The catacombs are another world. 520 official website

Otherwise, why would the technological weapons on Earth fail in the cave?

Since it is a new world, it is natural that there should be a new sun.

Moreover, is the sun in the cave really the sun?

Cao Ya walked in the city of hope, the stronghold of mankind.

Hope City, this is the name of the stronghold in the Demon City Cave.

Everyone calls this the City of Hope, the hope of mankind, the hope of everyone!

This is a town paved with countless blood.

Are the cave creatures willing for humans to establish a stronghold here?

Among them, there must have been countless battles, and countless people were killed or injured, before the City of Hope was finally firmly established.

It is more than 5,000 meters long, 4,000 meters wide and more than 20 square kilometers.

It sounds big, but in reality it is about the same size as Wuhan University in Shanghai.

Here, there are more than 50,000 permanent troops, and during wartime, external troops are stationed, exceeding 100,000.

There are military garrisons built in front and on the sides of Hope City, and some troops are also stationed there.

The main gate of Hope City faces north. If you walk straight ahead from the north gate without taking a detour, you will reach Tianmen City 80 kilometers away.

The human military garrison is limited to a radius of ten kilometers, and sometimes the humans and creatures in the caves within thirty kilometers are regularly cleaned.

Thirty kilometers out, that is the territory of Tianmen City.

The place Cao Ya wants to go is just thirty kilometers away.

However, before setting off, Cao Ya needs to find the person in charge of Hope City - Chief Xu Moli.

Xu Mo is the leader, a sixth-grade peak warrior, and the top person in charge of the Military Department of the Demon City Cave.

In fact, there are masters of grade seven or above in the Demon City Catacombs, but Xu Mofu is responsible for daily military affairs, including the arrangement and planning of the warriors in Hope City.

Grandmasters should not worry about trivial matters.

"Cao Ya?" Xu Mofu was a little surprised when he saw Cao Ya, "Are you alone?"


Cao Ya nodded lightly and said, "I'm going to enter Tianmen City..."

Before he could finish his words, he was directly interrupted by Xu Mohe: "Are you crazy? You are only at the sixth level..."

Suddenly he was startled, and his eyes shone brightly: "Are you at the seventh level?!"

Cao Ya is a master of martial arts in the Demon City and a sixth-grade peak martial artist. Is he not sure that he will say such incredible words as entering Tianmen City?

Cao Ya smiled slightly: "More than that. I can be regarded as the eighth grade, and no one knows about my power. I can break into the underground cave Tianmen City and turn them upside down!"

Xu Mofu paced back and forth and muttered: "It's a bit too risky. The Lord of Tianmen City is in the ninth level."

Although I was surprised that Cao Ya jumped into the eighth level, and I understood Cao Ya's plan, it was still too risky.

Eighth grade can never compare to ninth grade.

"You hunt the cave warriors on the outside." Xu Moyin suggested.

Hope City and Tianmen City are 80 kilometers apart, which is not a short distance. Cao Ya hides in the middle and concentrates on hunting down the cave warriors. An eighth-level assassin will put great pressure on Tianmen City.

This suggestion was feasible, but Cao Ya decided to go directly to Tianmen City.

"We have been on the defensive. There was a riot in Tiannan Cave some time ago, which even disrupted the energy channels and completely gave up all our gains in Tiannan Cave."

Cao Ya solemnly said: "At this time, one of us should stand up and tell the cave warriors that humans are not weak! If we attack human settlements wantonly, we will return with the same revenge! This is far more powerful than killing a few cave warriors. significance!"

Xu Mo negative paid attention to Cao Ya.

Cao Ya responded to his gaze calmly.

Seeing Cao Ya's determination, Xu Moyou gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, it's up to you! I have to inform the grandmaster and everyone in the city not to go out during this period and stay vigilant."

If Cao Ya really breaks into Tianmen City, he will fight fiercely from all sides and kill the Lord of Tianmen City.

If such a big event happens, there will definitely be a riot in the Demon City underground cave.

Hope City prepares in advance to minimize casualties.

Before leaving, Xu Mohe said in a hoarse voice: "Be careful...come back alive."

He didn't ask why Cao Ya jumped into the eighth-level realm and even dared to challenge the Tianmen City Lord who was in the ninth-level realm.

He is familiar with Cao Ya and believes that Cao Ya is not that reckless person.

Cao Ya must have his confidence!

This is trust in your comrades, even if you are infinitely confused inside.

When other warriors in the city were notified by Xu Mohe, they all expressed surprise.

"Cao Ya, the teacher of Mowu?"

"Eighth level? Are you kidding me? Sixth level goes straight to eighth level. This is too incredible!"

Everyone was in an uproar and felt incredible.

The situation with Cao Ya was a bit beyond their knowledge.

Soon, schools and institutions such as the Magic City Martial Arts University, the Military Department, and the Ministry of Education all received the information coming from the Demon City Caves.

Many people showed strange expressions. Cao Ya was a teacher at the Magic City Martial Arts University, and he was also a peak sixth-level warrior. Many people knew him, but no one knew why Cao Ya's cultivation had soared, and he even dared to pursue the idea of ​​a ninth-level warrior!

Especially the teachers at the Magic City Wuhan University were stunned when they heard the news.

"Cao Ya... can't you make a mistake?" A teacher couldn't help but say.

Of course, everyone knows that it is impossible to make a mistake about such a big matter, and it must be verified multiple times.

Lu Fengrou, Bai Ruoxi, Li Changsheng, etc. all looked strange.

"Cao Ya, what secret does he have?"

Everyone knows that Cao Ya must have a major secret when he enters the country like this.

However, as long as Cao Ya is unwilling to speak, no one will force him.

Who among the strong men in this world doesn’t have a little secret?

The Demonic City Caves.

Cao Ya stepped out of Hope City. He didn't know that all parties were shocked by his actions.

It was his decision after careful consideration to go to Tianmen City and fight in the ninth level.

The power of the Seventh Heaven in the exterior scene of [The Lord of the World] is replaced by the power of [Global High Martial Arts], which is originally the power of the eighth or ninth level.

Coupled with his own sixth-grade energy and blood, and [Naruto] Caoya's jounin-level power.

Facing the ninth level, Cao Ya is not weak!

Furthermore, the "Indestructible Magic Power" defense was off the charts. Even if he couldn't defeat him, he would still be sure to retreat safely after causing a big fuss.

The Lord of Tianmen City did not dare to pursue him too far.

The masters of Hope City can support him at any time.

The Lord of Tianmen City is also afraid.

There are extremely powerful people among humans on earth.

Corresponds to the true king of the cave.

Cao Yazheng went forward openly, and met some teams of human warriors from Earth on the way, and easily eliminated the enemies that were very stressful for those people.

He told the men to go back.

"Teacher, where are you going? Doing something big? Take us with you." Qin Fengqing said with fiery eyes from a team of warriors from the Magic City Martial Arts University.

Everyone looked at Cao Ya in unison.

"I'm going to Tianmen City, do you want to go?" Cao Ya said with a smile.

Everyone shrank their heads and smiled.

Tianmen City? Forget it, they are only in the third level, and they are not seeking death by going to Tianmen City.

While speaking, Cao Ya glanced at Qin Fengqing, this guy has a good future.

It's only level three now, too weak.

"Teacher, are you a master?" Qin Fengqing asked again.

Cao Ya just nodded and asked these students to go back to Hope City. The Demon City Crypt will not be peaceful for some time to come.

Looking at Cao Ya's retreating figure, a group of people looked enviously.

When will they be so powerful!

Walk unscrupulously in the caves and slaughter the creatures in the caves!

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