I have a portable farm

Chapter two and three hundred and thirty-nine can’t be collected?

"Then how should we reply to them?"

"Tell them that our No. 2 nursery base in Lop Nur will start operations in a few days. At that time, we will cultivate a batch of mycelium for them. You can set the specific price and deliver it to them before the year."

"What about the quantity?"

"They are tentatively given one kilogram per area."

"so much?"

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, "How about you decide, the planting range should be the same as before, and there should be no pollution sources. If there are pollution sources and the plants cannot be planted, it will not be our fault."

"Okay, I remember it."

"Xinyu, didn't you say that there might be a snowstorm in the Altyn Mountains this year, and our bacteria will be ready by then?"

Zhao Xinyu laughed and looked at Wang Yong, "Uncle Yong, we can still live without our own, even if they don't have our own, they can't live without our own."

"Wang Yong, if you don't worry about Hongshiya, why do you start worrying about Lop Nur? Are you planning to go to Lop Nur for development?"

Wang Yong laughed and said, "Jiang Fei, I'm not worried that you are tired."

"Let's talk about you. I haven't finished picking all the mushrooms these days, so you have to be careful."

A group of people laughed, and Wang Yong shook his head, "I am already over forty, I have experienced rain and picked mushrooms, but I have never encountered a situation like this this year. I can't finish picking all the mushrooms. This takes a lot of time." If it weren’t for the picking activities suggested by Xinyu in advance, just the people in our village wouldn’t be able to pick them all on one mountain.”

A group of people nodded, Jiang Fei looked at Zhao Xinyu, "Just yesterday, the number of people who came to participate in the event exceeded 80,000, and the sales volume of mushrooms exceeded 200,000 kilograms. Did you know that mushrooms are resold in these two days? How much can those people earn in a day?”

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "One or two thousand."

"Some are almost tens of thousands, and the average ones are several thousand. People from Hebei and Mongolia come here specifically to buy mushrooms. I heard that the price of Coprinus comatus over there is more than 30 yuan per kilogram. Even this is not necessarily the case. You can grab it.”

"So expensive?" Zhao Xinyu knew that people dumping vegetables and fruits on Hongshiya could make money, but he didn't expect them to make so much money. Coprinus comatus cost only six or seven yuan per pound here. This change of hands Just five or six times, this is too...

"The main reason is that the quality and taste of our mushrooms are good. Once you eat them, you will never forget them. People on the north bank of the Sanggan River cannot go to the fields when it rains these days. They all come over here to participate in activities. Their hands are quick and they can pick them." The mushrooms that come out are beautiful, and the price of the mushrooms they pick is higher than others. When they take out the mushrooms they buy, people want them when they change hands, and the price is higher than others."

"Xinyu, how about we raise the price of mushrooms a little bit."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "Uncle Yong, we can indeed make more money by raising the price, but this will ruin our reputation. Besides, there are so many mushrooms that we can't pick them all ourselves. If tourists can't come because of the higher price, they will lose a lot." We, after all, we make money without picking at all, so we still get a big advantage."


Jiang Fei nodded and turned to look outside. The sound of rain continued to fall, "This rain may not be a good rain for other villages, but for us, this rain is all money, especially the green and white mushrooms. We won’t be able to see it until next year. Just this rain has made the green and white mushrooms grow. Wuyou Restaurant and other restaurants are full of occupancy. Xinyu, are there any other glacier fungi? Let’s get some back.”

Wang Yong and others all shook their heads, "Mushrooms like humid environments, but now mushrooms grow on ice. Who would have imagined that all the experts who came here today seemed to be crazy and took samples everywhere."

Zheng Min chuckled, "You must have been like that when you first went up the mountain."

Erwei laughed, "It's really like this. Uncle Yong just went up the mountain and his eyes were as big as a bell..."

People were laughing, eating, and drinking. People who didn't know better thought it was a gathering of relatives and friends. From the atmosphere at the scene, it was impossible to tell that it was the boss of a group entertaining employees.

"Brother Jiang, what's going on with Pengyu and the others in Yanjing?"

"Don't tell me, everything is going according to your plan. Where are they? The things you teach them are surprising even to the old professors and musicians. All three of them are employed as Honorary tutor. Originally they were going for a week, but now it has become half a month."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, with a trace of relief in his eyes. The more achievements his apprentices made, the happier he was. It was not that his apprentices could bring him honor. He had no interest in these things. He just wanted his apprentices to They are getting better and better.

"Why didn't you give it to a professor?" Wang Yong shook his head and said with a smile.

Jiang Fei laughed and pointed at Zhao Xinyu, "It's not because of Xinyu. Xinyu is an honorary professor. They felt that the apprentice could not be equal to the master, so they gave him a mentor."

"Xinyu is too powerful. If I had known this, when he first came back, I should have asked my son to become his teacher. This might have achieved something." Wang Bing shook his head.

"Don't think about it. Xinyu is so busy. With four children and Zhao Quan, the five of them are busy enough for Xinyu. He can take care of others. Besides, Xinyu has been growing up with you. You still don't know Xinyu's abilities. , it’s too late to regret now.”

When Jiang Fei said this, Zheng Min and Qu Qianfan both looked at Wang Yong and others. Wang Yong and others couldn't help but shake their heads, "At that time, we also knew that Xinyu liked to tinker with the flute and bamboo flute by himself, and followed Uncle Zhao to cook and memorize Chinese medicine. Books, apart from traditional Chinese medicine, who would have thought that those things are useful. In the years after we came back, everyone followed the farming, and the children could also receive a good education, so we never thought about letting the children learn those things from Xinyu."

Jiang Fei shook his head, "You have missed the opportunity. Look at now, as long as Xinyu dares to speak, there are countless people in the world who want to become a disciple.

. "

"Brother Xiaoyu, why don't you start a class." Erwei said with a smile.

Zhao Xinyu glared at him, "Are you going to class?"

Everyone laughed. Zhao Xinyu is a hands-off shopkeeper in the eyes of countless people, but they know how busy Zhao Xinyu is. Zhao Xinyu has been devoted to traditional Chinese medicine. Now even the traditional Chinese medicine hospital cannot go there and let Zhao Xinyu start classes. Countless people will indeed sign up, and even if the tuition is sky-high, people will come, but Zhao Xinyu really doesn't have time.

"I'm going to Lop Nur tomorrow. Let's keep an eye on this place. If anything happens, let's discuss it together."

"Going tomorrow?"

"I made an agreement with Mr. Gu a long time ago. If it hadn't been for this rain, I would have gone there a long time ago. The mushrooms will still rain continuously at the original price. Even after the rain stops, the mushrooms will continue to grow. There is still some time before winter begins. , the mushrooms alone are quite busy.”

Jiang Fei and Zheng Min may not understand, but Wang Yong and the others have been growing up at the foot of the mountain. They know these things very well. They know that mushrooms also have a growth period after the rain.

"Don't worry about this. We'll see for ourselves when the time comes. If it doesn't work, we'll hire people to pick vegetables, and everyone will pick mushrooms."

After the meal, people went back. Hei Feng looked at Zhao Xinyu and said, "Boss, you need to go out now."

Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly, "You have also seen the situation these days. There is no fruit, but we still have mushrooms. I will go out and we will go to Lop Nur tomorrow."

"It rains every day, so it's better to go to Lop Nur."

Zhao Xinyu laughed and looked at Lu Chen, "What about you?"

"Lu Yun went over there, I'd better stay here. With Wuhen and the others in the shed, I won't be lonely."

Zhao Xinyu returned in the early morning. Although his cultivation had reached the peak of Shenwu and the late-god god stage, there was still a hint of fatigue on his face.

After meditating and recovering for a while, after five o'clock, after taking a shower, changing clothes, and having a simple breakfast, Zhao Xinyu took Hei Feng, Jin Hen, and Jin Yu out of the compound.

When he got outside, Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but shake his head. At this time, the sky had just had a glimmer of light, but there were vendors on the main road in Hongshiya. The queue of tourist vehicles is already full.

"Zhao Xinyu, are you planning to go to southern Yunnan or Lop Nur?" A tourist about the same age as Zhao Xinyu saw Zhao Xinyu coming out carrying a backpack, Black Wind, Jinhen, and Jinyu, and he knew that Zhao Xinyu Leaving again.

"Lop Nur, the No. 2 nursery base over there has begun operations. I have to go and take a look."

"I heard that the simulated glacier area in that nursery base is very large. You should have been cultivating blue and white mushroom strains in the past."

Zhao Xinyu's face straightened, "You even know the secrets of the Emperor Group, who told you."

The young man was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but feel happy, "Everyone in the world knows that you


Our secret is too confidential. "

Zhao Xinyu laughed and looked at the foggy sky, "You guys came here so early..."

“Everyone wants to be first in line.”

"Aren't mushrooms different?"

"It's the same thing. The first wave is close to the bottom of the mountain. Take it out to save trouble. Look, I even brought my parents, grandpa, and grandma today."

Zhao Xinyu looked at the four people behind the young man, "Old people, please be careful and don't catch a cold. How did you, a big family of five, pick mushrooms?"

"It's okay. I've come here often in the past few years. My grandparents are in great health. They still had problems a few years ago, but now they're gone. The mushrooms we've picked have been reserved and will be delivered to relatives and friends by express delivery."

Chatting with many tourists, everyone had the same idea as the young people. Many of them brought their families here so that they could pick more to take back.

While Zhao Xinyu was boarding the plane, picking activities had already begun on many mountains in Hongshiya. Media, self-media, vendors and tourists on and off the mountain once again made Hongshiya lively in the rain.

In Lop Nur, the sour grass outside the No. 2 nursery base, which is only a few kilometers away from Kashgar Town, is almost as tall as a person. After picking, there are not many sour trees on the sour grass, and the alfalfa in the sour grass has turned into green storage.

Without alfalfa, many tourists can also enter the edge of the sour field. They eat the remaining sour fields, and everyone enjoys it. Occasionally, when they see clusters of unpicked sour fields, they feel like they have found a treasure. .

Compared with the No. 1 nursery base, the area of ​​the No. 2 nursery base is much larger than that of the No. 1 base. Standing at the door, it is a bit blurry to see the other side. There are more than 300 nursery greenhouses alone.

With the successful example of the No. 1 nursery base, the open space between the greenhouses has been circled, with a waterproof layer underneath and soil pulled from Mowen Town above for planting rice.

The laboratory in the nursery base is several times larger than the laboratory in Lop Nur, and the equipment is more advanced. Looking at the busy staff, Zhao Xinyu sighed in his heart. It has been some time since the No. 2 nursery base was delivered, but now he has This is my first time here, and I can really recognize very few of them.

"How is it?" Gu Xiangang, who accompanied us, said with a smile.

"It's bigger and more advanced. Take over all the supplies I sent you."

"I've received everything, I just need the bacteria."

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "It will be delivered in the afternoon, but it will be soil with bacterial strains, as well as the new species I brought back from the mountains. You will be busy for a while."

"We are not very busy now. The interns who came here have been a big help. They can get started with many things without us telling them. But your simulated environment has been waiting for you to come over. As long as you change the density of the ice layer in the simulated environment Get it up and then we can get to work.”

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