I have a portable farm

Chapter 2090: Hot Ice Crystal Fruit

While Zhao Xinyu was preparing to return to Hongshiya, news about the popularity of ice crystal fruits in Europe and the United States also spread back to China. Everyone was shocked when they saw that the price of ice crystal fruits abroad was 168 euros. Jaw dropped.

Europe and the United States are developed countries, and everyone knows that prices in these areas are not low, but they never thought that the price of an ice crystal fruit would be so ridiculously high.

You must know that Hongshiya also sells ice crystal fruit, jade dew ice core, and September acacia. The price Zhao Xinyu sells is ninety-eight three yuan. If ninety-eight yuan is converted into euros, it is eleven or two yuan. This price is in the eyes of many people. It's not low anymore, but compared with Europe and the United States, the ice crystal fruit sold by Zhao Xinyu can only be regarded as a cabbage price.

If they used to say that the prices of ice crystal fruit, September acacia, and jade dew ice cores sold by Zhao Xinyu were high, after seeing the prices in Europe and the United States, they were secretly glad that they lived in China and enjoyed low-priced delicacies. If they lived in Overseas, they might not be able to afford even one ice crystal fruit.

While the price of overseas ice crystal fruit is hotly discussed on the Internet, the number of calls at the Lop Nur nursery base has been overwhelming. Rich people and institutions rushed to Lop Nur directly with checks, because they all know that ice crystal fruit has been successfully grown. Faced with such popularity overseas, In the market, the first one to get the seedlings can earn the first pot of gold.

When ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ these news came out, domestic institutions and individuals couldn’t sit still. They turned their attention to areas with glaciers and sent people to conduct on-site inspections. For a time, Northwest There has been a peak of inspections in areas with perennial glaciers such as China, Southwest, and West China. I don’t know how many private organizations are looking for people to explore and find areas with gentle slopes suitable for planting glacial species.

Then someone left a message on the official website of the Dijun Group. They hoped that the Dijun Group would take action and not let Europe and the United States overwhelm the Dijun Group. Some people even called on the local government on the Internet to contract the glacier to Zhao Xinyu.

The popularity of ice crystal fruits has also made the area where Liulengshan Glacier is located extremely popular. In the past, you could drive into it, but now it takes more than an hour to walk up the mountain. People can be seen everywhere on the mountain and down the mountain. Ice crystal fruits are sold at sky-high prices overseas. It also stopped people from complaining about the price of the ice crystal fruits of the Dijun Group. Their only idea in queuing up was to buy three ice crystal fruits, because everyone was worried that the Emperor Group would increase the price of the ice crystal fruits in Liulang Mountain due to the price of overseas ice crystal fruits.

Perhaps sensing the concerns of the public, the Emperor Group subsequently responded to the prices of Ice Crystal Fruit, Yulu Ice Core, and September Acacia. The prices of the three types of glacier fruits will remain at the standards set last year.

While the sales of ice crystal fruit were booming, Zhao Xinyu also brought his family back to the Hongshiya compound. While Du Mengnan and the others were tidying up the room, Zhao Xinyu took Hei Feng to the mountains in Wangguantun.

The Dijun Group has developed into a large international group in just over ten years, largely due to the species in the space. At that time, the planting area was not large, but Zhao Xinyu continued to grow fruits, vegetables, fish and Classes and game are given away.

Although the area of ​​fruit forests in Hongshiya and Xihanling is constantly expanding, Zhao Xinyu doesn’t know how much fruits and vegetables to bring into the space every year. The planting area of ​​ice crystal fruit, jade dew ice core, and September acacia is also In the face of crazy customers, Zhao Xinyu would put a lot of ice crystal fruits, Yulu ice cores, and September acacias in the space into the orchard every year when picking them.

It was Zhao Xinyu who sent three kinds of glacial fruits out of space, which allowed many people to eat glacial fruits that were not too large in planting area.

But this time when I came back, the ice crystal fruit had been on sale two days ago. Zhao Xinyu came here in a hurry and wanted to take out the ice crystal fruit in the space.

Zhao Xinyu first went to the cave and took out hundreds of monkeys from the cave, and then took them to the glacier to see

Seeing the busy figures of the villagers, Zhao Xinyu led the monkey group directly into the depths of the orchard.

Originally there were hundreds of people picking but there was not enough for customers to buy. Now Zhao Xinyu came with a group of monkeys. Not only the customers were excited, but the villagers were even more excited. They had to be careful of frostbite when picking, and the most important thing was to worry about slipping. , but the monkey group is different. They go directly to the tree and don't need to worry about this at all.

When Zhao Xinyu came over, the situation suddenly reversed. The monkeys swept away the ice crystal fruit trees. The ice crystal fruits on the ground turned into hills in a short time. The villagers only needed to come and send the picked ice crystal fruits out.

"Xinyu, you seem to have many more ice crystal fruits than we picked." When a villager saw Zhao Xinyu placing several ice crystal fruits on top of a hill-like ice crystal fruit, he said with a smile.

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly and pointed at the dispersed monkeys. They didn't know how to send the ice crystal fruits from the fruit tree. Logically speaking, the output was about the same, that is, the difference was about a hundred or so, not that big.

The villagers looked at the scattered monkeys and couldn't help but shake their heads. Monkeys listened to Zhao Xinyu, but monkeys are monkeys after all. They might let them go when they see a pile of fruits. He knew that at least half of every pile of ice crystal fruits belonged to Zhao Xinyu. Taken out of space.

When Zhao Xinyu came back, the number of ice crystal fruits increased sharply. In addition to selling them to people waiting in line, Wang Yong and the others also sent some ice crystal fruits to the warehouse for freezing. After all, after the Ice Crystal Fruit Garden opens every year, they also need to leave some for the agent stall.

When the sun set, Zhao Xinyu asked the monkeys to go back. He walked towards Wang Yong and others. Wang Yong looked at the villagers carrying ice crystal fruits in the distance and couldn't help but shook his head, "Xinyu, your return has alleviated the pain of hundreds of us." Burden, we couldn’t pick as much in two days as you did in half a day.”

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "Monkeys are born to be experts in picking. With their help, it will be much faster. I will send a batch of fruits to the monkeys later to reward them. I will come here early tomorrow, and you will take the people with you. Just come here and move it.”

"Have Mengmeng and the others come back?"

"They're all back. Send me some somewhere later. They came back specifically to eat ice crystal fruits this time."

"Okay, I'll call Brother Jiang and the others, and we'll come over and move together."

Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but feel happy. Jiang Fei was the second-in-command of the Dijun Group. Asking Jiang Fei to move here was just a gimmick. The real purpose of Wang Yong and the others was to earn a living.

"Okay, then I'll go back and prepare. Whatever you want to eat, ask someone to send it over. By the way, if Brother Jiang and the others come over, then send some more ice crystal fruits over there and let them take some back."

"Okay, let's take it with us when we go back."

In the evening, a group of old brothers gathered together. Meng Lie looked at Jiang Fei, Wang Yong and the others with great relief in his eyes. Although Zhao Xinyu had suffered a lot, he was able to have a group of friends like Wang Yong and the others. , since they started helping Zhao Xinyu, they have never asked for remuneration. Hongshiya has been able to develop to the present. Zhao Xinyu is the planner, but the people who actually take action are Wang Yong and his group.

As the door opened, Jiang Fei, his wife, and Zheng Min came in from the outside. They looked at the group of people laughing in the restaurant, and Zheng Min chuckled.

"Wang Yong, what excuse are you using this time?"

Erwei laughed, "Sister Min, Uncle Yong asked you to come over and move the ice crystal fruits, but you are late. You haven't moved any of the ice crystal fruits. You will be fined three drinks later."

Qu Qianfan shook his head, "Where do you get these excuses from? You are so justified in cheating."

"There is nothing I can do. I often got into trouble when I was a child. I can't explain it when I go back, so I can only lie to others."

As the door opened, Zhao Xinyu came in from the outside, "Uncle Yong, you said you don't lie."

While speaking, he pointed outside. Er Wei and the others understood. Several young people went to the kitchen to serve the dishes. Zhao Xinyu looked at Jiang Fei, Zheng Min, and Zhao Shiming, "When did you come here?"

"We have just entered the door. By the way, Xinyu, the ice crystal fruit is sold like crazy overseas. The price seems to have become one hundred and eighty-eight yuan, but there is still a price but no market. Many people have begun to take risks to steal the ice crystal fruit. . My phone calls have not been disconnected in the past two days."

"Ice crystal fruit seedling?"

Jiang Fei nodded, "Those people are crazy. They pay directly in advance, and some even raise the price. But they have one requirement, and that is to be the first to get the seedlings."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head. Of course he could think of the reason why those people were crazy. One ice crystal fruit was 188. Ice crystal fruit was a cash cow for them. There was almost no pollution in the polar circle. There was perennial ice everywhere. Glacier species can survive there, as long as there are seedlings and a planting area, they can just sit there and wait to receive money. Of course they will go crazy.

"How many contracts were signed?"

"The shareholders of Shengshi Taoyuan alone signed a three-year contract. They even want to cooperate with us to develop cultivation bases overseas. I am not here to discuss it with you."

Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but shake his head. Sheng‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Shi Taoyuan was founded overseas by the three sisters of the Jiao family. They still receive dividends, and those shareholders relied on this relationship , many times there is a backdoor.

However, he also knew that the reason why the seedlings could be cultivated was related to Xiaolian, water source, and ice source. If it was grown overseas, he would have to go there every year.

"Forget it if we work together to build a breeding base. If you reply to them, just say that we have already started to build a nursery base specifically for cultivating glacial species. Mr. Gu and the others don't have time to go out."

"You really want to establish a nursery base specifically for cultivating glacial species." Du Mengnan and others looked at Zhao Xinyu at this time.

"You would be a fool not to make money if you don't want to. Not only the North and South Pole, but also many other areas have glaciers. Now ice crystal fruits are so popular. In a few years, we can make a lot of money just by cultivating seedlings. Wait. They don’t want seedlings, so we’ll use the base to plant glacial species.”

"Where are you going to build your base?"

Liu Fengying chuckled, "There is no place in Hongshiya or Xihanling. Of course it is Lop Nur. Establishing a glacier base does not require soil improvement. Lop Nur is full of deserts. Where is the most suitable place to establish a base."

Zhao Xinyu extended his thumb and said, "Fengying is right. Just build a base in the west of the nursery base."

"But now that Brother Zhao is still in Pingcheng, the water park and Guding Bridge are being rebuilt, so you can still spare manpower."

"There are many construction engineering teams, but Brother Zhao and the others are going to be busy. Brother Jiang, please call Brother Zhao tomorrow and tell me what I mean. It is easy to build the base, but the debugging of the internal equipment will be a little slower, but those are all We are not needed, the manufacturer will send someone here.”

"Okay, how big is the area this time?"

"It's not that we don't have a place to plant glacial species, so let's build a bigger one this time, maybe 10,000 acres."

The whole family couldn't help but grin. The nursery base in Lop Nur was the smallest, but hundreds of billions of funds had been invested. How much would the investment be to build a base covering tens of thousands of acres?

"It's too big."

"It's not big. Apart from buildings, it's only seven or eight thousand acres. Maybe we can find other glacial species in the future. By then, these seven or eight thousand acres may not be enough for planting."

The whole family nodded. They didn’t know where Zhao Xinyu found the glacial species. But judging from who is currently planting it in Hongshiya and Xihanling, a few thousand acres may not be enough, and others can’t find it. This guy can find something.

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