I have a portable farm

Chapter 2270 Special gift?

Long Ling gently opened the animal skin bag. When she saw that the items in the package had turned into jade boxes, her eyes showed a trace of unconcealable excitement. She stood up and looked around, and a trace of worry appeared in her eyes again. .

Seeing that the beings who followed her did not react abnormally, Long Ling's expression showed a trace of doubt. They had not been away for a long time, so the big brother she admired came over in such a short time and brought what she had brought to him. Change away...

When she saw the species in the valley not far away, Long Ling couldn't help but walk towards those species. When she walked over, Long Ling's expression changed again. He didn't know how many of these four species he had to see every day. This time, of course, she was able to find that one branch of each species was missing.

"Miss, someone has indeed been here, be careful." The middle-aged man followed and whispered.

Long Ling smiled faintly and pointed at the people scattered in the valley, "If someone enters, they will find out immediately. Besides, if you are not here, if you can't detect the other person, it will be useless no matter how careful I am." .”

After saying this, Long Ling's apricot eyes flickered a few times, "I want to go back." .đź…†.

The middle-aged man's spirit was shaken, and his expression instantly relaxed. He looked at the beings around him and said, "Come back, the lady is going back."

The night was thick, the beasts in the mountains were roaring, and Zhao Xinyu's expression was full of solemnity in the rugged mountain forest. The middle-aged man's words sounded an alarm in his heart. Although it had been a few years, Leng Kuang was still there because of Leng Feng. He even speculated that Leng Feng's death was related to Long Ling, and he did not hesitate to use Long Ling to plan it. Long Ling's father seemed to have no way, which made Zhao Xinyu know in his heart that if it is not necessary, these beasts Mountains are still rare.

In the early morning of this day, Zhao Xinyu felt relieved. He could feel the environment and temperature changing. He knew that he had left the boundary of Wanshou Mountain and he should be safe.

After bringing Heifeng, Jinhen and Jinyu out, Heifeng looked at Zhao Xinyu and said, "Boss, how are you?"

"The being from Ten Thousand Beast Mountain is still looking for us. Please try to come as little as possible in the future. Find a place first. We will go back in a few days."

On a mountaintop with a wide view, Zhao Xinyu looked down at the surroundings. In the early morning, the sky above the mountain forest was full of clouds and mist. He took out the tent from the space, set it up, and then looked at Heifeng, Jinhen, and Jinyu. "You enter the space."

The three of them, Heifeng, were stunned, but considering that they were already far away from Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain at this moment, the three big guys nodded.

After sending the three Heifengs into the space, Zhao Xinyu's eyes flickered for a few times and he looked in the direction of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain again. He gave up the idea of ​​transplanting and planting.

A week later, Zhao Xinyu stood up again and looked in the direction of Wanshou Mountain. He sat down again, and then he took out the soybean-like beans and four branches stored in the ring.

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Xinyu sent the seeds and branches into the open space of the space. The next moment, the space trembled. Although it was not too intense, Zhao Xinyu knew that it was not an ordinary species that could induce changes in the space at this moment.


Long Ling's father warned him that day, and even said that Leng Kuang had lured him out at the cost of the Wanxiang Fruit. As long as the Wanxiang Fruit could grow in the Hongmeng Space, the Wanxiang Fruit in Wanshou Mountain would wither, and the Wanxiang Fruit was definitely not an ordinary species.

When the space changed, Zhao Xinyu's eyes shrank slightly. Liu Xiang and Du Chun knew that he was the Lord of Hongmeng for the first time, and this time he was the father of Long Ling. Logically, he had been hiding it all the time. Humans can't feel the breath of Hongmeng space, but why can high-level riders feel it?

In the core area of ​​Wanshou Mountain, a middle-aged man looked at the people behind Long Ling and asked, "What happened that day?"

"Lord, it was the cold and crazy people who deliberately sought trouble, and they had a fight, but it didn't last long, and there were no injuries on either side."

"Okay, Leng Kuang is almost crazy now. People who see him in the future should stay away."

"Lord, that's not..."

"Perhaps he will recover after a while. You can go down first."

After a group of people went down, the middle-aged man looked at Long Ling, who whispered, "Father, he has been to the valley."

The middle-aged man shook his head, "Ling'er, Leng Kuang has been keeping an eye on you. From now on, not only you, but also the people below will go there as little as possible. He has always suspected that Leng Feng's death has something to do with you. If you let him know that that human being is still associated with you, not to mention you, even the human world where he lives will be devastated. You can't just watch countless people being implicated because of you."

"I understand. The last time Big Brother went there was three years ago. From then on, I went there every three years. This time it was also because they had a conflict, otherwise I would have met Big Brother."

The middle-aged man looked helpless, his eyes falling on the animal skin bag in Long Ling's arms, "What is that?"

"I brought some of the beans I like to eat to my eldest brother, and he left me some things. They have been following me, and I haven't looked at them yet."

The middle-aged man's eyes flickered a few times, and he stretched out his big hand, and the animal skin bag fell into his hands. When he opened a jade box, there was a trace of surprise in the middle-aged man's eyes.

"True Spirit Holy Fruit."

"Eldest brother left me the True Spirit Holy Fruit." Long Ling was very excited. Although the True Spirit Holy Fruit is of no use to her now, the True Spirit Holy Fruit is very rare even in Wanshou Mountain. Dibao exchanged the beans for her, which was very satisfying for her.

"Yunyang Holy Fruit."

When the middle-aged man said the name of Yunyang Holy Fruit again, Long Ling's eyes widened. The True Spirit Holy Fruit had made her feel her elder brother's love for him, but she didn't expect that the jade box did not only contain the True Spirit Holy Fruit. There is also the Yunyang Holy Fruit that makes even strange beasts excited.


The excited Long Ling saw her father suddenly take a breath of cold air, which made her look at her father. The middle-aged man took a deep breath and said, "Mo Rong Divine Bean."

Long Ling's eyes suddenly shrank. If the True Spirit Holy Fruit and Yunyang Holy Fruit made her excited, it was because she felt that her elder brother still cared about her.

The Mo Rong Divine Bean is a treasure that makes all the strange beasts go crazy at the Shattering Sky level. Zhao Xinyu and the others came to help a few years ago, but she can feel that the cultivation levels of Heifeng, Jinhen and Jinyu are all at the Shattering Sky level. , the Morong God Bean has an absolute effect on them, but now Zhao Xinyu left him the Morong God Bean, which really shocked Long Ling.

"Ling'er, the human being you are talking about is really different from other human beings. From this time, it seems that this human being is worth dating."

Long Ling'er pouted and said, "I told you before that big brother is different from other humans. They saved us that time and didn't ask for anything. Instead, they thought for us and took us to a safe place. They sent us to a safe place last time." I have so many cultivation resources, and this time I have been given such precious treasures of heaven and earth. He is not from the cultivation world. There are three strange beasts around him whose cultivation base has not reached the peak of the late Suikong. I have to deal with it. Return the Mo Rong Divine Beans to him."

"Ling'er, since he can give away the Mo Rong Divine Bean, it means that the strange beasts around him are no longer needed. You can keep them. When the limelight of this matter passes, if you see him again, you can thank him again. he."

Seeing that her father's attitude towards her elder brother had changed, Long Ling was also very excited. She had no idea that her father had already met Zhao Xinyu, and she even knew that Zhao Xinyu was the master of Hongmeng of this generation.

"Don't break your promise. These were given to me by my eldest brother. I took them all with me."

The middle-aged man looked at his daughter who skipped away with a very complicated expression. The Lord of Hongmeng wanted to be recognized by Hongmeng Space. Hongmeng Space accommodates all things. These heavenly materials and earthly treasures should come from Hongmeng Space. Although he said that day He didn't stay long, but he could feel that Zhao Xinyu, the Lord of Hongmeng, was really different from the previous Lords of Hongmeng.

It would not do any harm to them that they could become friends with the Lord of Hongmeng, but he knew that humans were not allowed to appear in Ten Thousand Beast Mountain, and he did not know whether his decision this time was good or bad for them.

In Hongmeng Space, in an area of ​​hundreds of acres, Zhao Xinyu stood in the soybean field with the stems reaching to his chest, his eyes full of surprise.

The bean sprouts and leaves were exactly the same as the soybeans in the outside world, but each of the beans was almost a foot long. Zhao Xinyu didn't bother to look at the exact number of soybeans.

The soybeans on the lower layer have matured, but the soybeans on the top are still blooming and bearing fruit. This makes Zhao Xinyu not sure whether it is soybeans or tomatoes. If it is planted outside, people will think it is a genetically modified species.

He reached out and picked a raw bean, peeled it open, and put a green soybean into his mouth. The taste of soybeans


Tao, but it has a fragrance that soybeans don’t have.

After picking a ripe soybean horn and tasting one, Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but shake his head. Although the soybean smell was very strong, the fragrance covered up the unique beany smell of the beans.

Looking at the hundreds of acres of soybeans, Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath. Soybeans have great uses, and they are what he needs now. There is no need to consider the taste of any product made from this kind of soybeans, even the most ordinary dry-fried soybeans. , the taste should be much better than what people grow outside.

Looking up into the distance, Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath and stretched out towards the area where the four branches were transplanted. This time, in addition to the Vientiane Fruit, Long Ling also brought him three kinds of fruits. Looking at his past It depends on what kind of fruit it is. If possible, it can be introduced to Hongshiya in the next few years. You must know that there are still three mountains outside without fruit trees.

A fruit forest, the fruit trees are nothing special, the leaves are long and slender, but the fruits on them are very special. The fruits are all pink and look like big landmines from the past era. They are about the size of a basketball. This one is the only one. Zhao Xinyu estimated that it weighed at least ten kilograms. Fruit trees are multiplied by cutting branches through spatial changes. Trees are about two meters high. The branches are about the thickness of an arm. There are many and big fruits, which makes everyone happy. Every branch was bent, and the lower branches even hung to the ground.

Zhao Xinyu scratched his head. He had seen countless species over the years, including the Worry-free Valley, but now looking at the species in front of him, he didn't know how to describe this fruit.

Zhao Xinyu was very honest. If he didn't know him, he wouldn't pretend to understand. He broke one off and squeezed it with his hands. His eyes flickered a few times before he picked it up and took a bite.

Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but grin after taking a sip. It was astringent and bitter. It was the outer skin. After spitting it out for a few times, he still felt uncomfortable in his mouth. This made Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but shake his head.

He casually took out a saber that Zhang Jianye had given him and cut the fruit directly. Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but shake his head. He saw that the fruit was blood red inside, as dense as a honeycomb.


Zhao Xinyu smiled bitterly. In his impression, the pomegranate was as big as the mouth of a bowl. Now it was too big and its appearance was a little different. He didn't think of it for a while.

Use a knife to pick out a complete one, which is about the same size as a grape, and put it into your mouth. The sweet juice splashes, and a strong fragrance fills your mouth. The bitter feeling in your mouth just now disappears, and you swallow the juice. Going down, Zhao Xinyu spit out a core the size of a mung bean.

After eating a few in succession, Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. The pomegranate tasted good, but the particles were too small. If you ate too much, your tongue would feel uncomfortable. This also made pomegranates popular among children. This unknown but similar pomegranate The fruit is juicy, has a small core, is sweet, and has a special fragrance that pomegranates do not have. If this kind of fruit is put out, it will definitely be popular.

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