Rescued by Fang Mo many times.

Lu Yue'an Shamei has long fallen in love with this handsome and powerful man.

Taking advantage of the alcohol, she was bold for once.

As for the future.

Let's talk about it later!

A night of spring breeze.

The next morning.

The sun shone through the curtains.

Penetrating into the room that had experienced the storm.

Fang Mo opened his eyes. Looking at Lu Yue'an Shamei, who still had a trace of tears on her face and a faint blush on her body. The corners of his mouth slightly raised. The two of them were deeply in love last night! Pulling his hand out from under the neck with the kiss mark. Fang Mo got up and washed. At the same time, he divided part of his mind into the museum.

"Extract data!"

As soon as the words fell, the data turned into energy and sank into the knight statue.

A faint stream of light flickered.

The activation of the exciting state was still a little short.

However, this time, two knights activated the new state.

The overall strength was also increased.

It was not in vain.

"It seems that only the data of Quetzalcoatlus can be fully activated.

Fang Mo narrowed his eyes slightly.

After thinking for a while , he left the museum. At this time, Lu Yuean Shamei, who had woken up, hugged him from behind and stuck to his back tightly.

"Why don't you sleep a little longer? Have a good rest."

Fang Mo turned around and hugged her.

His big hands gently rubbed her fair and smooth skin.

"I thought you didn't want me anymore, so..."

Lu Yuean said softly.

She raised her head and looked at Fang Mo charmingly.

"Dear, I love you!"

"I love you, too." Fang Mo was furious.

This devil was clearly doing it on purpose. She was a virgin, and she was so charming.

She was hugging him tightly, and she was twisting her waist.

She was just trying to stir up trouble!

"It seems that I was too gentle with women last night."

Fang Mo lifted Lu Yue'an Shamei's legs, put her on the sink, and kissed her."850"

A few hours later, exhausted Lu Yue'an Shamei fell into a deep sleep after eating the ham and egg breakfast made by Fang Mo.

This sleep was the kind that could not be woken up even by thunder.

Seeing this, Fang Mo shook his head, put on his clothes and rode away.

If a tiger doesn't show its power, people will think it is a sick cat.


The engine roared loudly.

Fang Mo turned into a long rainbow, shuttling through the streets and drove at full speed towards the hotel.

ueen Elizabeth, but she was already waiting for him there.

She said there was a big surprise!


Suddenly, the phone rang.

Fang Mo slowed down and answered the call.


"Is this Fang Mo? I need your help!"

The tired voice of Zhao Jinglong came from the other end of the line.


"After our investigation, we have discovered the hiding place of Isaka Shinkoro."

"I...I may not be his opponent." Zhao Jinglong said, and hesitated for a moment.

Then he asked firmly:

"Please, please help!"

"There will be a reward later!"

A man who has always been strong has asked in this tone.

In addition, the data energy of the Fengshen Pterosaur memory is missing.

Fang Mo naturally has no reason to refuse

"Forget about the reward, just promise me one thing afterwards."

"no problem!"




After getting the location,

Fang Mo braked suddenly and drifted, turned the car around, and sped to the other side! In order to keep his actions secret, this time,

Isaka Shinkoro moved the location of the research institute to the suburbs. Fang Mo drove for half an hour before reaching the destination. A dilapidated stone house not far away came into view. But before Fang Mo could get there ,

"There was a loud bang.

The stone house was shattered, and stones flew everywhere. The surrounding police cars were all smashed flat.

Renye Kanfu and others fled in panic.

The next moment.


The shrill sound of birds chirped loudly.

A huge figure soared into the sky.

The huge wings seemed to cover the sky and the sun. The huge body, with blue veins exposed, had no feathers.

The sharp claws were covered with scales.

In the sun, it was shining brightly.


It chirped again.

The ugly huge bird head opened its huge mouth, revealing its ferocious fangs.

The scorching flames condensed into a fireball and spewed out.


A low mechanical sound sounded.

A red light flashed.

Kamen Rider accelerated and held the engine blade.

He jumped up and slashed at the huge fireball.


The flames scattered and burned fiercely. The red figure passed through the flames and attacked the giant bird fiercely.


The giant bird roared.

Its wings flapped.

A violent gust of wind burst out, forming a wind blade in an instant. It accelerated and flew towards the Kamen Rider.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

The wind blade passed through the void, making a series of breaking sounds.

Kamen Rider accelerated and placed the memory into the blade socket.

【Acce1! 】 (Accelerate!)


Thunder flashed, and electric flashes shot out.

As he swung and slashed, countless electric currents rushed out.

They turned into snakes and collided violently with the wind blade.

Pah, pah, pah!

Dense sparks flew.

The powerful impact force spread.

Kamen Rider Accel shot back.

A big hole was smashed in the ground.

The giant bird had already flown high into the sky.

Its eyes were fixed on the people below.

Fierce red light flashed.


The surging wind energy gathered.

It turned into a huge wind bomb in its mouth.

Feeling this pressure, Kamen Rider Accel was shocked.

This power is a bit scary.

Even he felt a little dangerous.

If he resisted alone, he might be able to hold on.

But Renye Kanfu and others have not evacuated yet.

"What should I do?"

Just as the Kamen Rider was thinking quickly,

Fang Mo had already gotten off the motorcycle.

Looking at his own reflection in the bright body of the motorcycle, he waved his right hand.


Light burst out.

A driver card with dragon pattern flipped out and landed on his waist.

It turned into a waist���, tightly wrapped around.

The next moment.

Fire burst out, and a dragon roar sounded in the void.

Fang Mo shouted softly,

""Henshin" light flows, and armor emerges.

The whole body is red, wearing silver-white armor.

The metal faceplate is densely covered with horizontal stripes.

The compound eyes are shining.

It exudes a terrifying dragon's power.

The power is terrifying!

The transformation is complete!

Kamen Rider Dragon Knight!!


Fang Mo pulled out a card from his belt.

It was printed with a fiery red mechanical war dragon.

He put the card into the device on his arm.

A low mechanical sound rang out.



A huge burst of energy.

Fire flickered in the sky.


A deafening roar.

The next second, a huge, fiery red, metallic, and indestructible dragon rushed out.

It circled in the air.

Dragon Crimson rushed into the sky.

A fireball condensed in its mouth.

The terrifying high temperature caused the surrounding void to slightly distort.


The huge wind bomb collided with the fireball.

A terrifying sound broke out.

The flames bloomed in the sky, forming a wave. It rushed in all directions.

The strong shock wave forced Kan'o Hatano and others below to crawl on the ground and hide next to the abandoned police car.

The Kamen Rider accelerated to resist the strong wind.

He looked at Fang Mo with some disbelief.

"This is..."New drivers and forms?"

He muttered, thinking of the device. He felt unwilling.

Why was Fang Mo so powerful, able to control various new forms and Kamen Riders at will


Fang Mo didn't know what Kamen Rider Accelerator was thinking. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He looked up into the sky.

He saw Dragon Crimson flying through the sea of fire.

He rushed to the front of the giant bird.

He circled around and wrapped the giant bird.

His huge mouth faced the ugly face and spewed out flames.[]


The terrifying high temperature made the giant bird scream.

Its wings trembled and it struggled, but it could not get rid of it.

The Crimson Dragon swung its claws and hooked the giant bird deeply.

Then it turned and dived with it.

Like a meteor, it hit the ground violently.


A large cloud of dust and smoke rose.

The ground trembled, and rolling waves of air rushed in all directions.

The giant bird fell to the ground, its wings were broken.

It struggled to get up, and a strong wind gathered around it.

The injuries on its body recovered quickly.

The Crimson Dragon wrapped around it turned into a faint flame and dissipated.

""You're pretty strong."

Fang Mo tilted his neck.

He pulled out another card.

It was surrounded by flames and burning fiercely.

It seemed as if it contained a world of fire.


Fang Mo put the card into the dragon summoning machine.

He closed the dragon's mouth and read the card.

【Survive! 】 (Survive!)

Blazing flames rose.

Enveloping the whole body.

The terrifying high temperature turned the area within a radius of ten meters into a scorched earth.

The void twisted slightly.

The next moment, a dazzling light flashed.

The armor deformed and turned red, like a dragon head. The visor expanded slightly, surrounded by flames.

A terrifying power burst out.

The earth collapsed.

Kamen Rider Dragon Knight!

Survival form!!


Fang Mo tapped his toes.

His figure burst out at an extremely fast speed.

After leaving a trail of fire in the original place, he appeared in front of the giant bird. He took out a card and put it into the dragon summoner.

The flames burned.

It turned into a hurricane and finally condensed on Fang Mo's right hand.



A punch was thrown.

A strong wind blew, and the flames were raging.

A giant dragon rushed out with Fang Mo's fist.

The dragon roared with overwhelming power.

With the power of crushing withered trees and rotten wood, it directly pierced through the giant bird.


The raging divine flames burst out like a wave.

The giant bird was blown up alive.

It turned into pieces all over the sky and scattered all over the ground.

The next moment.

Fang Mo slowly walked out of the fire. He was holding a figure in his arms.

It was a girl with a pure face, slightly frowned eyebrows, and a pale face..........

Looking at the girl's appearance,

Fang Mo recognized her.

Shimamoto Nagi.

The experimenter of Quetzinosaur memory in the original play.

In the end, because it stopped evolving,

Isaka Shinkoro's experiment was forced to stop.

Quetzinosaur memory (copy) can only be used on a parrot.

Unexpectedly, it is now used on Shimamoto Nagi.


On Shimamoto Nagi's slender arm, there is a huge and diffuse connection port.

The light flickers.

The unique, huge, and ugly Quetzinosaur copy memory pops out. The hurricane wraps around it and shoots up.

It seems to want to fly away and escape.

Fang Mo waved his hand casually.

He grabbed the memory directly and crushed it.


The broken fragments scattered.

Fang Mo canceled the transformation.

At this time, Shimamoto Nagi's eyelids trembled.

Slowly opened his eyes.

After seeing the light dissipate, Fang Mo's profile.

His mouth opened slightly, wanting to say something.

But his body was too weak.

He finally fainted again.


Terui Ryu exclaimed when he saw the girl.

He knew Shimamoto Nagi.

During the time when he lost his relatives, he met Shimamoto Nagi in the zoo that his sister loved to go to. He treated her as his sister. His empty heart was comforted a little. Only then could Terui Ryu get out of his sorrow and embark on the road of revenge. Now he saw that the person who transformed into the giant bird was Shimamoto Nagi. He was shocked and angry.

""Isaka Shinkuro!!"

With a low roar, Terui Ryu's eyes were full of anger.

"Send her to the hospital first."

Fang Mo could sense that

Shimamoto Nagi was a little weak.

If she was not treated, she might not survive.

""Yes!" Terui Ryu nodded.

He called a female colleague, took Shimamoto Nagi and sent her to the hospital.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew. A figure with a dangerous aura appeared and rushed straight towards Shimamoto Nagi.

It was the hybrid of Quetzalcoatlus!

"This is my precious experimental data!"

"If you want it, wait until I finish extracting the data!" As the voice of the Wind God Pterosaur hybrid fell, the figure had already come to the policewoman.

The huge claws stretched out, as if to tear the policewoman to pieces, and then took Shimamoto Nagi away.

But at this moment.


Fang Mo

's body turned into a long rainbow. In an instant, he came in front of the Wind God Pterosaur hybrid.

A light burst out from his waist.

It was extremely dazzling.

The Wind God Pterosaur hybrid closed his eyes.

The power of the right claw remained undiminished.

It passed through the void and trembled slightly.


Fang Mo blocked with his hand.

The light on his body dissipated.

The red armor attached to it.

Cracks scattered, and flames spewed out, flowing in it.

The golden compound eyes flashed with cold light.

With the blooming overlapping horns, it exuded a terrifying power, like an abyss demon.

Kamen Rider Agito!

Burning form!


The heart of the Wind God Pterosaur Hybrid sank.

It was shocked by the powerful force.

It didn't expect Fang Mo to have this form.

Looking at this monster-like figure, it couldn't tell for a moment.

Who is the Hybrid!

Who is the villain!

"Since you took the initiative to show up"

"Then this time, don't even think about running away!"

Fang Mo's voice was indifferent. His compound eyes flashed with a sharp light.

He grabbed the arm of the Aeolus hybrid with his backhand.

His right fist blasted out.

Boom! The violent force shook the void.

The fiery red flames burst out and wrapped around the fist.

It was like a long river of flames rushing.

The rolling impact hit the chest of the Aeolus hybrid.

A terrible sound was loud. It was like thunder exploding in the ears.


The terrifying impact was irresistible.

The chest of the Aeolus hybrid collapsed, and long scars broke.

It turned into a cannonball and shot out.

It smashed a large tree in a row before it barely stopped.

Fang Mo glanced at the broken arm in his hand.

Light green blood splashed from the broken end. Out.

Disgust flashed in his eyes.

With a casual throw, Fang Mo turned into a flame.

Instantly came in front of the Wind God Pterosaur hybrid.

He raised his foot and stepped on its head.

The breath of death was entangled.

The pupils of the Wind God Pterosaur hybrid shrank sharply.

The wings danced, and the hurricane rose.

The huge body spiraled and soared into the sky.

The instant burst of speed allowed it to avoid the fatal blow.


Fang Mo's foot fell.

The ground collapsed.

Magma gushed out of the broken pit.

The terrifying high-temperature flames were like the breath of a dragon.

Burning the void and twisting it.

Seeing this, the Wind God Pterosaur hybrid was shocked.

If it had been stepped on by this foot just now, it would really die!

"No, I must escape!"

With the thought of retreating, the Aeolus hybrid decided to leave Fengdu.

If it continued to stay here, it would only be killed by Fang Mo.

It would be better to leave with all the data.

After completely merging the memory of the Aeolus with the huge data of the Well of the Earth, it would come back for revenge after becoming the ultimate form.

It was a pity that it had to abandon the Well of the Earth. However, before the Aeolus hybrid could take action, a low mechanical sound was heard.

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