I have a portable farm

Chapter 1969 Temporary Safety

The four of Bei Mingtian took a deep breath. Duntiansuo is a status symbol in the cultivation world. There used to be Duntiansuo when the Burial Sky Valley was glorious. Now that Duntiansuo appears in the Burial Sky Valley, it is to let the cultivation world know that although the Burial Sky Valley is in decline, it is still in decline. It's not something they can touch. Even after closing the mountain gate, there are still people snooping. Killing him is just punishment.

When the five people were speculating on the reaction of the cultivating community at this moment, in a group of mountains far away from the Burying Sky Mountains, more than ten figures were sitting together. Around their position, dozens of figures were constantly appearing and disappearing in the mountains and forests.

"Tian Wuji, in the past few days, people have been killed by the Zangtian family. There must be more than twenty people in total. They want to make the entire cultivation world an enemy. Do you want us to..."

Tian Wuji looked at Xuan Yubing, "Don't forget that the Burial Sky Valley has issued an announcement to close the mountain gate. Anyone who stays in their territory without permission from the Burying Sky Valley is considered an enemy. The entire cultivation world knows that there are indeed many cultivation forces in the cultivation world. They want to see Sky Burial Valley disappear, but they only dare to add insult to injury, but they dare not make the first move."

Tian Wuji's words made everyone sitting around couldn't help but nod. The dead camel is bigger than the horse. Until now, Burial Sky Valley has always appeared in people's sight. There are only three people, Beiming Burial, Beiming Sky Burial, and Beiming Burial Sky. Beiming Tian, ​​who has not been seen for thousands of years, has appeared, which has caused many emerging forces to dive again.

Hongshiya Burial Sky Valley took action to kill the road. This time, a super being appeared in Burial Sky Valley. After sealing the mountain gate, they gave a thunderous blow to the masters of the major forces who stayed in the Burial Sky Mountain Range. They will not give you any excuse at all. As long as they see an opportunity, they can take action directly. This approach only appeared in the Burying Sky Valley ten thousand years ago.

What shocked them the most was that in order to find the scouts of the major forces hiding in the Tiantian Mountains, the Tiantian Valley even used the Sky Escape Shuttle.

You must know that Duntiansuo was not something that ordinary forces could afford even in the era when cultivators were in control. Not to mention, it was not easy to build Duntiansuo. All it consumed were top-grade spiritual stones. Many ancient books recorded that Duntiansuo consumed a single trip. The spiritual stone can support the consumption of a first-rate force for half a year.

The person who made the move every time the shuttle went to Burial Sky Valley was different. According to the survivor's description, over a few days, there were either two or three people who took action every day, and the people who made the move were all half-step empty. And I'm sure those people are not the same group of people.

In just a few days, more than a dozen half-step voids have appeared in the Burying Sky Valley. Such background is really not something they can easily deal with.

"Tian Wuji, you said that there really are so many half-step voids in Burying Sky Valley."

Tian Wuji took a deep breath, and his eyes were a little dazed, "Xuan Yubing, the person who broke through to the god-level weapon master in the Burying Valley last time seems to be a young man."

Xuan Yubing and others nodded, "Yes, although the distance is far away, the aura on his body shows that he is no more than forty years old, and at least eight of the people watching are no more than forty years old, but Their cultivation levels are all at the late stage of the Divine Martial Realm."

Xuan Yubing's words made a group of people fall silent. Their current achievements can fully explain their original status in the sect.

They have all come from ordinary people to the present step by step, and the difficulties of cultivation are even more difficult for them.

We know that even if they are less than forty years old, they have not achieved the achievements of the late Shenwu Realm. Now, with the accumulation of cultivation resources, the younger generation in the sect has surpassed most of their peers. But there is still a slight gap compared with the young generation of the Burial Sky Valley. The most important thing is that there are only one or two outstanding young people in their sect. So far, there have been nine in the Burial Sky Valley. Such a number is really scary.

"Xuan Yubing, what should we do now?"

Xuan Yubing took a deep breath and looked at a mountain forest in the distance. "The Burial Sky Valley has guessed our intentions. They have closed the mountain gate now and will not go out in a short time. If we enter, they will take action." Chances are, if we go by the half-step void masters that have appeared now, we have little chance of winning, so we should go back and discuss it first before making any plans."

This time, a group of people all nodded. They had been staring at Zangtian Valley in the past few days. They had also seen Zangtian Valley take action from a distance. They were ruthless and decisive, and would not give anyone a chance to survive. As long as they caught up with them, Not to mention surviving, even their souls couldn't escape.

Bei Mingtian and the others kept ‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏ constantly taking action in disguise, which also caused misunderstandings to their opponents who were observing in secret. They all speculated in their hearts that the Sky Burial Valley was not what they imagined. It's so unbearable that Xuan Yubing doesn't need to say anything. They have long wanted to go back. After all, this is the territory of the Burying Sky Valley. Although they also have more than ten half-step void masters, they have almost no chance of winning if they attack on the other side's territory. .

In front of the ancestral home of Burial Sky Valley, Zhao Xinyu suddenly looked in one direction. He nodded to the four Bei Mingtians, got up and walked in the same direction. This made the four Bei Mingtians stunned. They looked at Zhao Xinyu's back. There was a trace of doubt in his eyes.

After more than ten minutes, Zhao Xinyu returned again. He looked at the four Bei Mingtian people and said, "All the people from Xuantian Sect and Tianyang Sect left the Burial Sky Mountains, and people from other forces also left after they left."

The four people in Bei Mingtian were shocked. They knew that Zhao Xinyu had many secrets. Now that Zhao Xinyu suddenly told them such news, they were even more shocked.

"Xinyu, you mean they have always been in the Zangtian Mountains."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "They have been waiting for an opportunity in the Burial Sky Mountains. It seems that our plan is effective this time, frightening them all to retreat. If there are no special circumstances, they cannot gather more half-step void masters. They I won’t come to Burial Sky Valley for the time being.”

When the four Bei Mingtian heard this, their faces showed a trace of inexplicable relief. They knew in their hearts what Tian Wuji, Xu Xuanyubing and others wanted to do when they came here this time. Their departure represented the crisis in Tian Burial Valley this time. Lift.

"Xinyu, I really want to thank you this time." Bei Mingtian took a deep breath.

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly and said, "Ancestor, you are too polite. The crisis here has been temporarily lifted. I should also send Grandpa Luo and the others to Shiwanda Mountain."

Beiming Zangtian looked at Zhao Xinyu with a smile, "Mr. Luo and the others are already very old among ordinary people. Why does grandpa have to invite them over?"

Although Beiming Zangtian is not married to Jiao Hongmin, the two are already in love, so his name for Jiao Meng has also changed. He also saw the invitation sent by Jiao Meng from the Internet, but he is a little unclear.


Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, "You should have watched Third Grandpa's press conference on the day of the funeral. In fact, that day was not a live ammunition exercise. It was Tianyang Sect and Xuantian Sect who wanted to attack Third Grandpa. Fortunately, we predicted it in advance. , so I teamed up with Third Grandpa to direct a scene, where they lost thousands of masters, there seemed to be a Half-Step Void, and there were probably sixty or seventy in the Divine Martial Realm."


The four members of the Zangtian family were stunned for a moment. They knew the details of the Yanhuang Iron Brigade. Counting Zhao Xinyu, there were only eight masters, and only Ning Zhiyuan had reached the peak of the late Shenwu realm. They teamed up with people from the secular world to trick Tianyang. There are thousands of masters from Zongzong and Xuantianzong, and among them there is Half-Step Void. Such a record is enough to make the cultivation world a sensation.

"Use what you call high-precision weapons."

Zhao Xinyu chuckled, "That's right, that half-step void master was attacked and killed by Yingzi, Keiko and the others in the Yanshan Mountains."

Bei Mingtian and the others couldn't help but shake their heads. There were only eight masters in the Yanhuang Iron Brigade. In their eyes, the four Bai Haotian were already very unworthy, but now ‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏ appeared again There are two of them, and they are two delicate girls. Such existence is really a bit scary. Maybe one of them may become the prey of the other if he is alone.

"Ancestor, I would like to find a way?"

"any solution?"

"Cultivation forces all care about face. What will be the reaction if this news is spread back to the cultivation world?"

Bei Mingtian raised his eyes and looked at Zhao Xinyu, "There are two possibilities. One is that they have become the object of ridicule by many forces. They have not been recruiting masters of casual cultivators and absorbing small forces. This incident will definitely make masters of casual cultivators dare not Joining, the second result may also occur, that is, the two major sects will increase their attack on the Yanhuang Iron Brigade."

Zhao Xinyu smiled coldly, "Even if it doesn't spread, they won't let it go to the secular world. That's it. They are shameless, so I will peel off their face."

"Do we need to add fuel to the flames?"

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "It's not easy to break up with them in Burial Sky Valley now. Leave this matter to me. I'll go back and clean up first. I'll send Grandpa Luo and the others to Shiwanda Mountain in the next two days."

"Xinyu, don't let Hongmin leave with you this time."

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, "Zangtian, as I said just now, if they don't have strong helpers, they won't take action in a short time unless you show some tricks here. This time I will just send Grandpa Luo and the others there. Mengmeng and the others will Will stay for now.”

Hearing what Zhao Xinyu said, Bei Mingtian and others felt inexplicably relieved. This surprised them. They were all veteran half-step void beings. Although they had not made a move for many years, their vicious reputations still remained. It is spread in the cultivation world.

It was because of Zhao Xinyu's words that their moods changed. They all knew in their hearts that they had a certain degree of dependence on Zhao Xinyu.

"Xinyu, we will send you there."

Zhao Xinyu chuckled, "They are still in the Burial Mountains now. Even if they see the Sky-Escape Shuttle, they have nothing to do. With their strength, as long as I don't stop, they have no chance."

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