I have a magic dice of destiny

Chapter 492 Superhero

"Crack, crackle!"

In the huge petri dish, the blue arc was still flashing.

They are like thunder that destroys the world, working tirelessly to turn everything into ashes.

However, there is one hair that is extremely strong and always exists.

"What, what's going on?"

"Am I going to create a miracle?"

Upon discovering this strange situation, Bius immediately cheered up from his depression.

He was extremely worried and stared at the shining hair with greed, and almost kowtowed to it, praying that it would not disappear.

"A miracle really happened!"

Crack, crackle, under Bius' gaze, the hair suddenly twisted and knotted.

Slowly, there are more and more knots, and the hair becomes longer and longer.

The high-voltage arc that was originally raging was also being swallowed up by the hair.

Three minutes later, "Chen Qi" appeared completely in the petri dish again.

"Hahaha, derived from flesh and blood, multiplying infinitely!"

"I succeeded, I really succeeded!"

"From now on, I will be a great scientist!"

He looked at the experimental body that appeared in front of him inch by inch like a print.

Bius jumped up excitedly and danced.

He was so happy, so excited, that he didn't even see the angry eyes in the petri dish.

Maybe Bius wouldn't care if he saw it. After all, how could a mere experimental subject jump out and hit him?

His petri dish is an old antique from hundreds of years ago, and it can withstand artillery bombardment.

With the decline of civilization, the longer the history of the creations in this world, the better and stronger the quality.

"That's unbelievable?"

"The old green guy in front of me is really right when he says something, [The essence of human beings in this world is eternal life]."

"This body of mine shouldn't exist at all!"

"No, humans in this world shouldn't have been born at all!"

In the petri dish, Chen Qi quietly looked at his body.

This body is as perfect as a work of art, with no faults to be found from any angle, even down to the most microscopic level.

Because the nature of this body completely fits the [Immortality Chart].

At the most microscopic level of the body, it has completely turned into a kind of [partitioning diagram].

No information will be lost and it can be copied infinitely. In this way, Chen Qi’s body will naturally gain eternal life.

But this should not exist at all, and it makes no sense at all!

Thinking back to the original Heavenly Corpse Taoist, this guy directly transformed himself into an alien in order to practice [Parting Diagram].

Moreover, what the old thing possesses is the method of corpse-dissolving immortality in [the underworld].

He has practiced hard for so many years and has become half-assed, and his final form is also transformed into [Celestial Dove].

But now, Chen Qi has only experienced five rounds of small "activations" and has directly become a real immortal species.

If nothing unexpected happens, his body will be able to live to the end of the world.

If Master Tianshi knew this, he would be so angry that he would come back to life.

"There must be something wrong with this world!"

"Humans in this world have bigger problems!"

Chen Qi restrained his divergent thoughts and fixed his gaze firmly on Bius.

He, Chen, has never suffered such a big loss in all the years since his debut.

The old man in front of him actually dared to dance in front of him.

You have to break his dog legs!


Chen Qi touched the petri dish lightly with his fingertips, activated the Kestrel Fist, and a terrifying concussive force directly shattered it.

The broken glass was like countless bright diamonds, falling on Bius who was still dancing.

The latter was immediately stunned.

Three minutes later, Bius, who was on crutches, diligently accompanied the "leader" to inspect his laboratory and introduced the uses of various equipment in detail.

Behind Bius, Pirus and the others were trembling with bruises and bruises.

They had no idea that after only half a month of seeing each other, the helpless brick-throwing boy would turn out to be even more terrifying than a second-level life form.

This guy Bius actually succeeded?

"Boss, this is mine, no, it's all the equipment in your laboratory."

"They are all good things from a hundred years ago. Even the oldest one comes from the [Glory Age] a thousand years ago."

With tears in his eyes, Bius said goodbye to his laboratory.

From then on, everything here no longer belonged to him.

But it makes no sense at all. Although the physical strength of the newly awakened immortal will skyrocket, it is not that powerful.

Breaking armor with bare hands and carrying bullets with his own body.

Everything this body could theoretically do actually happened before Bius' eyes.

If the experimental subject this time had not been a "passionate young man full of justice", they would have been torn into pieces.

"Bius, bring me all the information in the laboratory."

"Don't disturb my study, and don't try to escape!"

"Otherwise you'll be totally paralyzed next time!"

Chen Qi looked around the entire laboratory with satisfaction. He finally had a home again.

Regarding this "small request", Bius naturally complied with it honestly.

To be honest, Bius really didn't want to run away.

After all, Chen Qi is his only successful "work", and he really can't bear to part with it.

Of course, having nowhere to go is also an important reason.

Should he go to other laboratories and "do odd jobs" for those guys who look down on him?

It's better to stay here!

Soon, all the information in the laboratory appeared in front of Chen Qi's screen.

Chen Qi swiped casually, and the information flowed like a waterfall.

"Is this really learning?"

"Just looking at it makes me dizzy!"

"I've never heard that immortals have such super learning abilities!"

Looking at the various words on the screen that were like sprinting for 100 meters, Bius, who was doing odd things on the side, almost turned his brain into a ball of mush.

Everything that happened before had a great impact on him, and Bius was still confused.

Pirus caught him an experimental subject, and the experiment finally succeeded, but he lost the laboratory.

Anyone else would be confused by this kind of encounter.

Chen Qi didn't bother to explain Bius' confusion.

His mind was reincarnated here, and the only ability it brought was powerful computing power.

With the special features of this body, Chen Qi can easily control his pupils and develop dynamic vision.

Coupled with powerful computing power, Chen Qi's current sense of time is 10 times that of normal humans.

The information in front of him was nothing more than child's play for Chen Qi.

If it weren't all very novel, Chen Qi would be reading it word for word.

If it were one eye and ten lines, his reading speed would be even faster.

Three hours later, all the information in the laboratory was thoroughly browsed by Chen Qi.

Chen Qi's understanding of the current world has once again made up a lot.

This body was originally just that of a teenage boy, and his understanding of the world naturally had great limitations.

Although this guy Bius is very useless in Chen Qi's eyes.

But he can be considered a "big shot" in the current human world.

In the history of this world, humans call the era thousands of years ago the Glorious Era.

At that time, human civilization was at its peak and even began to explore the outside world.

Regarding the origin of the world, every intelligent civilization has its own myths and legends.

But the myths and legends of this world are particularly unique.

Humans in this world believe that the original creator of the world was a beam of light.

Tens of thousands of years ago, a beam of light came here and the world was born.

All living beings live within a cone of light.

Since the speed of all life is extremely slow, the world is boundless and never-ending to them.

Unless you can exceed the speed of light, you cannot touch the boundary of the world at all.

It is precisely because of this myth and legend that humans in this world are extremely obsessed with light.

Going beyond the speed of light, reaching beyond the world, and exploring the legendary outer world have become the beliefs and obsessions of humans in this world.

After thousands of years of hard work, the "Glorious Era" has finally arrived.

Humanity has launched a sprint towards the outside of the world.

According to records, humans have conducted a total of 7 explorations outside the world.

Regarding this period of history, there are only a few records in the laboratory.

As for whether the exploration was successful and why the eternal disaster occurred, it was not mentioned at all.

Anyway, according to clear historical records, the first immortal appeared after the third exploration.

You can imagine how huge a shock the appearance of the immortals is to humans who only have a lifespan of a hundred years.

At that time, the entire human civilization was in a carnival, and everyone firmly believed that after they had endless energy, they would have endless lifespan.

Since then, the number of immortals has increased, but strangely enough, human civilization has begun to decline inexplicably.

This kind of decline is completely confusing, but the specific manifestation is that many advanced technologies that were originally mastered have become "unable to learn and have been lost."

And this trend is completely unstoppable. In just a few hundred years, mankind has lost even controllable nuclear fusion technology and completely lost endless energy.

When Chen Qi saw this record, he had some vague suspicions in his heart.

After all, there are only a few ways to make an entire civilization decline.

But he lacks more intuitive evidence, and there are many places that are "very unreasonable."

He felt that the truth of this world was far from as simple as what he saw now.

Even if civilization declines, humans, as the only intelligent life in this world, still firmly occupy the dominant position.

Until the mutant beasts appeared.

Under the impact of the mutant beasts, the unified human civilization completely disintegrated. Humanity was divided into isolated islands by the mutant beasts, maintaining only extremely limited connections.

Urban agglomerations, cross-regional super consortiums, and scientific laboratories, these three constitute the current human world.

Under the oppression of mutant beasts, humans can only live in cities, with hundreds of cities clustered around a giant city as the center.

In every small city, there is a nuclear power plant (nuclear fission) running.

In the giant city, the [Heart of the Sun] (nuclear fusion) that has far exceeded its useful life is running, which can be regarded as the only remaining afterglow of human civilization.

Once the Heart of the Sun is extinguished, it means that the destruction of the city group is imminent.

Under the pressure of such a crisis, a cross-regional super consortium was naturally born.

In order to deal with increasingly powerful mutant beasts, humans have to find other solutions besides technological weapons.

So the [superhero] developed based on the Eternal One was born.

The emergence of the Eternal One is naturally inseparable from laboratories like Bius.

"Civilization has declined, intelligence has declined, and the knowledge left by our ancestors cannot be understood or learned."

"But among a huge group of people, geniuses will always be born."

"So guys like Bius, who can still learn, received various venture capital and resource allocations to set up their own laboratories."

"This is the worst era of human civilization, but it is also a paradise for people like Bius."

Chen Qi sighed. In a daze, he seemed to see the extinction of human civilization.

What’s even more frightening is that after this extinguishing, there will be no embers of civilization left.

Because the human civilization in this world has not developed its own extraordinary system at all, and it is not even qualified to transform into an orc.

The so-called superhero is essentially just a combat weapon.

In the beginning, they were called super soldiers.

But as humans can only defend passively, the super soldiers have also transformed and become superheroes protecting the city.

This has to be said to be an irony!

"Bius, take out the sealed [Alien Beast Organ]!"

After reading all the information, Chen Qi finally made up his mind.

This world is so "wonderful" and he must appreciate it.

But if you want to travel, what you need in this world is not money, but strong power.

As a result, Chen Qi seemed to have only one way to go.

That is to become a [superhero] in this world.

As for spiritual awakening and practicing spells?

Haha, after this body becomes an immortal, it can't be done.

"Boss, are you planning to fuse the organs of alien beasts and become a super soldier?"

After hearing Chen Qi's order, Bius was so excited that his hands were shaking.

A super soldier was about to be born before his eyes, and it was created by him himself. How could Bius not be excited?

So Bius leaned on a crutch and sent the [Alien Beast Organ] in front of Chen Qi at a sprint speed of 100 meters.

Chen Qi was a little confused when he saw this arrogant attitude.

This guy is so strange. Is he a born "worker"?

"It is indeed an extraordinary organ!"

"And it has lightning properties!"

Chen Qi recognized the true identity of the exotic beast's organs with just one glance.

Based on the psychic fluctuations that Chen Qi sensed, this strange beast was at most equivalent to an intermediate level transcendent when it was alive.

Chen Qi would never even take a look at such rubbish.

But now I can only make do with it.

"Crack, crackle!"

The moment Chen Qi touched the organ of the alien beast, traces of electric arcs began to flash.

What was extremely strange was that the organ of an alien animal, which was the size of a basketball, disappeared inch by inch after coming into contact with Chen Qi.

In the blink of an eye, the alien beast's organs had been completely swallowed by Chen Qi's cells.

"This this,……"

Bius looked at the scene in front of him in great confusion.

If the immortal wants to become a super soldier, doesn't he need an organ transplant?

Then through time, digestion is completely completed.

But the person in front of him obviously ate it directly.

very scary!

What this represents is that its control over the physical body has reached the cellular level.

However, Bius still underestimated Chen Qi.

Chen Qi now has complete control over the subconscious mind of this body and has the authority to adjust and delete the life operation system.

The so-called breaking of the five genetic shackles in this world is essentially nothing more than completely revealing its true life operation form.

Ordinary people are ignorant, but Chen Qi used this to gain all the permissions of this body.

The only thing that surprised Chen Qi was that the genetic locks of humans in this world were really just shackles, only used to lock their true life forms.

Moreover, Chen Qi vaguely sensed that there was something wrong with the shackles themselves, and he was falling apart.

Bius's fussing was just equivalent to pouring some corrosive liquid on the rusty iron chain to accelerate its collapse.

But this bastard didn't consider the human body's endurance at all. If it weren't for Chen Qi, everyone else would have died long ago.

"The super warriors in this world are quite interesting!"

"If you just transplant and fuse extraordinary organs, other than allowing yourself to master a weak psychic power, it won't improve your combat effectiveness at all."

"But if the abilities of extraordinary organs are integrated into the [Type Diagram], then every cell in the body can be turned into an extraordinary organ."

"Tens of trillions of extraordinary organs work together. This number is enough to create a qualitative change."

Crack, crackle.

At the microscopic level, it is accompanied by the fusion of extraordinary organs and classification diagrams.

A certain cell in Chen Qi's body suddenly began to release electric sparks on its own.

The appearance of this spark of electricity is like some kind of activation command.

In the next moment, Chen Qi's cells were activated one by one, and endless electric sparks gathered together and turned into electric current flowing in Chen Qi's body.

In the blink of an eye, half of the cells in Chen Qi's body were transformed into "generators".

And this trend continues to spread, with arcs of electricity spurting out of Chen Qi's pores and quickly spreading throughout his body.

Gradually, the electric current generated in Chen Qi's body became larger and larger, and his entire body turned into a giant ball of lightning, suspended in the air.

"As a new controller, this is my limit now!"

“It looks really nice to incorporate the sublime elements into the parting diagram.”

"But this is essentially changing the parting diagram, which is purely superfluous."

Chen Qi, suspended in the air, understands the nature of a super soldier better than anyone else.

Gaining power comes at a price.

"After this, I will lose the ability to live forever. Cells will no longer be able to reproduce themselves endlessly without losing any information structure."

"Exchanging lifespan for strength is the essence of a super soldier."

"As the integration of the parting diagram and the extraordinary elements becomes more and more profound, the parting diagram will become even more unrecognizable, which naturally means that the life span is getting shorter and shorter."

"The stronger the strength, the shorter the lifespan, and it is not easy to be a superhero!"

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