I have a portable farm

Chapter 2181 Afforestation?

Easily resolving the conflict with Pengcheng, making Pengcheng's development team the object of ridicule by countless people, while he won the support of even more people. [.\\nCOM Situ’s updated chapters are the most complete and comprehensive, and error-free content is repaired in the most timely manner. Due to caching reasons, browser access is recommended.\\nCOM official website]

Zhao Xinyu was very happy, but in another place, Jiao Hongzhuo, who had always regarded him as a fool and an ant, fell into silence.

Just today when they sent people to deliver supplies to the people hiding in the Yanshan Mountains, they saw that the valley where thousands of people were hiding had turned into a hell of Shura, with broken limbs everywhere. Although it was already late autumn in the north, But it still couldn't stop the rot, and the sky above the valley was filled with a rotten smell.

Several days had passed since the incident, and there were traces of a fight, but there was no trace of the opponent's breath. They could not see a flying paper figure from the scene.

Tian Qing, Xuan Cang and others looked at the paper Zangtian Doll on the coffee table, and they also fell silent. No other force in the cultivation world can copy the Zhantian Doll, even if it is a cultivator without Zangtian. With the blood of his family, even if he gets the secret technique of burial, there is nothing he can do.

At the same time, the Zangtian family has extremely strict control over the Zangtian dolls. No Zangtian dolls will appear except for them. Now that the Zhantian dolls appear in the valley where they hide, there is no need to consider that their people have been People from the Zangtian family made a sneak attack.

"Is there anyone who survived?"

The old man shook his head and handed over the phone. When Xuan Cang, Tian Qing and others saw the tragic scene, their eyes shrank again.

"It's not just Beiming Zangtian, there are others." Xuan Cang said with a frown.

"Beiming Guofeng, only he can cause such great damage. The two of them have really come together."

Tian Qing smiled bitterly and nodded. This time he was really going to be in trouble. Although Bei Ming Tian and Bei Ming Tian were killed after being destroyed, Bei Ming Tian and Bei Ming Tian were still there, and there was even one whose origin was unknown. The fierce wind in the North Ming Dynasty has still not found the weapon master who has broken through to the god level. If they all gather together, we will have no way to deal with them.

Jiao Hongzhuo looked at Tian Qing and others, "Ancestor, the Japanese have decided to send someone. This time they seem to be sending out the Black Dragon's best master Yaodao Muramasa, but now we..."

Tian Qing glanced at Xuan Cang, and both of them smiled helplessly, "Bei Mingtian has already taken action in the cultivation world. He was ruthless. In this period, two powerful forces were broken into by him and killed. After fighting many masters, he escaped unscathed."

Jiao Hongzhuo's eyes narrowed slightly, "Bei Mingtian has been severely injured, he..."

"His was severely injured and lost an arm, but Bei Mingtian is the top half-step void master in the cultivation world, and with the secret technique of burial, even if he lost an arm, it is not something that ordinary half-step void masters can do. Resistance, we will talk to the sect about this matter, and by the way, let Hu Zhenyu be careful, Tian Burial Valley has a special tracking secret, he often goes out."

But then he shook his head and said, "Forget it, let's not talk about it. The secret technique of Burying Heaven Valley only has miraculous effects on the cultivation world. They are not from the cultivation world. The secret technique of Burying Heaven will not have much effect on them."

"Ancestor, I have a doubt. They say that the people in Burial Sky Valley are terrifying. I also believe this. But with Beiming Burial Sky and Beiming Guangfeng, they killed nearly 3,000 people. This is incredible. Not even one person survived. No, you don’t think it’s suspicious.”

Xuan Cang, Tian Qing and others all frowned, and several people nodded subconsciously. A Half-Step Void, an existence comparable to Half-Step Void, has indeed terrifying combat power, allowing them to kill several scattered people. Thousands of people, all of them were killed, even the souls did not escape. This is really suspicious.

"Hongzhuo, what do you mean?"

"I'm worried that they have joined forces with the Yanhuang Iron Brigade. The Yanhuang Iron Brigade is good at attacking and killing, and there is only this

Maybe this can make sense. "

The eyes of Tian Qing and others suddenly shrank. Ning Zhiyuan and Bai Haotian of the Yanhuang Iron Brigade were all protecting Jiao Meng. This was an indisputable fact. They originally thought that there was only one saint-level formation cultivator outside, but they didn't expect that there were two more... The terrifying Half-Step Void, a large number of sect masters have been killed since their appearance. If they join forces with Beiming Zangtian and Beiming Kuangfeng in the Burial Sky Valley, even if they really appear, they and the others will not be able to survive. Dare to say that we can keep the other party.

"Impossible, how could they get in touch with the Yanhuang Iron Brigade in such a short period of time."

Jiao Hongzhuo took a deep breath, "The Yanhuang Iron Brigade used to be a bunch of ants, but then the Yanhuang Iron Brigade's strength increased dramatically. Even Ning Zhiyuan broke through the Shenwu realm and reached the peak of the late Shenwu realm. This is a big doubt. Their There must be a force behind it, and only families like Tian Zhiyuan Valley have the secret skills to skyrocket the strength of people like Ning Zhiyuan. In other words, the mysterious Dragon Thorn is the force cultivated by Tian Tian Valley to control the secular world."

"Hongzhuo, your analysis is very reasonable. There are many forces in the cultivation world that have objections to us taking action against the Burial Sky Valley. If these are passed back to the cultivation world, this will be a good thing for us. I will discuss it with the sect immediately. Contact us at the door, remember not to take any action in the past few days, and be careful not to let them find you.”

The large Gobi Desert in the north of Mowen Town is no longer what it used to be. The airport's infrastructure project is in progress, and a wide runway has taken shape.

A large area of ​​the Gobi Desert in the surrounding area has turned into a desert. Carloads of stones have rubbed against the airport's most solid foundation project. From the beginning of the airport's construction to now, it has only been a infrastructure project, but it has also attracted the attention of many institutions.

When they saw that the Dijun Group used the rocks next door as foundations and buried them in the ground, turning the hard stones into the foundations of airport runways and basic buildings, they all praised Zhao Xinyu's idea for going beyond their cognition.

When the Dijun Group announced that it would build an airport in the north of Mowen Town, almost everyone thought that Zhao Xinyu's myth would be shattered this time, because the runway must be solid, but the desert is made up of fluid yellow sand. It is difficult to build a runway. It's too big, and it's surrounded by neighbors. If the excavated gravel is piled up, it can pile up into a big mountain.

But in the end, Zhao Xinyu gave them a big surprise. He dug a large pit hundreds of meters deep in the runway and infrastructure construction area, and then began to throw all the boulders and gravel from the surrounding walls into the large pit. Those rubbles and rubble that were useless in their eyes and affected the progress of the project became the foundation of runways and basic projects. At that time, countless people praised Zhao Xinyu's idea.

But then they thought about the impact of the airport against Mowen Town and the impact of the vast desert on the airport. They were all looking at Zhao Xinyu's next plan.

Now that Zhao Xinyu was cleared out of the Gobi Desert, his next move was to follow. The employees recruited in the summer and the villagers from Xihanling all went to the north of Mowen Town, and they started digging holes.

Different from planting sour trees and grapes, the tree pits dug by machinery this time were significantly larger and deeper, which surprised people who were concerned about the airport construction.

After Zhao Xinyu said those haunted things that day, people knew what Zhao Xinyu was going to do around the airport. He was going to completely surround the airport with a coniferous forest.

On this day, when trucks passed through Mowen Town, people couldn't help but exclaimed. They saw that each large truck only pulled ten trees, and the age of each tree was More than fifteen years.

Planting trees in the desert has continued from ancient times to the present, but what has been planted are all seedlings. It was only a few years since Zhao Xinyu developed Lop Nur that sour and grape vines were planted.

Go, these pine trees that are now more than ten years old were transplanted. This seems to have never happened in the history of desert management.

So many people followed the big truck to the planting site. They saw that every dug sand pit was filled with a trace of medicinal fragrance. There were dark things in the big pits, and the medicinal aroma was emitted from the dark things. come out.

Later, a villager told them that these dark things were farmyard manure modified with medicinal residues in the past few months.

The medicinal residues used to improve farmyard manure have been put into use in the river space. However, the medicinal residues transported from Hongshiya and Pengcheng seem to have not yet been put into use. Now that they see this here, they finally know what these are. It's not that Zhao Xinyu has been silent for a month, but he has been fermenting and improving the dregs of medicine.

The big box containing the water loss, and the big pine tree lifted from the truck with a crane had a lump of hundreds of pounds of soil. The box was packed and buried with sand. Then I saw the workers pulling the water pipe and starting to water it. This caused even more excitement. aroused people's curiosity.

You must know that when Zhao Xinyu first developed it, vehicles were used to pull water. There seemed to be no water source here at the airport. Where did the water come from? When they followed the water pipe to check, they saw the roadside that had not yet been paved with asphalt. Signs, underground pipes.

‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ Everyone couldn’t help but shake their heads. The airport had been under construction for several months, and they had no idea that Zhao Xinyu had already introduced water to this area.

Just when they were surprised, a staff member even told them that an underground water source had been dug out near the airport. Water is being stored somewhere. Although the amount of water may not be as large as Wenying Lake or Kashgar Lake, it can be supplied to the airport in the future. There shouldn't be much of a problem with water use by the surrounding forests.

While the big pine trees were being buried and fixed, revelations about the airport were constantly being unearthed by the media and the public. For a time, the airport became a space second only to the river. Someone used a drone to photograph it. There is indeed a huge pit only one kilometer away from the airport, and water has been stored in the pit.

Irrigation pipes were laid, the tree pits were filled with farmyard manure modified with medicinal residues, and there were hundreds of kilograms of soil on the big trees. This slowly changed the minds of those who were not optimistic.

In an area to the west of the airport, there is a huge simple building complex. The people in this building complex are all from Xihanling, because Kashgar Town is under construction, and their main task here is to plant with the workers recruited this year. woods, so people are arranged in this area.

In the building complex, people are walking on the yellow sand, trying to adapt to the environment here. There is a huge simple greenhouse, which is a large canteen built by Zhao Xinyu for the villagers. Here, like Xihanling, they do not need to do anything. There are dedicated staff preparing three meals for them every day, but there are no more bustling tourists dining here.

The building next door to the canteen is a temporary office area. At this moment, Zhao Xinyu and Han Jun are sitting in a temporary conference room.

Zhao Xinyu looked at Han Jun and others, "Han Jun, the climate here is different from our village. In winter, the temperature is often 30 or 40 degrees below zero. The weather is getting colder, so protective measures must be taken. , the cold-weather clothing purchased in the past few days will be delivered and distributed at that time."

Han Jun nodded, "Now everyone is trying to adapt. If this was when you first came to Xihanling, people could adapt to this simple house. It has been a good life these years. It was a bit uncomfortable when you first came here." How to adapt, but no problem, everyone is ready to endure hardship."

Feng Yuxin laughed and said, "Everyone has said that even if I follow you and endure hardships, I will be happy. We have been following you. If we didn't follow you, no one would know how to live. It only lasts for a few months. Just persevere and it will be over."

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