yet to take action against.

The hackers even announced some shady bounty missions, the people who accepted the missions, and the bounties. Everyone who was killed by a bounty was a well-known figure in the area.

After seeing these lists, they who were clamoring suddenly fell silent. Bounty hunters were originally the ones who gave themselves a decent name, and killers were their business. Originally they clamored for Jiao Meng to hand over his personnel, but now But they were directly exposed. They knew in their hearts that if they dared to speak out, the families and forces of those who were killed would immediately turn their fingers on them.

After reading the list, the people in those areas realized that they had been deceived. The forces and families whose names were on the list immediately transferred their anger to the pirates and Sharjah, two superficially glamorous organizations. They even openly applauded and supported Yanhuang. For what the Iron Brigade did, countless people called on the Yanhuang Iron Brigade to uphold justice for them.

While undercurrents were surging in certain areas, senior reporters from several media outlets received a login code for a website. After they logged in, they saw a scene they would never forget.

Countless bounty missions, the goals of each mission were introduced in detail, and their names had bounty prices. They even knew that the website they logged in was the bounty list of the Dark World People List, and they even saw Jiao Meng. Appearing directly at the top of the list, the reward amount reached an astonishing one billion US dollars.

If they still don't believe that video, after seeing the list of people in the dark world, if they still don't believe it, they are fools.

It was on this day that many media reported that the secret

The list of people drawn up by the world also made people know why Jiao Meng hated the dark world, because someone put a billion dollar reward on his head.

This time, the Dongfang side was quiet, but some areas were in complete chaos. The wealthy businessmen were worried that they would be rewarded by their opponents, and the gang bosses were also hiding. Countless people pointed their fingers at their controllers, asking why they allowed it. An evil force exists that poisons mankind, and when something happens to them, they send personnel to rescue them.

Those areas were in a mess. On the Snow Dragon Ridge, Ning Zhiyuan looked at Zhao Xinyu, "Xinyu, will we make them jump over the wall if we do this?"

Zhao Xinyu smiled coldly, "When we attacked Sharjah, they were already crazy. Now let the people under their jurisdiction see their ugly faces."

Li Fei smiled faintly and said, "Xinyu, you are a drunkard and don't mean to be in the bar. You want to use this incident to expose more dark world organizations."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "To scare the snake, they are all hiding in the dark. Only by alerting these poisonous snakes hiding in the dark can we catch their seven inches. Brother Fei, Zhang Jianye, and Long Yi are all staying over there now. You are always there." Keep in touch and mark one of them immediately as soon as you find one of them. Our next target is the Golden Zodiac and Pluto who are already prepared."

At this time, except for Yingzi and Keiko, everyone else looked at Zhao Xinyu, their eyes full of surprise, "Xinyu, Sharjah and pirates have become history, and other forces will definitely be on guard and waiting for us to come. ?”

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, "Of all the dark forces, there is no one whose hands are stained with the blood of our people. They are too busy taking care of themselves that they have no time to help others. Besides, we are not stupid. We have peach blossoms, and we will not use them if they have back-ups." Be fooled."

When Zhao Xinyu said this, everyone couldn't help but feel happy. They looked at the harmless peach blossom clinging to Yingzi. Several people smiled awkwardly. They really ignored the peach blossom.

Taohua is the devil of Chidi Qianli in other places, but beside Zhao Xinyu, she is Zhao Xinyu's good daughter, and her special identity allows her to turn invisible at any time. She may still be able to feel her when she was half a step into the void. exists, but now as long as he takes half a step in the void and doesn't pay attention, Taohua can understand everything around him.

"I really forgot about the peach blossoms."

Taohua giggled, "Uncle, your attention is all on aunt, how can you think of me."

Bai Haotian's old face turned red, and Qin Yayang even came over and pinched Peach Blossom's pouty face, which made Peach Blossom smile and run out of the hall.

Bei Mingzhan looked at Taohua who ran out and smiled faintly, "What Xinyu said is not unreasonable. Now the Yanhuang Iron Brigade has two great saints and four great saints. As long as the number of opponents they encounter is not too large, about ten and a half Bu Xukong, they won't have any problem killing them."

Beiming Zangtian sighed, "But

It's a pity that I can't go out. I really want to go out and experience it with you. "

Zhao Xinyu laughed, "There will definitely be opportunities. You are the Yanhuang Iron Brigade's trump card now, and it's not time to show your trump card yet."

After speaking, Zhao Xinyu patted his head and asked, "What should we do with the materials we got back?"

Ning Zhiyuan looked at Bai Haotian and others, "This is their business. Keep the cultivation resources, sell the rest to them on the black market, and return the cultural relics looted from us to the country."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "This time we must let them all see the process of returning these cultural relics that have been lost for many years, and we can't say anything even if we make them crazy."

"You're going to piss them off."

Zhao Xinyu sighed, "I think so, but they may not be angry to death. Let's inflict internal injuries on them first."

A group of people couldn't help but shake their heads. Zhao Xinyu chuckled and said, "I still have some good things. Let's share them while everyone is helping."


As streaks of colorful light filled the air, piles of treasures appeared in the area between them. In an instant, the hall was filled with colorful light and filled with a strong desolate atmosphere.

"There are so many ancient artifacts, this is you..."

While speaking, Bei Mingzhan reached out and took one, but he stopped talking the next moment because he could feel that the treasure was indeed an ancient artifact, but it was not made by Zhao Xinyu.

"This is what I have collected over the years. Now that I have made a breakthrough, these things are not of much use if I keep them here. Let's sort them out. There will be some more later."


Zhao Xinyu nodded, and a group of people couldn't help but shake their heads. They began to sort piles of ancient artifacts...

A few minutes later, Beiming Zhantian stood up and said, "Those sects and forces in the world of cultivation have to brag about an ancient artifact for several years. It's better for you. The ancient artifact is like Chinese cabbage. If they see it, they won't be able to vomit blood." .”

Beiming Burian nodded, "There are so many ancient artifacts that even superpowers in that era might not possess. These ancient artifacts are enough to make the entire cultivation world go crazy. Even though the things are good, it is better not to expose them and leave some for Zhang Jianye and Zhang Jianye. Long Yi, Wang Liheng and other elites with high achievements, the rest should not let them have too good treasures for the time being."

Ning Zhiyuan looked at Zhao Xinyu, "Ancestor Burial is right. So many ancient artifacts can bring about earth-shaking changes in the strength of a force, but they can also make some people jealous, so don't take out them all."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head. The collection of the Zangtian family is now in his hands, and he has had so many opportunities over the years. He doesn't even know that taking it out at once will really have bad consequences.

After putting away several Nai Rings, Zhao Xinyu took out three Nai Rings...

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