I have a portable farm

Chapter 2278 Sewage Project

When several workers came out of the break room, everyone who followed them was stunned. They saw that these people did not wear gas masks. They couldn't help but look at Zhao Xinyu, who also did not wear a gas mask.

Zhao Xinyu chuckled, "I'm worried that you are not used to the air here."

A media reporter took off his gas mask, and immediately his head went dark. Although the air here was not as fresh as the purple bamboo forest, vegetable field, and artificial forest, there was nothing unusual about it.


Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "This is just a buffer zone. You don't want to see how I treat the sewage. When you enter the work area, you go and change your clothes, otherwise your clothes will be smelly when you come out."

People couldn't help but shake their heads. They suddenly felt like they were being teased, but they still obeyed Zhao Xinyu and went to the changing room to change into work clothes.

When they came out, they saw that Zhao Xinyu was also wearing work clothes. They followed Zhao Xinyu into a passage and entered a room. When the door closed, a door opened on the other side. It was a corridor more than three meters wide. Isolated by glass panels.

Zhao Xinyu looked at the group of people and said, "This is the work area, everyone can take pictures."

The media camera was focused on the work area. When they walked in front of the glass plate, the camera was pointed at the bottom of the glass plate. Then they suddenly felt sick to their stomachs. They saw five passages more than ten meters wide and of unknown height. A large amount of sewage is constantly being discharged, and there are even yellow and white substances in the sewage.

"You see, this is where the sewers of Mowen Town gather. Everyone, follow me."

People photographed this area and followed Zhao Xinyu. Tens of meters later, they saw the sewage slowing down and the sludge inside slowly settling, while the sewage was still flowing to the area below.

"Zhao Xinyu, these sediments..."

"Every once in a while, the sediment is dug out from the opposite side, fermented and used as farmyard manure."

The sedimentation area was hundreds of meters long. After hundreds of meters, all people saw was sewage. When they passed through the layers of large filtering nets, even though they were wearing gas masks, they smelled a strong smell of medicinal herbs. smell.

Crushed medicinal herbs are constantly being transported from the channel on one side. In this area, workers continue to put medicinal herbs below. The sewage that was originally flowing smoothly is boiling like a pot below.


Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "There are thirty-six such areas in total, covering an area of ​​more than 100,000 square meters. Let's take a look."

Following the footsteps, people saw multiple lifting platforms. There were workers on each lifting platform. However, because many of them were transported mechanically, the workers only scratched the bags and poured the crushed herbs from above.

After passing more than ten areas, they saw that the color of the originally dark and green sewage was also changing. The sewage in their area looked very turbid, but it no longer felt dark and dark green.

They discovered that Zhao Xinyu brought


The area surrounding them seemed to be a circle, and it continued to extend downwards, which made them curious.

"Zhao Xinyu, the deepest part here..."

"Our current location is fifty meters underground, and the deepest point is more than ninety meters."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Xinyu looked at the anchors who had followed him from home and other platforms, "Don't worry, there is wireless coverage in all locations here, don't worry about signal issues. You don't have any live broadcasts."

"Brother Yu, the number of people in my live broadcast room exceeds one million."

"You made money and invited me to dinner."


Zhao Xinyu joked with his anchor and continued walking forward. Unknowingly, people discovered that the depth they were at had reached several meters. At this time, the flowing water could no longer be said to be sewage. The color of the water was already the same as normal. The colors were very close, that is, because there were still workers pouring the spray, the water flow seemed a bit turbid, and people even saw dark green plants in the water flow.

"Zhao Xinyu, are those green plants also water plants used to control pollution?"

Zhao Xinyu laughed and took off his gas mask. "The so-called pollutants contain a variety of elements. Many aquatic plants in nature lack nutrients underwater, so they will absorb nutrients from sedimented debris."

Seeing Zhao Xinyu take off his gas mask, many media and tourists also took it off. They felt that although the air here was not fresh, it no longer had the stench, and there was only the smell of herbs in the air.

"In front is the purified water source. Everyone can come and have a look, and you can also take samples back."

In an area, people saw large pools with an area of ​​more than ten acres. The water in each pool was extremely clear. There were no workers putting in herbs, but there were workers filling the water from these large pools into bottles. Take away.


“The water quality here is ready for daily use.”

Hearing what Zhao Xinyu said, the people who followed him were shocked. Some people reached into the pool and picked up the water and smelled it. There was no smell.

"Zhao Xinyu, won't this water overflow?"

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "Together with the sand below, the water here will quickly seep into the ground in the morning and afternoon. That is, it will be stored here during the peak period of people's water use. In the summer, when the water use above is at its peak, the water here can also irrigate artificial forests. "

"You just said we could take samples?"

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "Of course. The water here will be tested every other week. We all have to test it. Of course you can test it too. Some people don't believe our test results. I don't think they will put it into practice."

You should also consider it as my entrustment. "

While people were taking samples, the little beauty from Dijun's self-media looked at Zhao Xinyu, "Brother Yu, can this water be used as drinking water?"

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, "You will know after the test that this water has no pollution. If I don't say that the water here will be pumped directly to the ground, it only needs to be purified once before it can be used as drinking water. However, this water has been People cannot accept the result of sewage treatment if it is used as drinking water, so at most we can only use the water here to irrigate the artificial forests at the airport, sour grapes, and vegetable fields. water."

People couldn't help but shake their heads. How many places can drink unpolluted water now? But here Zhao Xinyu has purified the sewage to the point where it is drinkable. In many cases, water of this quality even seeps back into the ground. If such a thing were to be replaced by It would be impossible for anyone else to do it.

"Brother Yu, your underground project of using herbs to purify sewage will cost a lot." .🅆.

"The sand in the desert is soft, and the investment is three to five times higher than in other terrains. It costs a total of 40 billion here, but it can also give me a lot of farmyard fertilizer every year, and it will pay off in twenty years."

"Can you have an income of two billion a year?"

"This is not how the accounts are calculated. Every year, the farmyard fertilizer can bring me at least hundreds of millions of dollars in income. Irrigation water is not included for the time being. There is no pollution in any area. People can come and play with confidence. Everyone must consume when they come. , these are all intangible assets, even if my merchants make money, they can be counted among them. And if I invest in building a sewage treatment plant, workers, raw materials required for purification, and treatment of environmental pollution, there are also cost."

A group of people nodded. Zhao Xinyu's sewage project is built underground and uses all medicinal herbs. That means medicinal herbs have a cost and there is no need to worry about the cost of re-pollution. This is something that sewage treatment plants cannot match.

When people came out of Zhao Xinyu's sewage treatment project, even if the media and self-media were live broadcasting, there were still many people waiting outside. When the people of Mowen Town saw Zhao Xinyu coming out, they couldn't help but applaud. Give Zhao Xinyu the greatest encouragement.

"Zhao Xinyu, can we go in too?" A Pengcheng media reporter looked at Zhao Xinyu.

Zhao Xinyu's eyes fell on the media, "I don't need to tell you the purpose of your coming here. If it is a true report, I welcome everyone to supervise the Dijun Group. If there is supervision, the Dijun Group will develop better. If you are I'm sorry if you have other purposes. In addition, everyone has seen the sewage treatment project in Mowen Town through live broadcast. If you really want to see it, you can go to Kashgar Town and Loulan Town. There will be people jumping on it in the province. Come out and say that the projects I have here are a lie.”

Zhao Xinyu's words made the waiting Pengcheng media very embarrassed, because when they came over, they expressed


They showed their intention to target Zhao Xinyu, but the result was that they were slapped in the face by Zhao Xinyu.

Seeing a group of embarrassed people, he said, "You choose two representatives. Then I will arrange for you and other media to go to Kashgar Town and Loulan Town. But what I want to see is your truthful reporting, and it is on Pengcheng TV Station. If If it doesn’t work, forget it.”


"You choose the time yourself, and I will notify someone to receive you then."

After speaking, Zhao Xinyu took a few steps forward and stopped again. He looked at the anchor of his own media and said, "Don't you have any plans for lunch? Go to the workshop and advertise our workshop."

Watching a group of people leaving with Zhao Xinyu, the media and self-media who stayed behind were full of envy. Even if they applied, they could not get in. This was their own media. Zhao Xinyu, the big boss, invited himself. This is the gap.

After returning to the workshop and arranging the three young people from the media and the morning, Zhao Xinyu returned to his courtyard. As soon as he entered the door, not only Du Mengnan and the others, but also Meng Lie were all excited.

"Xinyu, Mengmeng and the others said that your sewage treatment project has been broadcast even abroad. Many authoritative organizations have praised your sewage treatment project as the greatest project of this century."

Zhao Xinyu looked at Du Mengnan and Du Mengnan, who were all excited, "You have created myths in Sanggan River and Lop Nur. Now you have used ancient methods to create a pollution-free miracle in sewage treatment. Now I don’t know how many countries and regions want to use your sewage treatment projects.”

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "They are just saying that. The investment in construction of a small town with a population of one million alone exceeds 40 billion. This does not include herbs, labor, electricity, etc. You ask them who is willing to do this?" Investment, in their eyes, the public is nothing more than a tool, they only see profits.”

When Zhao Xinyu said this, even Meng Lie couldn't help but shake his head. Zhao Xinyu's investment in each project exceeds what people think. Just talking about the sewage treatment project, there is really no guarantee that anyone will invest. Just talk about the sewage channel. More than ten meters wide and more than ten meters high, such a project is impossible to appear in first-tier cities. Zhao Xinyu's project may still be used after a thousand years, but their project...

"Xinyu, how did you come up with this kind of sewage treatment project?"

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "This is what I can think of. These are all masterpieces of the ancients. Xuelong Ridge and Burying Sky Valley are all in this way. There are also records in some ancient books about how many people lived in a palace of the emperors in the past. They dare not connect the sewers to the residents, so they can only treat the sewage in this way. I just took the things left by the ancients and improved them to make the sewage clear."

Meng Lie laughed, "No one has used it for many years. They think that the ancients have nothing to do with it. Now that you have researched it, it is yours. You can apply for a patent on this model."

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