I have a portable farm

Chapter 2159: Taking advantage of the situation to launch

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "Don't worry, you still don't believe me. I'll give you the coordinates and ask Third Grandpa to send someone to explore. Remember, the depth of exploration is about 1,600 meters. [.\\nCOM Situ The updated chapters are the most complete and comprehensive, and the error-free content is repaired in the most timely manner. Due to caching reasons, browser access is recommended.\\nCOM official website]"

"You even know this."

Zhao Xinyu took a piece of paper and wrote a series of numbers on it. Xu Yang couldn't help but shake his head when he took it. There were both longitude and latitude. This kind of coordinates could be understood by anyone with at least a little knowledge of geography.

"Okay, as long as there are really super oil fields over there, they definitely won't care here."

But just that night, Zhao Xinyu received news that something big happened on the Sanggan River. Someone set a fire there, but they were discovered by the green wolf, and all six people were bitten to death by the green wolf.

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Xinyu's eyes were filled with chills. He didn't need to think about it at all. He also knew who did this. Only the kind of dirty people could do it. They were seeking revenge this time. Lop Nur lost face.

Along the Sanggan River, all the merchants were looking at an area. When Zhao Xinyu was building a commercial street, the first thing he thought of was fire protection. Each merchant had more than one fire hydrant, so when a fire broke out, two fire hydrants plus The fire was quickly extinguished at a neighboring business.

The merchants were not greatly affected, but people ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏so they still looked at the area after the fire was out, mainly because there were six mutilated corpses in that area. They were all bitten to death by green wolves. They also have another identity, that is, they are arsonists.

As soon as the arsonists set the fire, they were discovered by the green wolf, who bit them to death. People did not feel any pity for those people, but felt that they deserved their crimes.

Fires and arsonists were all dealt with in a short time, which made people fearful and at the same time have absolute confidence in the commercial street.

Early the next morning, Zhao Xinyu received internal information from Xu Yang. The six arsonists had no identities in the country, and the local government designated them as pursuers.

"Xinyu, those people are you talking about?"

"They are all Japanese. This cannot be found out with the help of Pingcheng personnel."


Zhao Xinyu nodded, "They are retaliating for my humiliation to them. Since they want to be embarrassed, let them humiliate them all at once."

"Xinyu, you can find out their identities."

"Second uncle, look at the Internet."

When the five people went to check the Internet, they saw that the identities of the six people were put on the Internet. Each one had a Japanese background, and they all had a common identity, that is, the six of them were among the former The employee of the oil group who had been surrounded by desert wolves for more than a week.

As soon as this post was posted, the entire Internet was in an uproar. People thought about what happened in those few days, and everyone understood why the six people went to set fire to the commercial street beside the Sanggan River.

After learning the whole story, not only the netizens who supported the Emperor Group, but also the melon-eating masses were angry, and they vented their anger on the Petroleum Group.

In just one morning, the stock price of the oil group plummeted, and many groups that had contracts with the oil group all terminated their contracts with each other.

Although the Petroleum Group came forward to clarify many times, and even said that the identities of those people were deliberately fabricated, soon someone came back from the Japanese and the identities of the six people were exactly the same as those on the post, which also led them to come forward to clarify. Useless.

"Xinyu, you are really powerful. You can even dig out their roots. No need to think about it. Their group will go bankrupt in less than a week. You really did a good thing this time. Not only did you dig out A cancer hidden inside has caused a group with a Japanese background to go bankrupt."

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, "It's not me who is great, it's them

He had to hit me, and this time it was just right, and I happened to be advertising my fire-retardant paint. "

"If you didn't mention it, we would have forgotten. You have been researching fire-retardant paint for several months and have been producing it. You should have a lot of reserves now. Do you want to leave some for us?"

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly and said, "Look outside first. You will have your share when the time comes."

While people continued to vent their anger on the oil group with a Japanese background, there was something new on the official website of the Emperor Group.

Originally, people felt that the Emperor Group was going to blame the Petroleum Group just like them. However, what surprised them was that the Emperor Group conducted a review regarding this fire incident, which surprised people even more.

You must know that this time the fire was deliberately set, and it was also due to the fire-fighting facilities. The fire was put out before it started burning. Now people are praising the fire-fighting facilities. Now...

But then, people knew Zhao Xinyu’s intentions. Through review, Zhao Xinyu launched the fire-retardant paint he had developed a few months ago.

Fire-retardant paint chat is familiar to many people, but not many people know that Zhao Xinyu has developed fire-retardant paint chat, and there are no rumors about it in the outside world.

This‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Now Zhao Xinyu directly launches it, which surprises people, but they only saw the notice saying that this is an ancient recipe that has been treasured by people in pastoral areas. It was researched and this made people feel refreshed.

By now everyone knows that Zhao Xinyu likes to tinker with ancient things. From ancient Chinese medicine, ancient agriculture, and ancient traditional crafts, Zhao Xinyu has been working hard to study these things, and every time he studies them, they are all eye-catching. of good stuff.

So in the announcement, Zhao Xinyu mentioned that the ancient prescription originated from nomadic people, and they became interested immediately. They all wanted to see the effect of this fire-retardant paint.

And Zhao Xinyu even revealed that his first batch of fire-retardant paint was used in a commercial street along the Sanggan River, and he would invite media from all over the world to observe when it was being used. And the time is set in three days.

Everything about the Emperor Group will cause a great sensation, and this time is no exception. After Zhao Xinyu issued this announcement, although people's attention was focused on the Emperor Group, their anger continued to be vented. At that oil group.

Three days passes in a blink of an eye for anyone, but it is difficult for the oil group with a Japanese background, because they did not persist for three days. On the second day after Zhao Xinyu issued the notice, the group Declared bankrupt.

Some people should feel sorry for the bankruptcy of an oil group, but no one feels sorry for the bankruptcy of this oil group. They just feel that the time for their bankruptcy was too short.

Now everyone's eyes, including foreign media, are paying attention to the Dijun Group. Every time Zhao Xinyu comes up with a masterpiece that cannot be copied by others.

This time Zhao Xinyu launched a fire-retardant paint chat that he had never come across before, which aroused the curiosity of countless people. Everyone knows what fire-retardant paint chat means to modern architecture, so after the notice was sent out, Hong Kong A large amount of media poured into Shiya.

On this morning, in an area by the Sanggan River, the front row was filled with media, and at least half of them were blond and blue-eyed media.

A lot of flammable wood and other flammable materials were piled in the middle of the street. Everyone knew what these things were used for, but when the media looked at the prepared materials, their eyes showed A hint of doubt.

When Zhao Xinyu came over, several villagers followed him, carrying several plastic buckets in their hands. It goes without saying that the media and the public know what is inside.

Zhao Xinyu looked at the media, picked up a flammable pine stick,

He knocked on the prepared flammable materials a few times and said, "Everyone, I know that everyone here wants to know the efficacy of the fire-retardant paint I prepared using ancient recipes left by the nomads. Next..."

"Zhao Xinyu, I have a question here. Can we choose the materials ourselves?" a domestic media reporter said loudly.

Zhao Xinyu looked at the media reporter, his eyes flickered a few times, and he shook his head, "You are very close to the Dijun Group. You will be suspected if you choose. Let me select a few people from my foreign friends and let them Make your own choice and let everyone see what you think."

Everyone knew that Zhao Xinyu had never dealt with foreigners, so they had no objections to Zhao Xinyu's suggestions. After screening, they selected six mainstream media personnel to select materials.

The fire-retardant paint chat made a few months ago horrified Xu Yang and others. When Zhao Xinyu demonstrated it again, the result was predictable.

In people's eyes, pine wood is flammable, but after applying fire-retardant paint, it can delay burning. Even after burning, only a small part is charred.

A variety of materials are continuously demonstrated, each time causing shock to many media. Fire-retardant paints and coatings are now a necessity in all buildings.

By ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏There are countless kinds of fire-retardant paints and coatings in the world, but each one is unsatisfactory. Originally, they thought that even if Zhao Xinyu had the ability, he would The paints they researched are similar to what they are familiar with.

But the result was beyond everyone's expectations. The paint made by Zhao Xinyu using a nomadic recipe that has existed for thousands of years is more effective than the fireproof cotton used for fire protection. If this fireproof paint is used to prevent fire, Even wooden buildings can reduce the occurrence of fires by at least half.

"Zhao Xinyu, I wonder if fire retardant paint like yours will be popularized."

Zhao Xinyu looked at the media who asked the question and smiled lightly, "The launch is certain, but the paint, like medicinal wine and drinks, needs to be made by hand, and the output will not be too high, and most of the buildings built by the Emperor Group are brick and wood structures. , and the herdsmen who gave me free tents in ancient times are still living in flammable tents. After I have researched this, I have to give them to them first."

Zhao Xinyu's words immediately attracted a burst of applause. After the applause, a media member looked at Zhao Xinyu and said, "Zhao Xinyu, we believe you on this. We want to know the price of this paint..."

"Don't worry, the paint materials are a bit special. They are all made manually, so the cost is slightly higher, but it is only a few dollars higher than the current price of paint on the market."

After hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The effect of this fire-resistant paint is the same as that of fire-resistant asbestos. The price of fire-resistant asbestos is not low. They thought that the price of this kind of paint must be ridiculously high, but they didn't expect that it would just be more expensive than ordinary paint. The fire retardant paint was several blocks higher, which they had never thought about.

"Zhao Xinyu, your medicinal wine and medicine formulas have been published, but I don't know the recipe for this paint..."

Zhao Xinyu was slightly stunned. He really didn't expect the media to directly ask such a question, but it only took him a moment to react.

"Fang Zi, it's nothing, but I am the old man who promised to give me Fang Zi. This prescription is passed down by their clan. Without the approval of that old man, I will not let Fang Zi go out. After all, this Fang Zi I just improved it, I didn’t find it in ancient books.”

"Are you going to herd those people now?"

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "They have always lived in Lop Nur. Their ancestors once experienced the glory of Loulan. The gold and jade I planted were also given to me by them."

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard this. They didn't expect that they were just uncultured nomads who would have so many treasures in their hands.

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