I Have A Hundred God-level Apprentices

Chapter 1010: The disappeared asura column

"Don't release your power anymore, the Underground Palace is about to collapse!"

The voice said again, and then a figure appeared in front of Zhou Ran.

Zhou Ran withdrew his strength into his body and looked at the person in front of him. He was actually the Beiyang fairy who he had seen in Yinfeng Valley.

However, the one who saw him in Yinfeng Valley was not only weak in strength, but also a soft egg, scared away by a master of the sword.

Are the two Beiyang immortals the same person?

"Are you a Beiyang fairy? The one in Yinfeng Valley?" Zhou Ran curiously asked.


Beiyang fairy smiled.

Zhou Ran's face sank, and in the valley of the Windy Wind, he checked the strength of the Beiyang fairy, but he was far from the fairy realm.

The man in front of him is powerful, and he is the strong fairy.

This guy was able to conceal his power, even he could not recognize it.

"Since it is an immortal strongman, the anti-sword alliance in the Windy Valley is about to be destroyed. Why don't you help?" Zhou Ran asked.

"Because you are there, aren't you?" Beiyang Immortal pointed to Zhou Ran, "Zhou Ran, how can you tolerate Jianzong's killing if you are jealous?"

"Do you know who I am?"

Zhou Ran frowned. In the inner domain, not many people knew the name Zhou Ran.

"Of course I know you. You are the one in the North Celestial Immortals. Maybe you can inherit the position of the Northern Immortals. Therefore, I am very particular about you!"

During the speech, the Beiyang fairy slowly released his power.

Not to fight Zhou Ran, but to make Zhou Ran understand one thing.

This force was so familiar that Zhou Ran suddenly realized.

"It was you who helped out in Tianfeng City!"

"Just know!"

Beiyang Fairy smiled a little, and then no longer continued to release power.

Zhou Ran looked at this immortal strongman, the immortals in the inner region, the immortals in Donghua and the immortals in Antarctica, and the immortals in Beiyang were the first living immortals he had ever seen.

"Beiyang Immortal, since you appear in the southern border, you should know the Sword Sect? Why don't you deal with Sect Sect Master Bei Ming?" Zhou Ran asked again.

"Because I'm not Beiming's opponent!" Beiyang Immortal said straightforwardly, "Beijing Immortal is an ancient immortal, and his strength has gradually improved over the past ten thousand years. Where can I compare to him as a current immortal? Besides, my magic weapon is sealed in The bottom of the Beiyang, with its greatly reduced strength, is really not his opponent!"

Zhou Ran was speechless, and even the immortal strongman was so useless. No wonder that when Tianfeng City was closed, he just lent his strength to himself, but he did not deal with Shimen.

In the Windy Valley, the Northern Fairy reached out to ask the Anti-Sword Alliance for money. This was not pretending, but his nature.

Beiyang Immortal saw Zhou Ran's contempt for himself, and said: "In short, to deal with Jianzong does not want me, I will tell you how to defeat Jianzong at most."

"Then you talk!" Zhou Ran said again.

Beiyang Xianren pointed to the top of his head and said, "Beiming is very strong, and no one is his opponent unless the Xianren is strong! In addition, the entire southern border was laid with a sword formation. The Zongmen are invincible, so you must destroy the sword array. The sword array and the turbid breath complement each other. You must strengthen the seal, control the turbid breath, and make the sword array nowhere to take root, the sword array can break without attack!"

Zhou Ran looked dazed, he knew these things long ago.

The magnificent and powerful man actually said a lot of nonsense.

Zhou Ran smiled bitterly: "I have known the Northern Fairy, strengthen the seal, and control the turbid breath. But the Shura Zhu of the Ming Dynasty was stolen. How can I control the turbid breath with the Shura Zhu of the three kingdoms in the South?"

The Beiyang fairy shook his head and said, "This pillar was not stolen, but disappeared."

"Disappeared?" Zhou Ran stunned. "How could such a large Shura column disappear from nothing?"

The Northern Fairy again said: "The domain wall and the Shura Pillar are both made by the Antarctic fairy to control the turbid breath. The two are in the same breath. Once the domain wall is destroyed, the Shura Pillar will disappear."

"So it turns out."

Zhou Ran nodded.

When I entered the Ming Dynasty, I saw that the Ming Dynasty Wall was destroyed. I thought that what was destroyed was just a wall, but I didn't expect that it was the foundation of the Ming Dynasty.

The domain wall is so strong, unless the fairy realm, the power of the ordinary strong, is simply not enough to destroy the domain wall.

"Beiyang Immortal, who was the Ming Dynasty Wall damaged by?"


The Beiyang fairy pointed at himself proudly.


"In fact, I didn't destroy it alone. At that time, I had a fight with the Antarctic fairy. I didn't expect to destroy the Ming Dynasty's domain wall. Since it was destroyed, who would build the wall again?"

Zhou Ran couldn't help feeling.

The battle between the fairy powerhouses can easily shake the foundation of a country. If they don't defeat the North Nether and the Master of the Breath, I am afraid that the entire inner region will be charred.

"The Northern Fairy, the Antarctic Fairy guards the Inner Territory, he is just upset, how can you fight between the two of you?"

Zhou Ran looked at Beiyang Fairy, but Beiyang Fairy sighed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ looked at the empty stone room.

"Even if the fairy is strong, there are times when I have to fight!"

The answer that avoids the important is the slightest, Zhou Ran simply cannot understand.

In this case, Zhou Ran no longer digs into the roots, but says: "The Xiuluo Zhu is the key to suppressing the turbid breath. The Ming Dynasty Xiuluo Zhu has long disappeared. How did the Ming Dynasty control the turbid breath? For so many years, why did the Ming State not have What happened to the country that was eroded by muddy breath?"

"You're wrong!" said the Beiyang immortal again, "The key to suppressing turbid breath is not the Shura Pillar itself, but the core of the Shura Pillar! Although the Shura Pillar has disappeared, as long as the pillar of the Ming Dynasty Shura Pillar is still there, the muddy breath It is impossible to invade the Ming Kingdom!"

"Column center? Since that is the case, where is the column center of the Ming Dynasty Xiuluo Zhu?" Zhou Ran couldn't wait to ask.

"Well, probably only the Antarctic fairy knows! When the Ming Dynasty Wall was damaged, all the aftermath was that he was busy. I once asked that guy, he didn't tell me the answer, only that the pillar was taken by the Ming royal family. Keep it, it won’t be stolen!"

"Ming King's room?"

Zhou Ran showed a meaningful expression.

Although the Beiyang fairy was vague, he knew some clues.

Since the pillar of the Shura Pillar could not be found in the palace, he could only work on the royal family of the Ming Kingdom.

Zhou Ran is about to continue to question, but the face of Beiyang Fairy is getting more and more ugly.

"Damn! Why is that woman here? I won't fight against the powerhouse of the fairy realm, nor the pseudo-realm realm! In case of injury to Yuanshen, so many years of efforts will be in vain! No, I'm going to slip!"

After leaving a word, the Beiyang fairy actually ran away on the soles of his feet, and Zhou Ran had no time to react at all. After a while, even the back of the Beiyang fairy disappeared.

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