I Have A Hundred God-level Apprentices

Chapter 1008: 3rd ancient capital

The army was drawn and headed towards Xucheng, the second ancient capital city of the Ming Dynasty.

The soldiers of the Obsidian Army never expected that this trip would be so difficult. Originally, they thought that the journey of digging for treasure, but because of the existence of Shi Ji, all the people were trembling.

Now that his nature has been revealed, Shi Ji will no longer cover up, and along the way, there will be a slight discomfort and will kill.

Before the 2,000 Obsidians arrived in Xucheng, more than a hundred people died in the hands of Shi Ji.

The Shui Yaojun came to Xucheng in a majestic manner, and it was dug up like this, digging in Xucheng.

It is a pity that the soldiers tried hard to dig, but failed to return.

There was nothing under Xucheng, the soldiers were exhausted and exhausted, and there was a feeling of being fooled in their hearts.

"I said, what are you digging? Nothing, I don't believe that there are treasures under these ancient capitals, and the royal family is not a fool, how could it be buried underground?"

"Be quiet! If we hear that woman, we will be dead!"

The two soldiers whispered.

Seeing the horror of Shi Ji, the soldiers did not dare to complain too much even if they tried in vain.

Zhou Ran was also hiding in the Obsidian Army. There was no Shura Pillar under the Asahi Castle, which is also reasonable.

In the Ming Dynasty, wars continued, the royal family changed frequently, and the capitals kept changing. The Shura Pillars buried by the Antarctic immortals were naturally nowhere to be found.

Zhou Ran took out the map and marked X in the two places of Afterglow City and Xucheng City.

There are three remaining ancient capitals. I don’t know that Shura Zhu will be under that ancient capital. It is also possible that they all guessed wrong. Shura Zhu is in another place.

"Shui Yaojun, set off!"

General Yao Hong shouted loudly, the soldiers did not dare to complain, and left for the third ancient capital, Wuhua City.

Wuhua City is less than one hundred miles from Xucheng. From dawn to dawn, in the evening, the Shui Yaojun gathered outside Wuhua City.

Although Wuhua City has been deserted for a long time, there are still many people living around it.

When the citizens saw the army coming, they all cast an unpleasant look.

"It's the flag of the Shuiyao Army, don't know what to do again?"

"This is Wuhua City, one of the oldest capital cities in the Ming Dynasty. Do they even blaspheme here?"

"The **** army, instead of defending the country and defending the country, instead took advantage of it everywhere."

Several citizens discussed two sentences, and dared not say anything more, so they walked away in dismay.

Luo Hong was preparing to station the Obsidian army, but found that there were not only the Obsidian army outside the city, but also three other troops. It was the Muyao Army, the Yaoyao Army, and the Tuyao Army.

The army of the Ming Dynasty consisted of five armies of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Each army had 2,000 troops, for a total of 10,000 troops.

In an abandoned capital city, 80% of the military power of the Ming Dynasty was gathered outside the city, even if General Shuo Yao Luo Hong did not expect it.

I originally thought that Hou Bufan, the general, had given the Shuiyao army to Shi Ji's command and had already counted on his face. Unexpectedly, even Mu Yaojun, Huo Yaojun and Tu Yaojun also came. It can be seen that Shi Ji's identity is not simple.

Luo Hong was even more surprised by the three generals of wood, fire and earth. After seeing Shi Ji, they all knelt in front of Shi Ji with respect and respect.

Upon seeing this, Luo Hong did not dare to neglect. He knelt in front of Shi Ji in a proper manner.

"Get up!" Shi Ji said coldly, with no expression on his face. "Shui Yaojun, Mu Yaojun, Huo Yaojun, and Tuyao Army stationed outside Wuhua City, and they will dig into the city tomorrow morning!"

At the order of Shi Ji, four troops were stationed outside the city.

The next day, Shi Ji reorganized the army and prepared to take the soldiers to Wuhua City, but he didn't want several Ming Dynasty ministers to stand in front of the four troops.

One of them was covered with white hair, sobbing silently.

"What exactly do the Yaoyao Army, Muyao Army, Huoyao Army, and Tuyao Army do? Here is Wuhua City, a thousand-year-old ancient capital. Under Wuhua City, there are more tombs of the Ming royal family! Yao Jun is for the purpose of protecting the home and defending the country, not for prying graves and digging corpses, but also asks the four generals to think twice!

The old man with white hair did not know that Shi Ji was the commander of the four armies, and he constantly pleaded with the four generals.

The ministers behind the old man did not give up, and formed a human wall in front of the army.

"Who is this old man?" Shi Ji asked Luo Hong beside him.

"He is the teacher of the Ming Dynasty, and the veteran of the Ming Dynasty!" Luo Hong said the identity of the white-haired old man.

"President of the Five Dynasties?" Shi Ji sneered. "Unfortunately, all the people who stand in front of me have to die!"

During the talk, Shi Ji waved his hand, and the place where Dao Zizi stood exploded.

Dao Tuzi and other ministers of the Ming Dynasty were all blown up and flew out. Although everyone was not dead, they were also very embarrassed.

Shi Ji came in front of Dao Tuzi and others and said, "Stop my death! If someone prevents the army from entering the city, I will crush them to pieces!"

Shi Ji threatened with words, but Dao Tuzi didn't change his face.

"You demon! It turns out that you are controlling the army! Ming's national strength is defeated by you like demon!"

Dao Tuzi scolded Shi Ji, he didn't know Shi Ji, just looking at Shi Ji's appearance, he thought that Shi Ji was the existence of the country and the victims ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ demon girl? "Shi Ji snorted, and I like this title quite a bit, but it doesn't mean that Tao Tuzi and others don't have to die. "In that case, let me take you on the road!" "

Shi Ji pressed Daozi's head, and as long as he exerted a little force, Daozi's head would shatter.

At this moment, a spur of sword struck.

Before Shi Ji responded, there was an extra blood hole in his palm.


Shi Ji was furious. This man's shot was sudden, and the power of the sword was so fast that he actually shot through his palm.

This little injury is nothing for Shi Ji. Shi Ji promotes Zhenyuan and heals his palm with Zhenyuan.

The wound gradually healed, but the anger in Shi Ji's heart grew stronger.

The four generals of water, wood, fire, and earth were all stunned. What happened just now, why were they as strong as Shi Ji, were actually injured.

Who actually hurt Shi Ji?

Emperor Ishigura looked around and was able to use that kind of sword spirit, which could not be hidden.

But the surroundings did not feel any strong breath, which made Shi Ji stunned.

"Who! Come out!"

Shi Ji growled, and suddenly, another sword gas shot.

More powerful than the sword energy just now, Shi Ji had already prepared, so he avoided the edge.

But even so, Shi Ji still did not find who attacked himself.

All four generals were dumbfounded. Someone could make Shi Ji angry so far. Who actually shot Shi Ji?

Shi Ji was attacked by someone, but she couldn't find the existence of the attacker. As a delicate girl in the inner domain, how could she endure?

A steady stream of power burst from Shi Ji's body, and the ground beneath his feet began to shake violently.

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