I have a portable farm

Chapter 1875: Not enough mood

The year before last, before the real estate crisis, the first phase of the project of the Dijun Group was completed. At that time, because of the real estate crisis, people thought that even if the Dijun Group took over, their second phase of the project might not be as good as the first phase.

It is now seen that the second phase of the project is not weaker than the first phase of the project, or even surpasses the first phase of the project in some places, which has given countless people ideas.

As a result, many people from the surrounding areas of Pingcheng and even first-tier cities like Jinyang went to Pingcheng. However, what surprised them was that not only the third phase of the project, but also the last phase of the building was pre-sold as early as last year. Most of the people who bought it were people from counties, villages and towns around Pingcheng.

When it comes to real estate development, the most fearful thing is the remaining floors. Now the real estate developed by Dijun Group has been pre-sold before demolition, which makes people see the business opportunities in Pingcheng New Town.

Subsequently, due to people's speculation, Pingcheng's housing prices fluctuated. Properties originally priced at RMB 6,000 to RMB 7,000 were sold to more than RMB 10,000 in one day, while properties in school districts or close to the ancient city even cost more than RMB 2,000. Ten thousand.

When developers develop real estate, what they want to see most is an increase in property prices. Property prices in Pingcheng have nearly tripled in one day. This has worried many people who have reserved floors. They are worried that Zhao Xinyu will increase property prices. , then they...

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏However, on this night, the response from the Dijun Group reassured all those who had pre-purchased commercial housing. Zhao Xinyu promised that no matter how high the property prices are, Dijun Group will honor the price in the contract.

At the same time, the Dijun Group issued a notice that all commercial buildings developed by the Dijun Group have been booked, and now only some retro courtyards in the ancient city of Pingcheng remain. As for the commercial streets and commercial buildings that people expect, the Dijun Group will not sell them for the time being. The Dijun Group will Develop gradually according to actual conditions.

Zhao Xinyu's promise reassured people who had pre-purchased the floors, but it also aroused the interest of those who had not purchased the floors. You must know that the business in Xihanling and Hongshiya has continued to prosper, and it is not the merchants in these two places. The service is good because the rules set by Zhao Xinyu protect the people.

In the summer, more than 100,000 tourists enter Hongshiya every day. Faced with such a flow of customers, merchants do not deceive customers or raise prices. This is what tourists welcome most.

And Zhao Xinyu even told the public that even if Pingcheng is developed, all commercial operations will be managed by the Dijun Group. With the golden name of the Dijun Group, people can imagine how prosperous Pingcheng's business will be.

People who book real estate trust Zhao Xinyu and believe that Zhao Xinyu can make them rich, so they directly reject people who come to buy real estate.

People are unwilling to sell their properties, and those who want to buy can only do so by raising the price. As a result, Pingcheng's housing prices have become popular all over the country within two days.

People who have pre-purchased real estate feel lucky when they see the rising housing prices. They are glad that they pre-purchased the floor in the first place. However, those who made money to buy real estate elsewhere during the financial crisis are extremely regretful. They made a momentary decision. The floor price for which they paid a high price is now about the same as the price in Pingcheng, but they can still go back to Pingcheng when they go to work. If they pre-purchase in Pingcheng, they don't need to worry about going to work at all.

Pingcheng's housing prices have skyrocketed, but because all the land in Pingcheng is in the hands of Zhao Xinyu, people who pre-purchased properties saw the business opportunities in Pingcheng's development, and they did not sell, leaving scalpers who wanted to make a fortune with this surge in housing prices. They all looked up at the sky and sighed.

Zhao Xinyu, who had caused the skyrocketing housing prices this time, ignored it. The land was in his hands and he would not follow the hype. The people who bought it were not under his jurisdiction, so he was unwilling to pay attention to who bought and who sold.

In the Hongshiya compound, Zhao Xinyu patted the Xuanlu lying next to him and looked at a group of red-crowned cranes, feeling surprisingly calm in his heart.

Because he was not in a good state of mind, he went crazy. After two forgings, his forging skills reached the level of a top craftsman. Not to mention, his state of mind was improved even more. Now when he thinks of his grandfather's arrangement and Jiao Hongzhuo, he can't help but feel satisfied. It's like a lake blown by the breeze, with just a ripple.

After a long time, Zhao Xinyu sighed quietly, which attracted the attention of Heifeng not far away, "Boss..."

"Heifeng, please keep an eye on me, I'm going to the space."

In the space, Zhao Xinyu looked at the Wood of Life and told the Wood of Life about the changes in his state of mind. That time he went crazy, thanks to Youyou, Yanshi and the Wood of Life. Without them, there would be Hongmeng Space. At this moment, he may also become a zombie.

Although now that he thought of Jiao Hongzhuo, his heart was no longer disturbed, but he still wanted to listen to the advice of the Tree of Life and the Divine Tree that reaches the sky.

The Tree of Life nodded, "Xinyu, according to what you said, your state of mind has improved a lot in the past few months. If you don't think about those things, you can indeed continue to practice. With Dark Cauldron and Wind Cauldron, you can also You can break through to the half-step void earlier, but there are exceptions to everything. You are right. Jiao Hongzhuo is your inner demon. In the future, you will definitely go to the end. One step, what should you do if the inner demon that happens to appear at that time is him."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "Sister, you mean that I continue to improve my mood."

The Wood of Life, "What we mean is that when can you achieve the point where your heart is filled with despair even when he appears in front of you? No matter what kind of arrangements your grandpa makes, you can remain calm. In that case, even if you are in the future, We will be absolutely sure of getting to the last step.”

Zhao Xinyu let out a long sigh. He could already feel calm while forging in the factory amidst the sounds of chainsaws and forging. If he wanted to improve his mood, he could only do so in a noisier environment.

But in the secular world, the noise that can surpass that kind of environment can only be found on the battlefield with rumbling artillery fire. But in such an area, he can't forge or carve at all. If there is a weapon master around to forge, his state of mind may really improve. .

But the environment that weapon masters, alchemists and even formation cultivators like is quiet. It is impossible for them to let a blacksmith forge around them, because their own forging is likely to make them go crazy. Just imagine which weapon master is willing to go crazy.

"Sister, I won't be affected at all in the factory now. It's impossible to improve my mood in the factory. How do you think I should continue to improve?"

The Tree of Life looked at the Divine Tree that reached the sky. The two beings who had survived for endless years did not need to communicate at all, and they could understand each other's thoughts.

"In fact, there are many magical places in nature."

Zhao Xinyu was slightly stunned. Of course he knew the magic of nature. The current Lop Nur was a stagnant water before it was developed. However, in just a few years, there was a heavy snowfall. The main reason was because of the Jiujiu found by Mo Yu. The large water source forms a natural formation.

Nature can enhance the state of mind. Zhao Xinyu just hesitated for a moment, and then he thought of an environment, a waterfall. The impact of the waterfall is amazing. If the gap is large, it can be heard several miles or even more than ten miles away. The sound of water and stone colliding with each other. If it is forged in such an area, if a suit can be forged under the conflict between water and fire, both the state of mind and the weapon refining will be greatly improved.

At this moment, Zhao Xinyu has already thought of several places. In the past few years, he has spent many years looking for new species in Liuling Mountain and Cailiang Mountain. He has even been to the Hengduan Mountains and Shiwan Mountains, and there are them in every place. Waterfalls exist.

After a little weighing, although the waterfall in Liuling Mountain has the smallest drop, only seventy or eighty meters, compared to anything in Cailiang Mountain, the Jiuli tribe in Shiwan Mountain, and the strange beasts in Hengduan Mountains, Liuling Mountain is really suitable for him to improve his state of mind.

Seeing the change in Zhao Xinyu's expression, the Tree of Life and the Divine Tree of Heaven looked at each other. What they admired most was Zhao Xinyu's attitude. There was no need to explain it clearly, Zhao Xinyu could imagine it.

"Xinyu, I thought of it."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "Sister, there is a waterfall in Liuling Mountain with a drop of almost seventy or eighty meters. Where I go to refine weapons, water and fire are in harmony. Not only can it improve my state of mind, but it also allows me to adapt to refine weapons in different environments. "

After hearing what Zhao Xinyu said, the Tree of Life and the Heaven-reaching Sacred Tree were both stunned, with a hint of surprise in their eyes. There are many ways to improve one's state of mind, and the conflict between water and fire is really one of them, but it is the most difficult to improve one's state of mind. One kind, they thought that Zhao Xinyu could think of it, but they didn't expect that what Zhao Xinyu thought of was the most difficult one.

Thinking about Zhao Xinyu's experience in the past few months, the tree of life shook his head. After going crazy, Zhao Xinyu recovered and improved his mood in a noisy environment. It was reasonable for him to think of improving under the waterfall.

"Not bad, but there are too many people staring at you now, so you can't be too careless."

Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly, "I know this."

‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏ Leaving the space, Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath and had a new goal in his heart. He felt that the blood in his body was boiling. He was a cultivator. And he has already reached this step. As long as he takes this step, he will stand at the pinnacle of this world. Of course, he desires to become stronger.

However, after experiencing the closest time to death, he did not dare to be careless. That time, he could only survive with the help of many beings in the space. Being obsessed is the most feared experience for cultivators. After one time, the degree will be deepened again. Many practitioners After a person becomes obsessed once, they will not continue to improve, because they all know that no one can withstand a second obsession.


Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, and his whole body suddenly relaxed. After this relaxation, his whole body had a ethereal feeling, which made Heifeng who ran over slightly stunned.

He suddenly felt a little strange about the boss he had always been with. This feeling was something he had never had before, even if he had the bloodline of the holy beast.

"Heifeng, let's go for a walk in Liuling Mountain tomorrow."

Heifeng was stunned for a moment, and the next moment, there was a hint of excitement in his eyes. He, Jin Hen, and Jin Yu were very familiar with Liuling Mountain and Cailiang Mountain. They did not dare to go to Cailiang Mountain in a short time. In Liuling Mountain, I haven't encountered any strange beasts so far, but going to Liulang Mountain will allow them to unleash their full potential.

"I'll notify Jin Hen and Jin Yu to go."

"Where are Lei Heng and Yunyin?"

"Qing Lang said that they are often in Liulang Mountain now and only come back occasionally. How about letting Jin Hen and Jin Yu find them back?"

"Forget it, let's go to Liuling Mountain as well. They can come in when they come back."

"How do we get in?" Heifeng glanced at the nine mechanical birds standing in the courtyard.

"Now that there is a mechanical bird, if we enter on foot, what will others think? We go in on a mechanical bird."

The next day, the people who were relaxing in the Zizhu Forest all looked in one direction. They felt a strong wind blowing over there. If it were in the past, they might think it was a wind, but in those days, Zhao Xinyu kept controlling the mechanical bird to rise. Sora, they are also familiar with such strong winds.

Then they saw Zhao Xinyu controlling the mechanical bird to take off. This time, except for Zhao Xinyu, there was no one else. Hei Feng, who had been accompanying Zhao Xinyu all the time, fluttered its wings with golden marks and golden feathers on the mechanical bird, and the mechanical bird flew high. As it passed over their heads, some people even saw several large backpacks fixed on the back of the mechanical bird.

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