I have a portable farm

Chapter 1,285 Death Experience

"Boy, the blood toad's toad nectar is a good thing. If you just kill it, it will be wasted."

Zhao Xinyu trembled slightly and turned his head to look in one direction. His eyes flickered a few times. Although he hated creatures like blood toads, he still took them into the space. As long as he entered the space, he would There is a way to get the toad puff.

Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath, and poured a few drops of space water on the flowers of the three-color orchid. The three-color orchid swayed a little, and a smile appeared on Zhao Xinyu's face.

In just a few breaths, the antidote that Jin Yang had been thinking about entered the space, and Jin Yang's voice sounded in his mind again.

"If you don't want to be overwhelmed by blood toads, run away."

Zhao Xinyu was shocked and stepped forward to look into the distance. He saw patches of fallen grass in the distance, and the croaking sound was deafening.

"Ni Ma, Zhao Xinyu went straight towards the distance without stopping at all."

Among the rocks, Zhao Xinyu stood on a rock and let out a sigh of relief. He looked in the direction he came from, his eyes full of panic. He did not expect the blood toad to be so terrifying and chased him directly to this place.

"Look at your feet, kid."

Zhao Xinyu lowered his head and looked at the rocks at his feet. He saw a large group of green things squirming among the rocks.

"Nine-jointed Bamboo Leaf Green, the most poisonous existence among Bamboo Leaf Green." Zhao Xinyu's body flashed. This time, he did not choose his own place to stay, but moved towards Jin Yang.

When he landed next to Jin Yang, Zhao Xinyu saw Jin Yang's face full of smiles, which made Zhao Xinyu speechless, "You already knew it."

Jin Yang smiled faintly, "You often deal with humans, but you don't understand the world of beasts. This time is an exercise for the Soaring Snake clan, and it is also an exercise for you. Don't underestimate any race. , even a low-level creature like a blood toad is beyond the capabilities of ordinary people. Didn’t you find the skeletons of human cultivators when you went there?”

Zhao Xinyu was slightly startled and turned to look at the Blood Toad's territory. When he passed by, he did see areas with spiritual energy fluctuations, but he didn't pay attention to them. Now that he thought about it, those areas had a vague luster, which should be human cultivation. The bones of the deceased, but he didn't think about it carefully.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xinyu showed a trace of embarrassment on his face, and in his heart he thought of what Phoenix said. In the past, countless Miao cultivators entered the land of death, but how could they really escape from death? Less than 10% of the land left.

At that time, he was still wondering whether the people who entered were not of high cultivation. Now that he thought about it, he was really too careless. A large group of ordinary blood toads could accidentally kill cultivators. The name of this place of death It really lives up to its name.

Seeing Zhao Xinyu's appearance, Jin Yi nodded with satisfaction. What he admired was Zhao Xinyu's character. With a little reminder, he knew the mistakes he had made and could quickly correct them.

"Brother Jin, let Akada come out."

Jin Yang shook his head, "Experience it yourself slowly. Now Chiyu and the others can help you, but Chiyu and the others will not be able to keep up with you after all. Who will you rely on then, Moyu?"

Zhao Xinyu's face instantly turned red. Thinking about his experiences in the past few years, when he went out, Heifeng, Jinhen, Jinyu, Chiyu, and Moyu played a vigilant role, but every time they were negligent, they could not feel it. , he would suffer a big loss every time.

"You know why animals are so alert."

Zhao Xinyu smiled lightly, "Beasts live in a complex environment, and they must always be wary of the predators who hunt them."

"Human beings also lived in the jungle back then. They didn't have strong bodies, and they didn't have the ability to fly or escape, but they ended up ruling the world."

Zhao Xinyu frowned and looked at Jin Yi with a hint of surprise. Jin Yi smiled faintly, "The first thing for humans is unity. In fact, the same is true for beasts. But why humans were not exterminated by other beasts at that time is because they were at that time Their vigilance is not weaker than that of other beasts, and is even more vigilant than other beasts. But now, because there is a dividing line between beasts and humans, humans are no longer as alert as they used to be."

"You try to feel the surrounding environment. You can feel the changes in the environment from the fluctuations in air flow and changes in smell. No matter what kind of creature they are, they are inseparable from these changes. Even Shura will change. "


Jin Yang nodded, "If you can sit to the extreme, you can feel the changes around you even with your eyes closed. This is what Shura does best. And Shura can do this because he lives in a different environment."

Zhao Xinyu took a deep breath. There is only one Shura in each generation. Because of his bloodthirsty, anyone with offensive power will regard him as an enemy. He must always be wary of enemy sneak attacks.

"Brother Jin, what should I do?"

Jin Yang pointed to an area, "Come and feel that area."

After a moment, Zhao Xinyu looked at Jin Yang, who smiled, feel it over there...

After feeling the surrounding areas, Zhao Xinyu nodded thoughtfully. He felt that although they were in the same area, the air flow and smell were different due to the presence of insects and poisonous insects in the grass and trees. However, it takes a long time to feel it, but the result of just feeling it once is the same.

"I know, let's go. This kind of feeling cannot be achieved at once. It needs to be accumulated slowly. The more you feel it, the more familiar you will be with the changes in the surrounding environment. As long as you see the same area in the future, you will be able to Know what the air flow in this area looks like. If your enemy is hidden in it, you can feel his presence based on the air flow."

Because they had to feel the changes in the surrounding environment, their speed slowed down. Although the speed slowed down, it was a big gain for Zhao Xinyu. He constantly felt it under various circumstances.

At first, it took several minutes or even ten minutes to feel the poison in an area, but Jin Yang seemed to let him feel more, so he even let him wander around the periphery of the Death Land, feeling almost all of the peripheral areas of the Death Land. After going through it all, it took Zhao Xinyu more than half a month.

If this were the past, Zhao Xinyu would definitely be anxious, but because of Jin Yang's guidance, he also knew how important the environment's perception is for a person like him who is surrounded by powerful enemies. He was not in a hurry, and was immersed in it. in.

On this day, Zhao Xinyu came out of a mountain stream again. His eyes were full of excitement. The mountain stream was his own choice, and Jin Yang did not stop him. However, after entering, Zhao Xinyu quickly felt the difference in the mountain stream. He sensed that there were many strange beasts in the mountain stream. When he tested it, he saw tens of thousands of poisonous scorpions.

"Very good, let's go. You have stayed here for more than half a month. Now it's time to feel the changes in the real living area of ​​strange beasts."

When entering this area, Jin Yang continued to tell Zhao Xinyu about the changes in the aura of the strange beasts, and at the same time told Zhao Xinyu that the level of poison in this area was not high, and if they did not have the necessary treasures to protect them, they could not kill them.

The speed is also not fast, but Zhao Xinyu is growing every day. He can feel that his perception is changing every day. In many cases, he can detect what species is moving based on the movement of wind and grass.

On this day, when Zhao Xinyu was walking through a mountain forest, he froze and saw a complete human skeleton under a rock.

From the first day he entered the land of death when he saw the first human skeleton until now, Zhao Xinyu doesn't know how many human skeletons he has seen, but each one has some defects. This is the first time for a complete human skeleton. See.

It’s just that he doesn’t know whether it’s because of the age or because the spiritual power in the bones was devoured by strange beasts. The bones have become extremely decayed, but Zhao Xinyu can feel that the owner of this skeleton had a high level of cultivation during his lifetime. Otherwise, his skeleton would have been damaged. It will not be saved completely.

Many experiences made Zhao Xinyu know that such a fallen existence, unless it possesses artifacts, holy weapons, and other levels of treasures, even if the Najie is left behind, it will become decayed by the years, so he did not care and just looked at it. Eyes fell on a valley ahead.

After feeling it for a while, there was no movement. Zhao Xinyu moved towards the valley. Different from the past, when Zhao Xinyu was moving, his ears were constantly shaking, feeling the changes in the surrounding environment.

Before arriving near the valley, Zhao Xinyu saw at least thirty more skeletons again, but as before, none of them were complete, and there was no spiritual power fluctuation on each skeleton.

Outside the valley, Zhao Xinyu only stayed for dozens of breaths, his eyes fell on an area, and he moved towards that area. He felt that there was no danger in this area.

There are huge stones everywhere in the valley. There are shrubs in the gaps between the stones. The trunks of the shrubs are green. From a distance, you can feel the strong fishy smell permeating the valley.

Crouching behind a huge boulder, Zhao Xinyu didn't have any breath on his body, and his whole body was like a jumble of rocks. He looked towards the valley, which was not too large in area.

Following him, he saw a huge black thing that was more than thirty meters long.

Python, Zhao Xinyu shook his head immediately. It looked like a python, but it had two large claws under its abdomen, and the dark claws were filled with a trace of metallic luster.

And the head, which is as huge as a water bucket, has a bulge more than an inch high.

"This is a dragon."

The dragon is a species between dragons and snakes. According to legend, the dragon has the blood of the dragon, so the dragon has the greed of the dragon, but also has the insidiousness and cruelty of the snake, so even strange beasts do not bother to associate with the dragon.

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