I have a portable farm

Chapter 2218 Looking down on the decline

Zhao Xinyu sighed slightly. This is an eternal truth. Over the years, he has made many people become multi-millionaires, but he has also raised many people who blame others after eating.

Seeing Zhao Xinyu's appearance, Meng Lie took a deep breath and said, "Xinyu, you often fall out when it's time to fall out. Don't have any kindness towards those who don't know how to be grateful. You can tolerate them this time, but what about next time. "

Meng Lie's words made the whole family look at Zhao Xinyu. Everyone knew that if his red line was not touched, he could forgive many people's excessive behavior.

Zhangzhuang back then and Gudingqiao last year, if they had been replaced by others, they would definitely not have a chance to turn around, but Zhao Xinyu only gave them a certain amount of punishment, and finally chose to forgive them. Zhao Xinyu Xinyu's approach is very different from the corporate development philosophy. Because of this kind of personality, people with ulterior motives often take advantage of him.

Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly, "Many people in the village are just afraid of poverty. Zhao Shiming back then was more extreme than them. Give them a chance. If they don't know how to grasp it, there is nothing they can do."

Zhao Xinyu's words made the whole family nod involuntarily. Others may not know who Zhao Shiming and Tiedan are, but Du Mengnan has experienced it personally. They are even more because Zhao Xinyu has been using sewing machines for several years, but Zhao Xinyu ignores people After blocking and saving them, their whole beings have completely changed. Now no one would think that Zhao Shiming and the others were ruffians that everyone could hide from.

"Their nature is not bad, but what you are recruiting now are people from all over the world. You don't know who they are, so you still have to pay attention to this. Don't forget what happened in Lop Nur. "

Zhao Xinyu was slightly startled. He knew that Du Mengnan was talking about things in Luojiazhuang, "By the way, what is the situation now." .🅆.

"It's completely abandoned. I don't know where those people are wandering now. I heard Brother Jiang mention it once last year. It seems that someone approached Lop Nur and wanted to develop Luojiazhuang. However, the price they gave was still the price rumored in those years. .”

Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but shake his head. The biggest advantage of the place is that it can be used as a transfer station. However, it was because some people wanted to speculate that the land was raised to a sky-high price. Now they are still immersed in fantasy, and they don't know what those people are doing. What are you thinking?

"Zhao Xinyu, you didn't tell me where it is of great use, but tell me what the use is."

"Warehouses and material transfer stations, Luojiazhuang is the only place to go in and out of Lop Nur. If it is built into a catering, accommodation, and logistics base, it will definitely be a hit. However, these require investment. Although people have seen the Luojiazhuang However, they are unwilling to invest, and the investment may not be recovered in the short term. This is the biggest disadvantage. They seize this point to ask for exorbitant prices. In fact, they are doing it to show us."

"If that's the case, then why don't we..."

"They are just waiting for us to go find him. As long as we start construction in Luojiazhuang, we can drive a large area and they can take the opportunity to get more benefits. By then, the land in those areas will be valuable."

"How could they do this."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "The Luojiazhuang area is indeed the best transfer station for us, but it does not necessarily need to be developed. We are currently developing deep in Lop Nur. If we develop that area in the future, the use It’s not that obvious anymore, just wait.”

People in Hongshiya and Lop Nur are beginning to prepare for spring plowing. However, the eyes of the whole world are not looking at Loulan Supermarket, Hedao Space, or Gudingqiao Supermarket, which just started operating a few years ago. People are looking at Xihanling.

Xihanling, the place where Zhao Xinyu made his fortune, began to develop Xihanling by Zhao Xinyu. As soon as the Lantern Festival is over, Xihanling has entered into busy spring plowing.

This year, Pengcheng took the lead and teamed up with more than a dozen well-funded groups for development. People want to see what new measures they will take in the first year of taking over and what new varieties of vegetables they will grow.

The Xihanling side indeed started to get busy after the Lantern Festival, but there were no villagers in several villages. The people living in several villages were either rich or noble. It was impossible for them to become their workers. All the people came from the market. Many of the people who were hired temporarily had never even done farm work. Even if there were real farmers, they had not experienced large-scale farming. They were full of jokes on the first day.

What surprises people the most is that at this time in previous years, farmyard manure would be the first to appear in Xihanling. The village ferments farmyard manure, then fertilizes it, and then plows it.

After Zhao Xinyu changed hands last year, people did not see farmyard manure entering the farmland, and they still did not see it this year, which made people feel incredible.

Then news came out that they had inquired about the surrounding farms last year, but Xihanling did not accept it. Without the green wolf pack, many farms were closed directly. This also led to a lack of fertilizer for farmers this year. The farm is no longer giving away, but selling it. However, the Xihanling people believe that the farm is deliberately making things difficult, so they did not use farmyard manure this year.

Looking at the workers who were full of laughter and hearing what Xihanling was doing, almost no one was willing to believe that they could bring about big changes in Xihanling. Not to mention continued development, many people even thought that they would not even be able to do so. The current situation may not be maintained.

If people didn't know much about farming in the past, in the years since Zhao Xinyu developed Xihanling, Hongshiya, and Lop Nur, a large number of people have entered the three areas every year. Because they paid attention to Zhao Xinyu, many of them also Zhao Xinyu likes planting. His seed model is very old and does not require any chemical fertilizers or pesticides, so farmyard manure has become Zhao Xinyu’s main reliance for planting.

In the spring and autumn of every year, countless farmyard manures are transported into the three areas. Even if the stench is overwhelming, the three areas still use farmyard manure. This also results in the vegetables and fruits grown every year not only with high yields, but also with high yields. It tastes better.

It's a good thing that after they took over Xihanling, they didn't see any farmyard manure in the spring and autumn. Only lazy people could do such planting in the countryside. It is precisely because of this that no one is optimistic about their use of Xihanling. development.

People looked down on it, but it also attracted more people to come and watch the excitement, which also made Xihanling once again popular after being deserted for a long time.

The development aspect is also like what the Emperor Group does every year. They have built seedling greenhouses in several villages. The seedling base is very lively with people coming and going. A group of old and middle-aged people with stern expressions keep appearing at the seedling base. Guide work in bases and seedling greenhouses.

Then news came out that the species they planted were all new varieties cultivated in the laboratory, and all the vegetables from Xihanling seeds in the past were abandoned.

"Zhao Xinyu, what species did they plant?"

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "I'm not sure about this, maybe it's a new variety they cultivated."

"Why don't you go ask Mr. Gu, Mr. Gu and the others should be related to these people and find out what new species they are."

Just as Du Mengnan finished speaking, Zhao Xinyu's cell phone vibrated on the coffee table. Zhao Xinyu glanced at the phone and smiled.

"This is not a call."

"Mr. Gu, what are you doing?"

"You should have heard about what happened over at Xihanling."

"I also saw it. I'm not planning to call you to ask about the new species they planted."

"They have all cut off contact with us now. I inquired from a few old friends. Their so-called new varieties are all cultivated based on the species you planted. Each one has passed the inspection and does not belong to Genetically modified, the taste is said to be similar to what we grow, but they don’t know the specific taste, but I heard that they have been cultivating these species for a long time.”

Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly. The species planted now are all species that have undergone spatial changes, and this year they want to invest in species that have undergone spatial changes last year. They started researching the so-called new species a few years ago, and at most they can achieve the taste of last year's planting. , and without the role of spatial water, it would be impossible for them to grow the same taste as their own.

"As long as it's not genetically modified."

"I know you're worried about this, and this isn't a phone call for you."

Zhao Xinyu laughed. "Sorry to trouble you, over there in the river space..."

"Everything is fine. Miss Huang, black strawberries, and golden honeydew melons have been replanted. There is nothing going on here for the time being. You can rest assured over there."

"Okay, if there is a car in the next few days, I will send some of the seeds I cultivated to you."

"There is enough here, just leave what you have over there to Zhang Mei. By the way, I heard from Zhang Mei that there are still people ordering vegetable seedlings in Xihanling, so do you plan to plant new varieties of seedlings for them or last year's seedlings? "

"I have told them this. To be on the safe side, they still ordered the varieties they planted last year. Aunt Zhang has already started preparations to cultivate vegetable seedlings for them."

"We also discussed it, and we believe that this year we should also mix old and new varieties. Comparing the old and new varieties can highlight our new products."

"Okay, let me talk to Aunt Zhang later. I will find a vegetable field and plant all the varieties we have in the past few years so that people can record the development process of the group."

"Your record is fake. Let people compare our species with theirs."

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, "They used our species as a sample to cultivate, but they didn't even tell us. This is their problem. I let everyone know the origin of their species. This is right. They were at fault first. Not me."

"How about I ask someone to get some of their seeds, and you can test them to see if they are genetically modified. Genetically modified seeds can be harmful to people."

"No, I'll find someone to do it."

After hanging up the phone, Meng Lie looked at Zhao Xinyu, "How are you doing?"

"They used our species from a few years ago as the mother stock to breed. The specific new species they bred, Mr. Gu, is not very clear. They have now blacklisted Mr. Gu and the others, and the two parties are no longer communicating."

Meng Lie couldn't help but shake his head, "They only have this ability. They have the ability to cultivate it themselves. They use other people's mother seeds, but they are afraid that others will know..."

Having said this, Meng Lie suddenly looked at Zhao Xinyu, "Xinyu, they didn't steal the varieties you just cultivated last year, right?"

Zhao Xinyu was slightly startled. The nursery base was an out-of-reach place for ordinary people, but it was different for Tianyang Group, which had a background of cultivating forces. They could easily enter and steal some without alerting the security personnel. Seeds are not impossible.

Others may not be able to do this, but Jiao Hongzhuo can. As long as it is beneficial to him, he will not consider anything else.

"Don't worry, even if they steal, they may not be able to grow vegetables with the same taste."

"Don't be too careless. People will say that we stole their seeds."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "I'll first ask Fei Ge to check the internal monitoring of the nursery base to see if anyone has entered."

"In conjunction with the patent application for seeds, we must be optimistic about the time. As long as they register later than us, we will not be afraid of them then."

It's nothing, don't worry about that. "

"Okay, if there is a car in the next few days, I will send some of the seeds I cultivated to you."

"There is enough here, just leave what you have over there to Zhang Mei. By the way, I heard from Zhang Mei that there are still people ordering vegetable seedlings in Xihanling, so do you plan to plant new varieties of seedlings for them or last year's seedlings? "

"I have told them this. To be on the safe side, they still ordered the varieties they planted last year. Aunt Zhang has already started preparations to cultivate vegetable seedlings for them."

"We also discussed it, and we believe that this year we should also mix old and new varieties. Comparing the old and new varieties can highlight our new products."

"Okay, let me talk to Aunt Zhang later. I will find a vegetable field and plant all the varieties we have in the past few years so that people can record the development process of the group."

"Your record is fake. Let people compare our species with theirs."

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, "They used our species as a sample to cultivate, but they didn't even tell us. This is their problem. I let everyone know the origin of their species. This is right, it was their fault first." Not me."

"How about I ask someone to get some of their seeds, and you can test them to see if they are genetically modified. Genetically modified seeds can be harmful to people."

"No, I'll find someone to do it."

After hanging up the phone, Meng Lie looked at Zhao Xinyu, "How are you doing?"

"They used our species from a few years ago as the mother stock to breed. The specific new species they bred, Mr. Gu, is not very clear. They have now blacklisted Mr. Gu and the others, and the two parties are no longer communicating."

Meng Lie couldn't help but shake his head, "They only have this ability. They have the ability to cultivate it themselves. They use other people's mother seeds, but they are afraid that others will know..."

Having said this, Meng Lie suddenly looked at Zhao Xinyu, "Xinyu, they didn't steal the varieties you just cultivated last year, right?"

Zhao Xinyu was slightly startled. The nursery base was an out-of-reach place for ordinary people, but it was different for Tianyang Group, which had a background of cultivating forces. They could easily enter and steal some without alerting the security personnel. Seeds are not impossible.

Others may not be able to do this, but Jiao Hongzhuo can. As long as it is beneficial to him, he will not consider anything else.

"Don't worry, even if they steal, they may not be able to grow vegetables with the same taste."

"Don't be too careless. People will say that we stole their seeds."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "I'll first ask Fei Ge to check the internal monitoring of the nursery base to see if anyone has entered."

"In conjunction with the patent application for seeds, we must be optimistic about the time. As long as they register later than us, we will not be afraid of them then."

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