I have a portable farm

Chapter 1,655 The Emperor Changes Owners

"What a huge impact."

"These two groups make a lot of profits every year, especially the building materials group managed by Zhao Zhizhong, which is now a world-famous construction group."

Liu Fengying chuckled, "Zhao Zhizhong's team is indeed famous. Firstly, there are no flaws in management. The most important thing is the buildings built by the group in these years."

Meng Lie smiled faintly, "The quality is good, but most of the drawings are designed by Xinyu, so they don't have much influence. What about Jundi Group?"

"Jundi Group has been promoting high technology."

"Is there any scientific research success?"

"not yet."

"Then don't be afraid. As long as the farmland and mountains and forests are there, we can make a comeback."

The Emperor Group collapsed, but countless people who did not know the truth did not let go. They attacked the Emperor Group frantically, and some even suggested that Zhao Xinyu be permanently banned.

On this day, a piece of news came that shocked the whole world. Rensi Co., Ltd. took over the Dijun Group. Their team had entered the Dijun Group. Zhao Xinyu’s right-hand man, Jiang Fei and his wife, and many senior executives were all talked about. Then the news came out, After the conversation, Jiang Fei and others submitted their resignation reports and would leave the Emperor Group only after they handed over the work at hand.

Solon Shares took over the Emperor Group, and people immediately began to investigate the Solon Group. Then the background of the Solon Group came to light. The previous generation of stock god Solen Si founded it, and now he is in charge of Solen Share. Solen Si’s pride? Disciple Haas .

This news made many people silent for a moment. They suddenly realized that they seemed to have wrongly blamed Zhao Xinyu. A few years ago, during the financial war and Sorensi's defeat in Pengcheng, an accident finally occurred.

This time, people said that Zhao Xinyu controlled the stock market, but the result was that the Emperor Group changed hands, and the person who took over the Emperor Group happened to be Haas, a disciple of Sorensi. This was too much of a coincidence.

Later, news came out that in response to the crisis, the Emperor Group lost a total of 800 billion, of which 360 billion was directly loaned by Zhao Xinyu in his own name. The Emperor Group also borrowed money from Xihanling, Hongshi Ya villagers borrowed more than 300 billion.

This news silenced those who attacked Zhao Xinyu. Only at this moment did they realize that they were being regarded as gunmen. It was precisely because of their constant attacks that Pengcheng was unwilling to lend money to the Dijun Group. The Dijun Group But with 800 billion, he resisted for five days. If someone had helped the Emperor Group at that time, the Emperor Group would not have changed hands.

Think about the last time foreign groups developed Lop Nur, and all the delicious seafood, vegetables, and meat were shipped abroad in exchange for high profits.

This is still controlled by a foreign group, and the Dijun Group is controlled by the disciples of Zhao Xinyu's life and death enemy Sorensi. This makes it difficult to say whether the products of the Dijun Group will appear in China.

Only then did people realize the seriousness of the matter. Once vegetables, fruits, medicinal wine, and pharmaceuticals changed hands, the prices of all products would inevitably rise. They didn't have to eat the vegetables and fruits, but what about the pharmaceuticals?

For a while, people focused their attention on the people who attacked the Emperor Group, but they discovered that the people who danced the most happily were all fictitious, and these people could not be found at all.

Unable to find these people, people pointed the finger at Pengcheng. Pingcheng fully supported Zhao Xinyu, but Pengcheng refused to save him. However, in any case, the Emperor Group had truly changed hands.

At the same time that the Emperor Group changed hands, Wuyou Restaurant, the Emperor Group, the Emperor Building Materials Group, the wine shop, and the beverage workshop were all controlled by foreigners. All the former top managers except Zhao Zhizhong were called over to talk.

The Dijun Group has completely changed hands. What surprises people is that Zhao Xinyu, the mythical creator of the Dijun Group, has never had any real estate.

In a conference room of a five-star hotel in Hong Kong Island, a middle-aged man in his forties was sitting at the main seat. There were dozens of people of different ages around the circular conference table, none of them... The exceptions are all foreigners.

"Haas, the dust has settled, now it's time to distribute the profits." A middle-aged man in his fifties looked at the middle-aged man in charge.

Haas nodded. He looked at a middle-aged man next to him. The middle-aged man stood up and opened the folder. "This time we have a total of twenty-three groups participating. The funds that everyone has put out are recorded. According to the prior agreement, , then we will credit this time’s share into everyone’s account.”

"Has, how much did you earn this time?"

Haas looked at the middle-aged man and said, "Announce the numbers and tell me what everyone deserves."

"This time, the 23 companies invested a total of 76 trillion and earned a total of 14836 trillion..."

"Has, isn't it? This time China alone lost 146 trillion, Hong Kong Island lost even more, and Zhao Xinyu also lost nearly one trillion. Counting other groups, we just made a profit One hundred thousand trillion is not much, why is it only 14,836 trillion?"

Everyone nodded. This time they had a great victory and defeated their biggest enemy, the Emperor Group. They all had their own teams. According to the team's estimates, they could earn at least 100,000 yuan during this global financial crisis. Trillion, but now it is only a little over 10 trillion. The gap between the two is too huge.

Haas shook his head, "I originally estimated it to be over one hundred trillion, but the result is this. Representatives sent by the chief executive are involved in everything, and there is data analysis every day. I think they have given the specific situation You have a plan.”

"Haas, what happened."

Haas sighed, "This time we are not the only ones involved, there are also five forces involved. We invested the most but earned the least. The five of them took away at least one hundred thousand trillion."

"What, how is that possible?"

A group of people all stood up and stared at Haas, with disbelief in each of their eyes. They had planned for a long time, and now that the fruits of victory that originally belonged to them were taken away by others, of course they could not accept it.

"Haas, who is it?"

Haas shook his head, "That's the fact. They were not obvious and kept controlling. We didn't find out until the closing. I also asked someone to investigate, and the investigation showed that they are from the same area as us. However, I checked based on their IPs, and they are all fictitious addresses. I think these five forces should belong to the same force, and we made wedding dresses for them this time."

An old man in his sixties frowned and said, "Zhao Xinyu."

Everyone was stunned and looked at the old man, "Zhao Xinyu."

"Zhao Xinyu has not shown up from the beginning to the end. This is not his style. The last time he made Sorensi return with a broken feather. Such a big thing happened in the Dijun Group. It is impossible for him not to show up. Will he operate in secret? .”

Haas shook his head, "Impossible. There have been dedicated personnel monitoring the capital flow and bank accounts of the Emperor Group from the beginning. The direct funds and bank accounts of the Emperor Group only started to have large capital flows after we started taking action. If it is As for Zhao Xinyu, what is his source of funds? We have also calculated his possible income every year, and most of the income is used for development. He does not have that much funds on hand. "

"If it's not Zhao Xinyu, who could it be?"

Haas shook his head, "The dust has settled. It doesn't matter who it is now. In addition to the funds, we also control the Emperor Group. Now we should discuss the issue of the Emperor Group."

Everyone's spirits were shocked. The Emperor Group is a cornucopia. Now Zhao Xinyu is developing Lop Nur. The money they make is not important. What is important is the distribution of the Emperor Group.

"Of course, according to the prior agreement, each group will send someone to jointly manage the Emperor Group. This seems fair."

"What about the position of chairman?"

At this moment, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and a middle-aged man about forty years old came in hastily, which made everyone's expressions change.

"What's wrong Dawson?"

"Young Master, there is a problem with the Emperor Group."

Everyone's expressions changed again, and they all looked at Dawson, "What's going on?"

"Everyone, we started investigating as soon as we accepted the Emperor Group. The only companies under the Emperor Group's name are the Emperor Group, Emperor Building Materials, Wuyou Restaurant and those few workshops."

Haas frowned, "These are not enough."

"The farmland of Hongshiya, Xihanling, and Lop Nur are not under the name of the Emperor Group, and the ownership of various formulas is in the hands of Zhao Xinyu, which has nothing to do with the Emperor Group. Now only the Emperor Group can operate normally. Emperor Group, Emperor Building Materials. Wuyou Restaurant, without Zhao Xinyu’s authorization, the workshop cannot start work at all.”

Everyone was stunned at this moment. The most profitable things of the Dijun Group were cultivation, medicinal liquor, potions, and drinks. Now all of this has nothing to do with them. They had worked hard for so long, but they just got an empty shell of Dijun. group.

[In view of the general environment, this site may be closed at any time. Please move to a permanent operation as soon as possible. 】

"Dawson will investigate immediately. If they were transferred to Zhao Xinyu's name recently, we can get it back through legal means."

Dawson shook his head, "All changes were made after the old owner launched a financial war."


Haas's face instantly turned livid, and he slammed the tea cup to the ground, "This bastard, he knew at that moment that I would do something to him."

"Haas, Jundi Group and Dijun Building Materials are also good and have development potential. They also have Wuyou Restaurant and those workshops."

"Now only Jundi Group has space, and Dijun Building Materials only has a few temporary office locations. All drawings are drawn by Zhao Xinyu, and..."

"what else?"

"The owner of the Mowen Town workshop is not Zhao Xinyu, but a man named Sanji, and the names of all the workers of the Dijun Group are under the name of the Dijun Group. Their contract stipulates that even if we don't start work, we will not start work in Sanji." We must also pay their monthly remuneration within the year. If we unilaterally break the contract, each person must pay 10 million liquidated damages."

"Fuck." Everyone was angry at this moment. The Dijun Group is indeed a cornucopia, but without farmland, mountains, forests and waters, it is difficult to say whether the Dijun Group can pay the wages of nearly 100,000 employees. They can take over Dijun. Group, but regardless of whether they start work or not, they need to pay the wages of 100,000 employees. Without proper reasons, they need to pay tens of millions of liquidated damages to fire employees. The monthly salary of 100,000 employees is a number that gives them a headache.

If you calculate it this way, Zhao Xinyu dug a big hole for them a few years ago. He is not afraid of anyone taking action against the Dijun Group, because the projects that the Dijun Group can make money are not under the name of the Dijun Group at all.

Without the Emperor Group, Zhao Xinyu could set up a new group, and planting and breeding would not be affected at all. He could recruit no workers, but they would have to bear the wages of 100,000 employees.

"Damn it, no wonder he hasn't shown up. Now that the development of the Dijun Group has basically been finalized, he is throwing away the burden. Although he lost nearly one trillion yuan, this trillion yuan is nothing compared to the wages of 100,000 workers. "

It is true that the welfare of the workers of the Dijun Group is not low. The salary of ordinary workers is more than 10,000. The monthly salary of 100,000 people is one billion. How much is that in three years? If there is a breach of contract, the liquidated damages will be an astronomical figure. At least the average worker now The workers were already fifty years old. They took action at this time and really helped Zhao Xinyu solve a problem.

"Find Zhao Xinyu for me immediately." Haas shouted hysterically with a livid face.

On the mountain in the space, a bright light filled the air, and Zhao Xinyu quickly picked up a lifelike metal paper figure.

Cui Dong's energy entered the puppet, and the puppet emitted streaks of bright luster. The next moment the bright luster burst out, Zhao Xinyu was stunned.

"Sacred Artifact." He entered the Sacred Artifact Master.

The next moment, the Zombie Sky Doll floated in his hand. Zhao Xinyu raised his eyes and saw the Zombie Sky Doll falling into the hands of the Wood of Life.


Sister, I refined the holy weapon.

The Tree of Life nodded, "You are the first person in history to be able to enter the Saint level within a year."

"This is too fast."

"You have the inheritance of Supreme Mo Xie, and your ability to comprehend surpasses them. The Burial Sky Doll was a secret that was not passed down even in the past era. It is impossible for ordinary god-level weapon masters to refine it. It is reasonable for you to break through. Among them, throughout ancient and modern times, no weapon master has completed the refining of weapons independently, and no one can refine the same type of treasures without sleep for such a long time."

Zhao Xinyu smiled bitterly and said, "I have to go take a look."

The eyes of the Tree of Life flickered a few times, "Wait a moment, Xiaobai has something to do with you."

As a holy aura filled the air, Zhao Xinyu stiffened and looked at the white-haired middle-aged man in front of him with big eyes.

"You are a noob."

Xiaobai smiled evilly, "This is the original me. Some accidents happened and I became like that. Now I have recovered a lot. I have to leave for a while."

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