In Huangsha City, the pot suddenly exploded.

The raiders attacked the city, but they broke the wall, but today, the situation is far from the case.

The ground trembles, and the entire Huangsha City is flooded with an unknown huge force, as if to devour the entire city-state.

"What is this? Why is there such a powerful force?"

"Oh my god, I've never felt this way in my life, it's like dying!"

"What is going on, is the enemy using a special formation?"

The city dwellers were frightened, and even the city owner Yi Shuihan was confused, and did not know what to do.

Yi Shuihan came to Yang Daoming's residence, where he lived here. He never told anyone about what happened, so he could only visit him in person.

"Master Lord, I don't know what happened in Huangsha City. If the city is broken, I will definitely transfer you to a safe place!"

Yi Shuihan Xiangyang Daoming expressed his loyalty, but Yang Daoming's thoughts were not on his own escape.

"City Master Yi, quickly find the champion, he is the only hope of Huangsha City!"


Yi Shuihan led the order, immediately organized the manpower, while appeasing the emotions of the city residents and resisting the offensive of the Liumin army, looking for Zhou Ran's whereabouts everywhere.

Over time, Huangsha City's shaking became more and more intense, and cracks had appeared on the opposite side.

The city dwellers flee everywhere, but there are fewer and fewer places in Huangsha City where they can accommodate, and many city dwellers have poured into the city's main palace.

The ground of the city's main palace is solid, and there are no cracks for the time being, and it can temporarily settle in.

But this is not a long-term plan. As the ground trembles more and more, it is only a matter of time before the entire Huangsha City collapses.

"Master Lord, Liu Kou has attacked the city!"

Someone immediately came to inform Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan's face sank, and the changes in Huangsha City really turned out to be a masterpiece of the refugee army.

Although I don't know what they did, but at this moment, Huangsha City is in a complete mess, and it is simply unable to stop the raid army from attacking the city.

But even so, Yi Shuihan, as the city's master, can't retreat shamelessly.

"All the active soldiers followed me to the head of the city and guarded Huangsha City. Ronghua Fugui Tongtong all share!"

Yi Shuihan ordered heavily and took hundreds of guard soldiers to the city.

The successive siege of the remnant army, each time returning with a feather, but this time, Yi Shuihan felt desperate.

The Huangsha City suddenly changed, and the soldiers of the guard were distracted. In contrast, the refugee army was full of momentum, and it was quite conscious of not breaking the city and not retreating.

As the Huangsha City was invaded by unknown forces, the displaced forces again attacked the city.

After repeated attacks, it hit the city wall, causing the city wall to be damaged, and the technique of solid guarding the city wall gradually lost its effect.

What is most desperate for Yi Shuihan is not yet the case, but the one who directs the engineering of the refugee army is a new face.

Yi Shuihan didn't know him, but he knew the strength of this person.

While leading the army to attack the city, this man screamed with pride: "I dare to obstruct the plan of the Lord of the Breath, I, Tang Wenbo, ordered the master to destroy the Yellow Sand City. The old and the young in the city will not stay, and all will be killed! In addition, who stole the master's opalescent stone? The traitor Yuebu Tu, has been broken by me for thousands of corpses!"

Yi Shuihan noticed that a corpse was hung on the flag of the floating army, which was the commander of the former floating army.

These gangsters were so cruel that they didn't even let themselves go.

Yi Shuihan was even more convinced that there was a huge organization behind the floating army, or it would not be so powerful.

The Yellow Sand City is at stake, and Yi Shuihan, as the city's owner, cannot allow the refugees to break the city.

Therefore, Yi Shuihan was desperate and went towards Tang Wenbo, a much stronger enemy commander.

When Tang Wenbo saw the owner of Huangsha City rushing towards himself, he immediately snorted.

"The ants only, actually want to fight me, not self-control!"

With Tang Wenbo's strength, killing Yi Shuihan effortlessly, his palms were pointed in the direction of Yi Shuihan's rush, and he was about to kill the Huangsha City lord, but he didn't want Yi Shuihan to disappear suddenly.

Tang Wenbo was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't take it. Since the city owner was gone, the Huangsha City had no heads of dragons, so it was easier to break through.

"Continue to attack the city! Before sunset, the army must enter the city!"

Tang Wenbo gave orders to the soldiers. With the feathered strong sitting in the town, the combat power of the relocated army has improved a lot.

The soldiers attacked the city with great force, constantly hitting the walls of Huangsha City.

On the other hand, Yi Shuihan had already arrived in the city, and looking at the person who had rescued himself, Yi Shuihan could not help but express a shocked expression.

"Champions, are you?"

The person in front is Zhou Ran.

Yi Shuihan was relieved in his heart. He could not find Zhou Ran everywhere just now. I didn't expect to meet him now. Where did Zhou Ran go?

"City Master Yi, you actually attacked the Feathering Powerhouse, really do not die?"

Zhou Ran ridiculed If he didn't immediately use the space technique in Qiankun's scroll, I'm afraid Yi Shuihan is already a dead body.

"Huangsha City is my home, and the city residents are all my loved ones. How can I watch the fall of Huangsha City?"

Yi Shuihan said helplessly, as the city master, besides desperately, where else can he find another way?

Huangsha City was still shaking violently. Zhou Ran glanced around and said, "City Master Yi, I already know why the earth has shaken. You lead the Huangsha City Guard to stop the raid army from attacking the city. As for other things, I will go To find ways to!"


To this day, Yi Shuihan can only look forward to Zhou Ran.

But he still has one thing unclear.

"Champion Hou, you said you know the cause of the Huangsha City shock. What is the reason? Did Liu Kou use a special formation?"

"Of course not!" Zhou Ran shook his head. "After Huangsha City trembles, I began to look for the reason carefully, I'm afraid this is what the Divine Beast did! I once fought the Divine Beast, the hidden power under the Yellow Sand City's ground, It's exactly the same as the gluttonous and inexplicable gods and beasts I have seen, but it is a completely different kind of beast! This kind of beast has no entity, only power itself, it is quite difficult!"

Zhou Ran's explanation made Yi Shuihan panic and panic.

The lord of Huangsha City shivered his lips and said, "There is only a mythical beast with no power. I seem to have heard that it is the chaos of one of the four mythical beasts!"


The corner of Zhou Ran's mouth slightly tilted. The original beast lurking under the city of Huangsha was named Chaos, shaped like his name.

Now that he knows the name of the mythical beast, Zhou Ran is no longer ambiguous, and he has directly released the strength of the whole body.

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