"Wow! That knife was so cool~"

On the sand dunes, Luffy was directly amazed by Luo Feng.

"It even emits fire?"

Sanji fell into deep thought, as if he was thinking whether his kick could also have the attribute of fire.

"Awesome, that wisp of white smoke just now should be quite dangerous, but Luo Feng used a fire knife to cut it directly. This artistic conception... is really fascinating and yearning."

Zoro muttered to himself like a sword fanatic.

On the other side.

Robin and Crocodile saw Luo Feng's knife for the first time.

They were shocked on the spot.

That gorgeous flame and decisive knife.

It left an indelible impression on the two.

"I... actually cut off Aokiji's coldness..." Robin's pupils shrank at the time, and she muttered to herself in disbelief.

In that memory, Aokiji showed his terrifying power many years ago.

She still remembers it vividly.

However, the terrifying ability of the Ice Fruit.

It was cut off by the man in front of him, Luo Feng, with one sword!

What kind of strength is this?

What kind of style!

On the other side far away!

There were several navy soldiers standing.

This time Aokiji came to Alabasta to keep an eye on Luo Feng.

He brought several soldiers with him.

This was not his request, but the request of the Five Elders.

The Five Elders need to monitor Aokiji's every move at any time!

"Good, so amazing."

"Yes, Admiral Aokiji couldn't subdue Luo Feng in the first time."

"Hey, this, this, how can his sword emit flames? Could it be that he is a power user?"

One of the soldiers.

He held a Den Den Mushi in his hand.

Its eyes, like a pair of cameras, faithfully broadcast the scene to the holy land thousands of miles away.

Holy land.


Inside the hall, another Den Den Mushi, with its eyes shining, projected the scene in the Alabasta desert onto the wall.

The Five Elders, as well as Vegapunk who had not yet left, watched the whole process.

"Is this Luo Feng? He looks very young!"

"He is so strong, it seems that the news is true, he can severely injure five lieutenant generals, this young man has something."

"Wait, how can he use the fire knife? Is this the ability of the fruit?"

"Is he a power user?"

"Wait, there is another possibility, some swordsmen can use special techniques to make their weapons inflict fire damage."

The Five Elders saw Luo Feng take action for the first time.

For this age, this kind of strength.

Several people were a little surprised.

They stood at the pinnacle of world power and had seen many geniuses.

However, Luo Feng's talent was so high that they were really amazed.

"Humph, so what if he has high talent? It's a pity that he has no future and will definitely die in our hands."

"Hehe... It's a pity that he met the great general Aokiji."

"I should remind Aokiji again not to kill Luo Feng, remember to capture him alive!"



On the battlefield.

The terrain has completely changed.

In the desert of Alabasta, a large ice field has appeared at this moment.

Even the weather and temperature of the entire Alabasta have been affected.

At this time, people in all parts of Alabasta felt a hint of cool wind blowing from a certain direction.

At the same time, there was moisture.

"Alala... Luo Feng, you really surprised me that you can do this step, but if the Flame Blade is your trump card against me and gives you confidence, then I think you can give up now."

Aokiji stroked the nose pad of his sunglasses with his index finger and said lightly.

From the corner of his eye, he saw a navy soldier in the distance filming himself with a Den Den Mushi.

"Hmph, a few old immortals, are you so worried about me... Well, let's finish the work quickly and go back to continue the vacation..."

At this time.

"Bulu Bulu..."

"Bulu Bulu..."

Aokiji felt something ringing in his arms, took it out and saw that his Den Den Mushi was ringing.

He picked it up and listened.

Suddenly, the Den Den Mushi looked like an old man.

Aokiji recognized it instantly.

This is one of the Five Elders.

"What's the matter? I'm fighting, and talking to me at this time may cause accidents."

Aokiji's tone was a little unhappy.

He was annoyed by the Five Elders' attitude of calling and sending.

The Five Elders said: "Aokiji, pay attention, you can't kill Luo Feng, you have to capture him alive! Once you kill him, you can't bear the consequences!"

"Alala... Are you so worried about me?"Aokiji was even more upset.

However, he didn't finish his words.

The Five Elders had already hung up the Den Den Mushi.

"Tsk! You old immortal thing."

Aokiji spat unhappily.


He looked at Luo Feng in the sky.

"It seems that you are very important, although I don't know why..."

As he spoke, the ice energy in his body suddenly surged, and a cold air that seemed to be able to freeze the atmosphere instantly spread all over the field. The oxygen and other molecules in the air turned into frost flowers at this moment.

Crack, crack, crack--

Suddenly, the air around Luo Feng froze into ice crystals!

A huge ice block was formed, sealing him like an insect in amber.

"Ice coffin!"

At this moment, Aokiji uttered the name of this move lightly.

Freezing water is only the most basic use of the ice fruit.

Freezing air is an advanced use.

At this point, he can freeze oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules in the air like water molecules, and it looks like they have been frozen into ice.

However, the temperature is lower than that of ice!

Under the bright sunlight in the sky of Alabasta, the entire air ice coffin is like a huge transparent gem, shining with crystal luster.

And Luo Feng inside is lifelike, like a sculpture, his facial expression is still in a brief shock, so that his fingerprints and every hair are clear.

"Luo Feng...actually, lost?"

Robin was a little unbelievable.

Crocodile was not surprised.

"Aokiji is a navy admiral after all, and he can't be dealt with by a random pirate rookie. Sure enough, the admiral is invincible, and this Luo Feng overestimates his strength."

However, on the other side.

There was a shout.

"You are the one who lost! Your whole family lost!"

"Luo Feng is invincible! You scum with a slicked-back hair!"

"Come on, come on, you jerk sitting on the crocodile over there, come on, I can beat ten of you by myself!"

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