I have a portable farm

Chapter 1,716 Farce

There were at least hundreds of media present, and it was difficult to select twenty-nine people...

However, the media also have media literacy. After discussion, nine people were selected from China and a total of 20 people from abroad were selected. These 20 people represented 20 of the world's top mainstream media.

Looking at the past thirty people, many well-known media outlets in the world looked at the young man from Pingcheng, their eyes full of envy.

They all represent world-famous mainstream media, but Youth is just a media outlet in third- and fourth-tier cities in China. Pingcheng has always supported Zhao Xinyu, and Zhao Xinyu puts Pingcheng Media first. It's really a slap in the face.

While people were envious, 30 people came to the mechanical tiger. They reached out and touched it, and all they touched was the wooden appearance. This shocked the media who watched it closely.

"Xiao Zhang, you ride up and I'll let the mechanical tiger take you around."

"Zhao Xinyu, I..."

"What are you afraid of? This is not a real tiger."

"But I can't control."

"No control is required, it will go in a straight line."

Xiao Zhang handed the camera to his companions and rode on the mechanical tiger. In the envious eyes of people, the mechanical tiger walked towards the media. People approaching could hear the sound of the mechanical rotation inside, which made everyone Everyone believed that this was a real mechanical tiger.

When Xiao Zhang came down, a media reporter looked at Zhao Xinyu and said, "Zhao Xinyu, this mechanical tiger of yours really doesn't have any power."

Zhao Xinyu chuckled and rubbed his hands on the tiger's body a few times. With a clicking sound, the outer shell of the mechanical tiger was removed and the internal structure was revealed to people's eyes.

People present saw that there were not many parts inside, and it looked very simple. Those selected media took close-up shots, but they could not find the battery they suspected, because if it is driven by a battery, there must be wires, but there are all the wires inside. It is a machine made of metal and wood. There are no wires at all. Without wires, there is no electric drive.

"Zhao Xinyu, can you let him move around like this?"

Zhao Xinyu laughed, put his hand directly into the tiger's mouth, and twisted his tongue. The next moment, the mechanical tiger started to move again. People can see that the machinery inside the body moves like the machinery on the dial, with that slight click. The sound was endless, and everyone present was stunned for a moment, with their eyes filled with horror.

All they saw were machines driven by electricity or oil, which could move freely without a drive. They had never heard of such machines.

After resetting the appearance of the mechanical tiger again, a media reporter helped an old man walk out of the crowd. The old man looked at Zhao Xinyu with excitement in his eyes.

Zhao Xinyu was stunned for a moment and subconsciously looked at the reporter, "Zhao Xinyu, this is Mr. Yuan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has devoted his life to mechanical manufacturing. Over the years, Mr. Yuan has been studying Zhuge Wuhou's molding skills. Today you Finally, I helped Mr. Yuan realize his wish."

He respected the older generation scientist Zhao Xinyu from the bottom of his heart. He quickly supported Mr. Yuan and said, "Mr. Yuan, you came here in person."

"Zhao Xinyu, Muliu cattle and horses are treasures left by the ancients. You can bring this kind of machinery back to the world. We should thank you."

"Zhao Xinyu, the wooden ox and the flowing horse are treasures left by the ancients. Now the world's top mechanical experts and power experts have gathered at Hongshiya. I wonder if you can take out the drawings."

As soon as the media reporter said this, everyone looked at Zhao Xinyu. Many white-haired old people showed unconcealable excitement in their eyes. If they could get the drawings, they were confident that this production technology would make a breakthrough. , thereby changing an era.

"Zhao Xinyu, return to me the design drawings of our Zhuge family's model."

As a voice sounded, everyone turned their heads and looked in one direction. There was something strange in everyone's eyes, because they heard something different from the voice, that is, this person was not here to congratulate or appreciate. The epoch-making powerless mechanical tiger is here to cause trouble.

The crowd divided, and three media reporters walked out. Their cameras were focused on a gray-haired old man.

The old man looked to be in his seventies, with a thin build. Although he looked quite old, there were not many wrinkles on his face, which gave him the impression of an outsider. However, his eyes were full of anger at this moment, which made him feel uncomfortable. It comes across as heavily discounted.

Three media people appeared at the right time, and their cameras were pointed directly at the old man. Zhao Xinyu instantly understood that these people were well prepared.

He said nothing and looked at the old man and the three media people indifferently. He wanted to see what the other party wanted to do.

Zhao Xinyu said nothing. A media person turned to look at Zhao Xinyu, his eyes full of provocation, and then turned to look at the old man.

"Old man, what do you mean by this? Is there any connection between you and the mechanical tiger made by Zhao Xinyu?"

The old man glanced at Zhao Xinyu coldly, took a deep breath, "My surname is Zhuge and I have only one character. I may be very ordinary, but when it comes to our ancestor Zhuge Wuhou, everyone must be familiar with it. As we all know, Mu Liu Niu Ma It was researched by the ancestor Zhuge Wuhou with great effort. Later, because his ancestor died in Wuzhangyuan, the production drawings were lost. Now Zhao Xinyu has made the Muliu cow and horse. Although he uses tiger skin, it is machine-made of Muliu cow and horse. I came over to ask for the drawings from him, so that makes sense."

Everyone was stunned. There were records in history that it was indeed the Model-style cattle and horses developed by Zhuge Wuhou. However, after Zhuge Wuhou, the Muli-Liu cattle and horses were lost.

If according to the current law, the Zhuge family really owns the intellectual property rights of Muliu Niuma, but it is too far-fetched. After all, things happened thousands of years ago. , not many people will accept it.

Zhao Xinyu also understood what was going on, which made him shake his head. Not to mention how this Zhuge Xun came here, just because he suddenly appeared at this time and directly asked for the drawings, if no one came to find this Zhuge Xun, he would not believe it even to death.

I originally thought I was just confronting the media, but I didn't want to suddenly see an old man claiming to be a descendant of Zhuge Wuhou. This was really beyond Zhao Xinyu's expectation.

At this time, all the media focused their cameras on Zhao Xinyu, and the media reporter who just asked Zhuge Xun focused their cameras on Zhao Xinyu.

"Zhao Xinyu, it is well known that the Muliu cattle and horses came from the hands of Zhuge Wuhou."

Zhao Xinyu also reacted at this moment. He smiled faintly and said, "This is how it is recorded in history."

"Then since the Wooden Ox and Flowing Horses are Zhuge Wuhou's masterpiece, and now you have made the Wooden Oxen and Flowing Horses, Zhuge Wuhou's descendants will come to take back the drawings belonging to the Zhuge family. This shouldn't be too much."

Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath and shook his head, "The mechanical tiger I made is similar to the wooden cow and horse, but it is not a wooden cow and horse. It is recorded in history that the wooden cow and horse made by Zhuge Wuhou needed to be pulled by people. My mechanical tiger seems to You don’t need anyone to guide you.”

After saying this, Zhao Xinyu looked at Zhuge Xun with deep meaning, "Old man, Zhuge Wuhou was a figure thousands of years ago, but he made wooden cows and horses. He said that the wooden cows and horses I made were also made by me. Yes, but you asked for the blueprint, could it be that the wooden cow and the flowing horse can only be owned by the Zhuge family?"

Zhu Ge reputation, you are also a public figure, I am not willing to go to court with you, nor will I discuss compensation issues with you, I just want to get back the drawings belonging to my Zhuge family."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head and looked at the old man, "Let's not talk about whether I have the drawings. Even if I have the drawings, they belong to me. According to you, gunpowder, papermaking, printing, and the compass were all invented by China. Now as long as Wherever these four technologies are used, Huaxia Capital asks for compensation from them. There are countless schools of traditional Chinese medicine. I use a prescription, and families such as the Zhang Family of Medical Saints and the Hua Family of Miracle Doctors ask me for the prescription and take away compensation. "

Zhao Xinyu originally wanted to publish the blueprints to the world, but now faced with Zhuge Xun, he would not show any mercy to him. He spoke sharply and gave him no room to refute. At the same time, he also thought about the importance of making blueprints. .

Sure enough, Zhao Xinyu's words made everyone stunned, and Zhuge Xun stood there with an ugly expression. He opened his mouth and wanted to refute, but there was no reason to refute.

It is true that the wooden cow and flowing horse were invented by Zhuge Wuhou, but it has been thousands of years now, and no one in the Zhuge family has the drawings, so where did Zhao Xinyu's drawings come from, and the invention is not single. You can invent it, and others can invent it, but the form is different. After thousands of years, Zhao Xinyu can say that his mechanical tiger was invented by the ancestors of the Zhao family.

"Zhao Xinyu, you are messing around and confusing the public."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head and looked at the livid Zhuge Xun, "I'm confusing the situation. Since you said that the wooden cow and the horse were invented by the Zhuge family, and the mechanical tiger I made was made using the method of the wooden cow and the horse, then you can show me the drawings. Compare it, if my drawings are the same as yours, I can give the drawings to you."

Zhuge Xun was shocked and said angrily: "If I had the blueprints, I would have sued you long ago."

Zhao Xinyu smiled coldly, "You don't even have the drawings. Why do you say that my mechanical tiger is based on the drawings of your Zhuge family? There are many domestic automobile industries now, so can the family that invented the foreign automobile sue all the automobile industries in the world? developers.”

As soon as Zhao Xinyu said these words, the people around him burst out laughing. Everyone could understand what Zhao Xinyu said, and the meaning was even more clear. Everyone thought that Zhuge came here to make trouble unreasonably.

"Old man, what Zhao Xinyu said is right. You can't just say that Zhao Xinyu used ancient methods to make the mechanical tiger, and you can't say it's the blueprint of your Zhuge family. Everything depends on evidence. Without evidence, it is simply untenable."

??????????????? Zhuge Xun's face was red. At this moment, he wished that there were seams on the ground. He originally thought that his words would resonate with countless people, but he didn't want to come here. He was slapped in the face by Zhao Xinyu.

"Zhao Xinyu, just wait, I will definitely find evidence and expose your shameless behavior to the world." After saying this, Zhuge Xun would not leave the crowd.

Watching Zhuge Xun leave, Zhao Xinyu glanced at the three media reporters who followed Zhuge Xun, and said coldly: "This is your style. What is the media? It is to let more people know about the world's affairs. You are looking for Zhuge came here just because he wanted to get the blueprints through dirty means."

Zhao Xinyu's words made the three media reporters blush, "Zhao Xinyu, you are slandering us. We also met him when we came here."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "I don't care how you do it, you just want to get the blueprints, but Chinese civilization has been passed down for five thousand years, and not everyone can make things from the ancients. The blueprints can be taken out, and whoever You can get it, the drawings are priced at 10 million US dollars, but I can’t guarantee whether the drawings can be made in your hands.”

Without giving them a chance to make things difficult, Zhao Xinyu directly expressed his thoughts. In fact, Zhao Xinyu originally wanted to price the drawings at one million, but the appearance of Zhuge Xun made him change his mind.

"Are you sure that the drawings you took out are authentic?"

Zhao Xinyu looked at the media reporter who was speaking, "I, Zhao Xinyu, haven't deceived anyone yet. I drew the drawings myself. Just like the equipment I use to purify the essence of medicinal liquids, every accessory requires extremely high precision. The most sophisticated machines in modern times may not be able to make them. To make the accessories perfect, you must have craftsman-level carpenters and blacksmiths to make them.”

When Zhao Xinyu said this, the people looked at the media as if they were watching a good show, while the media reporters and the experts who came over fell silent.

Huawu Yunyin came out a few years ago, and the recipe for Huawu Yunyin was even announced, but until now no one has been able to make Huawu Yunyin.

It's not because the recipe for Huawu Yunyin is fake, but because the ancient equipment for purifying the essence of medicinal liquid cannot be made. In today's high-tech development, they have used many methods, but the equipment they made is not perfect. As expected.

Now Zhao Xinyu once again mentioned the craftsman, the highest level craftsman who has disappeared for hundreds or even thousands of years. People were silent because with the development of science and technology today, machines have replaced handwork. There are no craftsmen at all in society now. Craftsmen, if high-precision machines can't make parts, what's the use of them getting the drawings.

"Zhao Xinyu, modern high-precision machines really can't make accessories for the mechanical tiger."

Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath and looked at the old man, "Mr. Yuan, high-precision machinery may be able to make it, but the precision will be worse than what the craftsmen can make, and the flexibility of the mechanical tiger will also change."

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