Boom boom——

I saw that the sky above the distant sea was actually split!

"So... so shocking!"

Luffy could no longer describe his inner feelings at the moment in words.

"I saw it again, such a spectacular scene, when can I reach this state!"

Zoro pursed his lips, stared blankly at the distant sky, and unconsciously clenched the knife in his hand.

"Is this the feeling of being out of reach, hiss~huh~"

Sanji lit a cigarette for himself and said with some vicissitudes.


Robin was also stunned.

Although the battle between Luo Feng and Aokiji was very shocking and the scene was very grand before.

But at least it was understandable.

But now.

The sky was directly split.

What kind of great power was used to cut the clouds?

Is this still within the scope of human beings?


Suddenly, Zoro took action.

He ran at full speed towards the place where the two fought!

"I want to see it too!"

Luffy roared, his blood boiling.

Admiral Aokiji and Luo Feng fought with all their strength.

If you miss such a big scene, you will regret it for the rest of your life!

"And me, you two are too cunning!"

At this moment, Sanji even gave up the women.

He ran at full speed with a cigarette in his mouth.

Robin stood there, without much hesitation.

The desire for strength overcame reason.

What sand crocodile, it doesn't matter, at most you can go to sea with these guys who look very friendly.


At this moment.

On the Merry.

Nami and others saw the changes in the sea.

"Deserve to die!"

Chopper, who had just boarded the ship on Winter Island not long ago, immediately covered his furry face and cried out.

"Hehe, Chopper, look, this is the partner we are waiting for, the aftermath of Luo Feng's battle, how is it, very powerful, very shocking?"

Usopp said very proudly.

Nami exposed him directly at this time.

"Usopp, if your legs can stop shaking, I still think you are a man."


Usopp couldn't hold it anymore.

He panicked.

"Ahhh, what should I do, what should I do, the sky is cracked, is it Luo Feng's amazing sword energy that has affected us? Will our bodies actually be cut open, and it will take five minutes for them to crack open?"

"Are we actually dead?"

Chopper on the side heard this.

He immediately believed it very naively.

He also ran on the deck with Usopp.

"Ah, it's over. Have we actually been killed by the aftermath of the battle?"

"Wuwuwu... I don't want to die yet..."

"Hey... these two funny guys..."

Nami covered her forehead helplessly when she saw this.


At this time.

In the distance.

A loud noise suddenly came from the sea.

Crack, crack, crack--

An amazing scene happened: the huge ice field that was as big as an island was cut in half like a piece of cheese.

It was like a giant split it with a giant sword!

"So... so strong!"

Seeing this, Zoro, who was running wildly, was shocked and his scalp was numb.

Many beads of sweat oozed out of the hand holding the knife.

"This should be Luo Feng's move!"

His heart was beating wildly.

There was a sense of pride and yearning!

Boom, boom, boom!

Suddenly, countless huge hailstones fell from the sky and above the clouds!

These hailstones, one by one, the smallest one is as big as a ship of Merry!

But now, it is like a downpour, smashing down like it's free!

"This is... Aokiji's action!"

Robin, who was running, was shocked when he saw it.

"It can actually change the weather directly. This cold air should have frozen the clouds."

Sanji on the other side thought so in his heart.

At this moment, whether it is Luffy and others, or the people on the Merry.

They are very curious and eager to see the details of Luo Feng and Aokiji's battle!

The aftermath alone is so powerful.

Then how shocking, how clever, and how jaw-dropping would the close-range battle between the two be?


Not long after the hailstorm rained.

The sky suddenly darkened.

It was as if a huge hand covering the sky had just covered the sun.

Everyone felt a black screen in front of their eyes, and then returned to normal.

"Wait... why is the sky dark?"

Nami pointed to the sky in the distance.

"The clouds... the clouds turned black!"

At this moment!

Everyone saw it.

Including some people in Alabasta.

Everyone saw it, where Narafune and Aokiji fought.The clouds suddenly became as black as ink.

Even blacker than ink!

It was a color that seemed to swallow up light!

"Woo woo woo..."

A burst of cold wind wailed, and the air was filled with a gloomy atmosphere.

This was different from Aokiji's cold air. Aokiji's cold air was just low temperature, but now this cold air made people tremble in the soul!


At this time, everyone looked up.

They were shocked to see.

In the black clouds.

White rain began to fall!



"Wait... that's..."

Someone's pupils shrank.


All the raindrops are actually skeletons! !

One by one, skeletons fell from the sky in the black space that looked like the gate of hell.

Falling like raindrops.

It gave people a very shocking visual impact!


Among the countless skeletons.

A huge hand appeared!

It was as if it was a ghost hand stretched out from the gate of the underworld.

It slapped the ice field below fiercely!


In just a moment, the frozen sea became broken glass.

The sea water was like a lake with a stone thrown into it, splashing countless water and waves.


"What is this?!"

At this moment.

Everyone was stunned.

If the previous crack in the sky had shocked them.

Then this slap now.

It made their scalps numb!


At this time, the huge black cloud in the sky really gave people a very terrifying and gloomy feeling in their hearts.

It reminded them of the Sanzu River.

It reminded them of the underworld.

And then, so many skeletons fell like rain.

Once again impacted their vision.

It made them feel shocked.

At the same time, the idea of ​​the gate to the underworld in his heart deepened.

And when the last shot appeared.

This conjecture was completely nailed down.

"Could it be... this is really the gate to the underworld?"

"Luo Feng... can actually summon things from the underworld to our world of the living?"

"Then can he... also resurrect the dead?"

"So... so scary..."

"Wuwuwu... so shocking! Is this really something that humans can do? Moreover, such a man is actually our crew member?!"

At this time, Zoro had already run to the beach.

He was about to step on the ice, even if he had to swim, he would swim over.

"Huh? Wait... I can see it!"

He looked ahead carefully and found that if he looked carefully, he could still see the figures of Luo Feng and Aokiji.

At this time, the two were actually fighting in a way that he could not understand!

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