I have a portable farm

Chapter 1,442 The difference between a wall

"what's the plan?"

Xuan Jinwu glanced at Jiao Hongzhuo, "Hu Zhenyu, now Hu Zhenyu and the two people around him are in the divine martial realm. According to what they said, he has a master who comes and goes without a trace and many senior brothers. His strength should not be weak. They practice special skills and can hide their cultivation, why not let them go to Hongshi Cliff to take action. Hongzhuo seems to have said that the hatred between Hu Zhenyu and Zhao Xinyu is not weak, I think he will definitely be willing to go there."

The old man nodded, then turned to look at Jiao Hongzhuo, "Hongzhuo, what do you think?"

Jiao Hongzhuo smiled awkwardly, "Ancestor's plan is good, and I think it's feasible."

"Then it's settled. Even if he doesn't have a chance to take action, at least we can know Zhao Xinyu's movements. Although we can't find anything about him every time, judging from his development, I always feel that there is something wrong with this Zhao Xinyu .”

In Hongshiya Courtyard, Zhao Xinyu called Wang Yong and others over at night. During dinner, Wang Yong and others looked at Zhao Xinyu with guilt.

"Xinyu, it's all our fault. If we had taken turns living in the courtyard, this wouldn't have happened."

Zhao Xinyu chuckled and waved his hand, "Don't all the elderly say that they can avoid disasters by losing money? They can avoid so many green wolves entering the yard. It's useless for you to live in the yard."

"Brother Xiaoyu, we assure you that it is definitely not us..."

Zhao Xinyu glared at Er Wei, "What nonsense are you talking about? After so many years, I still don't know who you are. Let's stop talking about it."

"Yes, don't say any more. Once the case is solved, everything will be revealed."

Zhao Xinyu shook his head, "There is no result. By the way, do you have any suggestions for this year's Mid-Autumn Festival?"

Wang Yong couldn't help but sigh, "I used to have trouble with how to spend my time during the holidays. Now that things are better, I still have trouble during the holidays. This person is really strange."

Zhao Xinyu laughed and said, "Then let's continue as last year. Later, you will contact Han Jun and Jiang Fei."

"Xinyu, why didn't you see the snow leopard, clouded leopard, or tiger?"

"In the rush to come back, they are all over there in southern Yunnan."

A group of brothers who had been playing tricks since childhood, Zhao Xinyu did not doubt them, let alone complain, which made a group of people very grateful.

After having enough wine and food, Zhao Xinyu sent a group of people back to Hongshiya New Village. When he and Heifeng returned to the purple bamboo forest, Zhao Xinyu's body froze slightly.

Somehow, he didn't feel any crisis, but he felt an unknown feeling in his heart.

After these years of experience, Zhao Xinyu has long been tempered to be calm in everything. There was nothing unusual about him. He touched Heifeng's back and walked through the purple bamboo forest into the Mingxuan purple bamboo forest.

When he entered the Mingxuan Purple Bamboo Forest, that feeling still hadn't disappeared. When he entered the gate of the compound, he pretended to close the door when he saw a figure disappear in the distance in the Purple Bamboo Forest. Although time passed, It was extremely short, but Zhao Xinyu could see it clearly.

The next moment he saw that figure, the courtyard door was closed, but Zhao Xinyu's face became extremely ugly, and there was a figure whose whole body was shrouded in black.

Although it was only for a moment, Zhao Xinyu recognized it at a glance. This figure was the person who severely injured him in the Wang family manor. He was also the master of the Guisha lineage that Shura told him about.

"Why did he follow you? Didn't Youyou get rid of the mark he left in her body?"

But then he shook his head. Since Youyou had already said that his mark should have been eliminated, why did he bring it with him? Could it be that he also had doubts about himself.

"Boss, what's wrong?" Heifeng whispered, perhaps sensing something strange about Zhao Xinyu.

Zhao Xinyu turned to look outside, raised his hand and patted Hei Feng on the head. Hei Feng understood instantly, and Hei Feng's voice rang in his mind.

"Boss, I didn't feel anything."

"He's the one from the Gui Sha lineage."

"Then what should we do?" Heifeng's cultivation at this moment has reached the level of Kuji, but he heard that he was a descendant of the Guisha lineage, and there was a hint of panic in his voice.

"It's okay. If he wanted to do something, he would have done it outside. Since he didn't do it, it means there are other possibilities."

"Let Shura come out."

Zhao Xinyu immediately shook his head. On that day, when Shura sensed the other party, the other party immediately ran away, which meant that the other party could also feel Shura's presence.

If this is brought out, the other party will immediately guess that Shura is by his side, which means there will be no three hundred taels of silver in this place.

In an area of ​​Liuling Mountain, a figure stood staring at the courtyard hidden deep in the purple bamboo forest at the foot of the mountain, and his exposed eyes were full of doubts.

That night, because of the appearance of that person, Zhao Xinyu had almost no rest. He had been in the purple bamboo forest, but overnight, that person did not appear.

Zhao Xinyu returned to his room to rest after knowing that there was movement outside and some people entered the purple bamboo forest.

How did Shura know that the opponent was a super master? Zhao Xinyu did not dare to use Jinhen, Jinyu, and Blackwind. He could only defend passively.

One day, two days, three days...

A few days passed, and various activities in Zhongqiu were carried out as scheduled. Zhao Xinyu did not see that person appear, and no cultivators entered Hongshiya. Zhao Xinyu felt a little relieved.

After staying in Hongshiya for a few more days, Zhao Xinyu went directly to Mowen Town. At this moment, Mowen Town already felt like autumn.

The vegetables grown around Mochou Lake are still full of vitality. There is no sign of turning back the various vegetables. In addition to being transported to Mowen Town for sale every day, many people in Mowen Town are unwilling to line up. He even went to Mochou Lake to buy it.

The fishing boats in Mochou Lake can catch hundreds or even thousands of catties of large fish and shrimps every time they set their nets. The people of Mowen Town are waiting specifically to buy the fish and shrimps from Mochou Lake.

All the alfalfa in the green field in the distance has been stored in green grass, and workers are still using water from Mochou Lake for irrigation. Outside Mowen Town, people lined up in long lines, waiting to buy various game meats.

After walking around the vegetable field, Zhao Xinyu entered the alfalfa field. The dense sour fields were already turning yellow, and the black grapes bent by the thick iron pipes also had a slight fragrance. Everything indicated that the sour and black grapes would soon It’s ready to be picked.

On one side of the protective net, Zhao Xinyu looked to the opposite side through the protective net. A large area had been replanted with sour trees. Although the sour trees had leaves, it was unknown whether it was due to lack of water or other reasons. The sour trees gave people a feeling that they could not survive.

Although there was sourness on the sourness grown in the past, it was far inferior to the sourness here. The sourness was sparse and small, and it was still green.

Some blond and blue-eyed foreigners who were studying in the sour field often looked at Zhao Xinyu, with endless doubts in their eyes.

They are all specially hired experts, and they know that the sour person in front of them was not like this last year.

Not to mention that last year's sour dogs were bigger, they were already showing signs of maturity, but now they have the same plants and the same sandy land, but they have just changed their owners. It's like the sour dogs have lost nutrients, and their sizes have become smaller and different from what they are familiar with. There is not much difference between sour and sweet, even the fruit bearing rate is far lower than that of Zhao Xinyu.

They didn't know how many times they had studied this problem, but they didn't get any results. This was a big blow to them who came here with full confidence.

Suddenly Zhao Xinyu saw three blond and blue-eyed foreigners walking towards him. He didn't know what the other party's intentions were, so he called Hei Feng to leave.

But even after taking a few steps, he was stopped by the other party. Since the other party called out his name, Zhao Xinyu couldn't leave.

"Mr. Zhao, we are the Omi Botanical Research Institute. My name is Luke. We have been here for a few months. We are responsible for the management of these sours. We have a question that we would like to ask Mr. Zhao for advice."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "You say."

"We know a lot about Mr. Zhao. We also know that Mr. Zhao has methods for planting, breeding, and pollution control that cannot be explained by modern science. However, we are a little confused. Many sours here were once planted by you. Now here Many of your workers were working with you in the past, and they were managed according to the original methods, but the sour fruits were not as good as others, and their size was far inferior to yours. We want to know the reason for this? "

Zhao Xinyu laughed and pointed at the area behind him, "This area was the first to be planted. You should understand that sourness has already taken root."

"We have also investigated this. All the species on your side have taken root, and the sand has turned into soil. This has a great impact on crop growth, but we don't think this is the only reason."

"They didn't water before the winter last year. There is no doubt that the plants in the desert are short of water. And even though they watered in the spring, it was a waste and lack of water. Even if it is said to be watering, it is not actually watering. The fact that sour trees can survive is also a problem. It’s a miracle, if the roots of last year’s alfalfa didn’t retain some water, it would be difficult to say whether the sour ones would be able to bear fruit.”

Several people were stunned. They believed what Zhao Xinyu said, and when they came over, they also saw that there was a serious water shortage in Suanliu. Even though 160,000 acres of Suanliu were planted and irrigated every day, the lakes in Loulan Town now The water level has dropped severely, and in many cases irrigation mainly relies on water sources introduced from the residence into the artificial channels of the lagoon.

Seeing the changes in the expressions of several people, Zhao Xinyu sighed slightly, "The lakes in Loulan Town and the lake water in the station alone are not enough to support Loulan Town and more than 100,000 acres of sour water. If it is over-extracted, it will not take long before Loulan Town It will also become a ghost town due to lack of water. By the way, there is another thing I don’t know if you know. In my area, it has rained at least five times since the beginning of spring this year. You are even more aware of the role of precipitation and irrigation on crops. clear."

After Zhao Xinyu finished speaking, he waved his hand towards the three of them and told Black Wind to disappear into the nearly two-meter-high alfalfa. The three of them couldn't help but shake their heads when they looked at Zhao Xinyu's disappearing back.

They specialize in agriculture and animal husbandry, and of course they know the role of water sources in crop growth. The current problem is lack of water, and if they are irrigated now, they will cause dissatisfaction among the people of Loulan Town. Although all the sour crops planted now will survive, they dare not Guarantee that this time next year, Sourness will still be able to survive as well as now.

Zhao Xinyu had picked some black grapes that were about to mature and had just returned to the winery. Before the black grapes could be washed out, Sangji received a call saying that someone from Lop Nur was looking for Zhao Xinyu.

If he had a good impression of Zhao Xinyu from Lop Nur in the past, now he is simply disgusted with people from Lop Nur, and he knows that these people will definitely do no good if they come here.

But many people who have come here know about it. No matter what, they will definitely make use of the topic and say, "Uncle Sanchi, let them go to the conference room."

In the conference room, Zhao Xinyu saw someone from Lop Nur. What surprised him was that this time there was no blond foreigner.

"Do you have a problem with me?" Zhao Xinyu was very direct. He was not willing to waste time listening to these people's long speeches and asked them directly about their purpose.

"Zhao Xinyu, you also know that we have planted 160,000 acres of sour crops over there. Now Loulan Town is short of water, and the amount of water in the station is only that much. Let's come over and discuss with you to draw water from Mochou Lake to irrigate the sour crops."

Zhao Xinyu was startled for a moment, then shook his head subconsciously, "Mochou Lake will provide domestic water for more than 300,000 people in Mowen Town, and there are also two factories. Now the vegetables are about to turn back, sour, and the grapes are ripe. Everything needs water. I’m still thinking about how to distribute the water from Lake Mochou.”

Zhao Xinyu will not think twice about their request. He knows that if he agrees, Mochou Lake will turn into a Mochou pit in a few days. What's more, there is space water in Mochou Lake. Space water But his biggest reliance is that if there is no spatial water, not to mention Lop Nur, even the Xihan Ridge will still be the same until now.

Zhao Xinyu's direct refusal also made several people who came over feel embarrassed. In their imagination, even if this area was contracted by Zhao Xinyu, in this three-acre land, that is, with a little water, Zhao Xinyu would definitely agree. .

"Zhao Xinyu, don't you just borrow some water for watering? It won't take a few days for the lake water to be saved again."

Zhao Xinyu smiled coldly, "Then you have to wait a few days for the water in Loulan Town to be restored. Most of the people in Mowen Town are employees of the Dijun Group. I don't want the employees to point at my back and scold me."

"What do you mean? Don't forget, Mochou Lake still belongs to Lop Nur."

Hearing this, Zhao Xinyu didn't even bother to answer. He turned to look at Sanji, "Uncle Sanji, if something like this comes over in the future, just refuse and don't tell me. By the way, find someone to go to Mochou Lake immediately." Bian, watch over Mochou Lake for me and don't allow a drop of water to flow into other areas. I'd like to see what they can do to me."


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