I have a portable farm

Chapter 2351: Overcoming difficulties together

"Where's Uncle Yong?"

"I'm picking vegetables in the greenhouse."

Seeing Er Wei say this, Zhao Xinyu didn't say anything else. He didn't go to the kitchen, but went to the basement. When he came out of the basement, he was holding two wine jars in his hands, which made Er Wei and others outside They were all stunned.

"Brother Xiaoyu, there seems to be wine in the kitchen."

Zhao Xinyu chuckled, "You can't touch this wine."

He went into the kitchen and put down the wine, then went to the basement again. When he came out again, there was a wine jar in his left hand and a barrel specifically for holding wine in his right hand.

When he entered the kitchen, the eyes of Er Wei outside became confused. They looked at each other. They seemed to think that Zhao Xinyu had changed a lot this time, not only in terms of feeling, but also in behavior. It seems different from last time.

At noon, when the dishes were served one after another, Er Wei and the others took the wine to the restaurant, and Zhao Xinyu carried the wine jar and barrel into the restaurant, which made everyone look at Zhao Xinyu stupidly.

Zhao Xinyu didn't say anything. He carried the medicine and wine to the restaurant twice. Then he looked at the group of people and said, "What's wrong? I have flowers on my face?"

"Xinyu, is there something wrong with you? Why do we feel that you are different from when you left?"

"I ate too many blue and white mushrooms and may have been poisoned."

Everyone's expressions changed. Zhao Shiming had just picked up a piece of blue and white mushroom and quickly put it down, "Is this blue and white mushroom poisonous?"

Seeing the look of a group of people, Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but feel happy. When he smiled, people also reacted, and a group of people glared at him fiercely.

"Er Wei and the others said that you were talkative in the morning and kept bringing wine out. You just..."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "Why don't you ask me why I'm holding a drink?"

When Zhao Xinyu said this, everyone's minds flashed, and their eyes fell on the wine jars and barrels that Zhao Xinyu had just brought out. Only then did they see that the seal above seemed to have been there for a long time.

"This wine."

"These are all old wines. A bunch of bumpkins, do they think I have a mental problem?"

A group of people laughed, and Er Wei stood up with a chuckle, "Brother Xiaoyu, you told me earlier, and you worried us for a long time." While speaking, Er Wei stretched out his hand to a jar of drunken delicacies.

"You can only drink one kind of medicinal wine and one kind of wine for this meal, and this wine doesn't contain anything that can extend your life. Choose it yourself."


"Vegetables, melons and fruits are constantly being upgraded, and medicinal wines and wines have been produced for more than ten years. It is necessary to introduce some aged wines."

"You're saying these are all intended to be rolled out."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "This is not for us to try it first and see how it tastes."

Everyone here is a frequent visitor. Du Mengnan and the others have all gone to southern Yunnan. They can come over at any time, so


They didn't deliberately choose, they chose two at will.

When the medicinal wine was opened, the wine mist filled the air, and the aroma of the wine hit their faces. Everyone was stunned. The medicinal wine they drank also had wine mist, and the medicinal wine containing spiritual power was not sold to the outside world. That kind of medicinal wine stayed in space for a long time. After storage, the wine aroma is particularly strong.

But when they smelled the aroma of medicinal wine that had not been specially treated, they still had a special feeling. Jiang Fei, who often socialized, nodded, "The aroma of this wine is really much better than what is sold now. Come and pour me a drink to try.”

After taking a sip of wine and a sip of food, Jiang Fei, Wang Yong and the others kept nodding, "Xinyu, this Qingmu wine is several grades higher than what I love you are selling. It has been collected for many years."

"This is ten years old, and there are fifteen years old, but the quantity is not large. What if Aoki wine with this flavor is released?"

Jiang Fei couldn't help but feel happy, "Xinyu, the medicinal wine we are launching at this stage is in short supply. Do you think the one that has been upgraded a few levels will be unsaleable? Our medicinal wine is made from pure grains and there is no fakery, and it has often been done in recent years. Many minor problems of people who drink our medicinal wine are gone. No matter which medicinal wine it is, it has a very high reputation, and it will definitely be popular as long as it is launched."

"I'm talking about price?"

"The price of our wine is at least the same as that of Wuliangye and Moutai."

"No, my original intention of making wine is to make it affordable for everyone to drink pure grain wine. Even ordinary Chinese families cannot afford Moutai and Wuliangye, let alone ordinary people. Keep the price down and price it according to mid-range wines." , at least the average family is willing to bite the bullet and afford it.”

"Then the price will be based on Fenjiu, our thousand-year-old wine from Sanjin."

"That's okay. The reputation of wine is not judged by its price. It is judged by people who have drunk it. And it cannot be judged by people who drink in the box. It is judged by people who can see our medicinal wine in the lobby at any time."

Jiang Fei couldn't help but sigh, "I'm so lucky to be able to live in the same era as you. They don't need to worry about you being an unscrupulous businessman."

Jiang Fei said this, and Wang Yong and the others also felt the same way. Every product of the Emperor Group is now a hot commodity, but Zhao Xinyu's prices are very reasonable. Products such as vegetables and fruits can be consumed by ordinary families. , and now the prices of various vegetables are only slightly higher than ordinary vegetables.

But also because of this, Zhao Xinyu has extremely high popularity at home and abroad. Not only people who have met him, but also countless people who have never met him support him from the bottom of their hearts.

"I went to the workshop. Our vegetable fields are all empty, but there are still many people going up the mountain. Are there still mushrooms?"

"Yes, there are quite a lot of them. This year's continuous rain has had a great impact on Pingcheng and the surrounding areas.

It has caused a lot of damage to the area, but it is a good thing for us. In those years, there were only a few mushrooms on the mountain. After the continuous rain this year, there are still a lot of mushrooms. Even the mushrooms in Wangguantun You can also pick blue and white mushrooms on the iceberg. "

Seeing Wang Yong talking about the continuous rain, Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath and said, "Uncle Yong, I heard in the workshop that you were looking for me?"

Wang Yong nodded, "It's because of the disaster in our area. This time, the continuous rain covered a large area, and many areas suffered disasters of varying degrees. You also know the situation here. How many people live in most rural areas?" Cave dwellings that have been built for ten years or even hundreds of years are most afraid of continuous rain. This time it rained for nine days. A large number of cave dwellings collapsed, with more than a hundred casualties and dozens of deaths. We originally gave you a call after the disaster, but I heard that you have been busy at Base No. 2, so we discussed it and donated 80 million worth of materials in the name of the group, and another 100 million."

"This is a good thing. You don't need to discuss it with me. You can just decide."

"The crisis during that period has been temporarily lifted. Winter is about to come now. Many people are still living in shacks built with plastic sheets and films. Not to mention other places, there are tens of thousands of homes in our Haotian area. Households like this were not very economically developed in the first place, but now that their houses have collapsed, how can they have the money to build a house?"

"What do you mean?"

"We all discussed it, and we called on the villagers of Hongshiya and Gudingqiao to donate, and the group took the lead in purchasing a batch of winter tents for them, so that they can at least survive this winter."

"Have Pingcheng and Haotian taken any measures?"

"Yes, they are also actively preparing. However, the affected area is too large, and even if they want to help, there is a limit. By the way, Pingcheng and Haotian want to take this opportunity to raise the issue of reconstruction again."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "This time a large area is affected by the disaster, and the old houses will have problems more or less. Demolition and reconstruction are imminent, but raising it now may be a bit advantageous. Besides, rural areas are the most affected. If the ideological problems of Haotian residents cannot be solved, demolition is just an empty talk." 🄲

After saying this, Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath and said, "Forget the donations from Brother Jiang and the villagers, let's get more this time. I think instead of letting the people live in tents, it is better to get them some simple houses, tents and simple houses." It's not much cheaper than that. Let's make some statistics. Let's not worry about other places. Let's settle the people in Haotian first. Each household will have two simple houses. At least next year they can't build new houses and they can still use simple houses. The house is sheltered from the wind and rain.”

Jiang Fei nodded, but Wang Yong shook his head, "Xinyu, let's not talk about the residents of Gudingqiao Town. The people of Hongshiya New Village are not short of money. In the past, when we were poor, we all had money and strength to contribute. Now we Why can’t we do it now that we have money? We wouldn’t be willing to part with tens of millions, but at least 100,000 or 80,000 will be fine.”\u003cb



"Xinyu, Wang Yong is right, everyone has become rich after following you these years."

"Okay, Brother Jiang, for Pingcheng, we will add an additional 100 billion to accommodate the affected people for the winter. For Haotian, we will handle it ourselves. We can't control the entire Pingcheng, at least we can control Haotian."

Just in the afternoon of this day, a piece of news on the official website of the Emperor Group caused a sensation. At the same time as the official website of the Emperor Group was updated, Pingcheng and Haotian also released updates, and Pingcheng even held a press conference.

Due to the rain disaster two months ago, before winter came, Dijun Group was considering the resettlement and living issues of the people affected by the disaster in Pingcheng. Dijun Group added an additional 100 billion to Pingcheng. For the hometown of Dijun Group Chairman Zhao Xinyu Haotian is now Yunzhou District. The Dijun Group will build two simple houses for free and purchase heating equipment for every person whose house is in dilapidated condition. Each affected household will receive five tons of high-quality coal. Everything is provided. The Emperor Group will handle it. For families with casualties, the Dijun Group will subsidize 5,000 yuan for each injured person and 30,000 yuan for each deceased person.

An announcement and a press conference shocked the entire Internet. Natural disasters are unavoidable for mankind. From the time when Zhao Xinyu emerged in Xihanling, whenever a natural disaster occurred, Zhao Xinyu would immediately stand up to assist the affected areas.

As early as after the rains, the Emperor Group has provided assistance of hundreds of millions of dollars and tens of millions of supplies, which has been a great aid to countless people.

But two months later, the Dijun Group would take action again, this time directly donating 100 billion yuan. The Dijun Group would directly arrange simple houses, purchase heating facilities, and distribute high-quality coal to Haotian County, where Zhao Xinyu was born. At first glance, It seems that one household does not have much money, but there are so many disaster-stricken households in Haotian County. In total, the investment of Dijun Group in Haotian County is at least tens of billions or more.

Just the next morning, while the entire Internet was still discussing the Dijun Group's aid to the Pingcheng area, the official website of the Dijun Group had another dynamic update.

In order to help the people of Haotian County overcome the difficulties, the villagers of Hongshiya and Gudingqiao Town also raised a batch of funds. Wang Yong, Erwei and others each donated five million, and the villagers of Hongshiya each One household is one million, and each household in Gudingqiao Town has donations ranging from 300,000 to 500,000. In the end, just two villages donated 6 billion, and all the money was used Help the affected people in Haotian County purchase winter supplies to rebuild their homes.

Subsequently, merchants along the Sanggan River, merchants in Liuling Mountain, Gudingqiao Supermarket, and the Water Park also donated money to assist Haotian.

Just at noon that day, news came from Lop Nur that people in Mowen Town, Loulan Town, and Kashgar Town, as well as employees of Dijun Group, also donated money to Haotian.

When the numbers were announced, the entire network fell silent. They didn't know how to write, let alone how to describe their feelings.

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