Zhao Xinyu sighed slightly, "Now they have adapted to life in Liuling Mountain, and there are many green wolves in the space. Let everything take its course. If they can meet them in the mountains, they may also be able to change."

"Boss, why did you bring them all here? Those young people have been taking pictures, and they even have live broadcasts. Aren't you worried?"

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, "I didn't intend to keep this place a secret when I planted it. It's far away from Hongshiya. There are large animals everywhere along the way. It's extremely difficult for ordinary people to come here. You forgot for two years Someone has been here before, so this place is not a secret to Xuantian Sect and Tianyang Sect. Now they are brought here, and they shoot videos and live broadcasts. This will not make all the currently planted species public, and they will not do it again. Doubt us."

"Ordinary people today are capable of anything. Everything here is in its original state. Once they come here, it won't take long for this place to..."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head. Although Heifeng, Jinhen, and Jinyu had been by his side all these years, they were still in the mountains and forests at heart. Of course, they did not want humans to destroy the area that belonged to them.

"Heifeng, didn't you see on the way that I changed my position many times. Unless they have recording equipment, if not, it will be difficult for ordinary people to come. Don't worry about this. Even if they come, they have to think about it. There are wolves and wild boars in this area. Even if a few people come here, even if they are fully armed, they may not be able to deal with the animals here."

"Xinyu, corn is better than what is grown in the village now." .🅆.

"Okay, let's get some mature ones back."

"The grains of Jidao also seem to be larger than what we grow now."


The news that came back was full of excitement. Zhao Xinyu looked towards the source of the water. There was a natural cave that could be hidden there. Although he said that ordinary people might not be able to come here, in fact, he didn't know for sure. The reason why he wanted to expose this area was to lay the foundation for his future.

"Xinyu, where is the potato?"

"In that area." I'll take you there.

In an area, everyone was stunned. At first, they thought it was a green vine when they looked at it from a distance. But now they came to know that it was potatoes planted by Zhao Xinyu. Potatoes and weeds were mixed together, and a random plant The potato vines are more than two meters tall.

When they started to do it, they kept exclaiming. There were at least a dozen potatoes in one potato plant, each weighing more than one kilogram. The yield of one potato plant was almost twenty kilograms.

"This..." Not to mention Wang Yong and others, even Zhang Mei was stunned when she saw the dug potatoes, her eyes filled with horror.

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "dig, these are our seeds for next year."

While Zhao Xinyu and the others were digging potatoes, the entire Internet was once again in a state of shock.


, countless people saw the beautiful scenery deep in Liuling Mountain on the Internet, and learned about the origins of many species in Hongshiya through young people’s videos and live broadcasts. When they saw the exaggerated potatoes and corn, countless people felt Excited, some people also called on the state to tax Zhao Xinyu. After all, such a large lake has now become Zhao Xinyu’s base for cultivating species. The fish and crabs in the lake are now species in Sanggan River and Lop Nur freshwater lake. That is, at present, most of the freshwater fish and crabs in Lop Nur and Hongshiya come from this area.

Zhao Xinyu has the contracting rights for Hongshiya and Lop Nur, but such a large area has become an area for Zhao Xinyu to cultivate species. This is an illegal occupation of resources and is illegal.

After seeing the video and live broadcast, people who once suspected that Zhao Xinyu's species were genetically modified chose to believe Zhao Xinyu this time. After all, in the most primitive areas, there are no facilities and there is no way to cultivate genetically modified species.

The leakage of these photos and videos brought up the topic of searching for species again, which had been silent for several years. However, this time not many people responded. The mechanical bird flew for several hours, and wolves and wolves could be seen in many areas. It is difficult for even professionals to reach the wild boar herd. A few years ago, they only found an area where carrots grow. Even in that area, many team members were attacked by wild boars and green wolves. Now enter Going to such a distant area, not to mention anything else, is the problem of material supply.

Zhao Xinyu brought the people from the nursery base here this time. He wanted to allow the species in space to be brought out without people's suspicion, but he did not want Liuling Mountain to become the object of countless people's attention again.

Numerous scientific research institutions have even lamented that they have always believed that the southern region is rich in species, but they do not want to see a large mountain with rich species at the edge of the Loess Plateau, which in their eyes is severely short of water and unsuitable for human life.

Zhao Xinyu and the others were digging and picking, and Jiang Fei was busy again. Many scientific research institutions, animal and plant scholars contacted them one after another. They wanted Zhao Xinyu to take them to Liuling Mountain so that they could do scientific research. At the same time, you can also enjoy the beautiful scenery of Liuling Mountain.

A few days later, the mechanical bird appeared again and again on Hongshiya. People saw the villagers unloading materials, potatoes, corn, rice and other currently planted species from the mechanical bird. On Hongshiya, Many of the fruits that are no longer seen here, such as yellow girls, golden honeydew melons, and black strawberries, which make people forget to leave, have also been shipped back.

When Zhao Xinyu controlled the mechanical bird to fall, the chirping of Jinhen and Jinyu attracted the deer. Lu Chen arrived at Zhao Xinyu's side, and then Zhao Xinyu received a message from Lu Chen.

Zhao Xinyu looked at Wang Yong, "Uncle Yong, please inform the people in our village that there will be rain in the next few days. It will mostly be continuous rain. Let the villagers be prepared, especially

People working in the mountains must be careful. "

The media, self-media, and the public who were still watching the unloading of supplies were stunned when they heard Zhao Xinyu's words. Subconsciously, they looked up at the sky. There was no cloud in the clear sky.

"Zhao Xinyu, what did you just say?"

"It will start to rain almost tonight, and it will mostly be continuous rain. It is not safe in the mountains when it rains. Please inform you that people who sleep in the mountains should choose higher areas."

If people used to not believe in Zhao Xinyu, it would be reasonable. After all, Zhao Xinyu is a great doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and a superhuman planter, but he is not a weather forecaster. However, Zhao Xinyu's weather predictions have been accurate many times in a row, so he is very popular. You are not surprised by Zhao Xinyu's magic, and they quickly forwarded Zhao Xinyu's words.

"Zhao Xinyu, didn't you get a lot of mycelium on the glacier? Will it rain this time..."

Zhao Xinyu patted his head, "As you said, it's really possible. If it rains continuously, mushrooms will grow in other areas, not just the glacier."

Starting from Xihanling, the mushrooms grown by Zhao Xinyu have become well known to people because of their good taste. Wild mushrooms in other areas sell well, but the mushrooms here in Hongshiya are in short supply. 🄲

So Zhao Xinyu's words immediately resonated with people, "Zhao Xinyu, if there are more mushrooms, can we increase the purchase volume?"

Zhao Xinyu's eyes flickered a few times, "If there are many mushrooms, we will hold a mushroom picking event. As long as they are not wasted, you can buy the mushrooms you pick."

"Any mushroom is fine?"

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "You must be interested in matsutake mushrooms."

"The taste of matsutake is so good. Not only me, everyone here wants to get more matsutake to go back to."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "Okay, if there are many mushrooms, matsutake will also work, but there is one condition, no one can waste it."

When Zhao Xinyu returned to the compound, the official website of the Emperor Group also issued a notice, that is, people sleeping in the mountains should be careful of floods, and it is best to choose an area with higher terrain, or even outside.

In the second half of the night, dark clouds suddenly appeared in the originally clear night sky. As the dark clouds continued to surge, at around two o'clock in the morning, after a heavy rain, the precipitation changed from heavy rain to moderate rain, etc. It turned into a light drizzle at dawn.

The light rain was still falling at noon, and now even the national weather department wrote a special article. They saw Zhao Xinyu said yesterday that there would be continuous light rain, and they also checked the satellite cloud images, but the results of their research Maybe there will be rain, but it will definitely not be continuous rain, but now Zhao Xinyu’s prediction is no longer


This was confirmed for the first time, which made those meteorological experts admire Zhao Xinyu. They asked Zhao Xinyu in the article how he judged the occurrence of precipitation.

Regarding the issues raised by national departments, Zhao Xinyu also responded. Firstly, it is based on some weather predictions left by the ancients. The most important thing is the animal companions around them. They are very accurate in weather predictions. He also knew that rain was coming after seeing the abnormal behavior of animals in the mountains. After adding some things left by the ancients, he predicted that there would be continuous drizzle in their area.

Even now, people still believe that animals can accurately predict the weather. However, Zhao Xinyu can see the abnormal behavior of animals that are not abnormal in people's eyes. This shows how familiar Zhao Xinyu is with Zhao Xinyu.

Thinking again about the wisdom of the ancients mentioned by Zhao Xinyu, some people thought of the written talk that Zhao Xinyu published a few years ago. Someone immediately went to read it, and then really found the judgment about yesterday's weather from that book.

The answer was found in Zhao Xinyu's books, which attracted more people. Many people who had already purchased the books were extremely regretful. They had always regarded the books as collections, but they did not expect that the things in the books could really be predicted. Weather, this made the written talk compiled by Zhao Xinyu become popular again.

In the living room of the courtyard, Hei Feng was lying on the sofa. Jin Hen and Jin Yu were walking in the living room. Listening to the patter of rain, Hei Feng got up and looked at Zhao Xinyu.

"Boss, you went out last night because..."

"It's really raining continuously. I promised people that I would hold a picking activity. I didn't just go out and get some strains in the orchard."

"Boss, you cheated again."

Zhao Xinyu laughed and looked at Lu Chen, who was standing in front of the window looking out. "Lu Chen's prediction is that I have the bacteria. This is an opportunity for us to make a fortune."

"Boss, the continuous rain will not be too short this time. Didn't you always say that many people in the surrounding area live in old cave dwellings. The cave dwellings are not afraid of heavy rain, but they are afraid of continuous rain."

Zhao Xinyu's eyes narrowed slightly. He grew up here, so of course he knew the disadvantages of cave dwellings. "Lu Chen, is this rain?"

"At least a week or more."

Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath and said, "The old cave dwelling cannot withstand a week of continuous rain. I need to inform you."

On this day, the announcement of the Dijun Group changed again. This time the continuous rain will last for a week or more. Zhao Xinyu called on those who live in cave dwellings to pay attention to the cave dwellings. It is best to buy plastic sheets to cover the cave dwellings. To prevent rainwater from continuously seeping in, once the weather clears up, remove the plastic sheet quickly.

After the Emperor Group made the notice, Haotian and Pingcheng also forwarded the notice from the Emperor Group through various channels. Suddenly, there was a rush to buy plastics in many regions.

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