I have a portable farm

Chapter 1,473 Gathering at Liulang

At the nursery base, Zhao Xinyu looked at the tomatoes and cucumbers that were almost a foot tall in the greenhouse, his eyes full of surprise.

"Mr. Gu, this..."

Gu Xiangang laughed loudly, "It's too late for you to give us the seeds. If you get them back, just give them to us. They are already bearing fruits. Tomatoes and cucumbers with this kind of taste will taste better if they are planted over Mochou Lake. You have No plans."

[To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. It can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

Zhao Xinyu laughed, and of course he understood what Gu Xiangang meant, "Plant half and half on the Mochou Lake side, plant all the new varieties on the station side, and watch the planting on your own at the nursery base."

Zhao Xinyu stayed at the nursery base, and carts of farmyard manure appeared again in the sour land around Mochou Lake. Although the people of Mowen Town were slightly affected, they did not complain at all.

Firstly, most of them are employees of the Dijun Group. Secondly, for most of the half year they lived in Mowen Town, most of the food they ate was collected from outside by the Dijun Group, and the vegetables grown last year were the envy of many people. .

In their philosophy, the delicious taste of vegetables is largely due to the fact that Zhao Xinyu transported a large amount of farmyard manure from outside in the spring last year. It is the fertility in the sandy soil that makes the vegetables taste better.

Perhaps due to the influence of Mochou Lake, farmyard manure is also used in orchards, alfalfa fields, and vegetable fields in Hongshiya and Liuling Mountains. Some pig farms that have a cooperative relationship with the Dijun Group directly use fermented fertilizers. The used pig manure is given to the Dijun Group for free.

When Zhao Xinyu from the nursery base heard the news, he was also very emotional. In recent years, the emergence of a large number of green wolves in Hongshiya has promoted the breeding industry in the surrounding areas. All the fat pigs from many pig farms are provided to the Dijun Group for use. Feeding green wolves, tigers and lions, a load of pig manure is not worth much. They gave it to the Emperor Group out of gratitude. Because they all know that the Emperor Group is here, they will have more benefits.

When they started transplanting vegetables here in Hongshiya, someone discovered that among the vegetables grown in Fengjiazhuang, the seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, beans, and green peppers that people were already very familiar with were different from those in other villages.

The Dijun Group then responded that these vegetables are newly developed by them this year, and they taste much better than similar vegetables.

This response from the Dijun Group made people excited. In recent years, vegetables such as tomatoes and cucumbers have become deeply rooted in people's hearts. They taste better than those grown in the past, but they are not more delicious than many fruits.

While people were full of expectations, the Lop Nur side also started to get busy. The long-distance bus that had been interrupted for more than a month appeared again in the depths of Lop Nur. However, this time it was not opened by Lop Nur, but by the Dijun Group, using the driver's In a word, the group has made regulations that they will not stop the service even if there is only one passenger.

The Dijun Group opened long-distance buses to Mowen Town and Loulan Town, which made the people in the two places very grateful. People once again mentioned the idea of ​​the Dijun Group taking over Lop Nur, but they did not know that the Dijun Group had refused to negotiate with Lop Nur. negotiation.

People around Mochou Lake began to plant vegetable seedlings. After sowing alfalfa seeds, there has been silence for many days. Lop Nur, which has been criticized by people, finally made some noise. They recruited temporary personnel to sow alfalfa seeds, dredge the sediment in the rivers, and clean the lakes. At the same time, news came out that they had ordered seafood again. Seedlings.

In terms of development, although they have let people go many times, they have invested in development again, which gives people hope again.

However, a few days later, a piece of news came that many people did not expect. Lop Nur transferred all the wind power towers deep in Lop Nur back to the Dijun Group, and the Dijun Group regained control of wind power generation.

People were confused. The Dijun Group had sent people to take over the wind power tower and conduct a comprehensive overhaul. Someone gave the answer. There are not many people in Loulan Town now. The station, nursery base, and Mowen Town all use their own power sources. Wind power generation The revenue from the towers was not even enough for maintenance costs, so they transferred the wind power towers back to the Dijun Group, and the Dijun Group received a discount on the cost of the wind power towers.

The analysis of the article is very accurate, which makes many people lament that Zhao Xinyu is always prosperous in everything he does, but as long as he changes people, the direction of the trend will change immediately. But even so, many people still don’t know how to live or die, insisting on following the article. Zhao Xinyu got a piece of the pie, but he was disgraced every time.

On this day, the street lights on the streets of Loulan Town turned on again. While the residents were excited, they once again heard an extremely exciting news, that is, the management of Loulan Town was directly transferred to the Emperor Group.

The Emperor Group took over Loulan Town again, and immediately sent people to clean up the sandy soil still accumulated in the streets of Loulan Town, and recruited various workers, so that Loulan Town could begin to recover in an orderly manner.

People believed in the Dijun Group and believed in Zhao Xinyu. After the Dijun Group took over Loulan Town, people who had been away for more than half a year began to come back one after another, and Loulan Town gradually gained vitality.

Loulan Town has gained vitality, but the development of Lop Nur has left countless people speechless. They are indeed planting sour soil, and all the irrigation facilities that could be used for vacation were buried by wind and sand. They did not rebuild the irrigation facilities this year, but pulled water for irrigation.

In the face of people's doubts, their response made people see what perfunctory means. They said that due to lack of manpower, they would rebuild the irrigation facilities after the sour crops were planted.

People are questioning the development plan of Lop Nur, but Zhao Xinyu has his own opinion. Pulling water for irrigation also has its advantages, which can reduce the waste of water. As long as sufficient manpower and material support are given, the probability of Sour Lake's survival is very high, but But he was worried about whether Lop Nur would be able to persist.

On this day, a helicopter took off from the winery. People nearby saw that the name on the helicopter was the Emperor Group. This made people sigh with emotion at the wealth of the Emperor Group.

It is already springtime here at Hongshiya, and the flowers are blooming, and the ice and snow are melting, so there are many people coming here to enjoy the flowers and enjoy the spring outing every day.

Some people saw that Zhao Xinyu entered Liulang Mountain the day after returning from Lop Nur. This made people speculate whether Zhao Xinyu could find new species in the mountain this time.

A few days later, a roar of beasts sounded at the Liuling Mountain Pass, and people saw the green wolves in the village heading towards the Liuling Mountain Pass.

A few minutes later, people saw Zhao Xinyu surrounded by wolves. Beside him, in addition to the black wind sign, there were also two leopards of different colors. This immediately reminded people of what the villagers said last year.

After people didn't see clouded leopards and snow leopards last year, people were also speculating. Later, a villager revealed the whereabouts of the two leopards. The cubs of clouded leopards and snow leopards had reached the hunting stage. Zhao Xinyu released them to six In Lingshan, let them contact each other for hunting.

Thinking of this, people seemed to understand why Zhao Xinyu went into the mountains when the first family came back. It turned out that he went into the mountains to look for the clouded leopards and snow leopards that were put into them.

What makes people excited is that the numbers of the two leopard species have increased again, with three clouded leopards and five snow leopards.

Perhaps it was the first time they saw a crowd. When the eight little guys saw the crowd of onlookers, they bared their teeth and kept growling at people, as if to warn people not to get close to them.

The more they act like this, the cuter they feel, and the photos and videos of little leopards with fierce breasts quickly spread throughout the Internet.

Zhao Xinyu returned to the purple bamboo forest. He did not go in. He seemed to be waiting for people to take pictures of the little leopard, but his eyes kept looking towards the pass of Liuling Mountain.


Several tiger roars that resounded throughout the sky came from the pass of Liuling Mountain. The eyes of the onlookers shrank suddenly, and everyone looked at Zhao Xinyu.

"Zhao Xinyu, this is..."

Zhao Xinyu chuckled, "Everyone seems to have forgotten that besides them, there were also two Siberian tigers that entered the mountain last year."


Only then did people realize that last year, the wildlife conservation organization in the Northeast sent Zhao Xinyu two Siberian tigers. However, after the snow leopard appeared, they did not see the Siberian tiger because there were still more Siberian tigers in Liulang Mountain. There are hundreds of South China tigers, and people have really forgotten the Siberian tigers.

As people in the distance continued to exclaim, two Siberian tigers over two meters in size rushed down Liulang Mountain. After seeing the crowd, they were slightly stunned and roared at the crowd. After the people dispersed , they rushed to Zhao Xinyu who was standing outside the purple bamboo forest like the wind. A big guy stood up and put his paws the size of cattail leaf fans on Zhao Xinyu's shoulders.

Zhao Xinyu laughed, raised his hand and patted his back a few times, "I can't hold you anymore, come down quickly."

This scene was filmed by people. Many people's eyes were full of surprise. When the two Siberian tigers were delivered last year, they were less than one year old. In less than a year, they already look as majestic as adult Siberian tigers. .

While the entire Internet is forwarding photos and videos of tigers and leopards, the official website of Northeast Wildlife Conservation also forwarded photos and videos. They thanked Zhao Xinyu for everything he has done for Siberian tigers.

Then Wolong also responded. They have selected four one-year-old giant pandas, and they will send them over in half a month.

The Siberian tiger and the giant panda are both first-level protected animals, and the giant panda in particular is a national treasure. Both sides spoke out at the same time, which is an affirmation of everything Zhao Xinyu has done.

Therefore, their response is no less than a nuclear bomb explosion, but domestic and foreign media are rushing to forward the report.

Many media even predict that Liuling Mountain may become the second largest wild giant panda base in a few years.

People may doubt general predictions, but few people doubt this prediction. After all, too many impossible things have happened to Zhao Xinyu.

How many green wolves, rare birds, and animals live in Xihan Ridge and Hongshiya? Although they have the most primitive hunting among wild animals, the number is constantly increasing, especially snow leopards, Clouded leopards can increase their number of members in one year, which is not comparable to that in zoos. Therefore, people believe that giant pandas will not be acclimatized when they come to Liuling Mountain.

Just when people are speculating about what animals will appear next in Liulang Mountain, several golden monkey sanctuaries are also offering olive branches.

The golden monkeys have multiplied in the space to a number that even Zhao Xinyu doesn't know. Of course, Zhao Xinyu accepts all the olive branches they offer.

Subsequently, a dozen monkeys were transported to Zhao Xinyu from each place. Zhao Xinyu immediately selected a suitable place for them to live and arranged for specialized personnel to feed them with stored fruits during this period.

When four one-year-old giant pandas entered the mountain where arrow bamboos had been planted last year, Hongshiya and Liuling Mountain were filled with media reporters from all over the world, and many rare animals from China appeared in one place. , it is sensational news both at home and abroad.

Unlike other places, other places have a closed environment, but here in Liuling Mountain, they are all wild. In the mountain where they live, a beautiful circle of fences is built. This is no different from the wild. They They all want to see if these species can adapt to the Liuling Mountains in the north.

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