I Have a Million Skill Points

Chapter 1610: Yaozu black history

Chapter 1610 The Black History Of The Demon Race

Passing through the gap of the barrier, Su Chen walked out of the abyss and placed himself on a crimson wilderness.

The wilderness here is as barren as the surface of the Death Star, with no air, no signs of life, only endless silence and a tingling breath.

The powerful radiation and the law of darkness are rampant, and even Su Chen who has stepped into the fairyland feels a strong sense of dizziness, as if he continues to go deep into this wilderness, he may die suddenly.

Su Chen had to urge Tianyao's holy light to cover the whole body with sacred power, and then gave birth to the power of the Chaos Clock to the extreme, protecting himself from the inside and out for several layers, which barely felt better.

"If this is really Mingmengdao, can I try to communicate with Reimu?"

Su Chen thought suddenly, but sat on the floor and fell asleep.

Connecting with Reimu in a dream is the fastest way.

"Su Chen?"

Sure enough, Su Chen heard the voice of Reimeng as soon as he entered the dream.

She came to Su Chen's dreamland very curiously, and asked, "Didn't you go to the immortal world, why did you suddenly appear in the Tao of Mingmeng? No, how did you get in."

"It's a long story. I'm indeed in the immortal world, but I'm indeed in Mingmeng Dao." Su Chen explained a little bit and asked about Donghuang Zi's condition.

"Is that woman with you? I thought she was a certain big demon who awakened in Ming Meng Dao, and temporarily controlled her with the magical dream technique."

"It's her, where is she now?"

"Wait, I'll come to find you."

After that, Reimeng left Su Chen's dream.

Su Chen also woke up at the same time. As soon as he got up, he saw a twisting wave in the space in front of him, and then Lingmeng and Luo Tianran came across the space and came to him.

Just as Su Chen was about to speak, Lingmeng dragged him into a crack in the space: "It's not safe to speak in another place."

After a while, Su Chen came to a garden with a pleasant scenery, red leaves falling all over the sky, brooks gurgling water, red walls and green tiles reflecting the antique buildings, but after entering, it was full of various snacks. .

Su Chen was embarrassed. Is this the private house girl space of Lingmeng and Luo Tianran?

"Brother Su, why are you here?" Luo Tianran was also surprised.

Su Chen explained it again.

At this moment, Reimu snapped his fingers, and then the space was distorted again, and a figure fell from the midair, it was Donghuang Zi who was sleeping.

Dong Huang Zi suddenly woke up, showing a vigilant expression, but after seeing Su Chen, he immediately relaxed.

Although she was still at a loss, seeing Su Chen here, she felt a sense of peace inexplicably, because she knew she was definitely safe now.

"The situation is a bit complicated. Let me explain briefly. Mingmeng Dao is connected to the Sealed Demon Cavern of the Immortal Realm. It can be concluded that they are born from the same root. Not surprisingly, the person who created this place is Yu Tianheng, to be exact, his past life. Rain fairy."

"The problem now is that the other two big Luojin fairyland demon heads imprisoned on the fourth floor of the Feng Demon Cavern have disappeared. It is very likely that they are hiding in the Tao of Mengmeng. It is definitely unrealistic to expect them to stay on their own. To control Ming Meng Dao, you must pull out these two monsters."

"But we don't have enough combat power now. Although Fairy Prajna has recovered, she has now ran to find Mother Yaoguang to pinch her. She may not know how far it will go, so she can't count on it anymore."

After Su Chen finished speaking, he looked at Lingmeng and said, "You are in charge of Mingmeng Dao, is there any way to pull out the two big monsters?"

After listening to Su Chen's words, Lingmeng and Luo Tianran also understood the current situation.

Reimu hesitated for a moment, and said, "I have a roster record for all the demon in Mingmeng Dao, but Mingmen Dao is very big and there are many places that I can't control. If a demon deliberately hides, think It is very difficult to find his trace."

Luo Tianran also said: "If it doesn't work, let me help Big Brother Su find the trace of the devil's head. I am the goddess of Mingmeng, equivalent to the incarnation of Mingmeng. I have an immortal body in Mingmeng Tao. Those monsters can't hurt me, so it's most suitable for me to come forward and screen."

"Oh? Xiao Tianran, you still have this ability." Su Chen sighed and touched Mo Luo Tianran's head.

Luo Tianran gave Su Chen a white look, but did not resist, and even opened a bag of snacks to feed Su Chen.

Su Chen opened his mouth and bit, and inadvertently touched Luo Tianran's fingertips, causing the little girl to blush.

Donghuang Zi can't stand it anymore: "This is not the time to flirt and scold, so hurry up and find the two demon heads. Whether it is the **** of catastrophe or the true king of crossing the evil, they are the top powerhouses of the past. Either of them can bring huge disasters. It would be best if they can be eliminated here, and if they are allowed to escape, it will bring irreparable troubles."

"You just said you didn't know the other two demon heads?" Su Chen was speechless.

Dong Huang Zi glanced at Su Chen: "I am not you, do I have to tell you everything?"

Okay, grandma is naturally vigilant, understandable.

"Then what is the origin of this holy catastrophe immortal and true monarch crossing evil?"

"In fact, these two people are one body. The predecessor was the former first warrior of my demon clan, the'Sky Demon Boy'. Because of stealing the ancient mystery of the "Benevolence Scriptures", they have repaired the outer demons and split them into catastrophe immortals and crossings. There are two personalities of the evil true monarch, where the catastrophe immortal goes, the world is full of catastrophes, countless natural and man-made disasters will come, and the scene of the end will follow."

"As for True Monarch Crossing the evil... Although he doesn't like killing, he is actually more terrible. His soul is formed by the aggregation of countless resentments and bad luck. He is destined to be evil. As long as he looks at him, he will be moldy. Luck-ridden, Sansheng III cannot escape the blessing of bad luck."


Su Chen couldn't help taking a breath: "How can the monster clan make all these weird coffees?"

Donghuang Zi sighed helplessly: "The monster race and the immortal race were defeated in the war. In order to seek the chance of defeating and winning, they used a lot of ancient mysteries full of taboos. Although many top powers were born in a short time, they also buried them. After the endless troubles, I have lived to this day just to solve these hidden troubles."

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