"This matter is the internal affairs of the Ming Dynasty. If we forcibly intervene, we are afraid that it will provoke criticism from all countries in the inner region. If all countries raise their troops for this reason, how could it be good?"

"Although the Ming Dynasty general is the end of a strong crossbow, but to deal with him, I am afraid that it will consume a lot of troops. At present, it is not a good thing for the enemy to lose the soldiers. Champion, why do I believe you?"

Xiang Shang and Xu Ping set their sights on Zhou Ran.

Zhou Ran smiled slightly and said, "If the three kingdoms in the southern border are in the same spirit, if there is no trust in this point, what else can you do to deal with Jianzong? Not to mention Jianzong, if you continue to suspect each other, each will be pregnant, even if you are a general of the Ming Dynasty Hou Bufan can also bring us to the end! Right or wrong, the most important thing is to unite together. I hope the two sovereigns will focus on the big picture!"

Zhou Ran spoke honestly, Chen said pros and cons, and both Xiang Shang and Xu Ping nodded.

The two sovereigns all knew the truth of the cold of the teeth. Although the national conditions of the three countries in the southern border were different, sometimes they even swayed with each other, but at this moment, they were at odds with the enemy.

If Jianzong is allowed to rule the south, no one has good fruit to eat, so unity is necessary.

"Champion, you're right! When the current is not stingy of its own strength, the three kingdoms in the south are all glorious, and no one can fight alone. Since defeating the general of the Ming Dynasty is beneficial to the three countries, it is natural for Shang Guo to be obliged!"

"Xu Guo had fought against Ming Dynasty before, but now he intends to make a contribution. For the sake of the safety of the three nations in the south, Xu Guo will devote his full efforts!"

The two sovereigns expressed their attitudes, and Yang Daoming was naturally grateful.

"Thank you, the two sovereigns! The Ming Kingdom will surely form the title and repay your kindness!"

With that said, Yang Daoming stood up and saluted the two sovereigns.

Xiang Shang and Xu Ping did not make a contribution, and quickly exported comfort.

"The Master of the Ming Dynasty, the three countries belong to the same source, you don't have to be polite, you helped Ming, but in fact helped us."

"Yes, as long as you treat the people kindly, it is worthwhile for our two countries to send troops to help."

After finishing what I want to say, the two sovereigns will not talk more.

The meeting of the three countries ended.

Yang Daoming looked at Zhou Ran and said a thousand words without knowing what to say.

"Champion, your kindness to Ming Guo, I have no teeth to forget! I don't know how to repay you, so please pay me a visit!"

Yang Daoming almost knelt in front of Zhou Ran.

Zhou Ran helped Yang Daoming and said: "Municipal Ming Dynasty, please don't do that! Just now, Xu Guoguo has already said that as long as you treat the people kindly, all this is worth it."


Yang Dao nodded his head, tears in his eyes.

Zhou Ran again said: "Xue Yimeng is a descendant of the royal family of Xue and the pillar of the Ming Dynasty. It is very important for the Ming Dynasty and the entire southern border. You must treat him kindly, you know?"


Yang Daoming regards Zhou Ran as a hero. Of course, he would not dare to disobey Zhou Ran's words.

"In this case, I should return to Jiuqu City! The main force of the Anti-Sword Alliance is all in Jiuqu City. In order to deal with Jianzong, we must gather all the forces!"

Zhou Ran Xiangyang Daoming resigned, Yang Daoming did not dare to keep.

On the other hand, Shang Guo Jiuqu City has been shrouded in shadow.

A dark shadow appeared in the sky of Jiuqu City. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a beautiful woman. This woman's body is constantly releasing powerful power.

All the city dwellers are trembling.

"Who is that woman? How can she have such a powerful power in her body?"

"Did she come to kill?"

There was a lot of discussion among the city residents, and the city lord Qu Yang was also frightened.

"Who is this woman? It seems that the comer is not good, but the champion Hou is not going out. How should it be?"

Qu Yang was thinking, the woman had fallen slowly and came to Qu Yang.

This woman is none other than Shi Ji.

There is no mercy on Shi Ji's face. Although she came alone, she was not afraid of any combat power of Jiuqu City.

"Where are the people of the Anti-Sword Alliance? Hand them over!" Shi Ji threatened fiercely.

Qu Yang's back was cold, and this woman was really bad at coming.

Zhou Ran is not here, and he only has a sturdy holster.

"Ma'am, what are you talking about? The whole city of Jiuqu City has long turned to Jianzong. How could it be possible to harbor people from the Anti-Sword Alliance? Have you made a mistake?"

Shi Ji ignored Qu Yang's excuse, a cold smile hung from the corner of her mouth.

Zhenyuan fired and flew out Qu Yangzhen.

With the strength of Shi Ji, Qu Yang could not pose any threat in front of her at all. Shi Ji didn't exert any moves, so Qu Yang was injured and vomited blood.

"I won't say it again, hand over the anti-sword alliance!"

Shi Ji said again that she looked at Qu Yang with eyes without any pity, making Qu Yang shudder.

But even so, Qu Yang still will not disclose half a word.

"I already said, there is no anti-sword alliance in Jiuqu City!"

Qu Yang was hit hard again by the end of the talk.

A huge force made Qu Yang's four feet up to the sky~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ was embarrassed.

Qu Yang only felt that the internal organs seemed to be rotten and could no longer use any power.

Shi Ji walked proudly.

"Don't say that? Where are the people of the Anti-Sword Alliance?"

"It's the same for several times, there is no anti-sword alliance here!"

Qu Yang bit his teeth tightly and refused to reveal a word.


Shi Ji smiled and she came into the air again.

With a light wave of his hand, dozens of city residents in Jiuqu City were forcibly taken into the air.

The city dwellers panicked.

"Help! Who will help me!"

"What's going on? My body can't move!"

Shi Ji looked at the citizens of Jiuqu City who had no power of chickens, and said in a cold tone: "I came to Jiuqu City to destroy the Anti-Sword Alliance. I know they are here! If Jiuqu City If the people of the city conceal, I will uproot the entire Jiuqu city, but if any of you tell me where the anti-sword alliance is, I can spare him!"

With that, Shi Ji brought a woman in front of her.

Women have always been timid, so Shi Ji chose her.

"Speak, where is the anti-sword alliance?"

The woman glared at Shi Ji fiercely and said with a weak body: "There is no one in the Nine Qu City who has the Anti-Sword Alliance, none!"


Shi Ji's face was a little ugly, the woman in front of him was constantly twisted, and then turned into a pile of powder.

In Jiuqu City, even a woman dared to fight against herself, making Shi Ji not in a good mood.

"Stop it!" City Master Qu Yang saw this and immediately came to Shi Ji. "There is no anti-sword alliance here, even if you ask no matter how hard!"

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