I have a portable farm

Chapter 1,797 I completely forgot about it

On the Mid-Autumn Festival, this night of family reunion, Hongshiya New Village and the banks of the Sanggan River are brightly lit, and the two areas are bustling with people, and everyone's face is filled with an unconcealable smile.

Along the Sanggan River, in simple restaurants everywhere, people from all over the world taste delicious food and enjoy the Mid-Autumn Festival party. The people sitting around the dining table are no longer divided into regions at this moment. Some of them are blessing each other and expressing their gratitude to outsiders. Imagine.

About four or five miles away from Hongshi Cliff, on the mountain south of Yangjiagou Village, hundreds of people were admiring the full moon hanging in the sky, smelling the fragrance of purple flower emperor elixir, and looking at the bright moon with hope for the wonderful things to come. wish.

In an open space specially opened for tourists, the aroma is overflowing, and Zhao Xinyu and Fenghuang show off their skills to barbecue for people.

Near the edge, tables are placed, with various fruits and vegetables special to the Emperor Group on the tables. There is a big moon cake in the middle.

When Meng Feiyan and others placed the last fruit, Meng Feiyan looked at her father and said, "Dad, it's all arranged. You can take the lead in worshiping the moon god."

Meng Lie looked at the crowd and said, "Let's all make wishes to the Moon God."

A few minutes later, the worship was over. Luo Xiao looked at the purple-flowered imperial elixir shrouded in the moonlight, "I have been reading these things on the Internet. Although it is dark, I still enjoyed it. This fragrance can really soothe the mind."

"Dad, now the Purple Flower Emperor Herb has been called a miracle medicine by people. A pound of Purple Flower Emperor Herb's seeds are sold for tens of thousands of yuan, but that's how you can pre-order it in advance."

Luo Xiao looked at Du Mengnan and others, "It's so expensive."

Du Mengnan chuckled, "This is also the domestic price, and the foreign price is tens of thousands of dollars. That fool doesn't think about this. He can get it as long as he pre-orders, but he doesn't know that many institutions and planting areas are getting the seeds." Then he resold it and made a profit from the difference.”

Liu Fengying chuckled, "Mengmeng, you don't know him yet, don't think he doesn't care about anything, those reselling people did make a lot of difference, but they lost their credibility, they want to buy Purple Flower Emperor Dancao again The seeds are difficult.”

Meng Lie nodded. Although he did not raise Zhao Xinyu, he knew that Zhao Xinyu hated this kind of people the most. The seeds of Purple Flower Emperor Dancao are perfume and like dream spirits and sudden dreams. As the main raw material, the effect is even stronger than that of the flowers of the purple flower. At the same time, the seeds of the purple flower are also a favorite food of animals living in Liuling Mountain. In Zhao Xinyu’s words, the meat quality of animals that often eat the seeds of the purple flower will be reduced. More delicious.

He was able to take out the seeds and sell them, that was how much determination he had made, but those people didn't cherish them and sold the seeds backhand. They felt that what they did was perfect, but they didn't know that everything they did was under Zhao Xinyu's control. In the eyes of these people, it is really difficult for them to buy seeds.

"Sister-in-law, when will the purple flower and grass fragrance start to be sold to the outside world? It has been several months."

Liu Fengying chuckled, "The fragrance of purple flowers and grass, like dream spirit, and suddenly a dream are all made by hand. The output is not high to begin with. It was originally planned to be sold before the Mid-Autumn Festival, but your brother plans to sell it in Hongshiya and Xihanling." Marketing points have been opened in , Lop Nur, and southern Yunnan, so we need to reserve more. We should be able to sell it to the outside world after the Mid-Autumn Festival."

A group of young people suddenly became excited, and everyone looked at Meng Feifei. After receiving the instruction, Meng Feifei chuckled and looked at Zhao Xinyu.

Liu Fengying instantly understood the meaning of a group of young people, "Feifei, your brother has known your thoughts for a long time. Is it that your classmates and friends want to get the purple flowers and grass fragrance in advance?"

Meng Feifei and the others all laughed, "Brother still understands us."

Liu Fengying smiled lightly and said, "Your brother has prepared a lot for you. Let's count the numbers and send them out tomorrow."

"Sister-in-law, it's not just perfume, but also Mengling. You also know that people are under a lot of pressure nowadays. Most people are sleep deprived. They also want to come to Hongshiya and Xihanling, but they don't have time at all. , so they asked us to want..."

"No problem, just do the statistics. Others can't get it, so you all just go through the back door."

Cheers sounded on the mountain, which made Zhao Xinyu and Fenghuang who were having a barbecue look over. Meng Feifei even blew Zhao Xinyu countless kisses.

In one area, Bai Haotian, four people, and three sisters from the Jiao family stood together. They looked at a group of cheering young people, and there was a hint of palpitation in their eyes. They also lived young, but their youth was not like this. Spend every day, they are running for tomorrow.

The next day, because he came back too late from admiring the moon in the mountains last night, it was already past ten o'clock in the morning when Zhao Xinyu got up. When he came out of the living room, the whole compound was very quiet, which made Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but shake his head. It seemed It was too late last night and people hadn't gotten up yet.

Entering the living room, four old men were chatting. When he saw Zhao Xinyu come in, Meng Lie looked at Zhao Xinyu and said, "Xinyu, your uncle and Haotian have all gone back."

Zhao Xinyu sighed slightly. The four Bai Haotian were only a little older than him, but they...

"Grandpa, Brother Ri, Brother Fei and the others..."

"They seem to be very compatible. By the way, Mengmeng took them all to Xuelong Ridge."

Zhao Xinyu looked outside, "Everyone is gone?"

Meng Lie laughed, "Wouldn't it be better to strike while the iron is hot? If the four of us hadn't been waiting for you, we would have followed."

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "You can go if you want. I just happened to go to the village to sit with people today."

Meng Lie took a deep breath, "Xinyu, everyone has gone to Xuelong Ridge, will they?"

Zhao Xinyu's eyes flickered a few times, and he understood what his grandfather meant. Xuelong Ridge is the current base of the Yanhuang Iron Brigade, and the secret of Xuelong Ridge is related to the safety of China.

"Grandpa, it's okay. There are large formations guarding Xuelong Ridge. Everything will be fine. Just explain to everyone later."

Meng Lie nodded, "Xinyu, we have studied it after they left. You also know Jiao Hongzhuo's situation. He is crazy now. If possible, can you let the family members go to Xuelong Ridge, so that no matter who is working outside? It also gives me peace of mind.”

"Okay, there are many courtyards over there, we just need to get some facilities to get there."

"Then it's settled. From now on, everyone will be in Xuelong Ridge. At least they will have someone to take care of them."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "You can make arrangements." When he said this, Zhao Xinyu had an idea in his heart. Xuelong Ridge used to be the gate of the sect. There were no fights anywhere. Where are those people now He didn't know the place, and he didn't know if they would come back. If there was only the Yanhuang Iron Brigade, he wouldn't be too worried, but now if family members from several families go there, he really has to think about what to do. arrange.

"Then let's go talk to them and see what they mean."

The four old men went to Xuelong Ridge. Zhao Xinyu walked around the empty yard, checked the time, went back and packed up and went to Hongshiya New Village.

After eating, Zhao Xinyu returned to the compound, sat on the second floor and looked towards Liuling Mountain. The next moment his expression changed, he stood up and looked in one direction of Liuling Mountain, with a hint of helplessness on his face.

You must know that when he left the Burial Sky Valley last time, his grandfather Zhao Pojie left him a message, asking him to go to the tomb and burn paper on July 15th. But after he came back, he went to the Yanshan Mountains. By the time he came out of the Yanshan Mountains, he was already entering the eighth year of the lunar month. Month, he completely forgot about this matter.

Although I knew that my grandfather was still there and that the tomb was just an empty tomb to hide from others, in a village with strong traditional values, it was really difficult to say or not.

"Tomorrow." Zhao Xinyu shook his head with a wry smile.

The next day, before dawn, Zhao Xinyu left the compound with Heifeng. In front of the tomb in Sidaoliang, Zhao Xinyu saw that the tomb was filled with flowers and tributes. Looking back towards the bottom of the mountain, Zhao Xinyu felt He also knew that the villagers should be helping him come here to pay homage.

Squatting down, Zhao Xinyu placed the tributes, and then his eyes narrowed slightly, and he felt a weak energy fluctuation.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he thought of his grandfather's words. He walked to the place where the energy fluctuated and reached out to dig up the covering soil.

After just a few breaths, Zhao Xinyu's expression became solemn. He looked at Heifeng not far away and whispered: "Heifeng, be on guard."

Heifeng nodded and roared, followed by the response of Jinhen and Jinyu from the sky. Zhao Xinyu continued to dig, but after just a few breaths, an energy wave appeared under the soil.

"Seal, what is this?"

A few years ago, Zhao Xinyu might not have had much idea about seals, but now he knows a lot about seals.

Now he has thirty-six ancient runes in his hand, and has the inheritance of the three supreme beings. He does not need to use the Purple Flame of the Purifying Altar at all, and the seal can be easily broken.

The next moment, an aura of eternal desolation filled the air, and nine runes filled with a barbaric atmosphere floated out from the seal. Among the nine runes, there was a gray energy mass filled with a gloomy atmosphere rotating.

Ancient runes, dark sources, Zhao Xinyu whispered, and his heart couldn't help but get excited.

Grandpa said that there might be something unexpected, but he did not expect that grandpa would leave him such a heavy gift. Ancient runes are related to Jiuding, and the origins and runes of the same nine attributes are related to Jiujue Land. The origin and the corresponding ancient runes can enter the Jedi corresponding to the Nine Ultimate Lands without restriction.

Now that he has water and wood sources in his hands, although he does not know what the attributes of the nine runes are, according to the aura permeating the source, Zhao Xinyu can judge that the source should be the dark one among the nine attributes that is spurned by all cultivators. source.

Taking a deep breath, the aura in his body was excited, and the ancient runes and two origins were all stimulated...

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