I have a portable farm

Chapter 1923 New Craftsman

Zhao Xinyu nodded, went over to help He Yuzhu up, raised his hand and patted He Yuzhu's shoulder a few times, "Just understand, keep the appearance of Xihanling in your heart, and when you build the model of Xihanling, we will After a period of time, you will be the youngest carpenter in the carpentry industry."

"How can I compare to Master."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "You have grown up, I am old, work hard, you still have a long way to go, craftsmanship is not the ultimate goal at all, I hope you can become the youngest god-level craftsman in history. "

As soon as Zhao Xinyu said these words, the scene fell silent, and everyone's eyes showed unconcealable horror. Master is the title for the highest achiever in traditional crafts.

It is an indisputable fact that Zhao Xinyu is a master craftsman. The fact that He Yuzhu can be recognized by Zhao Xinyu and become the youngest master craftsman is enough to shock the whole world.

While they were still in shock, Zhao Xinyu gave He Yuzhu higher expectations and named a god-level craftsman that none of them had heard of.

The craftsmen were so defiant, so they racked their brains and couldn't figure out what a god-level craftsman was like.

"Master, then I'm going to choose the wood."

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "I have already chosen it for you. Just call Erwei and ask him to find someone to deliver it to you."

"Master, you..." He Yuzhu was stunned for a moment.

An old man looked at Zhao Xinyu and said, "Xinyu, you have long expected that this kid Yuzhu can reach the level of a craftsman."

"Grandpa Liu, the jade pillar has reached its bottleneck a long time ago, but he didn't think about it. I just pushed him. Originally, I wanted him to use jade to carve it.

Takuhei Castle's model, but he didn't want to build a model of Sehan Ridge. "

"Jade." At this moment, everyone and the media reporters were stunned. Someone had already offered a sky-high price for the wooden model. If it was made of jade, wouldn't it become a treasure passed down from generation to generation?

He Yuzhu chuckled, "Master, I'll get used to it first, and then I'll use jade when I'm ready."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "Sure, I'll prepare jade for you when the time comes."

"Then I will collect the materials here."

On this day, the news that He Yuzhu was promoted to master craftsman spread throughout the world. While the world was in shock, countless people were filled with emotion. The master was abnormal and the apprentice was even more abnormal. Perhaps only a master like Zhao Xinyu could teach someone like He Yuzhu Master craftsman.

Then people thought of one thing, that is, now that Zhao Xinyu has recruited hundreds of young people to learn blacksmithing from him, will there be a blacksmith master among these young people, or that there will also be master craftsmen among the foreigners? .

When people were talking about He Yuzhu, they thought of another disciple of Zhao Xinyu, Jiang Pengyu. You must know that the current name of Jiang Pengyu is directly after that of his master Zhao Xinyu. In people's eyes, Zhao Xinyu's traditional Chinese medicine skills have become spiritual. Then will Jiang Pengyu's traditional Chinese medicine skills be as good as those of his master Zhao Xinyu? It will also reach the level of Zhao Xinyu within a few years. If that happens, it will be difficult for traditional Chinese medicine to decline even if it wants to.

While people were talking about Jiang Pengyu, some people also mentioned Zheng Min, who has now become the spokesperson of Pu cuisine. Zhao Xinyu has not shown his cooking skills for several years. Some people say that Zheng Min's cooking skills have surpassed Zhao Xinyu, but Zheng Min has never shown his cooking skills. admit.

The apprentices handed over from the three fields are all so excellent

Show, this gave countless people ideas. They even wanted to let Zhao Xinyu set up a school and let their children learn from Zhao Xinyu. Even if Zhao Xinyu couldn't give guidance, He Yuzhu and Jiang Pengyu could give guidance.

For a time, Zhao Xinyu was promoted to the altar. In those years, people had been saying that Zhao Xinyu was good at planting and breeding. Only today did they know that Zhao Xinyu also created myths that were difficult for others to surpass in other aspects.

Zhao Xinyu forged iron and He Yuzhu carved models. People found that He Yuzhu, like Zhao Xinyu, did not look at the drawings at all. He picked up the wood and started processing it. After processing it into parts, he put them directly away. This made people even more excited. .

Time passed day by day. After Zhao Xinyu forged on this day, he asked the workers to put away all the things. He began to sort out the forged parts, and then went to the area where He Yuzhu was to watch He Yuzhu carving.

An hour later, He Yuzhu put up a component, stood up and looked at Zhao Xinyu, "Master, I'm done."

Zhao Xinyu took out his mobile phone and looked at it. He raised his hand and patted He Yuzhu's shoulder. "You are two and a half hours later than I expected. It's ready to be assembled."

He Yuzhu scratched his head, "Some parts are a bit blurry, I thought about it for a while."

"You must study the drawings before making them."

When He Yuzhu was assembling, people saw that He Yuzhu's assembly speed was no slower than Zhao Xinyu. It only took half an hour. A model appeared in the open space, with villages, workshops, commercial streets, and Wenying Lake on the other side of Xihanling. After the landmark buildings such as Wenying Pavilion and Wenying Pavilion were assembled,

Someone just shouted out.

Seeing the models of Hongshiya and Pingcheng that were no less impressive than those carved by Zhao Xinyu, not only the people at the scene, but also in the live broadcast room and in front of the TV station gave them warm applause.

Zhao Xinyu traveled through the model, looked at it several times, and nodded with satisfaction, "It's very good. It's more perfect than I imagined. You are a child from Xihanling. This is your gift to repay Xihanling. Go and contact Your Uncle Han, ask him to find someone."

"I'll disassemble and assemble it first."

When He Yuzhu was dismantling, Zhao Xinyu made a phone call. While He Yuzhu was dismantling and installing, trucks entered the workshop one after another and unloaded some boxes from them. Everyone was familiar with these boxes. The special wooden parts polished by Zhao Xinyu and He Yuzhu in those days made people excited. They all wanted to witness a miracle.

Zhao Xinyu began to stack the parts he took out, and then he began to assemble them. As each lifelike but dark mechanical bird appeared in front of people, he attracted warm applause every time.

That night, sixteen mechanical birds appeared in the workshop. Looking at the mechanical birds lined up, everyone was stunned. The last time Zhao Xinyu only made one mechanical bird in more than a month, This time, although He Yuzhu helped, he made sixteen mechanical birds, which was too fast.

"Zhao Xinyu, are you selling these sixteen mechanical birds?" A blond and blue-eyed media reporter looked at Zhao Xinyu.

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "These mechanical birds were built by me for Xihanling, Lop Nur, and Southern Yunnan. Even if there are no

In these three places, you can also see that the Red Rock Cliff also needs mechanical birds. "

Zhao Xinyu said it very succinctly, which disappointed the people sent by the agencies at the scene, but made the people in Xihanling, Shiwandashan and even Lop Nur excited. They were hoping that the stars and the moon would finally be in their area. A mechanical bird appears.

Zhao Xinyu looked at the group of villagers brought over by Er Wei, "What are you waiting for? I'm tired. You can send these mechanical birds to Pingcheng Airport. There will be personnel there to receive you."

"How to distribute?"

"Six in southern Yunnan, five in each place in Xihanling and Lop Nur," Zhao Xinyu said, waving his hand smartly and calling Heifeng to leave the workshop.

In the courtyard, everyone seemed to have lost a lot of weight, but they were full of energy. Zhao Xinyu, who was unshaven and dirty, had no trace of disgust in his eyes, but was full of excitement.

In the past few years, Zhao Xinyu has experienced many ups and downs. They all know in their hearts that although the journey has been bumpy, he has made Xihanling, Hongshiya, Lop Nur and even Shiwandashan a paradise that the world longs for. These days, it is even more attractive. He caught the attention of the whole world, not only him but also his personal disciple He Yuzhu shocked the whole world and became the youngest craftsman in history.

Now, not only them, but the whole country is proud of this dirty guy in front of them. People here in Pingcheng even mention the word Zhao Xinyu when they talk about Pingcheng. In the past few days, During that time, he forged mechanical birds and was admired by countless young people. Many students who went to key universities even wanted to give up their studies and join his apprenticeship to learn blacksmithing and carpentry from him.


This guy is getting old, and he continues to be in the limelight. Do you know what the standard of a male god is in the eyes of girls now? "After Zhao Xinyu came out of the shower, Du Mengnan said with a smile, but his words were full of sourness.

"Girl?" Zhao Xinyu was confused at this moment. He didn't know why Du Mengnan talked about the standard of male gods in the eyes of girls now. It seemed that it had nothing to do with him.

"Uncle Yu, you are now the most perfect male god chosen by girls on the Internet."

Zhao Xinyu's head darkened and he said speechlessly, "What's wrong with people nowadays? They have strong feelings and like rural people. Should I set up a marriage agency in Haotian?"

His words immediately drew a roll of eyes. Meng Lie looked at Zhao Xinyu and said, "It seems that your work is completed this time."

"Grandpa, this time the main purpose is to promote Yuzhu to the master craftsman. Yuzhu has been promoted. As long as he calms down and his mood becomes calmer, he will be a veritable master craftsman. Of course my mission has been completed."

"Sixteen mechanical birds, do you know how many people are envious of them? Your third grandfather has made several phone calls in the past few years. He hopes to promote the technology of mechanical birds, so that China can definitely reach a higher level in science and technology. ."

Zhao Xinyu smiled bitterly and said, "Grandpa, the production of the mechanical bird is the result of endless years of ancestors of the Jiuli tribe. It is really difficult to break through."

"How do you allocate it."

"Six in southern Yunnan, five in each place in Lop Nur and Xihan Ridge."

"Too little." Phoenix said with a smile.

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "Let's do it again if we have a chance. I'll go to Xuelong Ridge to have a look."


Lie's eyes flickered a few times, "Xinyu, it's not your real purpose to forge the mechanical bird in the workshop this time."

Zhao Xinyu scratched his head. He knew that since his grandfather could ask these questions, the fourth and fourth of them must have discovered something.

Zhao Xinyu didn't hide anything and explained their plan, which made the whole family shake their heads. If Meng Lie didn't ask, they really didn't know that Zhao Xinyu and the others had done something that shocked the whole world.

"Then go quickly."

On Xuelong Ridge, Zhao Xinyu did not see the six Bai Haotian. Ning Zhiyuan looked at Zhao Xinyu in the main hall, "Haotian and the others attacked and killed twenty-nine senior officials in Tianjiazhuang. There has been a complete blockade there. They are also preparing to retreat tomorrow."

"Do you need me to help them?"

"No need, they have now left the range of Shennongjia, and they are consolidating their manpower."

In the suburbs of Yanjing, Tian Qing and the three people around him who were at the peak of the late Shenwu Realm had pale faces. In the past, when they looked at Jiao Hongzhuo, Tian Qing could suppress his dissatisfaction even if he was dissatisfied in his heart. But today, even his most beloved Xuan Granddaughter Tian Ruojiao was beside Jiao Hongzhuo, and his eyes when he looked at Jiao Hongzhuo were full of anger.

"Hongzhuo, they are not responsible for what happened abroad. I believe them even if I don't see the corpses. But now the corpses of twenty-nine people are in Tianjiazhuang. Each one of them can be killed with one hit. This is a common practice in the dark world. Means, nine of them were obviously killed by the Black Dragon. The evidence is conclusive. They also said that it was not them. If it was not them, could it be the Tianyang Sect and Xuantian Sect? If they don't hand over the murderer, then don't blame them. Tianyang Sect takes action."

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