Garp put down the spoon directly.

Originally, he heard that there was a genius in his hometown.

He just thought that the other party just awakened the Conqueror's Haki by accident.

As a result, after listening to the village chief and several villagers' narration,

he roughly restored the process at that time.

He couldn't sit still immediately!

"Awakened the Conqueror's Haki, but didn't hurt Makino!"

"What does this show?"

Garp's eyes flashed with brilliance!

"This shows that this kid, just awakened the Conqueror's Haki, has mastered the ability to freely control the Haki!"

"This is definitely a true genius!"

Thinking of this, Garp suddenly laughed.

"Huh! Hahaha!"

"Red Hair, Red Hair, you are a person who has been on Roger's ship!"

"You actually let such a genius go!"

At this time, Garp was so happy that he went crazy.

Obviously, he thought that Red Hair didn't find Luo Feng's specialness at all!

And such a huge bargain, Luo Feng, such a genius, was discovered and picked up by himself!

It's just a pie in the sky!


At this moment, Garp proudly put his hands on his waist and laughed up to the sky.

On the side, Luffy pouted.

"Grandpa, what are you laughing at?"

"Also, I told you first, I don't want to be a navy, I want to be a pirate!"

As he said, he also showed a pose that he thought was very cool.

So, the result is obvious.

He directly welcomed Garp's iron fist education of love.

"I let you be a pirate! Let you be a pirate!"

"What's so good about being a pirate?"

"Besides, look at him, he is about the same age as you, but he has already awakened his Conqueror Haki at this age!"

"And you, my useless grandson! You didn't even master the Six Styles of the Navy that I taught you!"

"This time, I'm here to take you back to the headquarters!"

"I've found a teacher for you, let him teach you the Six Styles of the Navy, and after you learn it, I'll teach you Armament Haki!"


Garp moved his wrist.

Two streams of white smoke came out of his nostrils.

Only Luffy was left standing there, with a big bump on his head, crying helplessly.

"Here, go out, let me see what this little genius looks like!"


Luo Feng had already told the villagers the location of the Sea King he was hunting.

Several strong men were already taking tools and carts to cut and carry them.

This amount of meat is enough for the village to eat for many days.

It can also allow people to eat meat and supplement nutrition.

Although he has not stayed in this village for a long time, he has already developed a deep affection.

The people in the village are very simple and kind to him.

He naturally wants to give back to everyone.

"Huh? When did the navy come?"

At this time, Luo Feng discovered that there were navy warships on the dock in the distance!

Some navy soldiers were patrolling in the village!

Obviously, it was not a small navy who came, but a big man!

Otherwise, there would be no one patrolling to maintain law and order.

"Wait, is it because I caught a bandit that the senior officials in the navy want to see me?"

"No, it's just a bandit. Although the reward is 8 million, it is only because of too many murders that there is such a high reward, not because of his strength."

Luo Feng couldn't think of the reason no matter how hard he thought.

He couldn't help but shook his head.

Walked towards the bar.

At this time, outside the bar.

Two navy soldiers stood guard at the door.

To prevent any bad guys from entering.

And in the open space at the door, there was a strange navy.

He had a knife on his waist, a Mohawk hairstyle, and a serious look.

Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel!

Luo Fengguang recognized the man's identity just by looking at his hairstyle and expression.

One of the navy vice admirals, a disciple of Black Arm Zefa.

And the most famous thing is that he can use the pain of a knife piercing his palm to keep himself awake in front of the beauty of the empress!

It must be said that this is a ruthless man!

At this time, Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel was demonstrating how to use "Shave", one of the six styles, to several navy newcomers who were obviously his disciples.


He took a few steps quickly on the spot, and his body appeared in the distance as if he had teleported.

"Do you understand?"

Several of his disciples were all confused.

"No, sorry, teacher, you moved too fast, we didn't have time to see clearly..."

A disciple scratched his head in shame.

"Yes, yourThe action was so fast that we could only see a shadow. "

Another disciple echoed this.

Hearing this, a subtle disappointment flashed across the face of the flying squirrel.

But he quickly restrained it.

"Ah~ Well, not everyone can master the six styles of the navy at such a young age like Rob Lucci."

He sighed. After all, geniuses are only a minority in this world.

And most people are just mediocre after all.

Even he, when he was young, had only mediocre talent.

And the reason why he became a vice admiral of the navy was entirely due to his hard work!

"I'll demonstrate it again, you watch carefully, this time I'll slow down the action."

"Come again!"

Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel shouted.

He demonstrated the "shave" again.

And several of his disciples widened their eyes and stared at every detail.

"Tsk! "

Suddenly, Luo Feng, who was watching from the side, showed a look of realization on his face.

"I understand!"

Originally, with his eyesight, he naturally couldn't see the movements of Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel.

However, fortunately, Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel deliberately slowed down his movements in order to educate several of his disciples.

This gave Luo Feng an opportunity.

"So that's it! This is shaving!"

In the past, when Luo Feng read comics, he only saw the characters in the comics making movements with afterimages.

I don't know why.

But at this moment, he saw someone demonstrating the six styles in front of him with his own eyes.

Naturally, he saw more details!

In addition, his extraordinary understanding, combined with his previous understandings, instantly understood the trick.

[You observe Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel's demonstration, and you feel something in your heart, and you suddenly understand one of the six styles, "Shaving".]

[You combine your previous understanding and various inspirations, and suddenly understand Lianlian, consciously comprehends one of the six styles, "Moon Step". 】

[You combine the six styles "Shave" you just comprehended with the six styles "Moon Step", and suddenly comprehend Lianlian, and consciously comprehend the advanced skill "Razor". 】

[You combine your understanding of the footwork in the six styles and consciously comprehend the "Mist Kick" of the six styles. 】

In an instant, all of Luo Feng's past thoughts and inspirations seemed to be integrated at this moment.

"Shave, Moon Step, Mist Kick, and Razor are actually the same thing. In essence, they are all the development of leg strength!"

"So that's it, so that's it!"

"I understand!!!"

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