I have a portable farm

Chapter 2367 Death Curse

Back in the room, Zhao Xinyu sat cross-legged on the big bed and began to digest what he got from the soul...

When the sun rose from the east again, Zhao Xinyu slowly opened his eyes and shook his head. The master of that soul really didn't leave him any cultivation things, even the things in the big world. It's something of little use. His identity, where he comes from, and his purpose for coming down are all irrelevant.

Although he selectively destroyed many memories, he ignored that Zhao Xinyu was a spiritual and martial artist. In his concept, a person can only move in one direction. Although Zhao Xinyu was a spiritual and martial artist, since he chose martial arts Cultivation, then his spiritual cultivation level is just the initial contact.

Although he is a martial artist, he comes from the big world and has a deep understanding of the three major spiritual professions. These things are of no use to him, and he does not think they will be useful to Zhao Xinyu, but he did not expect that Zhao Xinyu He has been following his own path since the beginning of cultivation. Compared with cultivation, the things he thinks are the most useless are what Zhao Xinyu wants the most.


"He just left me some odds and ends."

Heifeng's eyes narrowed slightly, "Why is this person so perverted that he can even destroy his own memory?"

Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but shake his head, and suddenly his heart shrank. He thought of what the soul said before it disappeared. As soon as his mind moved, the soul appeared in the spiritual sea.

One seizure made the spiritual sea become much larger than before. The spiritual power in the spiritual sea was almost solidified and stood above the spiritual sea. The spiritual sea was like a vast plain, with nine colors constantly flashing in the spiritual sea. After devouring a powerful soul, the Purple Flame of Jingtan became even more monstrous.

After watching for a while, Zhao Xinyu shook his head. The soul left a message that as long as he set foot in the big world, someone would come to hunt him down. He had only entered the spiritual sea, but there seemed to be no trace of him in the spiritual sea.

Suddenly Zhao Xinyu's eyes narrowed, and his gaze fell on the Jingtan Ziyan that was filled with a strange luster. He saw that there was an area at the root of the Jingtan Ziyan that was different from the surrounding area. That area There is a faint flower imprint.

Jingtan Purple Flame is one of the top ten strange fires on the list of strange fires. There are not many people in the world who can withstand the Jingtan Purple Flame. But now there are marks on the Jingtan Purple Flame, which makes Zhao Xinyu feel horrified.

After exiting the spiritual sea, Zhao Xinyu closed his eyes. He wanted to find a way to remove the mark from the memory inheritance left to him by the three supreme beings.

What horrified him was that among the memories of the three great esteems, there were indeed memories left with imprints by the divine souls, but they only knew that, and what they knew was that the imprints left by the divine souls were secrets not passed down by super masters. It can only be eliminated by beings from the same sect as the soul that left the imprint, and whose cultivation level is at least equal. Other than that, there seems to be no other method. If the cultivator himself wants to eliminate the soul, he can only self-destruct the soul.

Self-destruction of the soul is undoubtedly suicide. I have never heard of that practitioner surviving after the soul was destroyed.

Not looking


When he found the solution, Zhao Xinyu's face became very solemn. The way of heaven was recovering. According to what the Tree of Life and the others said, as long as he broke through the half-step supreme, the way of heaven could be completely restored. The existence of this world above the half-step void , there will be a chance to break the void, and the existence of the big world can also enter this world.

He didn't have any thoughts about the big world, and he didn't have any ambition like that soul, but he was worried that people from the big world would come down and feel the mark in his spiritual sea.

Although he is very confident, he is not blindly confident. He is not afraid of the existence of this world, but the masters of the big world are really scary.

"Boss, what's wrong?"

Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath and looked at Heifeng, Jinhen, and Jinyu, "That soul left a mark in my spiritual sea. When he was swallowed, he left a sentence, as long as I enter the big world, I will be His fellow disciples are chasing him."

Jin Hen's eyes flashed with a golden light, "That's the death curse."

"Death curse?"

Jin Hen nodded, "The death curse is a curse that practitioners or strange beasts are willing to give up reincarnation and rebirth opportunities. Once the curse is formed, everything about him will disappear along with the curse, and the curse will remain on the object being cast. , if it remains on the other party's body, unless it is removed by the caster's fellow sect, but this possibility is almost impossible, the curse will disappear after the death of the cursed person."

"So scary."

"Although the mark has no effect on the cursed person, once it appears in the area around the caster's sect, people who practice the same technique or bloodline as him will be able to feel it. You should know the situation in the cultivation world, which is often determined to fight to the death. The master of this divine soul has a cultivation level that transcends this world, and even his fellow sect cannot eliminate him in this world."

Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but smile bitterly. He just learned today that there is something called the death curse in this world, and he is not only cursed, but also cursed by the masters of the big world. Since that person said that, their power in the big world must not be weak, and he may really I can't go to the big world anymore.

"The boss can't be eliminated only by people of the same sect and lineage. There are other ways."

Zhao Xinyu couldn't help being shocked, and his expression suddenly became excited, "Heifeng, is there any other way?"

"Any mark is very fragile in front of strange fire."

Zhao Xinyu smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Now that mark is attached to the root of the Purple Flame of the Pure Altar in Linghai."

"The strange fire has an absolute restraint effect on the mark, allowing the Purple Flame of the Purity to evolve or take time to polish it."

Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but shake his head. He was lucky enough to get the Purple Flame from the Pure Altar. There are so many strange fires in the world. Each kind of strange fire is

How many unique existences are in the hands of cultivators, and how many are taken away by the existence that first entered the big world. It is almost impossible to evolve Jingtan Purple Flame.

"Boss, let the Golden Crow Technique break through. The Golden Crow Technique is a barbaric god-level technique. If the Golden Crow Technique breaks through to the ninth level, maybe it can..."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head. The Golden Crow Technique is a unique technique whose bloodline is comparable to that of the five ancient mythical beasts. Even the Tree of Life and others were surprised that it can be practiced to the sixth level. At the ninth level, perhaps no one from any race may be able to practice it. Let’s go to Kokonoe.

The next moment, Zhao Xinyu's mind flashed, and he thought of a way, "I have an idea."

"Is there a way?"

Zhao Xinyu nodded and took a deep breath, "Let's go back to the station first and talk about it later?"

"You don't want to take photos of the snow scenes in the Altyn Mountains anymore."

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "Shoot, why not take a photo? Shoot the snow scene first and then go back."

"Boss, there have been a lot of media coming out in the past two days, and they all use helicopters. The snow scene here must be all over the Internet at the moment. Do you still plan to take pictures?"

"People from outside are coming, this is not..."

I heard from people here that everyone who comes here has received permission, but of course they are still not allowed to enter this area. They are all on the fringe.

Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but shake his head, "Since they are here to help us promote it, it saves us trouble. Let's pack up and go back to the salt lake first."

"Back to the salt water lake?" Heifeng, Jin Hen, and Jin Yu were all stunned. Of course they knew what the boss was doing when he returned to the salt water lake. The reason why they raised questions was because they were worried about Zhao Xinyu's health.

Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, I've recovered."

Taking the phone, Zhao Xinyu turned it on. As expected, the snowy scenery of the Altyn Mountains was overwhelming on the phone. Five or six meters of snow turned the snow-covered area into a silvery white color. However, almost all the photos were taken from a bird's-eye view, and only Some close-up scenes are only found in the edge areas.

Many of the snowy scenes on the Internet are of the Altun Mountains, and some TV stations even broadcast the live broadcast. Zhao Xinyu did not need to go up the mountain to shoot, not to mention that he was also worried that the people on the helicopter would film something that they should not see when going up the mountain.

At the edge of the snow-covered area, the snow was not as thick as that at the camp, but it was still about two meters. Zhao Xinyu saw at least a thousand tents on both sides of the road. At the edge of the snow, many people were taking pictures. Many of them came by car.

Seeing that there were still vehicles coming towards Altun Mountain on the road, Heifeng looked at Zhao Xinyu, "Boss, ordinary humans are so crazy. The lowest temperature here is over forty below zero, and it gets even worse at night. Leng, could they..."

Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly, "Today's traffic is money, not to mention that they can pass


Traffic can earn a lot of money, and many people with better living conditions will choose to explore. Every year, countless people have accidents, but countless people still go on adventures in search of excitement. "

"Life in the city is too monotonous. They want to explore more things."

Zhao Xinyu was slightly startled and looked at Hei Feng subconsciously. He did not expect Hei Feng to say such words at this time.

Hei Feng chuckled, "That's not what I said. I heard what the tourists said. They said that every day in the city, they see high-rise buildings made of reinforced concrete. They go to work in offices every day, year after year. They feel that life is too boring. In fact, many people come to Hongshiya and Lop Nur. What they envy is not people’s living standards and how much money they make, but they want to feel the freedom.”

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "People living in rural areas yearn for life in cities. They think that urban education, medical care, transportation and other conditions are very developed, and there are more employment opportunities. People work from nine to five, and they have rest. For example, in rural areas, there is no sense of time, and what they see every day is either loess or crops that bore them.”

"Human beings are really complicated."

Zhao Xinyu laughed, "Humans think too much and are not as simple as animals."

Heifeng has been in the human world for many years, and there are no secrets between him and Zhao Xinyu. This also allows the two to communicate without any obstacles, and Zhao Xinyu will not be lonely along the way.

The weather is freezing cold, and there is a thick layer of ice on the edge of the saltwater lake. Looking down at the saltwater lake, it is like a blue mirror embedded in the core area of ​​Lop Nur.

The weather has turned cold, and the densely packed tents around the saltwater lake have disappeared. All that can be seen are simple buildings built for workers. The fishing boats of the Emperor Group are fishing deep in the lake.

"Boss, it's been a few years, and the size of the saltwater lake..."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "The area of ​​the salt water lake is almost the same as before. We can indeed consider building around it."

"It's long overdue for construction. How many people stay here every summer and autumn. If this place were developed early, not to mention anything else, how much money could be made in a year just from accommodation and catering."

Zhao Xinyu laughed, raised his hand and stroked Heifeng's dark fur a few times, "Heifeng, if you become a human, you can really stay in the human world for a long time. With your current consciousness and human There is no difference, it can even be thought of as a business now.”

Hei Feng chuckled and looked up at the two shadows in the sky. "We have discussed with Jin Hen and Jin Yu. From now on, we will follow the boss. We will go wherever you go. There is no need to worry about following you."

Zhao Xinyu sighed slightly, "But you are not human beings after all. Your home is in the mountains and forests. The human world is too complicated. You don't have any problems in the ordinary world, but what about the cultivation world and the big world?"

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