I have a portable farm

Chapter 2383: Legend of Traditional Chinese Medicine?

As a blue energy appeared in Zhao Xinyu's hand, this time not only Director Wang but also Jiang Pengyu's eyes widened. Even if they didn't master Zhao Xinyu's acupuncture technique, at least they knew it. But at this moment, none of them had seen Zhao Xinyu's acupuncture technique, including Jiang Pengyu, who had learned from Zhao Xinyu since childhood.

Light blue energy filled the air, and Zhao Xinyu's technique dazzled everyone present. Even Jiang Pengyu and others were fully focused.

As waves of buzzing sounds rang out, Director Wang and the others opened their eyes wide. They saw that in just a few breaths, the patient's arms were covered with gold needles, and each gold needle trembled like a top.

More than half an hour later, Zhao Xinyu's technique changed, and there was a breeze in the operating room again. Different from the vibrant and cool water-washed air before, this time it was a holy touch.

At this moment, Zhao Xinyu was completely immersed in it. Others did not notice it, but Jiang Pengyu and the others could feel it. This made their faces become excited, and there was a hint of expectation in their eyes.

Director Wang and others didn't feel too much. They just saw Zhao Xinyu's techniques changing constantly, and the golden needles left on the injured arm also changing positions. But Jiang Pengyu and the four others were different. Their eyes were full of It's excitement and surprise.

Time passed by, and when the atmosphere in the operating room changed again, a little nurse whispered. Director Wang looked at the little nurse with a hint of reproach. The little nurse pointed at an instrument, and Director Wang followed. With a start, he saw that the instrument that had been monitoring the injured person's arm also started to move. You must know that this instrument had been in a silent state since the injured person entered.

The injured person's arm was almost separated, and they had lost the space for connection. But now the instrument started to move again, which meant that the arm that was directly cut and reattached by Zhao Xinyu just now has an internal connection with the injured person's body again. . .🅆.

As the data on the instrument continued to improve and finally became stable, Director Wang and the group of Western doctors were completely petrified. How long did it take for Zhao Xinyu to not only re-piece the broken arm, but also connect it to the body without sutures? Although the function has not been completely restored, the various functions of the arm are already functioning, that is, the injured arm does not need to be amputated at all.

Those present were all the elites of Haotian Hospital, and Director Wang was the chief physician of the Orthopedics Department. He had been practicing medicine for more than 20 years. He never thought that he would witness a miracle today that was impossible for Western medicine.

Zhao Xinyu also stopped. When the golden needle stopped completely, Zhao Xinyu took out the golden needle and put a finger on the injured person's wrist. After more than ten minutes, Zhao Xinyu let out a sigh of relief.

"Master, his arm."

Zhao Xinyu looked at Jiang Pengyu, "Although it cannot be restored to its original appearance, it can at least be restored to about 80% of its original state."

Zhao Xinyu's voice was not high, but everyone present heard it. Jiang Pengyu didn't think anything. They couldn't help but gasp. The almost detached arm was able to return to 80% of its original shape. This has created a medical miracle.



"Director Zhao, he..."

"It's okay, come get me a splint and a bandage."

"But he is a foreigner..."

But the next moment, Director Wang was dumbfounded. He saw that the broken arm, with its bones exposed and broken, no longer looked like it had been delivered. There were indeed many scars on the arm, but no bones could be seen, even the separated ones. The flesh and blood will be scarred by now.


"This is the most top-notch sore medicine in traditional Chinese medicine, and it has a rapid healing effect on wounds."

After taking the bandage and splint, Zhao Xinyu bandaged the injured arm at a speed that stunned Western doctors like Director Wang.

"Okay, find him a separate ward, and I'll go there and check it out later."

Zhao Xinyu came to another patient with a craniocerebral injury, raised his hand and put it on the patient's wrist. After three or four minutes, Zhao Xinyu nodded and his eyes fell on Han Wenqing.

"Wenqing, come and give him the acupuncture."

"Master, I..." While speaking, Han Wenqing glanced at Jiang Pengyu.

Jiang Pengyu smiled faintly, "What are you waiting for? My master is watching by your side, so you can perform acupuncture boldly and confidently. This is the best opportunity."

Over there, Director Wang had packed up the injured person with a broken arm, and the nurse was pushing him out. When the operating room door opened and the injured person was pushed out, all the media's lenses focused on the patient.

They saw the splint and bandage on the patient's arm, and the media who came over first were stunned, "Nurse, this injured person?"

"This is the injured man with a broken arm. He was lucky enough to meet a miracle doctor. The miracle doctor not only spliced ​​all the broken bones for him, but after he recovered, his arm could move freely and he could still go to work."

"Miracle doctor, you are talking about Zhao Xinyu."

The nurse nodded, "His medical skills have become so powerful that I still feel like I'm dreaming." Thinking about what happened in the operating room, the young nurse murmured.

"Psychic." All the media's minds flashed. They suddenly thought of something. After the nurse pushed the injured into the ward, they went to a place.

In the operating room, Director Wang and others once again witnessed the magic of traditional Chinese medicine, and this time it was not Zhao Xinyu nor Jiang Pengyu who took action, but Jiang Pengyu's disciple Han Wenqing.

Although Han Wenqing was at the level of a disciple, his techniques were not unfamiliar at all. After more than half an hour, amidst the buzzing sound of the golden needles, purple blood was dripping from the tail of the golden needles.

While Han Wenqing was treating patients with craniocerebral injuries, a video of setting bones of the injured appeared on many TV stations, live broadcast platforms and even on the Internet. The healer wore a mask and sterile clothes, and it was difficult to see.

Who is it? But what he used was not the bone setting method of Western medicine, but the method of traditional Chinese medicine. Golden needles stopped bleeding, scraped the bones directly with a scalpel, and spliced ​​pieces of bone fragments the size of mung beans and soybeans. All of this was done with the help of slow... The speed at which people can see clearly.

During the treatment process, people even saw faint colors. Although the time was not short, and the scene was very bloody, countless people chose to watch it. At first they all felt the blood, but in the end they were no longer there. Paying attention to these, they are looking at splicing, bone scraping, acupuncture, and removing some useless tissues that do not need to be considered at all. Many people see the separated light yellow tendons and blood vessels, and their hearts Completely shocked.

In Western medicine, there is a saying about blood vessels. To connect blood vessels, they require high-precision instruments, which is not like directly using a scalpel to separate and connect them now.

And tendons only exist in traditional Chinese medicine. Western medicine has never recognized the existence of tendons in the human body, but now Zhao Xinyu has let them know that tendons really exist.

In the end, when people saw the patient's injured position and the changes in the connected instruments, not only the common people who did not understand, but also the experts and scholars of Western medicine did not know how to express it, because in the operation where they could only amputate, but on that person Under the operation, the injured arm has recovered its function. This situation seems to have never happened in the history of Western medicine.

When Han Wenqing's treatment process appeared on TV stations, the Internet, and platforms, Western medicine collectively lost its voice, because their treatment method for patients was risky craniotomy surgery, but traditional Chinese medicine only needs a handful of golden needles, a kind of Their bone setting technique seems extremely weird. In the end, the patient was relieved from danger.

In the afternoon, Zhao Xinyu and the other five people walked out of the operating room. The media, people, and even the doctors and nurses waiting outside couldn't help but applaud.

"Zhao Xinyu, you have finally let the world know the magic of traditional Chinese medicine. Now foreign media are reporting on your achievements in treating patients. Go online and see how many people are worshiping traditional Chinese medicine. This time when I go back, I will let my son I will choose Chinese medicine for the college entrance examination next year.”

Zhao Xinyu was slightly startled, "We..."

"The media immediately copied the video of you treating the injured from the monitoring room. By the time we found out, they had already sent it out. This was our mistake. We..." A waiting middle-aged man looked at Zhao Xinyu , his face was full of apologies.

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "Forget it, it's useless to say anything else. After this, your management will be strengthened. There is no secret in traditional Chinese medicine treatment, but there are more taboos in western medicine. If these are spread, it will not do anything to you. benefit."

When Zhao Xinyu and the other five walked out of the building, he saw a crowd of people standing outside. Under the cold weather, the masks worn by many people had frost on the outside, and the faces and noses of those without masks were red from the cold.

These people applauded and welcomed Zhao Xinyu and the others as soon as they came out, which made Zhao Xinyu and the others very moved in their hearts.



"Thank you for your support of traditional Chinese medicine. If the weather is cold, go back early to avoid catching a cold."

After thanking the people, Zhao Xinyu and the others returned to the car. When the car drove away from the hospital, Zhao Xinyu looked at the crowd still waving to them outside.

"You see, this is the charm of traditional Chinese medicine."

"Master, the splicing, acupuncture, and treatment techniques you used today are really amazing."

Zhao Xinyu laughed, "Many techniques of traditional Chinese medicine have gradually disappeared due to the emergence of Western medicine. You should study hard and one day you will be like me today. You all performed well today. I will build a set of golden needles for each of you later. "

Back at the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, a few people had a simple bite. Han Wenqing and Feng Yuping went to check the situation in the hospital. Only three masters and apprentices, Zhao Xinyu and Zhao Xinyu, were left in Jiang Pengyu's office.

Jiang Pengyu's eyes flickered a few times, "Master, your rescue today has become a myth on the Internet. There are four changes in the acupuncture today. The first is Songhe Yannian, the second is... "

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "You have observed well. Today I used the four special skills of the Nine Magic Needles. The second one is Water Curtain Years, the third one is gentle breeze and drizzle, and the fourth one is sunny. You have mastered Song He. You can barely learn Yan Nian and Shui Mu Nian Hua, but if you want to learn gentle breeze, drizzle, and bright sunshine, you must have a breakthrough in cultivation. Only in this way can you have enough spiritual power to support acupuncture."

"Master, didn't you say that the Jiu Jue Divine Needle was taken back from the enemy? Today you used four kinds of needles at once. Will they know it?"

Zhao Xinyu sighed slightly, "They are all arrogant and arrogant. They think that traditional Chinese medicine is of no use to them. I hope no one among them has been exposed to it. How well do you understand the acupuncture techniques I have to perform today?"

Jiang Pengyu and He Yuzhu both shook their heads, "The speed is too fast, maybe 20%."

"This is already good. Take some time to pass on the Water Curtain Tianhua to you."

"Master, the way you splice bones and separate tendons and blood vessels doesn't seem to be in the classics of traditional Chinese medicine."

"Indeed, it doesn't, but it can save people. These are necessary to master the tendons, blood vessels and even bones. However, the connection techniques are recorded. Traditional Chinese medicine does not receive many trauma patients, so you must work harder in these aspects. Big practice, Wenqing and the others are the same."

Jiang Pengyu and He Yuzhu looked at Zhao Xinyu with something different in their eyes. They were both young. They all knew that the video leaked today was enough to bring Chinese medicine to a higher level, and their master would also become a Chinese medicine practitioner. Legends in the field, as long as they are willing to learn, they can learn anything from the master.

"Master, what happened to the two injured people?"

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "I also received a call from Zhao Zhizhong. I don't know exactly what happened. I'll go back and have a look later."

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