I have a portable farm

Chapter 1825: Increase fishing

What surprised people was that from the signing of the contract to the large-scale demolition and reconstruction of Pingcheng, Zhao Xinyu never appeared once, but people could see Zhao Xinyu in Hongshiya every day.

Countless people lamented that Zhao Xinyu, the hands-off shopkeeper, did a good job, and the people he hired were the best business elites in the world. He didn't even need to handle the loan himself.

This morning, someone even reported that Zhao Xinyu left Hongshiya by car, and then news came from Lop Nur that Zhao Xinyu went to Lop Nur when the weather was freezing.

Lop Nur is located in the northwest inland. The climate is already dry. In addition, it is located in a desert. In autumn, there is a saying of wearing fur coats in the morning and wearing gauze in the afternoon. In the winter when the temperature in the north plummets to more than 20 degrees below zero, Lop Nur’s The temperature reached minus 30 or 40 degrees in the morning and evening.

There are no tourists in the bustling salt water lakes and Mochou Lake in spring and summer. In the bleak purple bamboo forest, the sour grape, black grape and grape groves in the wilderness, a variety of wild animals are fighting against the severe cold. Many areas are still suffering from summer and autumn. The same interpretation of the most primitive hunting.

It is only at noon that workers can be seen in the Salt Lake and Mochou Lake. They first cut through the ice layer more than one meter thick, When the net is about to be pulled up, some people from Loulan Town and Mowen Town who specialize in buying fish and crabs can be seen on the shore.

Compared to the deserted Mochou Lake and Salt Lake, the freezing Mowen Town and Loulan Town do not feel deserted at all. Every morning, the sanitation staff in the two areas will clean the wide streets in advance.

As the sun rises in the east, there are all kinds of hawking sounds on the streets. There are almost no vehicles driving on the wide streets. If it weren't for the clothes of the people on the streets, anyone walking on the streets would feel like they have returned to ancient times.

On this day, just after dawn, in the biting cold wind, a man and a dog appeared on the shore of Mochou Lake. When the desert wolves in the purple bamboo forest saw the man and the dog, they all rushed over, and their howls only penetrated the sky, often Anyone who hears a wolf howl can hear the desert wolf's excitement in the howl.

Zhao Xinyu looked at the groups of desert wolves with a smile on his face. When the workers could not show up, these loyal desert wolves helped him protect his industry.

Zhao Xinyu looked at Hei Feng, who roared into the sky a few times, and then received responses from Jin Hen and Jin Yu. Zhao Xinyu took out bottles one by one from his backpack and distributed the Bone Strengthening Pill inside to the desert wolves. .

Although the bone-strengthening pill is only a first-grade pill, its efficacy is comparable to that of a third-grade pill. Such pills are good things that are eagerly snatched up by the cultivating forces in the cultivation world. In the past, these pills needed to be refined by Zhao Xinyu himself, but now the bone-strengthening pills There is no need for him to take action on the pills himself. Yunfei and several other disciples of the Jiuli tribe will supply hundreds of thousands of bone-strengthening pills every month.

Therefore, this kind of good thing, which is in high demand in the cultivation world, is like dog food in Zhao Xinyu's hands, and Zhao Xinyu does not feel sorry for species such as desert wolves and green wolves.

After the Desert Wolf received the benefits, they all returned to the purple bamboo forest to refine and absorb the medicinal properties of the elixir. Zhao Xinyu found a remote ice surface and used the iron picks left by the workers on the shore to cut through the ice. In front of him, he crouched down. It seemed to others that Zhao Xinyu was delivering oxygen to the fish and crabs in Mochou Lake, but in fact, Zhao Xinyu reached deep into the cold lake and dropped a large number of fish and crabs from the space into Mochou Lake.

When the sun rose into the sky, patrol vehicles appeared on the banks of Mochou Lake. The patrol officers were stunned when they saw Zhao Xinyu in the lake.

Mochou Lake is hundreds of kilometers away from the outside world. People in Mowen Town and Loulan Town all know Zhao Xinyu's rules, and under the severe cold, it is difficult for them to break through the ice. In addition, Mochou Lake There are desert wolves all around, and ordinary people dare not come over to secretly fish.

Now a person appeared on the lake, but when he saw the big black guy nearly three meters long and two meters high running happily on the lake, there was a hint of excitement in the eyes of the patrol officer.

They couldn't see clearly the squatting Zhao Xinyu, but they could recognize Heifeng at a glance, because there are no dogs as big as Heifeng not only in China, but also in the whole world, even if they help herdsmen guard cattle on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. None of the sheep or Tibetan Mastiffs have the size of Heifeng.

Seeing the patrols on the shore, Zhao Xinyu took his hand back from the rising lake water. As his breath fluctuated, the ice hole he dug had frozen again.

After calling Heifeng to leave Mochou Lake and reach the road on the shore, someone jumped down with a coat, "‎‏​‏‏​‏​‎‏​‏‎‏‏‏Boss, when did you come here? Put on your coat quickly. "

Zhao Xinyu chuckled and waved his hand, "It's okay, I'm not cold. My down jacket is specially made. It's light and warm. How are you doing here while I'm not here?"

"It's cold and no one comes over, so we come over every day to take a look. We have desert wolves here and they're not afraid of people stealing. We're just worried about fires."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "It's windy in the desert. You must pay attention to fire prevention. If you smoke, you can't get out of the car."

"We know this. None of the patrol officers smoke."

"Come on, take me for a spin around the saltwater lake."

When we arrived at the lagoon, the icebreaker on the other side of the lagoon had already towed the fishing boat into the lagoon where the other side could no longer be seen.

Originally, the people on the shore wanted to call the fishing boat back, but Zhao Xinyu just rowed a small boat into the salt water lake. He had his own purpose in coming here this time. Sitting on the fishing boat, he just watched the fishing process and his release. The plan fell through.

All the people here knew that Zhao Xinyu's water quality was very good, and they just thought that Zhao Xinyu would not go into the depths. However, by the time they reacted, Zhao Xinyu had already steered the boat into the depths of the saltwater lake. This made the people on the shore worried, and some even wanted to set up a boat to follow Zhao Xinyu, but thinking about Zhao Xinyu, he must have made arrangements if needed.

On the lake, Heifeng stood behind the boat and looked at the sky warily, "Boss, there are no drones."

Zhao Xinyu laughed and stretched his hand into the lake. In an instant, the lake started rolling. A large amount of seafood in the space was sent into the salt water lake. When the big fish in the salt water lake felt the space water, they all rushed over to absorb the space in the lake. water. It was Zhao Xinyu who set up the boat to the depths of the salt water lake at this moment, otherwise he would not have attracted the attention of the staff on the shore.

Near noon, Zhao Xinyu returned to the shore by boat. The moment they saw Zhao Xinyu getting off the boat, many staff members let out a sigh of relief.

"Boss, why did you set up the boat to go deep? This winter is very windy and the waves are rough. If you accidentally fall in, you will lose temperature in five minutes at most. If you..." Zhao Xinyu laughed, "I also want to be on the shore. While I was looking around, I accidentally entered the depths. I took a look and saw that there are many big fish in the lake. I will increase the fishing volume starting from tomorrow. How many times do I set the net now a day?"

"Both fishing boats lowered their nets twice, and they will lower their nets four times starting tomorrow. I will look back and see how to allocate our seafood supply."

After saying this, Zhao Xinyu looked at a security captain and said, "Brother Li, has there been any theft in recent times?"

"The professional team wearing diving suits couldn't come up alive. Who would dare to go down and steal? Even in places where people go swimming in summer, we have to build protective nets to prevent red king crabs from breaking in."

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, "Red king crabs will not appear in shallow water. They all live in deep water, accompanied by species such as pearl oysters and gooseneck barnacles."

"Boss, you didn't say you can catch pearl oysters during the Mid-Autumn Festival. At that time, there are many people asking every day."

"I forgot about this. We don't fish for pearl oysters every day."

"Even experts have said that our pearl oysters are extremely rare even in the ocean. I heard that one pearl can be sold for millions of dollars abroad. Our people don’t dare to catch more fish, so we only catch ten fish every day.”

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "I was so busy at that time that I really ignored this matter. I will study it later to see how much fishing is appropriate."

Although Zhao Xinyu only stayed in the saltwater lake for a few hours, he sent a signal that the seafood catch would double, and the number of pearl oysters seemed to also increase.

So before returning to the Mowen Town workshop, the news had already been spread among the workers. The customer service staff at the Dijun Group were almost overwhelmed, and the phones of Jiang Fei and others kept ringing.

"Xinyu, if you have anything to do, can you come back and discuss it? Our phones are smoking." As soon as Zhao Xinyu entered Sangji's office, Sangji began to complain.

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "Some workers have sent us messages. If possible, let's call them. By the way, Uncle Sanji, shouldn't you also find some people here to handle simple things?"

Sanji and others looked at each other, "Are we worried?"

"It's okay. Just assign them some insignificant tasks and choose from the people we recruited."

While Sangji and the others were studying and selecting personnel, Zhao Xinyu made a notice on the group's official website that the fish and crabs in the saltwater lake had grown to a large scale, and the seafood catch would double from now on. As for the pearl oysters that people have been paying attention to, from now on From now on, the number of pearl oysters caught every day will be increased from ten to fifty. Zhao Xinyu will personally see the breeding situation of pearl oysters next year. If conditions permit, the number of pearl oysters caught will increase.

For Zhao Xinyu, an announcement is nothing more than putting more seafood from the vast ocean of space into the saltwater lake, but it is different for the outside world.

The seafood of the Salt Water Lake has been popular at home and abroad a few years ago. Even the pure wild seafood in the ocean cannot match the taste of the seafood in the Salt Water Lake. What's more, there are many kinds of seafood in the Salt Water Lake that are rare in the sea. These seafoods are of extremely high nutritional and economic value. Although these seafoods are expensive this year, they are still in short supply.

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