I have a portable farm

Chapter 1,665 Easily resolved

With the plan in mind, Li Fei collected information and Zhao Xinyu returned to Hongshiya. He did not tell them about their plan. Meng Lie and the others were very relieved about Zhao Xinyu and they did not ask.

Zhao Xinyu acted as if nothing had happened. He was busy with village affairs, perhaps things related to the Xubao River in Xihanling. The young people here at Hongshiya were also a lot more honest. No matter how people on the Internet belittled and attacked Zhao Xinyu, But the villagers in Xihanling and Hongshiya were grateful to Zhao Xinyu because of the changes in their children.

The launch of fishing activities in three areas has caused the emperor group's popularity to rebound rapidly. The saltwater lake is dedicated to Wuyou Restaurant and branch seafood. This has brought Wuyou Restaurant, which has been in turmoil for several months, back to its original state, even if it is The newly opened Wuyou Restaurants are more popular than the original ones.

Splendid lobster, blue lobster, bluefin tuna, large yellow croaker, and gooseneck barnacles are all delicacies that only the rich can afford, but what is caught every day is in short supply. Michelin-starred restaurants abroad are even more famous because of Lop Nur. The reputation of top-notch delicious food has skyrocketed.

Compared to the Dijun Group before the financial crisis, the Dijun Group at this time seems to have become more united and its popularity has surpassed that of the past.

On this day, a piece of news made the Chinese people angry. Countries and regions that suffered heavy losses from the financial crisis this time attributed the blame for the financial crisis to the Dijun Group. They all believed that the reason why Haas launched the financial crisis was because of Zhao Xinyu The sniper attack on Sorens eventually led to an accident in Sorens. If it weren't for Zhao Xinyu, this financial crisis would not have happened at all.

Not only did they propose 15 trillion yuan in compensation to the Dijun Group, they also asked Zhao Xinyu of the Dijun Group to reveal the core secrets of various prescriptions.

The Emperor Group responded immediately. They not only rejected the unreasonable demands of these countries and regions, but also refuted them for confusing the public. The last time Sorens targeted the Emperor Group, the Emperor Group stopped Sorens' conspiracy and exempted them from the crime. During the financial turmoil, they didn't know how to be grateful, but they put the problem on the Emperor Group. This was actually aiding the evil.

At the same time, the higher authorities stood together with the Emperor Group for the first time, and they strongly responded to the shameless acts in these countries and regions.

Subsequently, those countries and regions blatantly imposed sanctions on China, which caused countless people to turn their attention to the Dijun Group.

You must know that the last time due to brand issues, there were sanctions from multiple countries and regions. As a result, the Dijun Group retaliated and eventually bankrupted multiple multinational groups.

Just when their sanctions plan was finalized, a scandal broke out in a small country in the southeast. Their most trusted agent was exposed to various black transactions, including a recording of the conversation with Haas.

Once the news spread, there was an uproar in the country, and then the country's president was directly impeached...

The scandal in the small southeastern country has just ended, and their new leader has not been elected yet. Another scandal broke out in the neighboring country. This time it’s embezzlement…

Shocking scandals broke out in two countries that imposed sanctions on China, but the matter is still not over, and the matter has begun to spread like a plague. Scandals have appeared in every country, and every scandal has conclusive evidence. Even if you want to clear your name, it’s impossible.

The sanctions plan here has not yet been implemented, and various scandals have broken out in their area. The Emperor Group has not responded at all, but there is already chaos on their side.

Nothing happened in the places where sanctions were imposed, but problems occurred in the regional countries that initiated sanctions. Anyone with a little knowledge of international affairs will understand what happened.

But the matter was not over yet. A series of scandals were exposed, many of which were business dealings between the country's groups and the Haas Alliance team. Among them, some groups on Hong Kong Island were involved in this financial crisis, but what they didn't expect was that this storm would eventually affect them.

[In view of the general environment,

Scandals broke out one after another, and the real culprits behind the scenes also surfaced. These regions were damaged by the financial crisis. In order to get rid of their connections with Haas and their own crises, they wanted to use sanctions to increase

public trust.

They planned for a long time but did not want their own scandal to be exposed, which aroused the anger of the people.

As you can imagine, the puppets who wanted to use sanctions to stabilize themselves were stared at the pillar of shame one by one, and their masters all chose at this time disappeared.

A sanction that could cause another financial crisis was stillborn, but the leaders of many groups and regions did not see the internal problems in these regions. They were all thinking about how so many scandals were exposed.

If these scandals were exposed before or after the financial crisis, they would not think much about it. After all, this phenomenon occurs in many places.

The scandals were exposed one after another after they jointly sanctioned the Emperor Group and proposed high compensation to the Emperor Group.

Huaxia and Dijun Group only responded, but the politicians saw something in it. If there was no connection between the two things, they would not believe it even if they were beaten to death.

You must know that the Emperor Group has revealed a lot of dirty information about various individuals and groups that have smeared the Emperor Group over the years.

And this time it happened that those areas suddenly made unreasonable demands on the Emperor Group. It was reasonable for the Emperor Group to respond and ruin their reputation.

Although they did not have any evidence, they all firmly believed that the exposure of this scandal was inextricably linked to the Dijun Group, which confirmed their original speculation that the Dijun Group had a group of personnel who specialized in spying on intelligence.

It was guessed that Zhao Xinyu had an intelligence team in his hands that no one else knew about, which made leaders of many countries fearful of the Emperor Group for the first time.

The Emperor Group's rise in recent years is based on planting and breeding. Unlike other groups, every product of the Emperor Group is in short supply. In the last financial war in which Sorensi lost, the Emperor Group accumulated trillions of funds. Although the Dijun Group has been continuously investing and developing over the years, the Dijun Group has absolute influence internationally.

Several conspiracies against the Emperor Group were resolved one by one by the Emperor Group without the participation of the state. Many of the groups that had accumulated hundreds of years of experience against the Emperor Group went bankrupt, and even the remaining ones were On the last breath.

During this financial turmoil, they also knew that Haas was targeting the Dijun Group. However, the Dijun Group persisted for five days without financial assistance, and Zhao Xinyu had already expected that Sorensi's team would take revenge on him. , and even transferred all profitable industries. This alone shows that Zhao Xinyu, the controller of the Dijun Group, is very thoughtful.

Now they know that they have been guessing that Zhao Xinyu has an unknown intelligence team. This time the intelligence team has never been exposed, and they don't know their origins. They can use conspiracy to destroy the Emperor Group, but But it may not necessarily be able to destroy the intelligence team in Zhao Xinyu's hands. Such an intelligence team would be too lethal to them.

After research, they thought of a possibility, that is, there are people like Luo Xiao, Meng Lie, Du Gang, and Guan Zhentian around Zhao Xinyu. They are not ordinary people. They all have their own personnel. So this intelligence team It is very likely that Luo Xiao and the others secretly trained them. Now they are all at Zhao Xinyu's place, and they handed over this intelligence team to Zhao Xinyu for Zhao Xinyu's use.

It's terrible. It's terrible. Only now do they know that Zhao Xinyu is not only a thoughtful young man, but also a guy who can subvert the world with public opinion. .

Politicians were afraid, but the people who supported Zhao Xinyu were excited. The evil consequences they imagined did not appear. Instead, the unreasonable politicians fell one after another. People who did not know the actual situation could only praise Zhao Xinyu's good luck.

The Emperor Group has not received any impact, and fishing activities in the three places are still in full swing. As the twelfth lunar month is about to enter, there is also movement in southern Yunnan, and various activities continue to be carried out. At the same time, for the first time among the ten villages, Withdrawing from the various products of the Emperor Group, the event has not yet started, but it has also attracted the attention of many people and sent you messages.

On Snow Dragon Ridge, Li Fei looked at Zhao Xinyu, "Xinyu, although the crisis has been resolved this time and many puppets have been overthrown, we have also attracted the attention of those hostile forces."

Zhao Xinyu sighed quietly. He also knew that except for those who had ulterior motives, foreign forces would not pay too much attention to the fact that he had revealed some dirty information in China. After all, it was not something ordinary people could do to obtain their dirty information. Arrived.

Now, problems have arisen in many countries and regions. Anyone with a little knowledge can imagine that there are people who are using them, one is the Third Grandpa's side, and the other is the Emperor Group.

The Dijun Group has exposed a lot of dirty information about many people over the years, so it makes sense for them to target the Dijun Group.

"Brother Fei, be careful. There are a lot of problems in those places this time. Have we found an agent that suits us?"

"I've found a few and I've started running them. If everything goes well, they will be able to achieve their goals in a few months."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "We have money in our hands, so don't pity money. What we want is stability around us. Only with stability around us can we deal with enemies who want to target us."

"What's going on over there in Haas?"

Li Fei and others' eyes narrowed slightly, "Xinyu, are you going to attack Haas?"

Everyone present knew Zhao Xinyu's character. As long as there was a chance, he would not let his enemies have another chance to target him.


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