I have a portable farm

Chapter 1,042 Invisible Damage

A few days later, a piece of news on the official website of the Emperor Group, which had been silent for some time, caused a sensation. The most excited people were the people in Pingcheng and Pengcheng.

Pengcheng Group's butcher shop in Fengjiazhuang has reopened. One hundred yellow sheep, sika deer, and wild boars will be sold every day. As for the number of hares, pheasants, colorful belly chickens, and exquisite chickens, the number is uncertain, but they will be sold every day. .

The butcher shop in Fengjiazhuang has been operating for several years and has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. That is to say, it was sublet out last year and the butcher shop closed down.

This is now open again. For a time, people in Pengcheng and even the surrounding areas of Pengcheng rushed to tell each other, wanting to convey this news to everyone who had almost forgotten Xihanling.

In fact, during this period of time, the rapeseed and spinach grown here in Xihanling have been opened. At first, many people lined up to buy them, but then they discovered that, not only the price of the vegetables they grew was high, but the taste was not the same as when Zhao Xinyu was here. There was a big difference. Although some people came there, it was still tepid. Fortunately, according to Cao Xun's plan, they did not grow too many vegetables, so apart from transporting some vegetables, they would not be unsalable.

On the first day Fengjiazhuang Butcher Shop opened, the area around the butcher shop was full of people queuing up to sell their meat. Although there was a limit of 100 goats, sika deer, and wild boars, the butcher shop closed before noon.

Like Fengjiazhuang, Hongshiya is a temporary butcher shop set up in a wide area. Although it is still a little cold in the morning at Hongshiya at this time, before it opens, the entire area is far away from tens of thousands of people who come to buy meat. Many people come here to buy meat. People came from hundreds of miles away with only one purpose, to come and cheer for Zhao Xinyu.

Butcher shops in Hongshiya and Fengjiazhuang opened at the same time. Every day, hundreds of yellow sheep, sika deer, wild boars, and a large number of wild pheasants, colorful belly chickens, exquisite chickens, and hares were sold. This caused a stir in the society. got a huge response.

Last year, there were a large number of yellow sheep, wild boars, and sika deer in Xihanling, and there were even flocks of pheasants, hares, colorful belly chickens, and exquisite chickens. However, it only took the Baituo Group less than half a year to let these wild animals in The disappearance of Xihanling is saddening for any people, even those who are not in Pengcheng.

Originally, people thought that they didn’t know how long it would take to eat delicious game again, but now Zhao Xinyu succeeded again in Hongshiya. It not only took action in Hongshiya, but also made Pingcheng, which is located in the fourth tier, become the first tier of many. In a place that is the envy of the city, game is transported back to Fengjiazhuang again at a price that has not forgotten its original intention. This is a relief for the people, but for the Baituo Group that has made Xihanling deserted, it is a naked disaster. Slap in the face.

The butcher shop is nothing in Hongshiya, but its reopening in Fengjiazhuang has let more people know that Zhao Xinyu is bent on developing this area, and that the White Tuo Group and even agricultural institutions are just clowns. , they don’t want Zhao Xinyu to be good, and they don’t want Zhao Xinyu to develop.

Many people even thought about the fact that the White Tuo Group issued two notices in succession, targeting Zhao Xinyu. As a result, there was another denunciation of the White Tuo Group in the Pengcheng area and even other places. More people once again called on the White Tuo Group to get out. Exit Xihan Ridge and return Xihan Ridge to Zhao Xinyu.

People queued up to buy various game meats

At the same time, villagers in the five villages of Hongshiya and Yangjiagou also received wild game for free.

On the night when the butcher shop opened for business, Wang Yong, Er Wei, Han Tianliang and others gathered in the restaurant of the compound again. A group of people drank the Jiu Qiao Tong Yu wine that no one else knew about. Eating delicious game and talking about the future of Hongshiya.

"Xinyu, Jiuqiao Tongyu wine is so good. In the past few days, I have been feeling energetic all over my body, and I feel light when I walk. I dare say that if Jiuqiao Tongyu wine is exported, even the black No emperor can compare with him." Wang Yong looked at Zhao Xinyu.

Wang Yong said what was in his heart. Erwei and others who also felt the benefits of Jiuqiao Tongyu Wine stopped and looked at Zhao Xinyu. Not only them, but also Du Mengnan, Guan Bingtong, Liu Fengying and others appeared in their eyes. A trace of expectation.

Zhao Xinyu chuckled, "Jiuqiao Tongyu wine is different from Zui Linglong and Qingzhu wine, which has a strong autumn mood. It takes a while to brew."

Du Mengnan's almond-shaped eyes narrowed slightly, "Is there something missing?"


Du Mengnan gave Zhao Xinyu a big look. Last year, tens of thousands of acres of farmland in several villages in Yangjiagou were all planted with sorghum. If other things were lacking, this sorghum was not lacking at all.

"It's not this kind of sorghum. The quality of the sorghum we are storing now is hard to say, but the quality of this kind of sorghum is not enough to brew Jiuqiao Tongyu wine. Jiuqiao Tongyu wine requires higher-grade sorghum, so we want to make a large amount of sorghum." It will take several months to brew Jiuqiao Tongyu wine on a large scale."

Liu Fengying's eyes flickered a few times, and she thought of something that the villagers had mentioned when they were planting in several villages some time ago. The villagers said that the sorghum planted this year also had a silver-white sorghum.

When Zhao Xinyu said this, Liu Fengying immediately thought of white sorghum, "Zhao Xinyu, the sorghum you are talking about should be the 3,000 acres of silver-white sorghum you planted in Yangjiagou this year."

When Liu Fengying said this, everyone thought of the more than 3,000 acres of silver-white sorghum in Yangjiagou. At that time, they were too busy and had no time to ask. Now that Liu Fengying mentioned it again, people also thought of the silver-white sorghum.

"Xinyu, it's not that the yield rate of white sorghum wine is not high. This Jiuqiao Tongyu wine really needs that silvery white sorghum."

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "This kind of sorghum is the best sorghum. Although it is not red sorghum, the wine yield is also very high. It can also be eaten as rice, and the taste is no less than the Ji rice we grow."

Du Mengnan's eyes flickered a few times, "Then why don't we just plant this kind of sorghum this year?"

Zhao Xinyu laughed, "There are two levels of Zui Linglong, Qingmu Wine, and Qiu Yi Nong. Wouldn't it be better for us to have one more level? This year, I will launch Jiuqiao Tongyu Wine first to satisfy my inability to launch Shengsheng Fuling Pills. shortcomings."

As soon as he said this, Du Mengnan and others became excited. The Poria Pill is currently the most popular miracle drug in the Chinese Medical Association. Not only Chinese people, but also foreigners are racking their brains to buy thirty-six pills.

It was Zhao Xinyu who was the first to refine Shengsheng Fuling Pills. Zhao Xinyu also said that he would launch Shengsheng Fuling Pills if the time came, but Zhao Xinyu had no help so far. In addition, the Chinese Medical Association took the lead in launching it, and Zhao Xinyu also no second thoughts

Life Poria Pills.

Zhao Xinyu said that day that the effect of Jiuqiao Tongyu Wine was similar to that of Shengsheng Poria Pills, but people just took it as a joke. Now that Zhao Xinyu brought it up again, it made people feel that Zhao Xinyu was not joking.

"Xinyu, this Jiuqiao Tongyu wine is really the same as the Poria Pills in Life." Wang Peng looked at Zhao Xinyu with a hint of excitement.

Zhao Xinyu nodded, "Almost, but you can't drink too much, just the right amount, otherwise it will be counterproductive."

Wang Yong laughed, "Great, Hongshiya will also have a signboard in the future, and this Jiuqiao Tongyu Wine will be Hongshiya's signboard."

When Wang Yong said this, Han Tianliang and others felt very uncomfortable. It was not that they were jealous of Wang Yong. All of this should have appeared in Xihanling, but now because of the appearance of those people who disgusted them, such a good medicinal wine But he wants to settle in Hongshiya.

In the restaurant of the Xihanling Agency, Cao Xiaoli's face was as ugly as if she had eaten shit. Xihanling is now popular except for the commercial street, that is, outside Wenying Pavilion. In the rest of the places, only the people he hired are left. Those workers.

From the beginning of the Lantern Festival to now, he didn't know how many foremans he had changed, but every time it was the beginning but the end. Now many workers don't even have a clue, and the entire Xihanling area is in chaos.

He also wanted to find villagers from villages such as Xihanling and Fengjiazhuang, but most of the people from these villages went to Hongshiya, and the rest were old, weak, sick and disabled.

Originally, all this had upset him, but what made her even more angry was that Zhao Xinyu had re-established the butcher shop in Fengjiazhuang. Now every time people talk about Xihanling, she is the one who bears the infamy. Until now, he has not dared to When she went out, the people outside criticized her when they saw her, and some even threw rubbish at her.

They even heard that everything was booming over Hongshiya, the vegetables were changing every day, and it wouldn't take long for the garden to be opened.

Now that Zhao Xinyu has transported the game back to Fengjiazhuang, if the vegetable garden is opened and he sells vegetables, fruits and vegetables here in Xihanling, their faces will really be shameful.

Cao Xiaoli was uncomfortable, and Xuankong was equally uncomfortable. He was humiliated by Zhao Xinyu one after another. How could he endure it? If this was the area where they lived, Zhao Xinyu would have been dead long ago, but because Zhao Xinyu still had what they needed in his hand, He could only endure it.

"Uncle Jiang, you said that day that the Sanggan River would turn into a poisonous river. How long has it been? Why is there no movement at all?"

Xuankong's question immediately cheered up Cao Xiaoli. As long as she heard that Zhao Xinyu could be unlucky, she would rather not get rich.

Jiang Hongtu frowned when he heard Xuankong's question, "Xuankong, you should know about the rootless poison. I sent people to put the rootless poison into the Sanggan River. For the first time, he thought it was because of the amount of water in the river. It was too big, and the rootless poison was too little, so he cast it twice more, but it had no effect."

Xuan Kong was slightly startled. Rootless poison is a strange poison that has no cure for fish and crabs. In the area where they live, a few drops of rootless poison can kill all the fish and shrimp in a river. Die Jue, now there are three poisonings in succession, but there is no movement of the fish and shrimps on the Sanggan River. This is a bit unreasonable. If Jiang Hongtu hadn't said this, he would have thought it was a joke. .

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