I have a portable farm

Chapter 1581 Everything happens for a reason

Although the Dijun Group mainly relies on planting and breeding, in the past few years, the Dijun Group has become world-renowned because of its unique products and the various pharmaceuticals developed by Zhao Xinyu.

I don’t know how many people pay attention to the Dijun Group every day. This time the Dijun Group even held a press conference. Although Zhao Xinyu did not attend the press conference, the decision of the Dijun Group instantly detonated the Internet and caused an uproar at home and abroad.

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This decision of the Emperor Group has made many people who support the Emperor Group applaud. In recent years, some countries and regions have been suppressing China. The Emperor Group took the lead in responding before the country could respond. This made people feel relieved. .

However, there are also a large number of people who believe that the Dijun Group is very powerful and has considerable influence at home and abroad. However, if one group confronts multiple countries and regions, this is undoubtedly an attempt to attack the stone with an egg. Obviously, these people are not optimistic about the Dijun Group. They think that the Dijun Group By doing this, the group is undoubtedly getting into trouble.

It is true that none of the products of the Emperor Group were seen in the multiple sanctions lists of those countries, and the sanctioned groups did not respond at all. However, the Emperor Group came forward for them at this time and carried out counter-sanctions. Zhao Xinyu’s The decision was a bit impulsive.

Sure enough, less than half an hour after the Emperor Group made its decision, those countries and regions that issued sanctions responded one after another. They regretted the Emperor Group's decision and they were already studying corresponding sanctions against the Emperor Group.

But here comes the problem. In recent years, the Dijun Group has indeed sold products to the countries and regions where they are located, and these products are very popular. At the same time, because the export volume of the Dijun Group is not too large, they really don’t know where to start. Where to start countermeasures.

What's more, the Dijun Group mainly focuses on planting and breeding. The raw materials required for several products are Chinese herbal medicines, which are beyond their reach. However, the people here have to rely on the Dijun Group. They really have no idea about the Dijun Group. Take action.

Compared with the capital giants in those countries and regions, the public's reaction was more intense. The medicines developed by Zhao Xinyu in recent years have restored many people's health and brought many people back from the brink of death.

The sanctions imposed by the Emperor Group now include several pharmaceuticals developed by Zhao Xinyu. Without these pharmaceuticals, what would their relatives and friends do.

Therefore, after the Emperor Group made its decision and their regions responded, the people in these regions could not sit still. They spoke out one after another, demanding that the local authorities withdraw their sanctions. Moreover, many of the products they sanctioned were also their daily needs. They I don’t want people who live at the bottom of society to buy into the interests of some people.

Foreign people reacted violently. Looking at the domestic groups that were sanctioned, they also reacted, but their reactions were shocking.

After many groups took countermeasures abroad, they did not target those countries and regions. They immediately jumped out and targeted the Emperor Group. In their imagination, the Emperor Group had nothing to do with this matter. Without any mediation from the state, the Emperor Group jumped out, which undoubtedly added fuel to the fire.

They are deeply affected by the sanctions. But the Emperor Group, an unaffected group, jumped out, which made it even worse to scold him.

They accused the Emperor Group, and there was an uproar in the country. This also angered many people who supported the Emperor Group. The Emperor Group was counterattacking for them, but now they are targeting the Emperor Group. Such a bad character Come on.

Driven by many netizens, these groups that jumped out to speak out have become the public enemies of the whole people. People hate these people who are weak even for money. Their results can be imagined.

In just a few days, those groups that jumped out became street rats, their products were boycotted, and their stock prices plummeted. On the contrary, the Emperor Group that they jumped out to accuse was still as violent as ever, and countless people publicly expressed their support for the Emperor Group's actions.

At Hongshiya, Luo Xiao, Meng Lie, Du Gang, and Guan Zhentian looked at Zhao Xinyu who had just returned. Their eyes were full of relief. Everything Zhao Xinyu did was exactly what they wanted to see. They liked Zhao Xinyu. A junior like Xinyu who can take the overall situation into consideration, whenever the country is in trouble, he will be the first to support it without any consideration at all.

"Xinyu, you did a good job this time. If everyone was like you, who would dare to bully us?"

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly, "All this is because of Lop Nur, and it has something to do with me. They stole resources, and now they are putting the shit basin on our heads. If we swallow our anger this time, they will get worse next time. ."

Luo Xiao and the four others were stunned when they heard what Zhao Chengxu said, "Xinyu, what's going on."

When Zhao Xinyu told Luo Xiao and Luo Xiao what happened at Lop Nur, all four of them had cold eyes, "These people are crazy. How could they do such a thing for a little profit?"

Zhao Xinyu's eyes flickered a few times, "Grandpa, those families under investigation?"

Meng Lie snorted coldly, "They are different from the rest of us. They are all businessmen by nature. They were the first batch of people to benefit when it was opened up. They thought that they were able to accumulate so much wealth because of their own efforts. , they have never thought that all this is because of the preferential policies given to them by the country, they smell like copper, and this time they have done something that has forgotten their roots, and they all deserve to die."

Zhao Xinyu felt a little relieved. He originally thought that the families who jumped out were all the same as his grandfather, but he didn't expect that their identities were not what he thought, which made him feel no guilt.

Luo Xiao's eyes flickered a few times, "Xinyu, don't underestimate these families and foreign forces. The Emperor Group does not have any interests entangled with them, but we must be careful about them stumbling behind our backs."

Du Gang laughed and said, "Old leader, now our water, electricity and communications are all ours. They can still make trouble in that way. They can't take back all the land."

Luo Xiao looked at Du Gang, "How did Lop Nur get transferred in the first place? Don't underestimate anyone. They are not as open and honest as Xinyu. For the sake of profit, these people can do anything."

Zhao Xinyu smiled faintly and said, "Never mind them. We have already done it anyway. They can do whatever they want."

In a villa on the outskirts of Yanjing, Jiao Hongzhuo looked at various news on the Internet, his eyes flashed, "They are looking for death themselves."

Xuanlie couldn't help but look at Jiao Hongzhuo, "Who?"

"Jiao Meng, Zhao Xinyu."

A layer of doubt suddenly filled Xuan Lie's eyes, "Hongzhuo, this is the person Xu Fei finally found. If something goes wrong again, we really won't be able to explain to the sect."

Jiao Hongzhuo smiled coldly, "Uncle, don't worry this time. Zhao Xinyu is immortal and his skin is peeling off, but Jiao Meng was not so lucky this time. He thought he would be safe hiding in that bastard's shell. It doesn’t matter, I can get him up and I can get him down.”


Jiao Hongzhuo looked at Xuan Lie, "This time because of the Lop Nur incident, Jiao Meng took action against several families, and even touched the interests of several multinational groups. But he didn't know that those multinational groups were the financial backers of some countries and regions. , I have been thinking about how to use these financial backers to drive Jiao Meng down, but Zhao Xinyu, a bastard, jumped out to support an opponent who had a life-and-death feud with Meng Lie. He thought it was great because he had money, but this time he still It can really help me a lot. Now many groups in the country are pointing their fingers at the Emperor Group. As long as our family adds fuel to the fire and joins hands with the Japanese and the Dark World, they will die without losing their skin."

On this day, several sets of pictures on the official website of the Dijun Group set off the Internet. The pictures showed Siberian tigers and giant pandas. It is no longer news that Siberian tigers and giant pandas live in Liuling Mountain. Countless people post photos and videos every day.

But this time it was different. The four Siberian tigers that were sent were accompanied by seven more tiger cubs that were just born and had not yet opened their eyes. Two pairs of giant pandas also had their babies, and not just one, but two pairs. The giant panda gave birth to five babies in total.

Siberian tigers have strong adaptability and there are sufficient food sources in Liuling Mountain. People are not worried that Siberian tigers will not adapt to Liuling Mountain. However, they can give birth to seven tiger cubs in just two years in Liuling Mountain. Still excited.

What excites people the most is the giant panda. The giant panda is an endangered species with a low fertility rate and a low survival rate.

Many times, the cubs that have been bred under artificial breeding have a high mortality rate. Now, two pairs of giant pandas have given birth to five cubs at one time. Such a breeding rate is really rare.

After the picture was released, it immediately attracted countless comments. People were congratulating Zhao Xinyu because the chance of giant pandas giving birth outside protected areas is very low.

When people are excited, some people directly point out that the survival rate of giant pandas is extremely low. In many cases, even if they give birth to multiple babies, the panda mother will choose the stronger one to raise, while abandoning the others.

Now two pairs of pandas in Liuling Mountain have given birth to a total of five pandas. This is extremely rare. Some people suggested that Zhao Xinyu choose to keep one of the strong ones and give the remaining three to the reserve. If they survive, they will be the best. Fortunately, if they can't survive, at least one of them can survive. If all five are left, they have almost no hope of survival.

While the discussion was hot on the Internet, Zhao Xinyu also received congratulations from the Northeast and Wolong Nature Reserves. In addition to congratulations, the Northeast Nature Reserve also made a decision. They will choose three pairs of six biennial Siberian tigers. send over.

The words of the Wolong Reserve are the same as those on the Internet. They also hope that Zhao Xinyu will choose to ensure the survival rate, but this is also their suggestion. They will respect the specific choice of Zhao Xinyu, because they all know that Zhao Xinyu is not an ordinary person. , he can communicate with animals, and maybe she can do things that others can't.

Regarding the two protected areas, Zhao Xinyu also responded separately. The Northeast can send Siberian tigers over. In the future, when the number of Siberian tigers in Liuling Mountain exceeds 100, Liuling Mountain will use half of the Siberian tigers produced every year. If there are unhealthy Siberian tigers there, they can be sent back to the Northeast Nature Reserve and Zhao Xinyu will be responsible for their health.

Regarding the Wolong Nature Reserve, Zhao Xinyu's response was beyond everyone's expectations. All five panda cubs are healthy. He will not give up any of them. He is confident that he can feed all five panda cubs to life.

Regarding Zhao Xinyu's response, many people have already anticipated the result. In their understanding, if others cannot, Zhao Xinyu can definitely do it.

Siberian tigers and giant pandas both breed in Liuling Mountain, which has attracted a lot of people's attention, and a large number of media have followed.

And people can see something every day, that is, Zhao Xinyu, the CEO of a group that controls a trillion-dollar assets, has turned into an animal nanny, and often stays in Liuling Mountain to take care of Siberian tigers and giant pandas.

Everyone knows that animals are very irritable after giving birth, but as long as Zhao Xinyu, both giant pandas and Siberian tigers are more docile than before giving birth. They are not a little bit irritable about Zhao Xinyu helping them take care of their offspring. Many times when they see Zhao Xinyu After Xinyu came over, they became the hands-off shopkeepers and left the children to Zhao Xinyu. They disappeared after a while.

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