
Imu was shocked. It didn't realize when Luo Feng boarded its spaceship, how it evaded the spaceship's life detection system, and its perception.

"Hehehe, are you confused? Why do I know that you are hiding in the sky and observing, and the Five Elders have been waiting for an opportunity in the distance."

Luo Feng put his hands in his pockets, "The observation Haki I learned from Enelu is not in vain. With your disguise, it's like peeping openly in front of me. Do you really think I can't notice it?"


Imu saw that it had been exposed, so he simply stopped pretending.

"So what if you know? Luo Feng, I'm afraid you don't know yet, there are a total of fifty Seraphim on the ship of the Five Elders! With your strength, you may be able to survive their siege, but what about your companions? Ah? People like you, don't you like to talk about companions, friendship, and bonds? Are you going to abandon your companions and run away by yourself?"

Im was wearing a robe, revealing only his face, but this face was obviously not a human face.

Or it was not a human face, but an alien face.

"Ah, naive, too naive~"

Luo Feng shook his head and looked at this inhuman guy with a funny face, "Do you think that there is no backdoor in the machine made by Vegapunk? It's so funny, you may have been the emperor for too long, and your brain has degenerated."


Im was shocked and angry, and it suddenly thought that this was possible. After all, Vegapunk had mastered the technology that was five hundred years ahead of the world, and many things others could not understand.

Then, it sneered, "Well, Luo Feng, I admit that I lost, but you also made a mistake."

Luo Feng stood there leisurely with his hands in his pockets, "Oh? Mistake? What mistake?"

Yim said, and quietly reached out to the handle on his seat, "You are wrong, you shouldn't appear in my spaceship!"

After that, it turned the handle directly and activated a mechanism on the spaceship.

At this moment, many high-tech weapons that Luo Feng had never seen suddenly appeared all around him. He dared to guarantee that these things could not be made even with Vegapunk's technology.

"It seems that this is your trump card to check and balance the Five Elders?"

However, Luo Feng was not panicked at all. Instead, he became more calm after seeing these weapons.

"Hmph, ignorant natives, you can't even recognize our advanced technological weapons, just wait for death!"

Yim said, and activated another button, and a wall of red lasers appeared around Luo Feng, surrounding him.

"This is a laser wall that can easily cut through seastone, how can you deal with it?" Yim grinned.

"God's Domain."

Luo Feng's eyes moved slightly, and a black and white domain instantly enveloped his body, and then he leisurely passed through the so-called laser wall.

Those high-energy laser beams, in front of his God's Domain, actually scattered in all directions, and several beams hit Yim's body, but were blocked by a layer of blue energy shield outside its body.


Yim was shocked, who is this person? No, is this still a person? Just relying on domineering, can the laser be distorted? !

"Spiritual energy is also a kind of energy. You, an alien, don't you even know this?"

Luo Feng had already walked in front of Im, looking at this creature that was obviously not from the pirate world.

"Tell me, what on earth are you?"

"You, damn..."

Im felt insulted and was about to start the mechanism again.


Luo Feng punched the energy shield around it, and instantly, the shield cracked.

"What?! No, it's impossible! This is a shield with the same strength as the barrier fruit..." Im was interrupted by Luo Feng before he finished speaking.

"Oh, so that's it, the devil fruit... is really your alien technology?"

Luo Feng said with enlightenment.

In fact, this guess was also told to him by Vegapunk.

Since he came to the New World, he didn't rashly look for trouble with the Four Emperors, but visited Red Hair first.

Then he immediately went to find Vegapunk.

Because he had a feeling that Yimu might not be from this planet.

Those who have read the original novel know that there is a moon outside this world, and there are space pirates even outside.

Now the residents of Sky Island and Jin are all races from the moon.

Because the resources on the moon are exhausted, they have to come to this world.

And soThe so-called three ancient weapons are actually just the products of highly developed ancient technology.

Pluto is a huge warship, which is actually the "ship" used by the ancestors of the Sky Island people, but they lost this technology later.

Neptune is the embodiment of biotechnology. Through gene editing technology, it can control the huge sea kings in the ocean. Luo Feng doesn't know which force did this.

Even the sea kings may be the result of genetic technology, but they are failures, and the sea king is the success.

As for the sky king, it should be the battleship of Im. It is different from the battleships of the Sky Island clan and belongs to a different technological system, but it also has terrifying combat power and will float in the sky forever.

"Let me guess, you should be a space pirate. When you saw this rich planet, you originally just came here to settle down and do business. As a result, when you came to this sea, you found that this was a primitive planet with extremely backward technology and almost uncivilized people. Moreover, the people here are weak and have a very short life span, so you had the idea of ​​being a captain here."

"But the natives on the planet were dissatisfied with your rule, so they launched a rebellion. They used the technology of the moon people to enhance their own strength, but this rebellion was eventually suppressed by you. In order to prevent such things from happening again in the future, you covered up the history, eliminated all the people involved, and then lived in seclusion behind the scenes, using the Tianlong people and the Five Elders as puppets to control them, so that even if there is an accident in the future, even if you are defeated, you can still leave here on a spaceship and go to another planet to implement your own rule."


Yim was dumbfounded. Although Luo Feng didn't say everything right, he also said most of it.

In fact, Luo Feng was partly wrong.

At first, it did not think of ruling the natives of this planet.

It stood in the same camp as the moon people. At that time, there was an ancient family on this planet. They mastered a spiritual energy called "domineering" and were powerful, and all the others were just slaves of this family.

The spiritual energy of domineering was very terrifying, and even their technological weapons could not crush it.

And after discovering the secret of technology, this family began to covet it. It and the races on the moon launched a counterattack for self-protection.

And the three ancient weapons, sea kings, devil fruits, etc., were just weapons developed in this process to enhance their own strength.

The final result was naturally that the slaves won and the ancient family was slaughtered.

However, Yimu had other thoughts at this time. It was tired of the feeling of wandering between the stars, so "the dragon slayer finally became a dragon" and joined the most powerful group of slaves to suppress the moon clan and other slaves.

And the slaves that followed it are the current Celestial Dragons.

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