I have a portable farm

Chapter 2123: Naked slap in the face?

The unshaven Zhao Xinyu returned to the station again. Du Mengnan and the others couldn't help but shake their heads. This guy had to appear in their sight every day to be clean. Once he left for a few days, his whole person changed.

The three of them were a little confused at this moment. How did they fall in love with this guy in the first place, especially Du Mengnan? When they first met Zhao Xinyu, this guy was still lame and covered with scars, but at that time they had feelings for him. An inexplicable good feeling.

If they had known what this guy was like now, they were thinking about whether they could still like him.

"Xinyu, your Third Grandpa called just now. He is also very worried about you. Although Gu Xiangang gave the guarantee, many environmental protection experts at home and abroad as well as neighboring countries are worried that you will bury the medicine residue in Lop Nur."

"Go to hell, where were they when mining started to cause pollution in Lop Nur? Now that large areas of land are being polluted every day, where are they?"

Meng Lie and Xu Yang were stunned, and Du Mengnan showed a faint smile on his face. No matter when Zhao Xinyu's brain circuit was particularly clear, he could often seize the opponent's vital points to counterattack, and the opponent continued to attack. There was no room for rebuttal.

"They are really meddling in other people's business. Now nothing is working. They just jump out and make irresponsible remarks. They are just picking up soft goods. Persimmon pinch." Xu Yang said with a sigh.

Meng Lie looked at Zhao Xinyu and said, "Xinyu, how sure are you about turning medicinal residues into farmyard manure? If you are really sure, this will be good news for all mankind."

Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath, "Grandpa, would you believe it if I said I am 100% sure?"

Everyone was shocked, and there was a trace of horror in everyone's eyes. They knew that once Zhao Xinyu said such words, it would be a certainty to use the medicinal residue as farmyard fertilizer, and it would not cause any harm to the environment.


Zhao Xinyu nodded, "I have been studying it during this period, and apart from the change in the color of the sand, there is no impact."

"Great, I'll call your Third Grandpa right now. He's worried and has made several calls in the past few days. Now they should feel relieved."

Zhao Xinyu waved his hand, "Grandpa, don't worry. I think Grandpa San and Grandpa Luo also saw what Mr. Gu said. He can also imagine the results of our research. Everything will wait until the test results come out. Didn't they say There is no way to control the pollution caused by medicinal residues, and when the time comes, Grandpa Third will slap them in the face."


The family laughed heartily. Zhao Xinyu, whom they valued, still did not disappoint them this time. The worries they had felt for many days disappeared amid loud laughter.

After laughing, Du Mengnan looked at Xu Yang, "Second uncle, find someone to deal with him quickly. He's so ugly."


"Xinyu, how do you plan to deal with the medicine residue?"

"There is already processing equipment at the workshop, and we only need to dig a fermentation tank there."

"That's great. How much investment can be saved in treating medicinal residues this year, and the sandy soil in Lop Nur can also be fertilized. Why didn't you think of it in those years? If you started processing it at the beginning, now you are just doing this You can save tens of millions with just one fee.”

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "Grandpa, it's hundreds of billions."

After saying this, Zhao Xinyu let out a long sigh, "I didn't have the confidence in those years. It was because using herbs to increase the fertility of sandy soil reminded me that I made up my mind."

"Is it possible that with the use of medicinal residues as farmyard fertilizer, the rate of soil erosion in the desert will increase?"

"It stands to reason that it will increase, but the speed will not be too obvious."

After saying this, Zhao Xinyu looked at Xu Yang, "Second uncle, those geological exploration people..."

Some time ago, there were private groups

Zhao Xinyu sent people to Lop Nur for exploration, but he had been busy studying the medicine residues for a while and had no time to inquire about these things. Now that his affairs have been dealt with, he finally has something to do. Time to ask the exploration team about it.

"They are still there. Mengmeng seemed to have asked Jiang Fei that day that your people were there. They said it was normal exploration, but we always felt that they had no good intentions."

Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath, "Did they really find natural gas and oil in Lop Nur?"

"The main domestic oil and natural gas resources are now in the northwest region. The oil fields here are widely distributed. In the past, the machines were not advanced enough. Now the machines can detect thousands of meters down. The profits from oil and natural gas are greater than planting. We feel that You still..." Xu Yangruo looked at Zhao Xinyu thoughtfully.

Zhao Xinyu nodded. He felt very helpless. He just wanted to do more things that benefited the country and the people, but he didn't know why there were always people who wanted to have trouble with him.

"Zhao Xinyu, people are here, go and deal with them quickly."

A few days later, there was news on the official website of the Dijun Group. The decomposition of the medicinal dregs produced in the brewing workshop will not cause any harm to the sandy soil. It can also increase the fertility of the sandy soil and can be used as farmyard fertilizer.

The test results are not from one institution, but from multiple institutions. This is the first time there is a national inspection agency. Multiple test results show that Zhao Xinyu’s The test result was successful.

While it was announced that brewing medicine residue could be effectively processed, Gu Xiangang and his team also came out with their test results. As Zhao Xinyu said, in addition to the change in the color of the sand, the sand does not contain anything harmful to human health, and the fertility contained in the sand It is a bit more fertile than the fermentation of the workshop medicinal residue, because it is the medicinal residue, and after it is decomposed in the sand, there is no residue of the medicinal residue.

After seeing the test results, with the support of Du Mengnan and others, Zhao Xinyu had no choice but to also put the results of the improvement of the drug residues sent from Hongshiya and Pengcheng to the official website.

When Gu Xiangang once again thought about sending it to multiple institutions for testing, the Internet was already boiling. When Zhao Xinyu and the others started research, the Internet criticized Zhao Xinyu one-sidedly. Among them were many supporters of Zhao Xinyu. It was not that they did not believe it. Zhao Xinyu, they have been guided by public opinion and are also worried that Lop Nur will return to its original appearance.

They were also suffering in those days. Gu Xiangang's words helped them regain their confidence. Now the test results from multiple departments have proved that Zhao Xinyu's idea has been initially verified. Today, experiments on various herbal residues have also achieved results. How could they not be excited after seeing initial results.

Compared with the excitement of ordinary people, countless institutions at home and abroad fell silent. Those experts who publicly criticized Zhao Xinyu were even more embarrassed. They believed that it was impossible to solve such a big problem as drug residue contamination, but now Zhao Xinyu gave solved.

You must know that Zhao Xinyu is a traditional Chinese medicine doctor. He is good at planting and cooking. This is a reality that cannot be changed. People like Gu Xiangang have been advocating that Zhao Xinyu has achievements in the field of ancient agriculture that they cannot achieve, but they are very disdainful.

They believe that Zhao Xinyu is a traditional Chinese medicine doctor who has made many medicines that benefit mankind. This is because he has improved the prescriptions left by the ancients, which is the wisdom of the ancients.

Now Zhao Xinyu, without any modern equipment, successfully solved the decades-old problem of medicinal dregs by neutralizing the toxins produced by the fermentation of medicinal dregs with medicinal herbs.

It has the most sophisticated machinery in the world today, and the organization has networked with the world's top talents. The problems they have not solved are solved by a Chinese medicine practitioner who has no experience and is proficient in Chinese medicine. This slap in the face is too painful.

If Zhao Xinyu used Chinese herbal medicine to treat Sanggan River and Lop Nur, they thought it was because Zhao Xinyu was stupid and had too much money. Chinese herbal medicine can indeed absorb a variety of toxins.

But now that Zhao Xinyu is once again using Chinese herbal medicine to solve the problem of drug residue, they can't help but ponder whether they should also recruit some Chinese medicine doctors in their institution.

Although the real test results of the residue mixed with various herbs have not yet come out, no one doubts it again. The whole world knows that Zhao Xinyu has once again solved a major problem that plagues the world's pollution problems. Environmental protection agencies and inspection agencies have been slapped in the face and silenced. , the people are excited. Although the world today invests large sums of money every year to solve the pollution problem, there is no significant effect.

Zhao Xinyu shocked the world on environmental issues one after another, which gave people hope. People living in Mowen Town, Loulan Town, Xihanling, and Hongshiya were even more excited. In their words, they lived without They don't need to worry about any polluted fairyland, because they have the Emperor Group behind them and the almighty Zhao Xinyu. As long as they have one breath left, Zhao Xinyu has a way to pull them back from the hell gate.

The test results have not come out, and countless institutions, companies, and even countries and regions have begun to contact the Dijun Group. The Herbal Medicine Group and the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital want Zhao Xinyu to help them solve the problem of drug residue. Institutions, countries, and regions want to work with them. Dijun Group cooperates to solve the pollution problems that plague them.

Zhao Xinyu was sought after, and even Du Mengnan, who got up early every day and went out to accompany Meng Lie and Meng Feiyan, were also sought after. I don’t know how many times they went out every time. Everyone praised Zhao Xinyu in front of them, which also made them forget about the unshaven guy who embarrassed them.

In the four places of Mowen Town, Loulan Town, Hongshiya and Xihanling, even if they are not locals, they walk with their heads held high. As for the locals, in their words, Zhao Xinyu has given them a good face, they I don’t even feel tired even when I’m working.

At the seedling base, Zhao Xinyu looked at the tomatoes and cucumbers that were nearly two feet tall and covered the entire land, with great joy in his eyes.

When he turned around, he saw a group of young people looking at him with little stars twinkling in their eyes, which made him stunned.

He touched his face, "What's wrong? There's something on my face?"

"Brother Yu, you are our idol. We have decided to abandon what we have learned and follow you to learn traditional agriculture."

Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but feel happy, "Nonsense, modern science has the advantages of modern science, traditional agriculture and traditional Chinese medicine have their advantages. Only when the two complement each other can they develop better. You should also be aware of Mr. Gu's achievements in the academic field over the years." You see, if it were me, I wouldn't be able to reach the status of Mr. Gu and the others."

"But you are using traditional methods to control Sanggan River, Lop Nur, and now the medicine residue pollution. And the cultivation methods and experience are also traditional, and we have not learned these."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head and took a deep breath, "There were medicine residues in the early years. Why can't I do anything about it? It's because I don't have enough experience. I have learned a lot from Mr. Gu and the others over the years. Although it is not very systematic, it is At least it has inspired me a lot in many places. If it weren't for the help of Mr. Gu and others, I would not have been able to solve this problem. Again, don't underestimate the past, and don't overestimate the present. The ancients have their principles, and the modern There is a modern basis, and only by combining ancient and modern can we develop better.”

Zhao Xinyu knows what his greatest reliance is on success. He is indeed using ancient methods, but he has the help of existences such as Hongmeng Space, the Three Sacred Trees, and Mo Yu. Without their help, he would not have to rely on modern methods. Instrument success, that's almost impossible.

Gu Xiangang and others nodded. Zhao Xinyu's achievements at this moment, even in agriculture, far surpassed them. But no matter when, whenever Zhao Xinyu mentioned them, they were the first to be mentioned. As for academic aspects, he advocated ancient and modern times. Combination, this kind of heart is not something they can have.

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