I have a portable farm

Chapter 2141 Transforming the Purple Bamboo Forest

Zhao Xinyu's words made everyone present fall silent again. South China tigers, white dolphins and many other species were numerous even in the 100-year catastrophe. However, with environmental pollution and humans and animals competing for land, they have lost their traces. .

Zhao Xinyu is right. It is not that animals are unwilling to survive, but mainly that humans are unwilling to leave an environment for them to survive. The extinction of animals and humans are inextricably linked.

"Zhao Xinyu, the white dolphin is a unique species in the Yangtze River waters. The water quality there is very different from that of Wenying Lake. Are you sure they can thrive in Wenying Lake?"

Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly, "I dare not say that they can return to the way they were a hundred years ago in Wenying Lake, but at least I can let them reproduce. Next year, there will be at least nine more white dolphins in Wenying Lake."

After saying this, Zhao Xinyu looked at the crowd around him, "Everyone, there are many species in Wenying Lake. I know everyone wants to see Wenying Lake become better and better. The people of Xihanling alone are very happy. It’s difficult, I hope everyone can work together to safeguard this pure land.”

After a burst of fierce applause, a media member looked at Zhao Xinyu and said, "The water area of ​​Wenying Lake is very large now. I wonder if you will let them go to other water areas for activities."

Zhao Xinyu couldn’t help but feel happy, “I don’t seem to have set up any obstacles, don’t worry, as long as ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ is within the waters of Xihanling, they can pass by. You can see them in every area."

"Everyone can see how much Zhao Xinyu has done to protect animals over the years. Every species can survive better in Xihanling, Hongshiya and even Lop Nur. Zhao Xinyu is right, he alone Our power is limited, so everyone should work together. Now that the mullet has appeared in the waters of the Yangtze River, the white dolphins will surely be able to return to their familiar waters one day."

"Zhao Xinyu, albino dolphins feed on fish. The amount of food these many albino dolphins eat in a day is staggering. Aren't you worried about them..."

Zhao Xinyu laughed and pointed at Wenying Lake, "Do you know how many fish and crabs there are in Wenying Lake now? Not to mention eighteen, even one hundred and eighty. They won't let the fish in Wenying Lake." The number of fish is reduced, the white dolphin appears, the food chain has changed, and the survival of fish is also in crisis. They want to adapt necessary for survival, and perhaps this will also make fish and crabs taste better."

After saying this, Zhao Xinyu looked at the media and said, "By the way, I'm going to make an advertisement here. We have millions of ducks and geese in Xihanling this year. I took a look at the ducks and geese that day. It’s almost time to publish, so while you are here, I will do a free advertisement.”

When Zhao Xinyu said this, not only the onlookers, but also the tourists burst into laughter. No wonder he was able to develop the Emperor Group to the current level. Such control at every possible opportunity is really beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"What about the native chicken?"

"The local chickens should wait a few days, let them lay eggs for a few more days, and I will make more money."

From Zhao Xinyu's development of Xihanling, chickens, ducks and geese are raised every year. Chickens, ducks and geese are free-range. Even if they are fed with vegetable leaves, the chickens, ducks and geese in Xihanling are delicious and are sold every year. Not only local traders but also traders from out of town will come here.

So there is no need to advertise at all. As long as chickens, ducks and geese are released, a large number of merchants will come to buy. Now that Zhao Xinyu is advertising in front of many media, countless merchants will take notice.

"Zhao Xinyu, the white dolphin is a rare animal, so you don't have to worry about poaching." When Zhao Xinyu left, a media reporter suddenly said.

Zhao Xinyu froze and pointed to a surveillance camera not far away. There was a surveillance camera and them. If they were not afraid of death, no one could stop them.

Everyone present looked at the media reporter and shook their heads. The reason why people are willing to go to Xihanling, Hongshiya and now Lop Nur is because of various reasons.

The products are delicious, the scenery is beautiful, and there is no phenomenon of cheating or robbing customers. The most important thing is that people know that these places are safe, and the fundamental guarantee of safety is not Zhao Xinyu’s regulations, but that there are a large number of green wolves in these three areas. , Desert Wolf, they are Zhao Xinyu’s partners, and they are also the protectors believed by the people.

When wolves appear in other places, people avoid them, but in these three places, the more wolves appear, the safer the people feel.

Surrounded by the green wolves, Zhao Xinyu returned to Wenying Pavilion and was once again surrounded by a group of old people outside Wenying Pavilion. Zhao Xinyu directly said that he had started studying the transformation of the purple bamboo forest in the past few days. Only then did he let A group of old people let go.

In Wenying Pavilion, when Zhao Xinyu came in, he received a series of resentful eye rolls. Meng Lie looked at Zhao Xinyu and said, "I didn't expect you to bring Baidu back. Now the world will probably be in shock."

"Zhao Xinyu, when will you release a few of them to Cetian Reservoir? The water quality there is not polluted. There is Sanggan River. They will definitely be able to live a better life there."

Zhao Xinyu smiled bitterly, "The water quality there is indeed good, but Cetian Reservoir and Sanggan River freeze in winter. They have no way of surviving in such an environment."

The whole family shook their heads. If the white dolphin appears in Hongshi Cliff, it will definitely attract more tourists. But Zhao Xinyu is right, the white dolphin can do it in summer. A carefree life, but it’s winter.

"Do you really want to transform the Purple Bamboo Forest?"

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "The Purple Bamboo Forest has been built for many years, and the purple bamboos and peonies in many places have deviated from their original positions. It should indeed be renovated. There is no need for large-scale renovation, only a small part of the renovation is needed."

"What about the two golden stars outside?"

"Let them be the centerpiece of the formation outside Wenying Pavilion."

On this day, a notice was posted around the Purple Bamboo Forest. The Purple Bamboo Forest will be renovated. It is hoped that the public will not enter the Purple Bamboo Forest for the next week or ten days to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Zhao Xinyu had specifically mentioned this matter some time ago, so on the second day after the notice was issued, not a single person could be seen in Zizhulin.

Zhao Xinyu began to instruct the villagers to dig up thick purple bamboos and transplant them to other areas. He also rebuilt all the cobblestone paths winding in the purple bamboo forest.

There were also media who went in to report after getting permission from Taoism, but what they saw was Zhao Xinyu instructing the villagers to dig and transplant purple bamboo. All the purple bamboo planted were in a mess, with no clue at all, and it only took an hour. These media They left angrily. In their words, it was a torment for people who didn't understand Feng Shui to go in because they didn't know what Zhao Xinyu relied on to transplant and replant purple bamboo.

Ten days passed by in a flash even for ordinary people, but those who were used to resting and exercising in the Purple Bamboo Forest were suffering. They knew that the Purple Bamboo Forest was undergoing renovation, but they still couldn't bear it. I have to go there several times every day.

When they passed by again that day, they saw that there were not many workers in Zizhu Forest. There was a notice outside Zizhu Forest that tomorrow Zizhu Forest would take over people who like Zizhu Forest.

Seeing this scene, they suppressed the excitement in their hearts and looked at Zizhu Lin, and then a trace of doubt appeared in their eyes that could not be concealed.

Although the purple bamboo forest has not changed much, the purple bamboo forest that was once so familiar to them has disappeared. Now the purple bamboo forest looks chaotic. Standing on the edge of the purple bamboo forest, the freshness that makes them immersed in it is all gone. Disappeared, which disappointed people familiar with Zizhu Forest.

I don’t know how many people had insomnia that night because the purple bamboo forest they were familiar with was gone. There was no sense of peace of mind for them, and how many people felt...

Regret, they regret letting Zhao Xinyu transform the Purple Bamboo Forest, but now...

With these people's remarks, there has been quite a stir on the Internet. Countless people who have seen it have cited Zhao Xinyu's transformation as his biggest failure. There are even people contacting people on the Internet. They want to find Zhao Xinyu. Xinyu, let Zhao Xinyu change the purple bamboo forest back to its original appearance.

After a sleepless night, many people went to the Purple Bamboo Forest together the next day. Their only purpose was to convince Zhao Xinyu to transform the Purple Bamboo Forest into its original appearance.

But when they arrived near the Purple Bamboo Forest, they were stunned. They saw that the Purple Bamboo Forest, which was still chaotic yesterday, had completely changed.

The bamboo tops of the purple bamboo forest are surrounded by mist, and there is also a layer of mist surging on the ground. The breeze blows and the mist surges, just like the fairyland in movies and TV shows.

At this moment, their uneasy hearts were completely released, and everyone's face was full of smiles. They started shooting from a distance and continued shooting into the purple bamboo forest.

Just this morning, photos of the purple bamboo forest were everywhere on the Internet. Some people even compared the purple bamboo forest in Hongshiya with the purple bamboo forest in Xihanling. However, they found that the location of the purple bamboo and the path of the path were completely different. The atmosphere they created is the same, and the air in the purple bamboo forest in Xihanling is also fresher.

When the time hand turned to nine o'clock in the morning, the originally sunny sky suddenly started to drizzle, and the area was only the Purple Bamboo Forest. This made people familiar with the Purple Bamboo Forest immediately realize something.

The gift of the eighteen bachelors lasted for half an hour this time, and after the light rain, nine rainbows appeared in the sky above Wenying Pavilion and Zizhu Forest.

Bathed under the rainbow and enjoying the benefits brought to them by the gifts of the eighteen bachelors, the people in the purple bamboo forest began to worship, and all the dissatisfaction from last night disappeared.

But they were a little confused as to why the purple bamboo forest they saw yesterday had changed so overnight. They couldn't figure it out and could only attribute this magical change to the mysterious Feng Shui.

The transformation of the purple bamboo forests in Hongshiya and Xihanling had the same effect, but the aesthetics were different. In Xihanling, the gift of eighteen bachelors appeared, which made Feng Shui, which was already very popular, once again become popular. People put it on the table, and some even called Zhao Xinyu, hoping that Zhao Xinyu would open Feng Shui courses in Xihanling, Hongshiya and even Lop Nur to pass on this ancient and mysterious subject.

When Zhao Xinyu mentioned Feng Shui, he always questioned Zhao Xinyu, thinking that Zhao Xinyu was promoting superstition. At this moment, the people had no words to refute, because the facts are there, who can make it happen overnight? A purple bamboo forest has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Compared with the purple bamboo forest outside, the fog in Mingxuan Purple Bamboo Forest is denser. Although the sun is scorching outside, you can't feel a trace of the sun in Mingxuan Purple Bamboo Forest. It feels warm and cool wherever you walk. , the air you breathe can be refreshing.

"Zhao Xinyu, the air here seems to be better than Hongshiya."

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, "Absolutely. Everyone has been walking around in the unmodified Purple Bamboo Forest these days. The formation of the Purple Bamboo Forest has started to operate. You may not be used to it for a while."

"This purple bamboo forest..."

"Same as Hongshiya, it uses the formation method in Feng Shui. However, if there is an invasion from outside, as long as it is changed, the hidden formation can be activated to injure and trap the enemy."

"You said that they might send a formation to repair it. Can't they see it?"

Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly, "I inherited the ancient supreme formation cultivator. Now the formation cultivator has declined. They can't tell it at all. Although there is no formation flag or formation base in such a large formation, I always use purple bamboo as the formation eye. , if the formation is not functioning, they won’t be able to tell at all.”

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