East China Sea, an island.

In the middle of the square, there is a huge screen, and most of the people on the island have gathered here.

People are enthusiastically discussing everything about the navy and Whitebeard, and all kinds of rumors and hearsay are flying around.

"Have you heard? Navy Admiral Akainu is actually a dog! Yellow Monkey was originally a monkey in the mountains, and later he ate the Human-Human Fruit and became a spirit!"

"I heard that Garp actually had an affair with the legendary Pirate King Roger. Look at this book, "Three Days and Three Nights That Pirate King Roger and Navy Hero Garp Must Tell!"

"Tsk, what is this? I have a wilder history here. In fact, the Four Emperors Red Hair Shanks is a Celestial Dragon."

"Ha! Wild! Wild enough!"

"Red Hair, a Celestial Dragon, is a pirate. Why doesn't he want to be a pirate? I can see that your history doesn't make any sense!"

In the crowd, a woman holding a child looked worried.

She looked about thirty years old, and the daughter in her arms looked about eight or nine years old.

"Hey, where is Daddy? Why can't I see him?"

The little girl had pigtails and looked very cute and innocent. Her voice was tender, and her big black eyes were looking for something on the big screen without blinking.

The woman heard this and forced a smile on her face, "Your father is just an ordinary navy soldier. He can't compare with those vice admirals, even admirals, and the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Do you see those neat rows? Your father should be there."

The little girl looked in the direction of her mother's finger and saw countless navy soldiers in uniform standing in a neat row in a corner of the big screen.

All of them were wearing cloaks of justice, holding weapons, and were ready for battle.

"Wow, so many daddies!"

Seeing this, the little girl's eyes suddenly lit up and a cute smile appeared on her face.

However, no one noticed that the woman's face was even more worried at this moment.

"Husband...you must come back alive..."


On a winter island in the West Sea.

People were wearing thick clothes, shivering in the wind and snow while watching the big screen.

There were huge fires burning around the crowd, which were used for warmth, but because there were too many people, many places could not be taken care of.

"Hiss...cold, so cold!"

A dry old man sat by the fire, warming his right hand, then took out a wine jug from his arms, took a sip, the wrinkles on his face wrinkled together, but a satisfied sound came out of his mouth.

"Hey, old man, why don't you look at the screen? Is it because you don't like it?"

At this time, a sloppy young man kicked the old man's body a few times and said with a smile.

The companion next to him immediately showed a disgusted expression, "Don't pay attention to him, he's just an old man who is about to die. He has lost his manly blood!"

"Yes, the navy is about to fight the pirates. That is the army of justice. What a passionate and exciting scene. I will join the navy tomorrow!" Someone echoed.

The old man glanced at a few people, "Hey! Boy, I tell you, you won't be so excited when the fight starts later!"

As he said this, he suddenly showed his left hand that had been in his pocket. There was only a wrist left there.

Looking at the bare arm, the old man seemed to recall something, and a look of disappointment appeared on his face.

"Who wasn't a navy when they were young? At that time, I was more passionate than any of you!"

"Until later, I got a bullet in my hand!"

"You have never been to the battlefield, and have never experienced a real life-and-death battle, so you don't know how cruel war is!"

"What a bullshit passion, what a bullshit justice! People on the battlefield are nothing, just a piece of meat!"

"The aftermath of a battle by any strong man can crush your comrades into meat paste, and a sword sweep can cut a person in half!"

Looking at the unbelievable expressions on the faces of several young people, the old man smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"I am still relatively lucky. I was just hit by a bullet. I fainted at the time. When I woke up, I was lying in the hospital, but my hand was gone."

"Since then, I understand that peace is more important than anything else!"

Speaking of this, he directly ignored the disobedience and stubbornness on the faces of several young people, and took a deep look at the neatly lined navy soldiers on the big screen.

He knew that after this battle, only one in ten of these people would survive. Those who died would be fine, but those who survived would most likely become disabled for life!

They would spend the rest of their lives in pain and suffering.Only a few lucky ones can survive, and even improve their status.

"It's true... one general's success... thousands of people's sacrifices."

The old man sighed deeply, raised his head in the wind and snow, and drank a pot of strong liquor in one gulp.

"Ah~ It's so refreshing! It's so fucking refreshing!!"



On a vast grassland, two lonely figures walked.


The wind was howling, the grass was pressed very low, and the old and young grandfather and grandson walked forward with difficulty.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and a thunderstorm was about to come, as if it was going to swallow everything.

The two were driving the sheep and rushing home.

"Grandpa, when will father come back?" The boy in sheepskin looked up at his grandfather beside him.

The boy's grandfather smiled kindly, "Your father said he would come back after the war."

"When will the war end?"

"When Whitebeard dies, the war will end."

"Oh, I hope he dies soon."

"Grandpa, do you think my father could have cut off Whitebeard's head? Would he have become a navy admiral?"

The boy suddenly thought of something and said with shining eyes.

The boy's grandfather smiled and nodded, "Of course it's possible. Whitebeard is not a monster, but a human being. If he is a human being, his head will be chopped off. Who knows, there may be navy ships coming to our doorstep!"

"Grandpa, you are lying. We are on the grassland, and there is no sea. How can warships sail?"



The dark clouds in the sky began to rage, as if an angry god was venting his temper mercilessly.

Thunderbolts as thick as water tanks struck down, igniting a solitary tree on the grassland into a torch.


The wind was even stronger, creaking... the two trees that had only risen were shaking constantly, as if they would break at any time.


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