I Have A Hundred God-level Apprentices

Chapter 1021: Conquer the Rogue

The number of refugees is far above the Huangsha City Guard.

Tang Wenbo gave an order, and the army of the refugees flocked to Huangsha City like a locust.

In the previous several siege, Liu Kou did not exert his full strength, but this time, the whole army was dispatched, and he wished to engulf Huangsha City.

Not only that, but the power of chaos also fueled the arrogance of the refugee army.

The movement of the refugees is so strong that the Huangsha City's guards are so busy that they have no way to defend.

"Hold it! Hold it for me!"

The city owner Yi Shuihan shouted loudly, hoping to lead by example and help the soldiers defend the city.

The soldiers of the guards of Huangsha City tried their best, but the strength gap was too great. With the repeated impact of the displaced army, the city wall was already broken.

The encircling encirclement on the city wall is gone.

None of the citizens of Huangsha City fled, all staring at the battle.

The soldiers are fighting desperately, how can they steal their lives?

"Hahaha! The Yellow Sand City is about to be broken! The descendants of the previous royal family can no longer have a place, and the entire Ming Kingdom is over!"

Tang Wenbo was proud, looking at the current situation, it was only a matter of time before the city broke.

At this moment, an unexpected scene happened.

The chaotic power of the gods and beasts lingering in the Yellow Sand City suddenly seemed to be the essence and disappeared without a trace.

Those displaced soldiers who became stronger due to the power of stagnation suddenly had a feeling that their bodies were hollowed out, and their combat power was greatly damaged.

The power of the siege is not as good as before, and it was about to enter the city, but now it has slowed down.

Yi Shuihan, the lord of Huangsha City, quickly realized this and immediately shouted: "Soldiers, the enemy's attack is weak. As long as we continue to insist, we will be able to repel them!"

At the call of the city's lord, the soldiers of the Huangsha City Guards died in rebellion.

The garrison and the siege of the siege army are not far behind, and they can't stand still.

"How is this going?"

Tang Wenbo gritted his teeth indignantly, he didn't know what happened.

Why did the power of chaos suddenly disappear, and who has this ability?

Right and wrong, a figure appeared in front of Tang Wenbo. It was none other than Zhou Ran.

"Mythical beasts are not omnipotent. As long as the turbid breath inside the mythical beasts is purified, the mythical beasts will be greatly damaged. Trying to break through the Yellow Sand City with the powers of the mythical beasts is simply a delusion!"

Zhou Ran's words are like swords, stabbing Tang Wenbo's heart.

Tang Wenbo didn't know Zhou Ran, but knew that the essence of the power of chaos must be related to Zhou Ran.

"You blocked my army, who are you?" Tang Wenbo demanded.

Zhou Ran smiled faintly and said, "You are not qualified to know who I am, as long as you know, today is your death!"

"Want to kill me?"

Tang Wenbo snorted, but he was feathered twice, even if the army was defeated, he could retreat.

The person in front of him hindered his plan, and he must kill him.

"Whoever is dead is not necessarily alive! Your courage is quite big, and you dare to appear in front of me! In that case, let me kill you!"

With that said, Tang Wenbo released all the power in his body.

Like a gust of wind, the powerful force wrapped Zhou Ran's body.

In the face of Tang Wenbo's power, Zhou Ran just smiled lightly. He simply didn't work out, but slowly released his power.

Tang Wenbo originally thought he could kill Zhou Ran in one blow, but when Zhou Ran released his power, he realized how naive he was.

In front of Zhou Ran's strength, his own strength is nothing but pediatrics.

Zhou Ran's power is like a flood, swallowing his own power.

Tang Wenbo's momentum is gone, and with his own strength, he is not Zhou Ran's opponent at all.


Tang Wenbo Ling moved, and immediately turned to escape.

But even if his body style is faster, it is faster than Zhou Ran's sword spirit.

A sword qi hit Tang Wenbo, Tang Wenbo simply had no time to react, and was swallowed by Zhou Ran's sword qi, and the whole body became powder.

The commander-in-chief was killed by Zhou Ran, and the chaos on which the battle relied was slumbered again.

The floating army no longer had the fighting power and was soon surrounded by the Huangsha City Guard.

These gangsters were originally a group of people from all over the world, and they all had some fighting power only under the leadership of the Master of the Breath.

At this time, the dragons are headless, and naturally there is no way to resist.

All the displaced people surrendered their weapons, and the city owner Yi Shuihan came to the front of the displaced people.

"Although you are gangsters, you are also citizens of the Ming Kingdom. You will rise up because you can't survive! So this time, I will not kill you and give you a chance! If any of you want to be converted, you can live Enter Huangsha City and live and work in peace from now on! If you don't want to, you can just leave here, but if you come to siege next time, I will kill you!"

The words of the city host made the refugees look at each other.

The owner of Huangsha City is so good, he is willing to resettle the migrants?

A general said: "City Master Yi, even if you agree to take us in, I am afraid that we would not dare to live in Huangsha City! Ming Guo is the general, and he has already said that as long as the refugees fall to the ground, they will kill them. !You let us submit, if the generals let you kill us by then, how do you manage yourself?"

The general's words made Yi Shuihan not know how to answer.

At a critical moment, the country's master Yang Daoming came over.

"I am Yang Daoming, the head of the Ming Dynasty. The Ming State was controlled by Hou Bifan, and the people did not talk about life. As the sovereign, I assure you that from now on, you will never kill the refugees, not only you, but other homeless people, as long as they are willing to be surrendered, Huangsha City will keep them!"

Yang Daoming's words ~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ made all the refugees eager.

The lord of Huangsha City may not have the right to speak, but the lord of the country is different. Even if the power is overruled by the general, he is also the lord of the country.

Since the sovereign broke off from the general, it would mean that the national policy of the Ming Dynasty would change.

As long as you stand on the side of the sovereign at this time, you can guarantee your safety.

The refugees were all forced to fall off the grass. With the promise of the founder, everyone would naturally not fight, kill, kill, and all the people knelt in front of Yang Daoming.

"Sovereign Lord, we swear allegiance to you!"

"Starting today, we will fight for the sovereign and vow to crush Hou Bufan's traitor!"

"All of us will fight for the future of Ming Kingdom!"

The city owner Yi Shuihan looked at all this with satisfaction. This time, not only the crisis of Huangsha City was lifted, but also so much combat power was added.

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