I have a portable farm

Chapter 1,493 Premeditation or Premeditation

"What do you think I should do."

"A bison costs almost one million. Some overseas breeding farms price a calf at 200,000. The domestic price is not too low either. How about selling the breeding cattle directly."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "We will give them three fish as a gift to those who have always had a cooperative relationship with us. They have helped us a lot in the past few years, and now they have not taken away any fish they have brought."

: What about the others?

"Sell it to them for 150,000 yuan per head. What do you think?"

"Okay, let's do this to let people know our humanity. Those cooperative protected areas will directly give them adult breeding cattle so that they can breed quickly."

Just as Luo Xiao and the others thought, when the news spread, I don’t know how many people were envied. Zhao Xinyu gave away a bison worth nearly one million as soon as he said it, and three of them were given away at once. For other farms and Although the protected area is for sale, the price is 50,000 lower than that sold abroad.

While people were envious, they also had some understanding of what Zhao Xinyu did. It was clear that other places could sell products at high prices, but Zhao Xinyu did not think about making money, but gave them away or sold them at a discount. This approach was very heartwarming.

No one thought that the bison in Liuling Mountain would become a hot mess within a few days. While people were still discussing the bison in Liuling Mountain, the attention of countless people once again fell on the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

On this day, TCM students from all over the country gathered in front of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. When they entered the assessment point for the assessment of the Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, not only the examiners but also the media reporters were stunned.

Because they saw several leading Chinese medicine figures at the assessment site who had not shown up for nearly two years. You must know that when Zhao Xinyu announced the list of assessors, there were only two people in it, Hua Bi and Lei Batian, but now they are doing the assessment In addition to Hua Bi and Lei Batian, I also saw five other powerful figures.

Hua Bi and Lei Batian were originally from a family of traditional Chinese medicine, but they did not join the Traditional Chinese Medicine Association. Instead, they joined the Traditional Chinese Medicine Alliance, which has surprised people.

Now not only Hua Bi and Lei Batian, but also five other top figures have appeared, and they all appeared as examiners. How could this cause such a sensation? Many people have predicted that under the guidance of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Alliance, Chinese medicine will soon surpass Western medicine.

The real examination began, and the students who came with full confidence realized how difficult the traditional Chinese medicine examination was. The passing rate was much lower than the university admission rate.

Afterwards, someone calculated statistics and found that less than 10% of the 3,000 students who took the exam this time actually obtained the qualification of Chinese medicine. Although 90% of them failed to pass, every student who failed the exam knew their shortcomings.

However, everything has exceptions. This time, there were a group of exceptions among the 3,000 people who participated in the assessment. There were 167 people in this group, and all 167 people passed the assessment. And this group of people are all interns from the Xiaopu Village workshop.

All the interns in Xiaopu Village passed the assessment, and people once again saw how powerful Zhao Xinyu was. Some people had always doubted whether Zhao Xinyu didn't go to Xiaopu Village very often, and whether the interns in Xiaopu Village could learn things like the legend.

And in this assessment, all the participants passed the assessment, which made people's doubts disappear directly. Students from major Chinese medicine universities in the country are targeting the senior brothers and sisters who have entered Xiaopu Village, and are inspired to become Interns in Xiaopu Village, because they all know that as long as they enter Xiaopu Village as an intern and work hard, they don’t need to worry about the future at all.

While the whole world's eyes were on Hongshiya, Zhao Xinyu appeared again at the wine shop in Mowen Town and entered Sangji's meeting room. Zhao Xinyu saw that everyone's face was a little ugly.

"Uncle Sanchi, when did it happen?"

"Last night, a group of people cut through the protective fence and entered our area to hunt the bison."

"The results of it."

"Desert wolf warning, our people rushed over, and they wounded six, two bison were killed, and six desert wolves were shot and killed, and more than 20 were injured."

Zhao Xinyu frowned, "So many, how many people are coming here."

"The surveillance was destroyed by them, and nearby surveillance was called. At least 30 people came here this time. They said those people had smuggled weapons instead of shotguns. Special personnel picked up at least 300 bullet casings at the scene."

After hearing this, Zhao Xinyu's face turned gloomy. Poaching is very common in the northwest region, but poachers often use shotguns. In recent years, under severe crackdowns, the number of poachers has gradually decreased.

Zhao Xinyu also chatted with people about this after coming here. Poachers are extremely vicious people, and they often even dare to kill people.

Meng Lie had talked about poaching in those days, but Zhao Xinyu believed that most people would not dare to poach in Liulang Mountain and Lop Nur where desert wolves were swarming. But now what Meng Lie was worried about happened, and he was even more injured. six people.

"How are the injuries?"

Sanji looked at Zhao Xinyu, "Fortunately, they have all been there, otherwise they would not dare to think about the consequences. Those people clamored that this time they would only give a warning, but next time they would be rude."

Zhao Xinyu smiled coldly, with a trace of murderous intent in his eyes, but a thought flashed, everyone knew that there were troops stationed in Mowen Town, and those people dared to be so arrogant, they...

Seeing Zhao Xinyu's appearance, Sanji and the others knew that Zhao Xinyu had murderous intentions. "Xinyu, Xu Yang sent someone over. He said he would investigate this matter."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "Where is the injured desert wolf? I'll go and see."

"They don't allow people to get close to the tents on the other side of Lake Mochou."

"Find someone to send me there."

Due to the blockade of information about what happened at night, tourists who came here did not know about it. Mochou Lake was as busy as ever with people coming and going.

Stepping into that desert, the desert wolves on the sand let out a wolf howl at the same time. Others may not be able to hear it, but Zhao Xinyu can hear the anger of the desert wolf from each wolf howl.

The tent was filled with a strong smell of blood. Zhao Xinyu's eyes were cold. Sanji and the others said that six desert wolves were killed and more than twenty were injured. But the current situation is that there are at least seventy or eighty in the tent. The desert wolves were injured, and seven or eight of them were already dying. After seeing Zhao Xinyu come in, their eyes were filled with a desire to survive.

Zhao Xinyu did not hesitate. After treating the desert wolves, he sent them into space. He knew that as long as they entered the space, the desert wolves would basically not be in danger of life.

Looking at the large blood stains still remaining on the ground, the murderous intent in Zhao Xinyu's eyes gradually became stronger. However, although she had murderous intent, she was not a fool.

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Xinyu took out his mobile phone and was about to call Xu Yang, but he didn't expect Xu Yang's call to come through.

"Xinyu, where are you?"

"I'm here at Lake Mochou. How is your investigation going?"

"Nothing was found. They were a bunch of people who only had money in their eyes. I sent people to get the surveillance, but I didn't expect that there was no one there, and the surveillance host had been stolen a long time ago."

Zhao Xinyu couldn't help but was speechless. He was just thinking that when he was building the highway, he installed a lot of surveillance cameras. Even if the surveillance cameras were broken on the road, he could at least know the movements of those people. However, he didn't expect that there were no people in the surveillance room. They were even more I don’t know when the host was stolen.

"Xinyu, I will select a group of people for you to go over and make sure to catch these beasts."

"Second uncle, I don't think this matter is that simple."

"You mean?"

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "There is a garrison in Mowen Town, but they are poaching blatantly and provocatively. I don't think they are ordinary poachers. They come here more to provoke. Do you remember two years ago?" That thing I told you.”

Xu Yang on the other end of the phone trembled and his expression became solemn. He thought that Zhao Xinyu also suffered a sneak attack two years ago, and those people were holding smuggled weapons. Afterwards, according to the accounts of the captured people, they were all employed persons, but several important people related to the incident had accidents.

"Xinyu, if that's the case, come to the station immediately."

Zhao Xinyu sighed and said, "Second uncle, what if I go to the station, what should I do here? With those retired personnel, there is no way they can stop those people. You can wait for my call at any time these days."

"Xinyu, how can that be done? A good man can't stand up to the crowd."

"I'm worried that they are luring a snake out of its hole. I'm fine. You must be more careful. By the way, you can call my uncle and convey my thoughts."

"You mean they are probably luring us out." Xu Yang's mind flashed, and he thought of what happened some time ago.

"This is my guess. If they dare to blatantly provoke here, they must have their purpose."

“Call anytime you need me.”

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Xinyu's eyes flickered a few times, and he looked at Heifeng, "Heifeng, ask them if they can find those people."

After a moment, Heifeng shook his head, "They didn't even get close to those people and couldn't follow them."

"Let's go and see the scene."

In one area, alfalfa fell in pieces, and there were large blood stains in many areas in the distance. A large hole more than ten meters wide was cut in the protective net.

"Boss, there are too many people coming here, and the smell left behind is so confusing that there is no way to track them."

Zhao Xinyu walked out of the protective net, and there was a large area of ​​sourness in the surrounding area. The view in this area was not wide, but it was a good place to hide.

After walking around outside, Zhao Xinyu looked in one direction. He was about a thousand meters away, and it was a road leading into the distance.

The highway leads directly to Loulan Town. Although there is sand on it, there are no traces on it due to the wind in the desert.

Leaving the road, Zhao Xinyu looked in the direction of Mowen Town and strolled towards Mowen Town. It was not until the afternoon that Zhao Xinyu returned to the tent. No one knew what Zhao Xinyu had done.

After dealing with the blood stains on the ground, Zhao Xinyu took out a quilt from the space and threw the quilt that had not been used for an unknown period of time into the space. He lay on the big bed, closing his eyes and thinking about something.

I don’t know how long it took, but Zhao Xinyu snored slightly. He might be wary in other places, but here, he could relax even more, because in the sand

When night fell, Zhao Xinyu got up and tidied up. Just when he wanted to go out and take a look, he stopped and heard a slight buzzing sound.

The sound was very soft. If it were ordinary people, they wouldn't be able to hear it at all. Even Zhao Xinyu two years ago might not be able to hear it. But after being trained by Jin Yang and Xiaobai in the Shenyun Space, his senses His abilities are different from ordinary people, and he doesn't need to go out at all. He also knows what is happening outside.

The drone appeared in his area, and it was not passing by. It was constantly circling in his area. It was obvious that the other party was spying on him.

There was a sneer in Zhao Xinyu's eyes. He had no way to deal with this thing in the past, but now he has a way to deal with the drone.

"Mr. Mo, I'm going to trouble you again this time. There is a drone outside. You put the tracking chip on its tail."

In just a few breaths, Mo Yu's figure emerged from the tent, "Okay, that drone is very ordinary."

Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath and told Mo Yu what happened last night. Mo Yu frowned slightly, "You mean?"

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "It is very likely that those people are controlling the drone. I will follow them. If it is them, we don't need to find them."

After saying this, Zhao Xinyu dialed Li Fei's number. After hanging up, Zhao Xinyu turned on his mobile phone, put it on the bedside, took out some fruits from the space and started eating.

The phone buzzed and vibrated. Zhao Xinyu took the phone and answered the call, "Xinyu, the location has been fixed, about fifty kilometers east of Mowen Town."

Zhao Xinyu nodded and looked at the darkening sky outside, "I'll go over and take a look."

"Be careful. Do you want us to come over and cooperate with you?"

"No, I will contact you if necessary."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Xinyu looked at Heifeng and said, "Heifeng, let's go out."

"Their whereabouts have been found."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, quickly packed up, and looked at the ground, "Xie An, let's go."

Under the cover of night, Zhao Xinyu quietly walked through the vegetable field and entered the alfalfa field. In the desert, even though it was already summer, the night breeze was still very cool.

Zhao Xinyu patted Heifeng, and Heifeng understood and opened the way in front. Zhao Xinyu followed behind, bypassing Mowen Town and heading towards the east of Mowen Town.

Suddenly, Zhao Xinyu's eyes narrowed, and he saw Heifeng stop and slowly lie down. Hei Feng has always been by his side, and Zhao Xinyu certainly knew what Hei Feng had discovered.

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