"Oh my~ Where did this guy come from? He actually broke into our naval base."

Just at this moment.

Five figures suddenly rushed over.

Unlike the previous trash, these five people either put their hands in their pockets or crossed their arms.

Their eyes were full of contempt and arrogance.

They didn't take Luo Feng and others in front of them seriously at all.

Their aura is very strong!

"Tsk, is it the enemy again?"

Zoro snorted coldly and went up with a knife.

However, he underestimated the enemy.

This time, the enemy is obviously not a trash.

Even in the entire East China Sea, the five people present are all crushing!


A vice admiral took action!

He took out a hand calmly, and with overwhelming speed and strength, he punched Zoro and flew out!

Zoro fell to the ground and twitched in pain.

So strong!

The onlookers were all stunned.

Just now, Zoro showed his fighting power of one against a hundred.

They thought that this was the upper limit of human fighting power.

But they never expected that this navy who suddenly appeared would kill the powerful pirate hunter with just one punch!


Luffy roared and rushed up.

The result was as expected.

His current strength is comparable to Zoro, so he is naturally no match for the vice admiral.

The vice admiral directly used the armed color, which is a dimensionality reduction attack for Luffy.

With one punch, he tasted the taste of the iron fist of love that his grandfather gave him.

"So strong!"

"As expected of a vice admiral!"

"So powerful!"

A group of navy soldiers in the back were all excited when they saw this.

They were born in the East China Sea, where have they seen any strong people?

It is a blessing in this life to see a vice admiral take action once.

"There is one left, Lieutenant General, don't let him run away!"

Just then, someone noticed Luo Feng's presence.

"Humph, of course."

The Lieutenant General who took action walked towards Luo Feng with a calm face.

At this time!

Luo Feng picked up a sword dropped by an ordinary soldier.

It was just an ordinary sword, but in Luo Feng's hands, it was like a magic weapon!

Just then, the Lieutenant General approached.

Luo Feng raised his head slightly.

In an instant.

The Lieutenant General was like a kitten seeing a tiger, and his hair stood up all over his body.

What's going on? !

The Lieutenant General himself couldn't tell what was wrong with him.

However, he had an inexplicable, heartfelt sense of horror and terror!

He didn't know that this was because Luo Feng's domineering color had been trained to a height that he couldn't even see when he looked up.

He exuded a unique domineering aura all year round!

"No, this must be my illusion."

"He is just a person from the East China Sea. There is nothing to be afraid of."

After a brief moment of fear, the lieutenant general became a little angry.

He was actually frightened by a small character from the East China Sea. It would be embarrassing to tell others about it!

Immediately, he decided to quickly get rid of the boy in front of him.


It happened in a split second.

He quickly made a move.



Luo Feng's speed was faster than his!

Among all the people present, no one could see his movements clearly.

He seemed to have walked past the lieutenant general.

Blood marks appeared all over the lieutenant general's body in an instant!


Blood was flowing!

"Ah, as expected, this is how the swordsmanship is used."

Luo Feng's eyes never looked at the lieutenant general from beginning to end.

Instead, they stayed on his own sword.

Far away.

Zoro, who was in so much pain that he was cramping, endured the pain and looked over here.

When he saw the result of Luo Feng's attack.

His pupils shrank slightly.

"How is it possible?!"

"His speed is so fast!"

"I can't even see what he is doing!!"

Also surprised and shocked.

There were also the onlookers around.


"What happened?!"

"Why did this gentleman get injured suddenly?"

At this time!

In the back, the four lieutenant generals, whose originally calm faces froze instantly!

What happened just now?

They didn't see it clearly!

"Ah, you fell down before you had enough fun."

At this time, Luo Feng was completely unaware of the change in the environment.

He just glanced at the fallen lieutenant general with some regret.

He did not kill him, and the other party would only lose some blood.

There would be no danger to his life.

However, he also lost a sandalwood for practicing.Package.

"This guy is a master, let's attack together!"

One of the remaining four lieutenant generals had a lot of cold sweat on his face and said with an ugly face.


A voice fell.

Four navy lieutenant generals, attack together!

This is an unprecedented scene.

In the East China Sea, the weakest sea area, there are actually people who can force four lieutenant generals to attack at the same time!

This kind of scene is unique even in the Grand Line!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...!!!

The four lieutenant generals launched shaving at the same time.

Instantly killed Luo Feng from four different directions.

Finger gun, storm kick, iron fist, blade...

Each used his strongest killing move.

At this moment!

Luo Feng was not only not cautious at all, but also closed his eyes!

"Hmm... four of you attacked at the same time... Humph, well, since you don't hold back, then I'll let you get hurt more severely."

In Luo Feng's mind, all the details of the surrounding environment appeared directly.

Everyone's every move could not escape his perception.

Observation Haki!

This Haki was not something he learned by observing anyone, but he accidentally realized it when he was studying the other two colors of Haki.

It was an unexpected gain.

"Humph! Facing our attack, he actually closed his eyes. How arrogant is this!"

"Don't hold back! Beat him to a cripple!"

"This kid looks familiar, he should be a pirate."

"No matter if he is a pirate or not, since he has already attacked us, we must take him down."

The four lieutenant generals rushed directly to Luo Feng.

Seeing that the attack was about to fall!



A terrifying wave of Haki instantly penetrated the bodies of the four people!

At this moment, they discovered with horror.

Since they awakened their Observation Haki, the sense of control over all the details around them disappeared.

Their Observation Haki has failed!

It's like a person who suddenly became blind!

"Observation Kill?!"

"Observation Kill!"

"Observation Kill!!!"

Several people were shocked, frightened or shocked...

The current situation is similar to a situation in the legend.

That is, when your opponent has the top-level Conqueror Haki, you can use Haki to suppress your Observation Haki and make it temporarily ineffective!


This young man in front of him looks like a teenager, how could he have the top-level Conqueror Haki!!!

But the time at this time does not allow them to think too much.

Because the blade has arrived.


After a dazzling and gorgeous sword light.

Blood rain blooms!

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