I have a portable farm

Chapter 1730: Seize the opportunity

Liu Fengying chuckled, "There is also an area suitable for growing ice crystal fruits."

Everyone couldn't help but look at Liu Fengying, "Where is it?"

Liu Fengying looked at Zhao Xinyu, who smiled faintly and said, "You are talking about Snow Dragon Mountain, right?"

Liu Fengying nodded, "Xuelong Mountain is located in Pengcheng, and there are villages and towns near Xuelong Mountain. Didn't you say that the glacier below is relatively gentle, so it would not be suitable for planting there."

Du Gang nodded, "It is indeed possible to plant over there."

Zhao Xinyu smiled bitterly and shook his head, "If other places are suitable, I can consider it, but not over there."


"Grandpa, you have been in Pingcheng all this time. You should know about the rumors about Xuelong Ridge."

Du Gang's eyes narrowed slightly, "You are talking about the constant disappearance of expedition and scientific expedition personnel."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "Yes, there are still many explorers and scientific researchers resting in a valley below Xuelong Ridge."

Meng Lie looked at Du Gang, "There is still this matter."

"In the past years, the locals knew about Xuelong Ridge. After the living conditions improved, more and more adventure enthusiasts entered. Nine out of ten people who entered stayed inside, and those who came out were mentally ill. Later, when a scientific expedition team entered the hospital, the same situation occurred. Until now, no one knows what happened.”

The eyes of Luo Xiao and others shrank slightly, and they looked at Zhao Xinyu at the same time. Zhao Xinyu knew where the situation was and he should have been there.

Zhao Xinyu sighed slightly, "Where is there a valley? The valley is the only way to enter Xuelong Ridge, and there should be a large formation in the valley. That large formation can affect people's minds. Nine out of ten people who enter will be able to affected.”

"Can we break the formation? Then we can plant in that area."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "If the formation is broken, those adventure enthusiasts will cross the valley. If they climb to Xuelong Ridge, the secrets on Xuelong Ridge will be exposed."

Meng Lie nodded, "The Yanhuang Iron Brigade is the only guardian organization now. The Yanhuang Iron Brigade must not let anything happen. If this is the case, even if it is suitable for planting there, it should not be planted."

"That's it. There are too many people paying attention to the Dijun Group now. They should also estimate, like Fengying, that Ice Crystal Fruit will make at least a billion dollars this time. Such profits are enough to make them jealous. If the planting area is expanded, Pengcheng doesn't care about the development of the Emperor Group. If people like Cao Xun come over after making profits, Xuelong Ridge will change hands. No one can predict what they will do. If the Yanhuang Iron Brigade is exposed If so, Xinyu’s years of being a slave will be in vain.”

"If you really want to plant, you can consider the northwest and southwest. There are thousands of snow peaks there, and you might be able to find a glacier with gentle terrain."

Zhao Xinyu sighed slightly, "Let's put this matter aside for the time being. Hongshiya, Xihanling, Lop Nur and southern Yunnan are already busy enough. If there is one more area, there are often people there. It is more difficult to develop in inaccessible areas.”

Liu Fengying looked at Zhao Xinyu, "Zhao Xinyu, a large part of the people who bought the ice crystal fruit said that after eating the ice crystal fruit, they can keep out the cold, and they can't feel the cold even on the glacier. Their remarks have a great influence. Our country is not the only country to have glaciers in the world. Many countries in the Arctic region have vast glaciers. Ice crystal fruit has such a great impact. I think they will contact you soon to buy ice crystal fruit seedlings. If they cultivate them …”

Zhao Xinyu frowned slightly. There were many ice crystal fruits in the past years, but due to land changes, ice crystal fruits and other species that grew on ice and snow disappeared from people's sight.

Some areas within the polar circle, such as the Arctic and Antarctic, have vast glaciers, and most of these areas are not polluted. Ice crystals are really suitable for survival in such areas.

Taking a deep breath, "Let's not talk about whether the ice crystal fruit can keep out the cold. It just tastes good. If Mr. Gu can really cultivate the seedlings, it is not impossible to sell them to them. After all, we have no place to grow it ourselves. Let them promote the ice crystal fruit." It’s a blessing to mankind.”

"But if that happens, will they turn around and sell us the ice crystal fruit at a high price?"

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "When did they sell it to us at a low price? I think they should also know that Mr. Gu and the others built a greenhouse to simulate glaciers. Although it is impossible for them to build the same experimental greenhouse in a short time, they will definitely Taking this step, we can make a profit if we plant the seedlings now and resell them. If we wait for them to build it, we will lose the opportunity. While they are cultivating the ice crystal fruit, we can also look for suitable areas around it."

"Xinyu is right. We have to seize the opportunity in everything. Since we don't have a suitable area to plant ice crystal fruits for the time being, we should take the lead in cultivation, and the seedlings can be sold at a good price. Xinyu doesn't have to make money for the Chinese people, but We have nothing to say to them."

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "This is not my business. With Brother Jiang and the others, I don't have to worry about it."

The whole family couldn't help but feel happy. The people around Zhao Xinyu who were doing important things, namely Jiang Fei and his wife, were highly educated and professionals, and few of the others had gone to high school.

When the Dijun Group first started, it was small and they didn't think much about it. However, after it expanded, they began to worry about Zhao Xinyu. After all, Han Jun and Wang Yong were mostly farmers.

But in the past few years, although people from several families have come to help, they still rely on Han Jun, Wang Yong and others who are uneducated in the eyes of countless people.

The Emperor Group can develop in an all-round way without Zhao Xinyu's worries, which makes them have to admire Zhao Xinyu's vision. Even if the people they employ are uneducated farmers, they can do everything in a flawless manner. Such talents are difficult to find.

"Do you need to inform them?"

Liu Fengying chuckled, "Grandpa, don't look at this guy's honesty. The ones who are really honest are people like Han Jun and Wang Yong. Those people are now smarter than monkeys. They all learned this from him. Now they only It only takes one look to know what the other person wants to do.”

The whole family looked at Zhao Xinyu, who laughed and said, "They are all self-taught. What does that have to do with me?"

Du Mengnan curled his lips, "When you were drinking together, this is what you taught them. In fact, you are the worst among everyone. You appear to be honest, but in fact you are plotting against others."

Luo Xiao laughed, "This is very similar to your grandfather."

Buzz. Zhao Xinyu's cell phone vibrated, and Du Mengnan chuckled, "It must be a text message from Brother Jiang."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, took out his mobile phone and saw the number on it. Zhao Xinyu's eyes suddenly shrank, and then he opened the text message. After seeing the content above, everyone in the living room felt the temperature in the living room drop sharply. .

Everyone looked at Zhao Xinyu. Seeing the change in Zhao Xinyu's expression, Meng Lie frowned and said, "Xinyu, what's wrong?"

Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath and said, "Grandpa, the Japanese are going to act like monsters on the shores of the East China Sea again."

"It's Haotian and the others..."

But then he shook his head. If it was an emergency, Bai Haotian and the others would call or come over directly. They would not send text messages to Zhao Xinyu.

"It should still be the same person."

The eyes of the four Luo Xiaos shrank. Zhao Xinyu had received several text messages in the past few years. Each time, they were early warnings. There were Japanese or Xuantian Sect monsters accompanying the goods. It was only thanks to the early warnings that Yan Huangtie The brigade and even the station averted the crisis.

"Still that number?"

Zhao Xinyu shook his head and said, "It's not that number, but the tone is the same as before."

"The Japanese are the most insidious, they can do anything."

"I'm going to go to Xuelong Ridge. The Japanese must have sent out their masters this time."

Zhao Xinyu left, and Jiao Meng looked at Luo Xiao and the others, "I wonder who reminded Xinyu one after another that there are people from the Yanhuang Iron Brigade around Jiao Hongzhuo."

Luo Xiao shook his head, "After that time, only Jiao Hongzhuo escaped by chance, and the rest were all killed. Now he should be surrounded by people from the Xuantian Sect."

"The one who can understand the Xuantian Sect, the Japanese, and even the dark world must be someone Jiao Hongzhuo trusts. So who is this person?"

Everyone shook their heads. Zhao Xinyu controlled funds that were envied by countless people, but his connections were not extensive. People all over the world knew him, but those who really had a relationship with him were the people of the Dijun Group. They are all ordinary people. It is absolutely impossible for them to interact with Jiao Hongzhuo. They really can't guess who that person is.

On Xuelong Ridge, Ning Zhiyuan and Bai Haotian looked at the content of this text message with extremely solemn expressions, "Xinyu, this seems to be the third time."

They had worried that it was Jiao Hongzhuo himself who sent the text message, and that they were trying to lure the Yanhuang Iron Brigade out and inflict severe damage, but the two messages were accurate, which dispelled their suspicions.

"Xinyu, who do you think this person is?"

Zhao Xinyu shook his head. He thought about it twice in a row for a long time, but he never thought who was warning them in advance.

"No matter who it is, Black Dragon and Iga are going to make a big move on the coast of the East China Sea this time. If they succeed, the coast of the East China Sea will be disrupted and their plan cannot be allowed to succeed."

"Then how do you plan to arrange it?"

"The Japanese have been silent for such a long time. When they come back, they will definitely have masters to take charge. However, their character will not attack ordinary people unless we show up. Do you remember the last time?"

"You mean?"

Zhao Xinyu nodded. The Japanese were extremely vindictive. They suffered a lot at Shikou last time. I think they will start at Shikou this time.

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