I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 497 Shadow of Fear

"Flash, now that you've visited and taken things, it's time to fulfill your promise!"

Brownie, who had turned into a soy sauce color, suppressed his anger and reminded Chen Qi, who was stunned and distracted in front of him, as if nothing had happened.

Dominic on the side was secretly gloating, it seemed that the local faction had suffered a big loss this time.

"Why are you so anxious!"

"I'm thinking about it!"

Chen Qi glared at Brownie who interrupted his thoughts rather unhappily. The latter's face immediately turned from black to white, and he was trembling all over.

The instantaneous change between black and white left Dominic standing stunned.

What happened just now scared Brownie like a grandson.

"Steady, steady, don't be afraid. Suffering a loss is a blessing. Don't argue with this little boy!"

"The previous losses should be treated as payment for the remains of those mutated beasts!"

"You really can't believe in pie-in-the-sky these days, and you shouldn't pick up bargains on the ground."

The trembling Brownie kept comforting himself in his heart.

Damn, that’s terrible!

Just now, two little suns seemed to be born in the Flash's eyes.

At that moment, Brownie thought he was going to be set on fire and disappear into ashes?

It seems that you really need to control your mouth from now on.

In the final analysis, Brownie's mentality has not changed.

But now, he wanted to make the Flash a cup of tea and let him think about it.

Chen Qicai was too lazy to care about Brownie's changes. He was still thinking about the weirdness of the world here.

"This world has spiritual energy and is related to human civilization."

"Is this an area in the outer world?"

"But according to the information I have now, the human civilization in this world, at its peak, attempted to find the boundaries of the world and search for other intelligent civilizations."

"But they have been flying at a speed close to the speed of light for hundreds of years, and they have never reached the edge of the world."

"That's why there is a legend that as long as it cannot exceed the speed of light and fly out of the light cone, it will never reach the outside of the world."

"Although I don't know how big the outer world is, if this is really a certain area of ​​the outer world, it is absolutely impossible to fly at the speed of light for 100 years without seeing other humans."

The more you know, the more you will feel that the world in front of you is full of weirdness and incredible.

The reason why Chen Qi felt that this place was related to the Outer Ring World was because he saw several special species originating from the Outer Ring World from those paleontological fossils.

Those species are recorded in detail in the book given by the Djinn God, and it is absolutely impossible to admit their mistakes.

Not only that, the material structure of this world is no different from the inner world where Chen Qi is.

The composition of the macroscopic world is exactly the same.

But if this world really belongs to human territory.

With its technological level developed to the extreme, how could it be impossible to find the human civilization where Chen Qi belonged.

That beam of light, that cone of light!

Chen Qi thought about it and traced the root of everything back to the creation myth.

The nature of that light is definitely not ordinary natural light.

Perhaps only by knowing what it is can we fully understand the truth of this world.

But in a small place like Xuanguang City, it is definitely impossible to know the answer.

Only by going to the Super Hero Association, now the center of human civilization, can we possibly find a clue.

Although Chen Qi has already received the recommendation quota, he can leave at any time.

But no matter what considerations he had, before leaving, he had to exterminate the beast tide.

After all, it is Chen Qi who loves human civilization deeply.


"Crack, crackle!"

After making the decision, Chen Qi's aura began to increase crazily.

The terrifying thunder spread out from his body, as if it were a living creature.

"This, how is this possible?"

"Level 11, no, it's still rising, level 12, level 12 super life form!"

In just a few moments, Chen Qi upgraded his strength to a level 12 superhero.

You can imagine how much impact this scene had on the surrounding superheroes.

Especially Dominic and Brownie, who are the only level 10 superheroes in the association, understand how difficult it is to continue to improve.

For Dominic and Brownie, level 10 superheroes are already their end.

Their natural genes simply cannot withstand the next pollution.

But in full view, under their noses.

The Flash immediately upgraded two levels in a row as if drinking water.

Is this guy really still a human?

No, he is God, the only hope for mankind today.

After witnessing the way the Flash improved his strength, even the resentful Browne and others had infinite admiration for Chen Qi.

Human beings are only jealous of the life that they can recognize, and when it goes beyond recognition, there is only infinite fear and admiration.

This is the biggest weakness of human beings and even all intelligent life, but it is also the source of motivation for continuous progress.

Because in the final analysis, this instinct comes from the soul and the yearning and pursuit of high latitudes.

"When I take action this time, the noise will probably be a bit loud!"

"Calm down the humans in Xuanguang City and I'll be right back!"

Chen Qi, who had completely transformed into silver lightning, gave Dominic a casual order.

The latter nodded frequently with great excitement, quite like he was a subordinate, and even looked proud.

This transformation was so natural that even the other superheroes around him didn't feel anything was wrong.

The strong one should rule everything.


The silver lightning disappeared, and in the next moment, Chen Qi appeared 30 kilometers away.

Extremely terrifying, Chen Qi's movement speed has reached a hundred times the speed of sound.

And this simply shouldn't be something that a human body's physical structure can bear.

Now Chen Qi has completely transformed himself into a magnetic field life.

Even if he wants to, his speed can be increased infinitely, reaching the speed of light.

But the price is that one's own life structure is constantly lost, and eventually completely transformed.

"My parting chart has also reached a certain critical point."

"Once it is integrated with the extraordinary elements again, a huge amount of its own life information structure will be lost in the copying."

"Even this rate of loss will be completely beyond my control and calculation."

"If I plan to stay in this world for a while longer, my current strength will already be at its limit."

Chen Qi walked leisurely in a world that was constantly stuck. Everything in the macro world was slowing down, but his speed was getting faster and faster.

Unfortunately, his speed is still too slow.

Compared to the stagnation of all things in the travel of consciousness, a mere 100 times the speed of sound is still insignificant.

Unfortunately, the human civilization in this world is a technological civilization rooted in the material world.

Otherwise, it would be much easier to surpass the speed of light and escape the constraints of light cones using extraordinary world means.

In just a few seconds, Chen Qi appeared 200 kilometers away.

This place has lost the coverage of human civilization, and everything around it is shrouded in barbarism.

"Hey, a few decades ago, this was an extremely prosperous city!"

"But now nature is showing its terrible power to humans."

After entering this area, Chen Qi began to slow down.

Of course, he was not worried about possible dangers, but just wanted to have a clearer look at the end of civilization.

Among the ruins, dense vegetation has covered everything.

If it weren't for Chen Qi's extremely keen perception, many ruins would have no trace of human beings at all.

This world is actively erasing everything human beings.

"Ho ho ho!"

In the wilderness, densely packed mutant beasts are moving in the same direction.

But compared to the larger number of ordinary beasts, the number of mutant beasts is still insignificant.

The main forces of the so-called beast tide are not mutant beasts with superpowers at all.

Billions of ordinary beasts are the greatest threat to mankind.

Even though many beasts do not eat humans, wherever they pass they can destroy various resources that humans rely on for survival.

In fact, if there were no powerful mutant beasts, humans could use more ferocious technological weapons to drive these beasts away.

Just like our ancestors once did.

But the emergence of mutant beasts changed everything.

Even the weakest mutant beasts need to use large-caliber sniper rifles to kill them.

And the mutant beasts that have awakened their superpowers are enough to kill humans.

"It's unimaginable that civilization will be defeated by barbarism."

"Since the birth of intelligent life, intelligent civilization has always taken over the living environment of other non-intelligent life."

"Faced with the plunder of intelligent civilization, nature has no power to resist and can only keep retreating."

"But there are limits to the expansion of civilization. In areas beyond the reach of intelligent life, nature still occupies absolute dominance."

The various scenes in the wasteland reminded Chen Qi of more.

The battle between civilization and barbarism has existed forever since the birth of intelligent life.

"For endless years, countless intelligent civilizations have shone brightly in the night sky, but they have fallen like meteors."

"Perhaps a random weed on the roadside, their species has existed for tens of millions of years."

"And the intelligent civilizations that once trampled on them have changed a dozen times."

“It’s a bit sad and ironic when you think about it!”

"No wonder the Lord of Original Sin has cursed all intelligent civilizations and is still alive and well."

Everything he experienced after entering this world had a big impact on Chen Qi.

This kind of impact does not exist at the level of extraordinary cognition, but comes from the fear of the soul.

Chen Qi, who has been living in the inner ring world and enjoying the glory of human civilization, never thought that human civilization would also die.

But after coming to this world, he saw it with his own eyes.

Things harm their own kind, this is Chen Qi's initial feeling.

But as he learns more about the world, his perspective begins to grow.

Finally, after entering the wilderness, Chen Qi finally realized it.

This is not a war between humans and mutant beasts.

It is a battle between intelligent civilization and nature.

In this battle, intelligent civilization has played an offensive role from beginning to end, and has always won.

But the latter does not need to do anything at all. It only needs to wait for the intelligent civilization itself to have problems.

Then the lost ground can be recovered, and even the traces of the existence of intelligent civilization can be completely erased.

Compared with nature, intelligent civilization is so short and weak.

It was precisely because of seeing this scene with his own eyes that Chen Qi felt the fear from the soul level.

After all, the demise of intelligent civilization is essentially the soul ceasing to exist.

Chen Qi carefully understood this fear, only to find that it not only came from himself, but also from the shadow behind him.

Chen Qi glanced at his own shadow in disbelief.

After entering this wasteland, his [Soul Shadow] was actually afraid.

"I was tricked without knowing it!"

"No, this effect is not just for me, but for all human beings."

"The shadow of the soul of all humans who step into the wasteland will be affected."

"No, no, no, I seem to have understood it wrong!"

"The [Soul Shadow], or soul, of humans in this world is always afraid."

“So I will be affected only after I integrate into this world.”

"This kind of fear is not obvious in Xuanguang City, which is covered by human civilization. Perhaps it is because we huddle together for warmth."

"But after entering the wasteland, it was magnified, so I could clearly check it."

Chen Qi, who wanted to understand everything, was even more shocked, or shocked.

Because he suddenly realized a question: does the human civilization in this world have a will for civilization?

If it were the previous era of pure technology, it would definitely not exist.

Because the birth of civilized will requires the function of spiritual energy, which is a unique sign of extraordinary civilization.

But now that the spiritual energy has been revived for at least 1,000 years, Chen Qi cannot say that the will of civilization will not be born.

"That's all, it's useless to think about it now!"

"When you get to the Super Hero Association, you can always figure everything out."

"Perhaps my biggest gain in this world is not specific scientific and technological knowledge, but these insights now."

"If it were placed in the ancient cultivation era, I would be considered enlightened!"

Chen Qi took back his divergent thinking. At this time, he had gone 300 kilometers deep into the wilderness.

We are now 500 kilometers away from Xuanguang City. The distance is almost there and we can let go and have a big fight.

"Eternal Sun!"

At an altitude of 3,000 meters, Chen Qi grabbed the air with his left hand.

Amidst the interlacing thunder and lightning, a magnetic device composed of 36 powerful magnetic rings appeared out of thin air.

But as the magnetic field accelerates and the particles collide, a bright ball of light is born from the center of the magnetic ring.

The ball of light got bigger and bigger, and expanded more and more. At the end, a small sun with a diameter of several hundred meters was held in Chen Qi's hand.

The moment the sun was born, it was already dusk, but the sun was scorching 100 kilometers around.

"Ho ho ho!"

Such a large-scale change in the celestial phenomena naturally alarmed the mutant beasts with keen senses.

But before these guys screamed a second time, Chen Qi threw Little Sun down.

As the little sun fell, the magnetic rings continued to break apart.

In the end, the glowing little sun completely lost all its restraints and poured out its power to the world.


A more dazzling white light flashed between the sky and the earth, and a hydrogen bomb exploded on the mutant beast's head.

High temperature and high pressure, shock waves that tear everything apart, and various forces originating from the material world, are destroying the world to their heart's content.

This time, Chen Qi relied on his lightning ability that had already reached the silver level to forcefully open the microscopic door and release the power of nuclear fusion.

Although his current magnetic restraint can only last for a few seconds, it is enough for throwing around.


Ho ho ho!

The earth is tearing apart, the sky is shaking, and all life within a radius of 10 kilometers has been turned into ashes.

And the scope of this killing is still expanding.

If it were in the inner ring world, Chen Qi would definitely not dare to throw things anywhere.

He used to be an environmentalist.

But in this world, for the sake of human civilization, he has no hesitation.

Chen Qi flipped his wrist, and another little sun was thrown from the sky.

The terrifying baptism of light and heat came again, and the ground that had already suffered two blows instantly turned into magma.

Chen Qi was still not satisfied with this and threw another one away.

This time, a certain giant earthworm that had been lurking deep in the earth finally couldn't bear it anymore.

With a bang, a giant earthworm that was one thousand meters long jumped out of the magma.

Extremely weird, its body twisted into rings.

The next moment, everything around Chen Qi began to distort.

"Amazing, amazing, he is still a colleague!"

"It's just that the big earthworm's ability seems to specialize in distorting the material field, and it has even begun to affect the surrounding time and space."

"Level 12 mutant beasts really cannot be underestimated!"

Feeling the oppression and distortion of the whole world towards him, Chen Qi didn't care at all.

After all, in terms of controlling the material field, the big earthworm is far behind him!

Chen Qi casually changed his own material field and completely integrated himself with the surrounding material field.

The big earthworm's previous distortion was that it used the material field of the surrounding world as a roller, trying to crush Chen Qi.

So Chen Qi is now turning himself into a part of Nianzi.

Unless the twisted power of the giant earthworm can break the microscopic door and shatter the material field of the surrounding macroscopic world, it will be unable to do anything to Chen Qi.

Obviously, giant earthworms can't do it yet.

"Eat me!"

It has never been Chen Qi's style not to fight back when beaten.

In Chen Qi's eyes, the pupils transformed into countless magnetic rings.

The next moment, the two small suns were focused and ignited, releasing endless light and heat.

"Zizzi, zizi!"

Two terrifying lasers shot out from Chen Qi's eyes, continuously cutting the big earthworm's body.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Qi cut the thousand-meter-long earthworm into 1,000 pieces.

But he began to heal in the next moment, and even looked like he could be reunited again.

Chen Qi naturally would not sit idly by and just throw away another little sun.

This time, the giant earthworm could no longer hide, and 90% of its body instantly turned into fly ash.

Only a few small earthworms tried to escape deep into the earth.

"Haha, before you were huge, had strong vitality, and were proficient in the material field. I couldn't do anything to you!"

"But now!"


Unceremoniously, Chen Qi returned the favor.

As Chen Qi grabbed it with both hands, the material field in the earth also began to twist and solidify.

The big earthworm that was shuttled through the material field was directly twisted into a twist.

The next moment, it was caught in the sky by Chen Qi again.

What is waiting for it is naturally the scorching sun and exposure.

Boom boom boom!

Dusk, sunset, with the fall of the dim sunset.

But the nine little suns are rising slowly from the western horizon.

This is what tens of millions of people in Xuanguang City see.

If they hadn't been notified by the Super Heroes Association in advance, they would have thought the end of the world had come!

But even so, they were still deeply shocked by this apocalyptic scene.

The sun that keeps blooming and disappearing is like the hydrogen bomb in ancient legends.

But not to mention the corresponding technology, even the remaining finished nuclear bombs have expired!

Now what's going on?

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