I have a portable farm

Chapter 202 The Price of Ignorance

[Recite the Situ website silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

When people around heard this, they all sighed with emotion. In the past, if they wanted to see jackals, wolves, and tigers, they could only do so by going to the zoo.

But now a picturesque compound has wolves, leopards that can only be found in zoos, and dragon eagles that experts say are extinct.

Such a thing was something they had never dared to think about before, something that would not even appear in fairy tales, but now it appeared in Xihanling.

This makes people even more curious about how this young man Zhao Xinyu can make a large carnivore that everyone fears become as docile as a pet cat.

In the grape forest, Guan Bingtong and Du Mengnan looked at the four big guys among the green wolves, their eyes filled with excitement. If the four big guys were smaller, they would have the urge to go up and touch them.

"Qingyun is so powerful that he can even bring back leopards. Will tigers appear in our compound in a while? If so, we can charge tickets and make money."

Du Mengnan chuckled and said, "Tiger only exists in the Northeast. South China tigers have long been extinct. Don't think about it."

Zhao Xinyu waved to the four big guys, who shook their heads and ran over, which surprised Du Mengnan and Guan Bingtong.

The original Qinglang Zhao Xinyu helped, but this leopard was brought back by Qingyun. They knew Qingyun, but they didn't know Zhao Xinyu, the owner. If this happened, he would go crazy.

The next moment, the two of them were stunned. Everyone's eyes were full of envy. They saw four big guys like four big cats, docilely rubbing against Zhao Xinyu's body.

"You haven't helped these four leopards, have you?"

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "I have seen them in the mountains before. They were still young at that time. I have actually seen the South China tiger you just mentioned in the mountains."

Du Mengnan and Guan Bingtong were stunned by his words, "There are South China tigers in Cailiang Mountain."

"I don't know if it's a South China tiger, but there must be tigers."

"Zhao Xinyu, let's go into the mountains tomorrow."

Zhao Xinyu sighed slightly and looked at Guan Bingtong, "Tongtong, I don't know how many people are staring at us now. Don't forget about Lijian and Feiyu."

Guan Bingtong and Du Mengnan's expressions changed. Lijian and Feiyu were both the guardian organizations of China. Even these two organizations were attacked and killed by Iga ninjas. They knew in their hearts that since the Japanese took action, they would not stop unless they They uprooted.

Seeing the two people's disappointed looks, Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly and said, "When the future is stable, I will definitely take you for a walk in the mountains."

Hei Feng, Hei Ye, and Qing Lei may have also felt the loss of Guan Bingtong and Du Mengnan. The three little guys roared and came to the two of them. Their big heads rubbed against the two of them. Their moods instantly improved. few.

Although the four mountain leopards look big, they are only a few months old, so they have the best relationship with Hei Feng. After seeing Hei Feng and the others, they were surrounded by Du Mengnan and Guan Bingtong, the four little guys. He glanced at Zhao Xinyu.

Zhao Xinyu patted a little guy and said, "They are just like me, they will all be your relatives from now on."

The vigilance in the eyes of the four little guys disappeared instantly, and like Heifeng and the other three, they ran to the side of Du Mengnan and Guan Bingtong, and rubbed their big heads against the two of them, which made the two of them feel happy.

"Let's take you for a walk."

As soon as the two left, Heifeng, Kurono, Qinglei and the four mountain leopards Pidianpidian followed them. The momentum made Zhao Xinyu feel relieved.

"Master Hu, Zhao Xinyu not only beautified the area around the hotel with green roses, Green Wolf also brought back four mountain leopards. All the young men and women over there went to watch the fun," the man with glasses looked at Hu Zhenyu and whispered.

Hu Zhenyu said angrily: "Where did this bastard get so many green roses?"

The man with glasses shook his head, "I heard from Li Erleng and the others that the Eighteenth Bachelor who was hotly discussed on the Internet some time ago is in Zhao Xinyu's compound. By the way, I have asked Li Erleng and the others to find a way to get some green roses. Our place If there are green roses on the side, it will definitely attract more people to experience it.”

Hu Zhenyu's eyes lit up. He knew that after the emergence of the Eighteenth Bachelor, someone had raised the price to a sky-high price. He really didn't expect that the Eighteenth Bachelor would be in the hands of Zhao Xinyu.

"There are mountain leopards and green wolves there. You can contact the zoo and we can get a tiger or a lion."

The bespectacled man's face changed slightly, "Master Hu, the lions and tigers in the zoo are not something ordinary people can handle."

Hu Zhenyu snorted coldly, "If Zhao Xinyu can do it, so can we. He will bring the zoo administrator to our place."

Zhao Xinyu was practicing that day. He saw Zhao Shiming coming back from outside in a hurry, his face full of indignation.

"Brother Ming, who provoked you again? It couldn't be Li Er who was stunned by them again."

Zhao Shiming smiled faintly and said, "How dare they, Xinyu and Li Er were stunned to get two tigers and three lions from nowhere in that yard."

Zhao Xinyu was slightly stunned. Green wolves, leopards, yellow sheep, and pheasants could appear in the compound. He knew the reason, mainly because he had that heaven-defying space.

If there was no space, it would be impossible for him to control those big guys. Li Er was just ordinary people. If the tiger and the lion went crazy, there would be a big problem.

"Who is managing the lions and tigers".

"I heard that they hired professional animal trainers. Many people from our village have gone there."

Zhao Xinyu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at Zhao Shiming, "Inform all the villagers not to get close to the tigers or lions, or they will hurt you."

"I know, I'll inform them right away."

Li Erleng's compound was overcrowded at the moment. Countless tourists and villagers were looking at the two tigers and three lions lying down in the compound. The scene flashed constantly, and each photo and video was released in a short time. The news spread all over the Internet, and Li Erleng's compound soon became the focus of people's attention, and the limelight even surpassed that of Zhao Xinyu's compound.

Li Erling, Li Quan, Feng Hu, and Xue Shouqing, who were extremely depressed some time ago, are now very proud. Whenever they see villagers from Xihanling in the crowd, they will come up and make fun of them.

Three animal trainers stayed near the tiger and lion. They kept warning people in the courtyard not to get too close. Although they were animal trainers, they also knew the nature of the tiger and lion. If they were angered, they would not be able to control it. .

Looking at the people in the yard, the three animal trainers also felt regretful. The men with eyes brought the lions and tigers from the zoo through their connections, and promised them high wages. They said they would train the tigers to perform, but they didn't. I thought this would happen.

Although they have high wages, they are really worried that tigers and lions will become wild.

However, things often don't go as they want. The more they try to stop tourists from getting closer, but some people don't listen.

The green wolf in Zhao Xinyu's compound often barks warnings when people approach. If the tourists don't listen, the green wolf will choose to avoid it.

It is precisely because of this that tourists also feel that lions and tigers are like green wolves. A girl in scantily attired and dressed up in a demonic spirit is nestled next to a middle-aged man in his fifties, constantly feeding the tigers.

What left her speechless was that the tigers didn't even look at the meat she put in. Tigers themselves are carnivores, and when they were transported, every tiger and lion had already been fed, not just ordinary food, but meat. They wouldn't even look at it twice.

When the girl saw the tiger and ignored it, she became bolder and crossed the cordon away from the middle-aged man. An animal trainer immediately went over to stop him, but the girl ignored him.

The girl's move immediately made many people who were already eager to try see the opportunity. They rushed forward. In their imagination, with the animal trainer in front of them, there would definitely be no accidents.

What they didn't see was that as they approached, vigilance appeared in the tiger's eyes. When the flashlight flashed near them, their ferocity was finally aroused.

When the three animal trainers saw the changes in the tiger and lion, their expressions changed dramatically, and they loudly told people who were approaching to leave immediately.

But who could listen at this time? Not only did they ignore it, but they got closer, and people who didn't dare to get close at first also swarmed up.

With roars of anger, the tigers and lions were finally angered by these ignorant people, but their anger was not noticed by the people, and they laughed even more.

The three animal trainers saw that something was not going well, and they had already begun to retreat. Although they knew a little bit, they knew that even if they stepped forward at this moment, they would only anger these five big guys even more.

"Ouch", there was a roar that shook the sky. Zhao Xinyu, who was practicing under the grape trellis, changed his expression. With big guys like Heifeng and Qingyun around him, he couldn't understand what this roar contained.

He stood up and looked at Heifeng in the distance, "Heifeng, Qingyun, come with me quickly."

In Li Er's compound, a tiger over two meters tall had already knocked down the scantily clad girl who approached him first, and bit the girl's neck with its bloody mouth.

There was a "click", blood splattered everywhere, and the girl died on the spot.

This incident made countless people scared, and countless people turned around and ran away. But at this time, it was too late for them to leave. Two tigers and three lions pounced on them.

In an instant, the courtyard that was originally full of singing and laughing turned into a purgatory on earth. Individuals were knocked down by tigers and lions, and the entire courtyard was filled with howls.

Although Zhao Xinyu's yard was only separated from Li Erleng's yard by a ravine, due to development, there was no passage in between. When he made a detour, he saw tourists running around outside Li Erleng's yard, and their faces were expressionless. Pale and panicked.

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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