I have a portable farm

Chapter 2357: There are many benefits to following the boss

"They are too miserable."

Zhao Xinyu looked up to the sky and sighed, "These are farmers. They do the heaviest work, suffer hardships that others can't bear, don't seek medical treatment when they are sick, and are reluctant to spend money when they have it. But their income throughout the year is..."

"Boss, at that time?"

"The income was not high back then, but at least people were not like they are now. You have all experienced it in Xihanling, and you should also know what hardships people endured."

"The human world and the beast world are really different."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "Beasts are working hard to survive, but humans are not just for their own survival, they are more concerned about their own offspring. You have also seen that many people are reluctant to eat and clothe themselves, but they are Let their children eat well and wear warm clothes, but today’s children don’t know how to be grateful at all. They think that everything their parents give them is their parents’ responsibility.”

"Then why do they help their children without asking for anything in return?"

"This is the emotional world of human beings. You will understand it gradually. I have to settle down in the past few days and plan out the renovation drawings as soon as possible, so as to allow people to move into new houses in advance."

"Boss, if you do this, they..."

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, "I have now condensed the flower of man. As long as I have enough faith, the flower of earth and the flower of heaven are no problem. Do you think it is worth it for me to do this?"

Heifeng nodded. There is no such thing as three flowers gathering in the beast world, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know. Moreover, during this period, their boss has condensed human flowers. How could he not know the benefits of three flowers.

Zhao Xinyu has always paid no attention to his efforts. Countless people thought that Zhao Xinyu was stupid. Maybe their boss was stupid at that time, but now his efforts have finally paid off. It is really worth it. After all, money cannot buy cultivation. You can't buy people's hearts. You have to do something to get people's approval, and then people will believe you.

"But this may not be too time-consuming."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "You have also seen during this period that every citizen has a different way of speaking, and their recognition of this matter is also different. The more places you go and the more people you see, your state of mind Everything will change, and these are phenomena that don’t exist in the world of cultivation.”

"why is that?"

"Because people in the cultivation world are preparing to survive every day. Even if there are killings every day in the super power's sphere of influence, they have no time to think about this. They feel that they are superior and regard ordinary people as ants. In fact, they are the real pitiful people. If you have never been to Mobei, if you stay in the civilian areas of Mobei for a few days, you will know that the secular world is a blessed place for them."

When Zhao Xinyu said this, Heifeng, Jinhen, Jinyu, and Lu Chen couldn't help but nod. Lu Chen looked at Zhao Xinyu, "Boss, I've always been curious about how fast your cultivation has improved. Today I finally know that it's not the case." The relationship between Hongmeng Space and Hongmeng Space mainly depends on each of you.


His state of mind surpasses that of people in the cultivation world. "

Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly and said, "The same goes for you. Only when your state of mind improves can everything fall into place. Two years ago, I almost went crazy."

Heifeng, Jinhen, and Jinyu didn't think anything of it. Although they were strange beasts, they had been following Zhao Xinyu since they were ordinary species. Their inner worlds already had human emotions. Lu Chen hadn't been here for too long.

Moreover, Lu Chen was a strange beast when he came here. In just a few years, he evolved from a blue deer and a black deer to a cyan deer. This was something he had never thought about. Now that Zhao Xinyu said it, Lu Chen also Seems to understand something.

"Boss, I always thought that by following you I could only enjoy the benefits of the changes in Hongmeng space. I didn't expect that there are also these things that I can't comprehend in the mountains and forests."

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, raised his hand and patted Lu Chen a few times, "It's not too late to know now that it is not unreasonable for every area and every race to appear in this world. Realize it carefully, and one day you will return. You can also continue to evolve in the forests of Changbai Mountain."

Lu Chen's eyes flickered a few times, "Heifeng, Jinhen, Jinyu, they are right. There are many benefits to following the boss. Besides, there are longevity stones and immortal pines in the space. Why should I abandon the near and seek the far away? It's too lonely in the mountains and forests, so I'd better follow Life is meaningful only if you are the boss.”

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "Then stay. When you get tired of staying in the secular world, you can leave at any time. I'm going to be a little busy these days."

"When the weather gets cold, I'll take them out for a walk and show their faces. I'll try to go out as little as possible in the future."

Zhao Xinyu laughed, "Heifeng, you accompany Lu Chen and the others out."

In the next few days, Zhao Xinyu stayed at home. Wang Yong and others also knew that Zhao Xinyu had something to do, so they did not come to disturb him. Heifeng and Lu Chen were showing off in Hongshiya and Liuling Mountain. They attracted people. Attention, Zhao Xinyu is concentrating on staying at home and working on his renovation plan.

The Dijun Group has been developing for many years. Every time there is any movement in the Dijun Group, it will attract attention from many parties. Some time ago, the popularity of mushrooms, blue and white mushrooms, ten-year medicinal wine, and wine has not subsided. Now, the Dijun Group has taken over the rural transformation of the entire Haotian District. This has attracted people's attention. After all, this transformation involves people's livelihood issues. Not only the rural areas in the surrounding areas, but also rural areas across the country are paying attention.

Too many people are paying attention, which makes Haotian's rural transformation more popular. Rural homesteads and land suddenly become a hot commodity. Many speculators have once again focused on rural homesteads. After all, although Pingcheng demolition and transformation has experienced real estate Despite the turmoil, all the relocated households have received benefits, and now they live in clean, bright and large houses.

Coupled with the quality of the Shenjun Group

The quantity can be guaranteed, and Haotian is sandwiched between Hongshiya and Pingcheng. Everyone knows that as long as it is developed, Haotian will inevitably develop along with the development of Pingcheng and Hongshiya. By then, it will be difficult for house prices and land prices not to rise.

It is precisely because of this that speculators have once again set their sights on many villages in Haotian that may develop rapidly, especially the villages near Hongshiya and Pingcheng.

However, an announcement from Pingcheng made them disappointed. This transformation involved the entire Haotian, and the targets were farmers in every village in Haotian. Those who did not have village household registration were not included in the scope of the transformation at all. Those who owned ancestral houses in the village Yes, they can only receive a small amount of subsidies.

People without Haotian household registration cannot enjoy the transformation, which made Haotian's rural household registration become popular again. When people started to operate it, they found that all Haotian's rural household registrations were locked, and it was necessary to move into one. The five members of the Standing Committee of Pingcheng signed at the same time.

The household registration cannot be transferred. To buy a courtyard and participate in the renovation, you must have a local household registration. This made speculators crazy. Then they set their sights on those who owned rural houses but did not have Haotian household registration. They began to operate secretly and purchased some such houses at high prices. In their imagination, demolition was necessary for renovation, and as long as they were unwilling to demolish, Pingcheng and Haotian would definitely solve the problem for those who owned houses but did not have household registration. personnel, at that time they can sit down and raise prices.

As time goes by, the price of a three-room homestead in some villages that are promising for development has increased from 30,000 to 40,000 yuan to 500,000 to 600,000 yuan, but even so, the homestead land is still hard to come by.

As homesteads continue to be speculated, many rural residents cannot bear the temptation. They also have their own ideas in their hearts, and they also participate in it. A yard that could have been exchanged for a building was suddenly speculated by them. There were two or three sets.

However, there are also people who understand clearly. They discourage those who raise prices on the ground. This time it is an overall transformation. Once everyone starts raising prices on the ground, Pingcheng and Haotian will stop the project due to lack of funds. They will be in trouble.

Most people understand this, but there are still some people who are greedy. They think that since they want to renovate, it must be a plan for everyone. Their yards are bigger than others, so they can enjoy better solutions.

For nearly a month, many villages in Haotian were unknown at first, but now countless people come in and out of the village every day. Many people even built yards and covered the entire yard tightly. In fact, it is like a fortress. Even if Haotian and Pingcheng have repeatedly reminded that the area of ​​​​the back cover will not be included in the calculation, no one is willing to listen.

In Zhao Xinyu's room in Hongshiya Courtyard, Zhao Xinyu raised his hands to straighten his long hair that reached his ears, and rubbed his eyes. For nearly a month, he had been studying Haotian's topography and planning the merger. The location of the village settlement. \u003cb



If it were a few years ago, he would definitely not have worked so hard. He knew that formations could change the environment of a region. This time, he spent a lot of energy on planning. He just wanted to verify what the Wood of Life said. The truth of the statement that formations can change an area.

Looking at the many drawings in his hand, Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath, organized the drawings and put them into his backpack, stood up and entered the bathroom.

Meimei took a shower, changed her clothes and left the yard. She subconsciously raised her hand to block it. She hadn't gone out for many days and the sun was a bit dazzling.

In the purple bamboo forest outside the compound, only the Mingxuan purple bamboo forest can still see bamboo leaves. The purple bamboo in the purple bamboo forest outside has become bare, and there is no green on the ground.

In the greenhouse, Shura looked at Zhao Xinyu, "Brother, you have lost weight."

"Shura, don't feel bad for him, he's only thinking about ordinary people." Mie Shi curled his lips and gave Zhao Xinyu a big roll of his eyes.

In the past month, Zhao Xinyu, apart from cooking for Heifeng, Jinhen and Jinyu, had to make do with his own food. The energy consumption and the lack of food made him lose weight.

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "Xiao Xing, don't listen to Deshi, she is misleading you. Can't you see that I have to be very energetic? Although what I do is not cultivation, it is a kind of precipitation."

"You just lied to Shura."

Zixu chuckled, "Destruction, what he said makes sense. Many creations and inventions in the human world were made through her method."

Youyou shook her head, "Don't forget our identities. Now that you have begun to participate in the affairs of the human world, you don't really regard yourselves as human beings."

"Tch, no one was talking about a certain human being in those days."

With Mie Shi's words, several souls once again started fighting with only sound, which made Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but shake his head. He raised his hand and patted Shura on the shoulder, picked a tomato and left the greenhouse. He didn't want to participate in such a battle, because as long as he spoke, he would only be the one to suffer in the end.

Outside the purple bamboo forest, Zhao Xinyu looked at the mountains opposite. Only the mountains with pines and cypresses growing in the distance were still green, and the areas where fruit trees were planted were all bare.

There were not many tourists on the artificial river across the road. There was ice on both sides of the river, and only the middle of the river still had water flow.

Without vegetables and fruits, coupled with the drop in temperature, the summer bustle on the road has disappeared.

On the bank of the artificial river, looking at the ice on both sides of the river, Zhao Xinyu enjoyed the cold wind blowing. Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but take a deep breath with a sense of clarity he had never experienced before.

When the sound of footsteps came, Zhao Xinyu turned his head subconsciously and saw several tourists coming towards him along the river.

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