I have a portable farm

Chapter 2023 Just be yourself

As soon as this news broke out on the Internet, the entire Internet was in an uproar, but many domestic and foreign media were forwarding the news.

Although the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine founded by Zhao Xinyu is privately owned, Hongshiya University of Traditional Chinese Medicine has become one of the world's top universities in recent years. Every year, graduates from the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine not only make domestic medical institutions crazy, but also foreign medical institutions are equally crazy. .

The two batches of foreign graduates who graduated in the past two years have established a firm foothold abroad. It can also be said that traditional Chinese medicine has taken root abroad.

The relationship between the Traditional Chinese Medicine Alliance and Zhao Xinyu is excellent. If they cooperate with the Traditional Chinese Medicine Alliance, Pengcheng University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, if not comparable to Hongshiya University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, will at least be among the top universities in the country.

But it was because of the inaction on the part of Pengcheng that the cooperation came to nothing. The Alliance of Traditional Chinese Medicine approached Zhao Xinyu, and the two parties joined forces to establish a branch of Hongshiya University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Pengcheng. The University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which had just made some progress, ended up with every Anyone can think of it first.

Pengcheng is pushing a top prestigious school out. This approach of Pengcheng made netizens who originally had great opinions against them‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​‎​‏‏ They were angry, and countless people congratulated Pengcheng University of Traditional Chinese Medicine on its collapse in advance. Pengcheng was once again pushed to the forefront and became the object of ridicule by countless people.

Different from the past, this time Pengcheng responded immediately. They believed that there was indeed a certain gap between the two parties in terms of school running philosophy, but it would not lead to a breakup. The Chinese Medicine Alliance took the initiative to break the cooperation agreement. Pengcheng would Carry out reforms at Pengcheng University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and build Pengcheng University of Traditional Chinese Medicine into a first-class prestigious school.

If they don't respond, those people who have always been prejudiced against them may calm down in a few days. When they respond, they will attract more complaints.

The Dijun Group has developed over the years, and its profits every year are enough to make a country jealous. But in the face of such huge profits, in addition to paying huge benefits to workers, Zhao Xinyu turned around and invested the profits in development. Many times Zhao Xinyu would also ask banks for help, which also let people know that Zhao Xinyu didn't have much idea about money.

When he invests in development, he only values ​​the results of the development. Take Hongshiya University of Traditional Chinese Medicine as an example. Although it is a private university, the tuition is low and the subsidies are high. And those students who do work-study programs do not need to take money from home after one year. , can often make money for the family.

Faced with Zhao Xinyu's selfless investment, countless economists have said that no individual in the world, except Zhao Xinyu, can make a private school become a top-notch school in the world in a few years, not even with state investment.

Now Pengcheng wants to compete with Hongshiya University. Not to mention people in other areas, even Pengcheng people don’t believe it, because no matter in terms of funds, teachers, living expenses, or subsidies, even if Pengcheng is In one of the most economically developed areas, he couldn't even compare with Zhao Xinyu, who spent so much money.

People on the Internet are talking about the establishment of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Demolition has begun around the area where the Traditional Chinese Medicine Association is located. Originally, according to Hua Bi's idea, the former Traditional Chinese Medicine Association would also be demolished, but they received a call from Zhao Xinyu. Let them keep the Traditional Chinese Medicine Association. After all, the Traditional Chinese Medicine Association is a real ancient building.

At the same time, Zhao Xinyu appeared on the official website of the Dijun Group.

Drawings designed by the Medical University and Xihanling Wuyou Restaurant.

Compared with Hongshiya University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hongshiya University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Pengcheng is also in a retro style, but its style is close to the ancient buildings in the south. Some people even saw the shadow of Suzhou gardens in it.

Xihanling Wuyou Restaurant is also different in style from the Wuyou Restaurants in Pingcheng and Lop Nur. In the words of professionals, the double-floor style designed by Wuyou Restaurant this time completely integrates the advantages of the four existing famous buildings in China. The coexistence of two buildings was not common in the past years, but this time it appears in Zhao Xinyu’s design plan.

Later, someone even broke the news that for the first time, the most mysterious Feng Shui theory in China appeared in the design structure of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This caused a sensation. For a while, architects all over the world were studying the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Wuyou. Construction drawings of the restaurant.

While the entire Internet was staring at Pengcheng, Zhao Xinyu had already returned to Hongshiya with Heifeng.

"Xinyu, there are really no casualties in the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and Wuyou Restaurant."

Zhao Xinyu looked at Meng Lie, "Grandpa, there are no casualties, but our side has killed hundreds of Japanese and masters from the dark world."

"Why are they?"

"Everything should be driven by Jiao Hongzhuo behind the scenes."

"Unless Jiao Hongzhuo dies, he will really be a scourge to the secular world." Meng Lie sighed and said speechlessly.

Zhao Xinyu shook his head and looked at Du Mengnan and the others, "Mr. Gu and the others..."

"Mr. Gu and the others only stayed with us for one night, and then they went to the nursery base."

Zhao Xinyu nodded. They had killed hundreds of masters from the Dark World and the Japanese. Among them, there were four Half-Step Void. The Japanese and the Dark World must have become frightened birds at this moment. There were golden wolves and clouded leopards sitting on the Red Rock Cliff. Coupled with the threat of Buried Sky Valley, they did not dare to take action here easily. There were also hundreds of green wolves in the nursery base, and it was impossible for ordinary people to pose any threat to Gu Xiangang and the others.

"I'll go to the nursery base and have a look."

Meng Lie looked at Zhao Xinyu, "Xinyu, I also checked the Internet. This time you and Pengcheng are completely on the opposite side. I'm worried about them..."

Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly, "Xihan Ridge is now developing steadily and there will be no plans. They can't make a fuss about Xihan Ridge. They have to let me contract the land in Xihan Ridge. If that happens, Even if I promise, Pengcheng and the people around it will not agree. It’s because they don’t want to make progress and seize the development opportunities. It’s no wonder others.”

Liu Fengying chuckled, "Fortunately, you only attacked Chinese medicine. If you attack in other areas, you will become the public enemy of all universities."

Zhao Xinyu sighed, "Nowadays, most schools' educational philosophies have lost their original intentions. If they can change, I would rather become their public enemy."

Zhao Xinyu's words silenced everyone. What Zhao Xinyu said was the truth. Nowadays, the philosophy of running schools in many places has deviated from their original intentions. Schools are places to cultivate talents, but the purpose of many schools is to make profits, which has also led to The students who have been taught will put interests first when doing things.

"Xinyu, you are right. If they all have thoughts like yours, all walks of life will

More talents will appear. I support your idea. You can try to establish a university in agriculture and forestry. "

As soon as Meng Lie said these words, Du Mengnan and the others looked at Zhao Xinyu. You must know that Zhao Xinyu has old experts like Gu Xiangang around him, and even agricultural talents they have trained. If an agricultural university is established, it will really be possible in agriculture and forestry. can make some achievements.

"Grandpa, your idea is good. I can consider it and build an agricultural university in Lop Nur in a few years."

"Zhao Xinyu, don't ask about Haotian Development."

Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly, "Their purpose is to make money. They will not agree to our development conditions at all, so there is no need to consider it."

"You really guessed it right. They asked Brother Jiang several times to get involved in the development, so things didn't come to an agreement. They attributed everything to us. Fortunately, the people of Haotian I saw what they were thinking, and they said that unless it is independently developed by the Dijun Group, they will not accept other developers developing Hongshiya. I don’t know how they identified you."

Meng‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏ Lie smiled faintly, "These are the benefits from years ago, and people are not blind. What is Pingcheng like now? How long has it been? , the number of tourists coming to Pingcheng has shrunk by at least 70%."

Zhao Xinyu's eyes narrowed slightly, "It's so serious."

"When you were managing, there was no rip-off. Now, except for Jiuda Cuisine, Goubuli, and Quanjude, there are several other snack bars and shops that can still maintain their original intentions. I heard from tourists here that the management staff and The merchants are colluding and the tourists are afraid to speak out.”

Zhao Xinyu sighed, "Once a person loses his sincerity, he is not far from destruction. I have always said that Cao Tianhe has the style of Cao Xun, but now it seems that he is not worthy of carrying Cao Xun's shoes."

"By the way, the ancient city has started charging admission tickets, which are eighty yuan per person."

"They are looking for death. How much does it cost to go to the Forbidden City once? They dare to charge 80 for a retro ancient city. They are crazy about money."

"Many people are scolding you now, saying that you lied to them. If it weren't for you, they wouldn't have come to the ancient city at all."

Zhao Xinyu smiled bitterly and said, "What can I do? Didn't I just kick him out? At least during the period of my management, all the merchants made money. It was because they failed to live up to their expectations and wanted to join Cao Tianhe and others. They As long as they maintain their original intention, they won’t lose money even though they dare not claim to make a lot of money.”

"Many merchants have posted sublease advertisements."

Zhao Xinyu sighed, Cao Tianhe and he were not in the same boat, and now he was powerless.

"Xinyu, didn't you say that you just have to be yourself? This is all because Cao Tianhe and those people have nothing to do with you. If you are wrong, it is also their own problem. If they hadn't joined forces with Cao Tianhe to squeeze you out, If we leave Pingcheng, Pingcheng will not be what it is now."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "I'll go to the nursery base to see Mr. Gu and the others."

"Dad, I'll go out with you."

Zhao Xinyu chuckled, "You can't come back in the past."

Taohua giggled, "No problem, Zhao Quan, let's go, I will take you out to play."

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